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A.A. Baring birthdate mess

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#1 ReWind

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Posted 14 January 2005 - 18:31

This thread is a rather selfish one. :blush:

On Falcadore’s „Happy Birthday“ thread I listed a certain „Archie Baring“ as being born on 06 January 1912. But meanwhile I’m rather doubful about the correctness of that entry.

Should it be Anthony Baring instead?

Unfortunately I cannot retrace my source for the birthdate. So I am not sure whether or not I transcribed the name correctly.

Can anyone help?

My suggestion would be it is one and the same person with perhaps full name as Anthony Archibald Baring (which would explain "Archie" if that name isn't a fault of mine). But surely there is someone out there who can confirm or deny this, isn’t one?


#2 Marc Ceulemans

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Posted 14 January 2005 - 20:51

Anthony Baring or A. A. Baring drove a Veritas and a Maserati in 1949... I don't know what the second "A." stands for.

#3 alessandro silva

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Posted 15 January 2005 - 18:22

He was Archie Alastair Baring. I do not know why the Anthony came out in the Black Books.
born in Manila, Philipine Islands 6/01/1912.
from Motor Racing Directory 1955/56, Pearl,Cooper Ltd

#4 ReWind

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Posted 15 January 2005 - 18:41

Thank you, Alessandro. :up:

That's a relief. I was afraid "Archie" was a transcription error of mine.

And by googling I found nearly nothing on "Archie Baring" but much more on "Anthony Baring". :

BTW: As he was born on the Philippines - what is (or was?) his nationality? Do you know whether or not he is still alive?

#5 alessandro silva

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Posted 15 January 2005 - 19:26

From a personal communication from Adam Ferrington I have also a switch in the names: Alastair Archibald Baring same place and date of birth. He was known as Archie in any case. I found "Buster" Baring a couple of times too. Never Anthony in contemporary sources. He certainly was British, a timber merchant and farmer from Berkshire. He retired from racing in 1950. I ignore if still alive.

#6 Adam F

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Posted 22 January 2005 - 12:59

Alister Archie Baring was born in Manila, Philipines on 6 January 1912.

During his racing career he was sometimes known as "Buster" Baring, but usually Alister.
The erroneous reference to Anthony came, I believe, from a biog. in one of the contemporary race programmes.
He often "reversed" his names and was later known as Archie Alister Baring.

He died on 21 January 1971, on the Algarve, Portugal.

#7 Geoff E

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Posted 24 November 2020 - 11:29


He was born Archibald Arthur Macduff on 10th January 1912, in Leeds, Yorkshire.


His birth was re-registered as Archibald A RIDGE in 1916, his mother having married a Mr Ridge in 1913.