Please sell me gp2 race videos. dvd preferred.
Posted 28 April 2005 - 16:34
Scott Speed grew up racing at my local go kart track and I'd love to follow his progress.
email jeffreyameyer@yahoo.com.
Posted 28 April 2005 - 17:05
Originally posted by squidbreath
Scott Speed grew up racing at my local go kart track and I'd love to follow his progress.
email jeffreyameyer@yahoo.com.
Well I wouldn't bother with race two at Imola then - all you see of him is his car disappearing down the pit lane after the parade lap.
Posted 28 April 2005 - 17:22
Posted 28 April 2005 - 17:47
I personally don't go there anymore because of their "FU if you aren't able to upload more than you download" policy.
Suprnova worked fine without any broadband elitist limitations. [/RANT]
Posted 28 April 2005 - 20:06
This leads to another thing that is the legal status of broadcast transmissions. IMHO (and IANAL), it is legal to store a copy of anything that is broadcast for your own use; and it seems to be just fair that you share it... after all, it was broadcast in the clear, isn't it? Of course, things are not that simple... but it does make some sense for me.
BTW, How does F1Racing works? Is it torrent-based? I couldn't find any details on the site, as the community seem to be closed for new users (invitation only, it says...).
Posted 28 April 2005 - 20:22

Yes it is torrent based. Don't know if they really have the GP2 races though.
Posted 28 April 2005 - 22:12
Originally posted by jb_128
Oh, so they have restricted it even further. What a bunch of tossers.![]()
Yes it is torrent based. Don't know if they really have the GP2 races though.
They do for Imola

Posted 28 April 2005 - 22:14
commentary is in Arabic though.
Posted 28 April 2005 - 22:25
Oh and go Heikki

Posted 28 April 2005 - 23:09
Originally posted by jb_128
you could try this: http://www.f1racingworld.com/
I personally don't go there anymore because of their "FU if you aren't able to upload more than you download" policy.
Suprnova worked fine without any broadband elitist limitations. [/RANT]
Well if you can't manage that you don't belong there.
Plenty of sites have now introduced minimum seeding requirements, simply to limit traffic. These sites aren't run by mega corporations with unlimited resources, you know.
Where's Suprnova now? Before they went under they started charging people for the service. Is that want you want?
Posted 29 April 2005 - 02:02
Originally posted by bluetentacle
Well if you can't manage that you don't belong there.
Plenty of sites have now introduced minimum seeding requirements, simply to limit traffic. These sites aren't run by mega corporations with unlimited resources, you know.
Where's Suprnova now? Before they went under they started charging people for the service. Is that want you want?
Well said- I think it's an outstanding site.

Posted 29 April 2005 - 12:39
Originally posted by Earthling
commentary is in Arabic though.
You weren't missing much though, as the english commentators got no graphics and basically admitted they hadn't a clue what was going on :
Posted 29 April 2005 - 13:30
Originally posted by bluetentacle
Well if you can't manage that you don't belong there.
That's what I'm talking about. How many people are technically able to maintain such high seeding rates ATM? In this country (Germany) high speed internet means ADSL 1000 kbit/s down / 128 kbit/s up. You can't do any decent seeding with that upload speed and the crappy hardware you get from the ISP that keeps killing itself from too many connections.
But these are just technical limitations that will change in the future. f.ex. I now have ADSL 3000/384. This is much better for uploading.
My point is why get rid of people who cannot contribute a lot due to technical reasons? People who download torrents of old races may very well have loads of own VHS tapes to rip and share themselves as soon as they have the internet speed to do so. I have several complete seasons of F1 recorded from eurosport and also german F3 stuff. I would be sharing some races now if I hadn't already been judged unworthy in the past.
Originally posted by bluetentacle
Plenty of sites have now introduced minimum seeding requirements, simply to limit traffic.
How does downloading and seeding cause less traffic than just downloading?
Originally posted by bluetentacle
Where's Suprnova now? Before they went under they started charging people for the service. Is that want you want?
I don't rememberl suprnova dying because of traffic. I don't remember having to pay them anything either. But if traffic is a problem, then yes, I do think that charging a fee would be a better way to go than locking people out completely. I believe people that visit f1racingworld are racing enthusiasts that would be willing to pay for access to the site (I mean people even pay for crappy pr0n sites). They are not a bunch of wannabe l33t hax0rs who want to rip everybody off and steal as much bandwidth as they can get.
Posted 29 April 2005 - 15:07

Posted 30 April 2005 - 22:40
Posted 02 May 2005 - 00:21
Originally posted by jb_128
Oh, so they have restricted it even further. What a bunch of tossers.![]()
Yes it is torrent based. Don't know if they really have the GP2 races though.
They are right in the firing line for getting Shut down by FOM for displaying A/V material, in order to try and keep a low profile (and to maintain server reliability) we have haulted straight-forward registration. People can still invited by other members if you know anyone. Get your facts right before you start accusing them of being tossers!
The reason for their ratio rules is so that people don't download files, and then bugger off. The original uploader can't keep seeding forever!
Posted 02 May 2005 - 02:13
I still don't like upload ratio restrictions though for the reasons I stated above.