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McLaren t-shirt

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#1 Matt Hughes

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Posted 27 July 2005 - 11:08

Wondering if any of you helpful chaps can give me a helping hand.

When I was at Silverstone for the Grand Prix, I was tempted to buy one of those black long-sleeve McLaren t-shirts. They are the kind the drivers wear. An exact version of what I am looking for can be seen on Kimi here:

Kimi T-Shirt

Was just wondering if anyone knows where I can actually buy one - McLaren themselves don't seem to sell them on their website for whatever reason. In an attempt to make this thread worhtwhile - how many of you spend your hard-earned on team clothing? And do you go for your favourite team, or whatever looks good?;)



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Posted 27 July 2005 - 11:31

McLaren is afraid of intruders wearing official McLaren team gear. That's why they don't merchandise it. You could call it a bit of arrogance too. It certainly doesn't help your popularity with the fans if you tend to beam far above their heads, but that's just how they are.

#3 Matt Hughes

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Posted 27 July 2005 - 11:40

Strange, isn't it? I mean, at Silverstone you could buy pretty much indentical Renault, Ferrari, Toyota etc team shirts. I bought myself the Renault one - looks very nice. You can also buy the shirts on each team's website.

I find the decision not to release those t-shirts as very strange, unless they think I would be mistaken for Kimi Raikkonen and accidently allowed to drive the MP4/20 should I be found wandering the paddock one day :p. Seriously though - those things would sell like nobody's business.

McLaren are my local team and I support them over anyone else, but they are probably the least accesible team on the entire grid. A friend who works for another team in F1 knows a few people who used to work at McLaren, and whenever they are asked about their time there they roll their eyes.

#4 PhilKerr

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Posted 27 July 2005 - 14:09

I would not like to work for Ron Dennis

There has even been times he has sent mechanics home from the airport because of aspects to do with their appearance

#5 Matt Hughes

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Posted 27 July 2005 - 14:50

One story I heard was that there were a few people hired to erect a basic shelving arrangement (or if you're Ron, a horizontal item storage maximizer). I'm not sure the exact details on what he didn't like - I think they were a couple of inches out from where he wanted them, but he proceeded to tear a massive hole in the poor guys putting them up, literally rip the things off the wall and ask for them to be put back up properly. All in rather less-than-polite terms, of course.

Sounds very much like another Bernie Ecclestone saga! I believe Bernie famously once ripped an expensive clock off a wall at the Brabham factory due to it being a few degrees slanted.

#6 RDM

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Posted 27 July 2005 - 16:31

Originally posted by Matt Hughes
One story I heard was that there were a few people hired to erect a basic shelving arrangement (or if you're Ron, a horizontal item storage maximizer). I'm not sure the exact details on what he didn't like - I think they were a couple of inches out from where he wanted them, but he proceeded to tear a massive hole in the poor guys putting them up, literally rip the things off the wall and ask for them to be put back up properly. All in rather less-than-polite terms, of course.

Sounds very much like another Bernie Ecclestone saga! I believe Bernie famously once ripped an expensive clock off a wall at the Brabham factory due to it being a few degrees slanted.

I thought it was a telephone.

#7 MortenF1

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Posted 27 July 2005 - 17:24

Only way to get your hands on one is to keep a watchful eye on ebay. I totally agree with those saying it's a huge shame their not sold by McLaren themselves, 'cause it would be a cracker!

#8 Sith

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Posted 28 July 2005 - 03:34

Originally posted by Matt Hughes
Was just wondering if anyone knows where I can actually buy one - McLaren themselves don't seem to sell them on their website for whatever reason. In an attempt to make this thread worhtwhile - how many of you spend your hard-earned on team clothing? And do you go for your favourite team, or whatever looks good?;)

There's a motorsport shop in beverly hills, i saw 3 of those tops for sale when i was there last month. They're very pricy, i think they're asking around $600 U.S for them...
here's the link... www.beverlyhillsmotorsport.com/f1/f1clothing.html
i've got one, i paid $270 AUD for my one. I've bought a few high priced items over the years, a 93' Senna helmet, several different team shirts (i paid $1100 for a Mika Hakkinnen original team shirt.)

There used to be an F1 shop in Soho in London, not sure if they'd have those tops though..

Good luck :up:

#9 TecnoRacing

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Posted 28 July 2005 - 07:50

Those long sleeve Mclaren t-shirts are made by Hugo Boss btw (even their 'normal' t-shirts are very expensive).

#10 A Wheel Nut

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Posted 07 August 2005 - 03:11

Originally posted by PhilKerr
I would not like to work for Ron Dennis

There has even been times he has sent mechanics home from the airport because of aspects to do with their appearance

Same with every job just about. If your employer feels that the way you look is inappropriate for work, they can send you home. Girls where I work get sent home if they're showing too much skin - personally I have no problem with this and I doubt anyone would, but it isn't professional.

When you're on work time you're representing the people you work for.