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Smilies translation

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#1 Mosquito

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Posted 26 May 2000 - 00:49

Ok, I'm gonna whine and scream over some real minor issue here, but the translation schema for the smilies is bad!

If I put in a text like "(Blablabla :lol:)" it translates the :) into a smilie and leaves :lol as text.

The algorithm should first translate the excluding (longer) smilies variants before translaing the shorter and less complex ones.

I agree that at times, resolving smilies might become ambigious. What to in case of a "):(" combination? I would suggest to have a precedence in that case for the 'happier' variants in contrast to the depressed or evil ones.

I just thought this might be of interrest while migrating to the new BB.:)

* Wonders if people will ever again take him seriously *

[This message has been edited by Mosquito (edited 05-25-2000).]


#2 Pascal

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Posted 26 May 2000 - 03:35

Has it ever occurred to you to put a space between the : and the )? Posted Image

#3 Andy

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Posted 26 May 2000 - 04:02

Pascal, you should know by now... There is NO hope for ol' Mossie. Posted Image We've given him up for a genuine Loon! Posted Image

Mossie - GET A LIFE DUDE! Posted Image

#4 Mosquito

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Posted 26 May 2000 - 06:26

Pascal, I've have used the extra space on numerous occassions. It's esthetics that make me bring up the point here.Posted Image There should be NO space before a closing brace!Posted Image And, it looks bad, just as if you inadvertedly hit the space bar. I NEVER hit the space b ar ina d ve rted ly ! !!!: mad:

Andy, I would get a life if I could just find out where one can purchase one. I know certain places where one can get some life, but unlike you, I only want high quality / classy ones.Posted Image Still haven't found a shopping mall that actually sells one of those.Posted Image

#5 Rich

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Posted 26 May 2000 - 07:54

Mos, I agree - the Internet has killed English grammar rules stone dead. Previously, the semi-colon was a little-used and reclusive character, found only in the pages of obscure textbooks and legal documents. Now, thanks to everyone's predilection for witty remarks, it has been thrust into the limelight as a veritable giant in grammar fashion circles. As for those extra spaces, I wouldn't like to be the bloke who has to answer for that. Posted Image

#6 Ruud de la Rosa

Ruud de la Rosa
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Posted 28 May 2000 - 00:34

"the Internet has killed English grammar rules stone dead"

The use of smilies kills the english grammar rules too, you know!

[This message has been edited by Ruud de la Rosa (edited 05-27-2000).]