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Nascar scanners at F1 race?

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#1 israelf1

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Posted 21 April 2004 - 14:18

Can you use a racing electronics scanner used for nascar at the F1 races? I will be at Indy this year and was wondering if I should bring it or not.


#2 Chevy II Nova

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Posted 21 April 2004 - 14:25

Does Ferrari still scramble their transmissions or was that banned?

#3 Garagiste

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Posted 21 April 2004 - 14:41

I think scrambling the radios was banned when team orders were supposedly banned - so that the FIA can hear any conversations along the lines of "please Rubens, for the championship".
In theory it ought to work then - no harm in trying anyway, unless it's the size of a suitcase or something. :)

#4 benn5325

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Posted 21 April 2004 - 14:47

They don't scramble but all the big boys use rotating frequencies so it’s very hard find anyone.

#5 Chevy II Nova

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Posted 21 April 2004 - 14:48

Sounds like you'll just have to put it on scan and be clueless about what you are hearing.

#6 Garagiste

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Posted 21 April 2004 - 14:50

Unless you hear the repeated phrase F***ing Idiot, in which case you can be reasonably sure who you're listening to! :D

#7 Chevy II Nova

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Posted 21 April 2004 - 14:58

:rotfl: Nice one. :up:

#8 panzani

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Posted 21 April 2004 - 15:16

If you hear "I am a tough guy! I am a tough guy!" do not be scared...

#9 j_hampton2000

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Posted 21 April 2004 - 18:41

>Can you use a racing electronics scanner used for nascar at the F1 races? I will be at Indy this >year and was wondering if I should bring it or not.

Yes and yes. All but two teams use analogue radio communications which can easily be listened to using a scanner. Ferrari use an encrypted digital radio which can't be scanned ): , and Jordan use a simple voice inversion scrambling system which can be easiliy decoded with the right scanner or software program :cool: .

If you want frequencies, then join this group (that's what i did and it's the best website i've found for F1 radio frequencies-



#10 andrimitum

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Posted 21 April 2004 - 18:44

I brought a scanner to Indy F1 and although I could pick up most of the teams I was unable to make any sense of it as most of the conversations were not in English but rather French, Portugese? Spainish, Italian etc.

#11 j_hampton2000

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Posted 21 April 2004 - 18:49

>I brought a scanner to Indy F1 and although I could pick up most of the teams I was unable to >make any sense of it as most of the conversations were not in English but rather French, >Portugese? Spainish, Italian etc.

Interesting - can't say i found the same thing. Ive taken a scanner a few times to the British GP and Ive always found the team communications to be in english (all except a Honda channel in japanese and when Prost were still around, they sometimes spoke in French).
