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Jody Scheckter & FATS

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#1 theunions

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Posted 28 September 2004 - 19:13

In the late '80's and early '90's, Scheckter was based out of the Atlanta area, where he developed and marketed what he called "FATS" (Fire Arms Training Simulation) - basically a large screen video-based police training program. It must have been pretty revolutionary for the time, as I would occasionally see features on it during news and technology shows, and he would invariably appear in said segments.

The most recent one would've been the summer of 1990 or '91, as I was flying back to college on the mainland after summer break. Imagine my surprise when I saw a report on FATS - and the police recruit who was depicted using the simulation was one of my high school friends (now a cop in Oakland)!

Anyone know where I might be able to track down this video? Unfortunately I have no recollection of the program's name (I assume it was initially produced for regional TV broadcast). And for that matter, who did Jody sell FATS to and when?


#2 Twin Window

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Posted 28 September 2004 - 22:03

Why not try contacting Jody? Maybe start by seeing if you can get a message through to Tomas, via his IRL team...

#3 MarkWRX

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Posted 28 September 2004 - 22:18

Jody sold FATS about 6 years ago, for a tidy sum. FATS is very widely used. I was given an opportunity to use one during a military trade fair and I can tell you, it does stress you when you have to make "shoot, don't shoot" decisions with each scene. I never "shot" anyone I wasn't supposed to, but I was a little too cautious. The final two segments were both "shoot" scenarios. In the first, I nailed the "bad guy" in the chest and neck. In the second, I heard "click, click" and the FATS operator smiled and said "And that's to test your ability to count."


#4 Don Capps

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Posted 28 September 2004 - 23:34

I had numerous dealing with FATS -- and Jody -- since the SETS (Squad Engagement Training System) was a project of one of my bosses who saw the Shoot-Don't Shoot and immediately grasped the implications of such a system -- particularly for the National Guard and when the FMF were deployed on ships and for the USMCR in their Reserve Centers.

Fort Benning hated FATS for various reasons and it got to the point that I changed had the named changed to the Engagement Skills Trainer (EST) which finally got approval from Fort Benning only a few years ago -- after no end of other armies, the USAF, USMC, USCG, and police forces had adpoted the FATS version of the EST. The Army version of the EST was given to someone else rather than FATS.

The investment group that bought out FATS later on had some internal reschuffling and a number of the them left about a year or so ago.

Jody made it possible for my son to have several hours playing with everything they had in the factory that day -- he used the SAW, the M240, even the M60, M16A2, M9 pistol, everything that had, including the shotgun for the hunting safety scenarios they had developed..... He was a very happy camper... Years later he still talks about it....

#5 theunions

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Posted 29 September 2004 - 08:17

Originally posted by Twin Window
Why not try contacting Jody? Maybe start by seeing if you can get a message through to Tomas, via his IRL team...

As the team's PR is a buddy of mine, that's a good idea indeed... :)

Still not holding my breath though.

Anyone know how Jody got into this field in the first place?

#6 Don Capps

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Posted 29 September 2004 - 13:37

Originally posted by theunions
Anyone know how Jody got into this field in the first place?

He needed the money.

#7 theunions

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Posted 29 September 2004 - 16:42

Originally posted by Don Capps

He needed the money.

But where did he gain the technical background?

#8 MarkWRX

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Posted 29 September 2004 - 16:58

I am pretty sure that the FATS concept existed before Jody got there.


#9 Don Capps

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Posted 29 September 2004 - 17:25

Seriously, Scheckter became aware of the technology for SDS and got in as it was being developed. He was attracted to it by his interest in the technology and the potential for the capability. He did not make a fortune by any stretch of the imagination when he drove racing cars -- don't quote me but I think he got about $80K a season with Ferrari, which was pretty good for then -- and wanted to find some investments and/or opportunities to look after him later in life.

The FATS products came onto the market when there was very little competition for such training and, unlike the others, had a robust development base. Plus, Scheckter knew how to market the product and FATS really took off, the SDS becoming commonplace in law enforcement.

When the SETS was developed, that opened new markets and FATS basically was the baseline for it. The USMC bought the IMST and the National Guard purchased SETS (renamed EST) for its Army and Air units, plus the foreign market was very profitable for FATS.

When the timimg was right, Scheckter sold out to a group for a very tidy return on his original investment.

I was always a bit surprised at how few recognized him as a world champion -- and always pleased at those who did. We rarely talked racing, but did on the odd occasion.

#10 Locai

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Posted 29 September 2004 - 18:02

The web address is: www.fatsinc.com

I know they've had some financial difficulties over the last several years. Their stock as been below $1.00 for most of the last 3-4 years, I believe.

I had an interview with the company back about 2 years ago. Interesting place, to say the least. I decided that the position wasn't quite right for me at the time. They're practically right down the street from me.

I'm always somewhat amazed at how many people know about FATS, and how unassuming of a location it is. I must have driven by the sign for months before I even bothered to read what "FATS" stood for.

#11 Don Capps

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Posted 29 September 2004 - 18:09

When FATS lost first the contract award for the Army EST and then the protest, they were hurting puppies since that is the standard system and where the money is. They are a sub for part of the contract, but not that big a slice. The new group made some poor decisions (or guesses) and FATS is nothing like the company it once was in the business. New technologies and unthethered systems such as those put out by Beamhit caught FATS looking the other direction....

#12 Jim Thurman

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Posted 29 September 2004 - 22:09


Not that it will likely help much, but FWIW, but I remember a segment airing on CNN.

IIRC, Jim Huber was the reporter.

#13 JacnGille

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Posted 30 September 2004 - 01:50

Originally posted by Don Capps
...I was always a bit surprised at how few recognized him as a world champion -- and always pleased at those who did. We rarely talked racing, but did on the odd occasion.

I worked near the FATS offices at that time. More than once he would be eating lunch where I was. I seemed to be the only one who recognized him. As I already had his autograph I never approached him.

#14 Hieronymus

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Posted 30 September 2004 - 08:37

Originally posted by Don Capps

When the timimg was right, Scheckter sold out to a group for a very tidy return on his original investment.

In the end, then, Jody did pretty well for someone that was called "dangerously under-educated" by the journalist, Keith Botsford.

A recent article mentioned that FATS did business with 35 countries and that they had about 95% of the world market.

#15 Don Capps

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Posted 30 September 2004 - 12:08

The biggest problem for FATS was losing the US EST contract -- that was a surprise to them. I will say that I have always thought that those bean counters who influenced and essentially made the decision didn't like FATS. I didn't get a vote and was not very surprised when FATS lost. It is a funny business this defense acquisition business. More than once a contract went to someone we thought was the wrong guy. More often than not we were right, but by then we were stuck trying to make a pig fly when selecting an eagle would have been better in the first place.....

#16 Rockford

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Posted 22 January 2006 - 11:26

Woke up too early this morning, put the radio on and found myself listening to a programme about Jody Scheckter and his farming exploits. If anyone is interested you can 'listen again' online here:


He does mention his racing career, as well as sheep.

#17 Twin Window

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Posted 22 January 2006 - 12:05

Originally posted by Rockford

He does mention his racing career, as well as sheep.

That'll be to attract more Welsh listeners.

#18 jorism

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Posted 22 January 2006 - 12:33

It seems he owns one of his F1 McLaren's, must be an M19 or a M23.

#19 David M. Kane

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Posted 22 January 2006 - 13:18


Under educated? Last time I read anything on Jody he was proportedly worth around $500M US, and is easily one if not the most successful ex-F1 driver financially.


#20 zakeriath

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Posted 22 January 2006 - 15:30

In Ian Staffords book "Who do you think you are ... Michael Schmacher?" there is a chapter on Jody and his and his latest adventurers with organic farming at Laverstoke Park with water buffaloes and wild boar.

He talks about selling FATS for $230 million.

#21 David Beard

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Posted 22 January 2006 - 16:10

None of this means very much to me...

No matter, Jody was on UK Radio 4 at about 7.00 am this morning talking about his extensive new organic farm in Hampshire. ( Perhaps available on the "listen again" feature on the BBC website?)

#22 Rockford

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Posted 22 January 2006 - 17:11

Or see post 16 ;)

#23 David Beard

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Posted 22 January 2006 - 17:25

Originally posted by Rockford
Or see post 16 ;)

Oops sorry. Must pay attention :blush:

#24 RTH

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Posted 22 January 2006 - 18:01

Originally posted by Rockford
Woke up too early this morning, put the radio on and found myself listening to a programme about Jody Scheckter and his farming exploits. If anyone is interested you can 'listen again' online here:


He does mention his racing career, as well as sheep.

Yes I heard it myself this morning at 06.35 am he has 2500 acres has spent tens of millions on this new set up including his own on site chemistry and biology laboratories and gigantic abottoir new farming facilities of a financial scale and state of the art no one has ever seen before.

He said the money he made from racing wouldn't even feed the hens ! It all came from the sale of the military simulator business in the USA.

He has his own racing car museum on site on the farm with it seems one of everything he drove in his career including the F2 Mclaren, the M23 and the '79 Ferrari , he even fired up (sitting inside ) what sounded like a DFV powered car for the listeners ! The car collection is open to visitors on the farm open days. Apparently even 7 years on now the place is still a massive building site much of which is due to come together and go on stream in 4 more months time.

Sounds worth a visit for all kinds of reasons. He says he is prepared to spend anything to get it perfect !

#25 2F-001

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Posted 22 January 2006 - 18:29

Laverstoke Park has a website explaining a little of the background to what they are doing.
There's a shop too and you can order produce online (including South African-style biltong!).

#26 Rockford

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Posted 22 January 2006 - 20:09

Originally posted by 2F-001
Laverstoke Park has a website explaining a little of the background to what they are doing.
There's a shop too and you can order produce online (including South African-style biltong!).

In the shop there is a human health section with a list of Dietry Dangers. It all seemed (just about) ok until I came to "Avoid distilled liquors" - Sorry Jody, but that's where I draw the line!

#27 ghinzani

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Posted 22 January 2006 - 20:23

Originally posted by Rockford

In the shop there is a human health section with a list of Dietry Dangers. It all seemed (just about) ok until I came to "Avoid distilled liquors" - Sorry Jody, but that's where I draw the line!

Eating Biltong is where I draw the line, its akin to what I imagine eating your shoes would be like. Bleeuurch! :down:

#28 Ross Stonefeld

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Posted 22 January 2006 - 20:25


#29 Rockford

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Posted 22 January 2006 - 20:31

Originally posted by Ross Stonefeld


or to skip intro, go here:


#30 Hieronymus

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Posted 23 January 2006 - 06:07

Originally posted by ghinzani

Eating Biltong is where I draw the line, its akin to what I imagine eating your shoes would be like. Bleeuurch! :down:

Now come on old chap...biltong is really great stuff if you know how to prepare it properly. Hard to imagine that the moist British climate will produce the same result as the dry South African environment. The mechanically dried version is just not "the real thing". Buffalo Biltong? Anything other than Kudu, Springbok or ordinary beef biltong, I have my doubts about.

If you chaps wish to sample the REAL THING, let me know.

Cape Town's Afrikaans newspaper DIE BURGER had a full page article on Scheckter and his organic farming some weeks ago. Apparently Jody has a hard time finding hard working people to work on the farm...??

#31 Arjan de Roos

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Posted 23 January 2006 - 16:37

They have a site:

Wonder if the T4 is 040 on loan from The Donington Collection, or.....?

#32 zakeriath

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Posted 23 January 2006 - 16:55

In the radio 4 interview, which RTH has given the link above, Jody talks of owning most of the F1 cars he ever drove.

So what is the or.....?

And biltong is lekker, if you dont like it dont even think about droewors.

#33 David Beard

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Posted 23 January 2006 - 17:46

Originally posted by ghinzani

Eating Biltong is where I draw the line, its akin to what I imagine eating your shoes would be like. Bleeuurch! :down:

I tried biltong...not too bad. It was the all the Castles and associated babbelas I found hard to cope with...

#34 Hieronymus

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Posted 24 January 2006 - 05:46

Originally posted by zakeriath
In the radio 4 interview, which RTH has given the link above, Jody talks of owning most of the F1 cars he ever drove.

So what is the or.....?

And biltong is lekker, if you dont like it dont even think about droewors.

Jody was thinking of also starting up an organic farm in South Africa. That was about 4 years ago. He looked at the Mpumalanga (Eastern Transvaal) region. At the time he also visited the Western Cape and I was most surprised to read in our regional newspaper that he in fact visited the neigbouring farm just opposite the road from where I live. I think he was influenced by Sarel van der Merwe (from Daytona and Le Mans fame), since Sarel lives about 2km up the road.

With all the labour and other political issues surrounding farming in South Africa, I think Jody was wise enough not to invest here...at least not for the moment.

PS. You chaps amazes me...your command of the "Boer language"... Biltong, Droƫwors, lekker

...and David. Where on earth did you pick up the word "Babbelas"???

#35 David Beard

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Posted 24 January 2006 - 08:50

Originally posted by Hieronymus
...and David. Where on earth did you pick up the word "Babbelas"???

Modderfontein, near Johannesburg, I think it was...did I get it right?

#36 Hieronymus

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Posted 24 January 2006 - 09:43

Right :up:

#37 ghinzani

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Posted 02 July 2009 - 17:54

Jodys farm in Laverstock was on BBC South tonight, very organic and diverse.

#38 Giraffe

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Posted 02 July 2009 - 18:09

Jodys farm in Laverstock was on BBC South tonight, very organic and diverse.

And not cheap! I reckon the credit crunch might have had a bit of an impact upon his business. His products were available for purchase and consumption at last year's Festival of Speed; I wonder if they will be there this year?

#39 ensign14

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Posted 02 July 2009 - 19:01

If not, try Gourmet Burger Kitchen. They sell Laverstoke buffalo and boar. And have an outlet in Brighton, not far from Goodwood, if you happen to be staying over that way for the FoS.

Edited by ensign14, 02 July 2009 - 19:01.