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Tech Paper PDFs- Updated April 17th '08

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#1 desmo

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Posted 19 September 2005 - 17:03

I have recieved several requests to compile a list of the tech papers I have found and posted links to as a sort of 'virtual bookshelf' for readers here. These are just the ones I've found. Please feel free to add any I've missed or any others anyone else might be able to add here.

BMW (2000) Engine Pamphlet

Wake of a Wing in Ground Effect

Comparison Between V12 and W12 F1 Engines

Yaw Control via MR Dampers

Fluent CFD

Cylinder Pressure as a Real Time Engine Control Parameter

Delphi Automotive SAE Papers

Be sure to check the links to lists of papers for 1999, 2000 and 2001 as well on the upper left of the page. Much interesting reading.

Game Theory and Car Setup

PC Based Vehicle Dynamics Simulation

Physics of Racing

Chassis Flexibility and Roll Stiffness for a WC Car

More Fluent (non-technical and brief)

Introduction to Formula SAE Suspension and Frame Design

Intake Analysis of the 550 Maranello Using the WAVE Code

ADAMS Simulation Overview

ADAMS Simulation of a Prototype Car for Le Mans Race

Functional Virtual Prototyping

Pneumatic Aerodynamic Devices

Heat Exchangers for Heavy Vehicles Utilizing
High Thermal Conductivity Graphite Foams

Engine Control Using Torque Estimation

An Approach for the Optimization of a Racecar Using Vehicle Dynamics Simulation in a Parallel Computing Environment

Design of a Portable Twist Rig for Measuring Chassis Torsional Stiffness

Design of a Winston Cup Chassis for Torsional Stiffness

Control of a Variable Rear Wing

Flexible Systems Design


Behavior of Trailing Vortices in the Vicinity of the Ground

A Study of Turbulence and Cyclic Variation Levels in IC Engine Cylinders

Analysis of the Dynamical Behavior of Coherent Structures in In-Cylinder Flows of IC Engines

Sachs Through Shaft Damper (Reprint of RaceTech Article)

Composite Sandwich Panel Chassis Construction

Optimization of Autimotive Valve Train Components With Implicit Filtering

Energy Recovery Using Regenerative Magnetic Dampers

Navier-Stokes Analysis of Lift-Enhancing Tabs on Multi-Element Airfoils

Numerical Investigation of an Airfoil with a Gurney Flap

New Design for a Top Fuel Dragster Rear Wing

Use of Full-Engine and Detailed Valvetrain Models to Improve Valve Control in a High-Speed V-10 Racing Engine

The F1 Tire Changing Robot

SAE 983038- Investigation of a Ford 2.0 L Duratec for Touring Car Racing

SAE 2001-01-0874- Performance Investigations of a Novel Rolling Traction CVT

Identification and Compensation of Combustional Torque Pulsation
Using a Harmonic Activation Neural Network
Active Crank TV Control?

Bayesian Statistics in Engine Mapping

Integrated Cooling Systems for Passenger Vehicles Active cooling control using an electric coolant pump.

Application of Multidisciplinary Design Optimization to Racecar Design and Analysis

Construction of Race Circuit Geometry (Barcelona & Suzuka) from Logged F1 Data Pat Symonds helped author this one.

Moto Tech Papers This site has a number of interesting papers on both the mechanics and dynamics of motorcycles. Some are only in Italian, and some of the English translations are a little awkward but nevertheless well worth a look around.

Comparitive Evaluation of Failure Analysis Methods for Composite Laminates

Evolution of Edge Vortices Underneath a Diffuser Equipped Bluff Body

Overview of Techniques for Measuring Friction
Using Bench Tests and Fired Engines[/url]

[url="http://<a%20href="http://www.diva-portal.org/diva/getDocument?urn_nbn_se_kth_diva-216-1__fulltext.pdf"%20target="_blank">http://www.diva-port...ulltext.pdf</a>"] Simulation of Turbocharged SI-Engines- With Focus on the Turbine[/url]

[url="http://<a%20href="http://www.sachs-race-engineering.de/owx_medien/media337/33723.pdf"%20target="_blank">http://www.sachs-rac...7/33723.pdf</a>"]Sachs Rotary Dampers[/url] Reprint in PDF of a non-technical article/press release in RCE May '05.

[url="http://<a%20href="http://naca.larc.nasa.gov/reports/1945/naca-acr-5i20/naca-acr-5i20.pdf"%20target="_blank">http://naca.larc.nas...cr-5i20.pdf</a>"]An Experimental Investigation of NACA Submerged-Duct Entrances[/url]

An experimental investigation of the design variables for NACA [Ducts]

[url="http://<a%20href="http://www.tesionline.it/__PDF/9614/9614p.pdf"%20target="_blank">http://www.tesionlin...4/9614p.pdf</a>"]On the Theoretical Background of a Gurney Flap[/url]

[url="http://<a%20href="http://www.mech.unsw.edu.au/notes/Mech9620/Files/EACC_TJB_final.pdf"%20target="_blank">http://www.mech.unsw...B_final.pdf</a>"]Ground Effect Aerodynamics[/url]

[url="http://<a%20href="http://www.aero.lr.tudelft.nl/education/pdf/2004_1_05.pdf"%20target="_blank">http://www.aero.lr.t...04_1_05.pdf</a>"]Assessment of Vortex Behavior in F1 Underbody Conditions[/url]

[url="http://<a%20href="http://www.vehicledynamics-expo.com/05vdx_conf/conf_home.html"%20target="_blank">http://www.vehicledy...f_home.html</a>"]A collection of vehicle dynamics papers[/url] presented at the vehicle dynamics conference held at Stuttgart, Germany in 2005. Click on Day One, Two or Three to see lists of available papers.

[url="http://<a%20href="http://www.fisita.com/students/congress/SCpapers"%20target="_blank">http://www.fisita.co...ss/SCpapers</a>"]Student Papers from FISITA 2004[/url]

[url="http://<a%20href="http://www.itsdocs.fhwa.dot.gov/JPODOCS/REPTS_TE/3G01!.PDF"%20target="_blank">http://www.itsdocs.f...E/3G01!.PDF</a>"]Adaptive Filtering For Advanced Vehicle Control[/url]

[url="http://<a%20href="http://www.gtisoft.com/confarch/Renault-FiringOrder.zip"%20target="_blank">http://www.gtisoft.c...ngOrder.zip</a>"]Renault F1- V10 Firing Order Selection (Unzips to a pdf)[/url]

[url="http://<a%20href="http://www.profblairandassociates.com/RET_Articles.html"%20target="_blank">http://www.profblair...ticles.html</a>"]Prof. G. P. Blair and Associates
Various Articles On Valve-train Design or CFD Analysis From Race Engine Technology[/url]

[url="http://<a%20href="http://www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/vrtc/ca/capubs/NADSSAE_Paper2006010559.pdf"%20target="_blank">http://www-nrd.nhtsa...6010559.pdf</a>"]Measurement and Modeling of Tire Forces on a Low Coefficient Surface[/url]

[url="http://<a%20href="http://www.spyderchat.com/1zzfe.pdf"%20target="_blank">http://www.spydercha...m/1zzfe.pdf</a>"]Development of the Toyota 1ZZ-FE Engine[/url] (Thanks Greg)

[url="http://<a%20href="http://pcm.dmti.unifi.it/aias/xxx_convegno/pdfs/AL183.pdf"%20target="_blank">http://pcm.dmti.unif...s/AL183.pdf</a>"]Progettazione a rigidezza di un alettone da Formula 3 in materiale composito (Italian)[/url]