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Question About George Monkhouse

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#1 Ralliart

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Posted 15 January 2004 - 09:38

If I hadn't been happening to have been leafing through "Car & Driver" at the time, going through Brock Yates' article, I would never have known that George Monkhouse, one of my all-time favorite motor racing photographers, had passed away in 1993. Yates didn't supply any details and I've wondered lately if a TNFer might.


#2 Barry Lake

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Posted 15 January 2004 - 10:05

I knew he had died about then, but when I just did a search of all my computer files - where I was sure I would have some information - sadly, I have nothing.

So I, too, anxiously await some further information.

I did meet Monkhouse, briefly, very late in his life, when he was in Australia as special guest at a historic race meeting. He was wheelchair-bound by then and not in any state to be particularly "chatty", unfortunately.

I already had bought and read some of his books, so was well aware of his background.

#3 Dennis Hockenbury

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Posted 16 January 2004 - 01:36

After serving as Chief Engineer with Kodak/Britain for 42 years, George Monkhouse suffered a massive stroke in 1971 at the age of 64.

According to DCN's "Dick & George", GM made a remarkable recovery although his speech and mobility were impaired for the remainder of his life.

Notwithstanding his limitations GM continued to enjoy an engaging and productive life, and continued his love of travel.

Sadly, "George passed away on May 5, 1993, at the age of 85 - much-admired and enormously well respected..."

I share your appreciation for his work.

#4 Barry Lake

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Posted 16 January 2004 - 02:21

Thanks Denns. :wave:

As yet I have not been able to justify the price of the book "Dick and George", although it is on my "wants" list. So, can anyone with that book provide a little more information: place of death, date and place of birth, for example.

I like to have these things recorded, you see - and not only for the drivers.

#5 Dennis Hockenbury

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Posted 16 January 2004 - 02:58

Barry, I took a look in "Dick & George" and "Shooting Star" (Nixon) for the information you requested. I could not find this data in either work and these would be my primary references on GM.

GM was living in Gerrard's Cross, Bucks. according to the Author's Preface in the 1984 White Mouse edition of his "Mercedes-Benz Grand Prix Racing 1934-1955".

#6 Doug Nye

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Posted 16 January 2004 - 10:34

Originally posted by Dennis Hockenbury
Sadly, "George passed away on May 5, 1993, at the age of 85 - much-admired and enormously well respected..."

For the record I will - VERY SADLY - confess to a terrible balls-up here. George's FUNERAL took place on May 5, 1993, after he had - I was corrected by his widow, Constance - actually passed away at Gerrard's Cross, Buckinghamshire, on St George's Day, April 23, 1993. A screw-up in documents I had been given plus my stupid reluctance to double-check on that painful period with Connie during proof-reading caused this pretty darned gross error. I am not sure where precisely George was born but I could find out.


Connie Monkhouse died last year.


#7 Dennis Hockenbury

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Posted 16 January 2004 - 13:48

Thanks Doug.

I for one, would be interested in knowing the particulars of GM's birthdate and location as this information is not shown in any of my books on Mr. Monkhouse.