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Motorcycle racing: 1949-1968 nostalgia

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#9601 Robin127

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Posted 16 September 2017 - 01:12

Looks very similar to this.






Surtees G50 in the Barber Vintage Museum.

Edited by Robin127, 16 September 2017 - 01:16.


#9602 Herr Wankel

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Posted 16 September 2017 - 08:42

I think you are on the money there Robin.

#9603 Russell Burrows

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Posted 16 September 2017 - 13:51

Yes Gents, the Surtees framed 7R.  Keith, the snapper, says Mike Duff was due to ride it that day at Brands back in 1963. As you know it morphed into the Arter Matchless .  The story goes that Rex Butcher bought It from Surtees, raced it with moderate success ( pretty sure I can call him on it ), and then sold it to Tom After.  I can definitely remember Duff on the bike in this form.  I think he either equalled or broke the Brands lap record on the Ajay around 63/64. 

Edited by Russell Burrows, 16 September 2017 - 13:57.

#9604 Robin127

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Posted 16 September 2017 - 13:57

The one in the Barber Museum is a really beautiful motorcyle, photos cannot do it justice.  It is in pristine condition, which it probably never was when raced but you can tell that it was built by someone who knew what they were doing.  Like all good racing bikes it had one purpose, to get around a circuit a fast as possible, it is also very small.

#9605 Russell Burrows

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Posted 18 September 2017 - 20:14

I've perhaps too confidently asserted over on FB that I think this is Dave Croxford's G50 from about '64.   The lettering on a silver painted tank was his, wasn't it ? And I think the fairing was light blue?  Anyway, if it is Dave's it's the ex Roy Mayhew bike, bought after Roy was killed at Paddock in 1962.  I think he was on the G50 rather than his 7R on the day of the crash.    Thanks again to Keith for the pic.



Edited by Russell Burrows, 18 September 2017 - 20:22.

#9606 knickerbrook

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Posted 18 September 2017 - 20:37

I'm with you on Croxford Russell. Sure I've seen photos of him on it.

#9607 billlawrence

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Posted 19 September 2017 - 01:43

Sad new I see Alberto Pagani passed away a week ago .Another good one under the flag      RIP  Alberto                         Bill Lawrence

#9608 CyrilDavey

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Posted 28 September 2018 - 20:14

Has anyone got any pictures of me at Snetterton, Brands, Crystal Palace, Mallory Park, Oulton Park, Castle Combe, Cadwell Park, the Manx grand Prix from 1961 to 1968 250,350, & 500 races.

I beat Rod Gould in the 350 race at Snetterton, Joe Dumphy at Mallory Park again 350 race, Mike Hailwood at Brands in 350 in 1965.  :yawnface:


Your help would be much appreciated

kind regards

Cyril Davey    :clap:

#9609 knickerbrook

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Posted 29 September 2018 - 11:57

Hi Cyril,

I can't recall seeing any, but will keep an eye out when I'm trawling the internet - its amazing what crops up!

Have you got any pictures of yourself to share? (Your helmet design would be helpful).




#9610 Mike65

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Posted 04 June 2019 - 20:37

Hi, I'm new on here. I have been researching a 1961 Manx Norton 350 for the last 18 months and am looking for any photo's of it before it left Europe for NZ at the end  end of the 1962 season by then being owned by Hugh Anderson. It was bought new from Olivers of Staines by Kiwi John Gabites in 1961 and I have been able to confirm the following entries with numbers (but as yet no photos): Mallory 24 September 1961 J Gabites No.31; IoM Junior TT 6 June 1962 J Gabites No.87; Brno 22 July 1962 J Gabites No.55.


Hugh says that he remembers John riding it in the GP of Nations at Monza in 1962 very clearly because John loaned his 500 to Hugh at that meeting. Hugh says that while he was riding in contracted events through 1962 John was also rushing around Europe with his bikes entering wherever he could get a ride.


I would love to acquire or even just see a photo of the bike at one of these events or to know if anyone has a program confirming J Gabites on his 350 Manx competing at any other meeting (and race number) in 1962 ( or late 1961). John seems to have dropped out of racing at the end of 1962 even on the local scene in NZ. Not really surprising given that the TT which should have been the highlight of his amateur career saw the deaths of his room mate and fellow NZ team mate Colin Meehan and then Aussie Tom Phillis.  He passed away some years ago and as yet I have not found any family members.

#9611 knickerbrook

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Posted 05 June 2019 - 10:58

Hello Mike,

Yes, the TT Database confirms his 1962 TT result as you say.

If you haven't done it already, you might find him listed in some of the programmes here:

(Mallory Park 24th Sept.1962 is there):



The best chance of a photo is Bill Snelling of "FoTTofinders", who holds the largest collection of historical TT photographs.

As I know him, I have asked him on your behalf and I will report back any results. (He is on Facebook).


Good luck with your search!



#9612 knickerbrook

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Posted 05 June 2019 - 12:55


Just had a reply from Bill Snelling and he has found 3 photographs of your man Gabites at the 1962 TT - but they are only from the Senior (500cc) race.

The TT Database has him down as a non-finisher in that race. However, it was not uncommon for riders to use a 350 machine in both races, so there's a slim possibility it's the same bike.

You can contact Bill directly at his website:







#9613 Mike65

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Posted 05 June 2019 - 21:17

Thanks Barry. I already have a copy of the 1961 Mallory programme and the 1962 TT photos of Gabites on his 500 in the Senior (which is his 500 - he had a pair of Manx). Your reference to Dave Riley's site was very useful and has given me a couple of hours happy browsing with the outcome that I found him at the Sachsenring, 19 August 1962 with the 350 (No. 90) so that is another bit of rumoured history confirmed. Thank you.


Most photos at the time were of known riders of which there were a lot in that era so my best hope would seem to be that by knowing his number in different races I can then try to find him in the background of a photo of someone more famous.

#9614 Mike65

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Posted 06 June 2019 - 07:01

Ps anyone got a copy of the 1962 GP of Nations at Monza? I have been looking online to buy one but in the meantime it would be nice to know if Gabites is listed.

#9615 bradbury west

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Posted 27 August 2020 - 11:30

I am not sure where else to post this but,...
Over on e bay there is a large selection of period motor cycle race programmes for sale added recently.
Roger Lund

#9616 barrykm

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Posted 28 August 2020 - 15:27

Nice to see this interesting thread popping up again  :up:

#9617 absinthedude

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Posted 04 November 2020 - 13:36

I've got him down as Alan Pinnock


Old thread.....I don't usually follow bikes but I know an Alan Pinnock who is about 80 now and who raced bikes across England in the 1960s. I can't see the pictures to which this refers but if someone can provide them I'd be able to send them to him for confirmation. 


Apropos of which...does anyone have any photos or memories of Alan Pinnock racing in the 60s? 

#9618 JJ650SS

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Posted 13 July 2023 - 14:27

Hello Russell - Info on Peter Ferbrache.. In the late 1950s and early 1960s my Grandfather (ably assisted by my Dad, who was then a teenager) was mechanic for a privateer bike racer on short circuits and at the Isle of Man TT, they both knew Pete Ferbrache well and although I was not aware that he had ridden the Hartley Ariel on the road he did indeed race one early on in his career, so the Ace Cafe story could well be true !.. Dad's stories about Pete confirmed he was definitely a character and led his life 'in the fast lane' so to speak - I don't know where he originated from but he was very well spoken apparently and sported a big 'handlebar' moustache. He served in RAF Bomber Command during World War 2 as Aircrew (a Rear Gunner I believe..) and his experiences during that time left him with a severe stammer when stressed, his father was called Jackson Ferbrache and he worked as Pete's 'fixer' when he was racing, entering him in races, booking hotels etc.. The problem was that Jackson was not very organised and often forgot to do things, Dad recalled hearing Pete on several such occasions, rollocking Jackson for having forgotten something.. Dad said Pete would invariably start by shouting 'OH FOR F-F-F-F-FACK'S SAKE JACKSON !!'
As my Dad spoke so highly of Peter I've trawled the web for some time trying to find out more about him but there seems to be very little out there and most of the protagonists who may have known more about him are probably long gone (sadly including both my Dad and Grandfather) so we'll probably never know much more (unless you have some other info ?..) - All I know is that he raced the Hartley Ariel early in his career, then went to riding Nortons for a time, Then to AMCs (AJS & Matchless) at the end of his career - He raced in the Isle of Man Clubman's TT only once, in 1955 I think (?) he took part in the Junior and Senior Clubman's races on BSAs (Presumably 350 and 500 Goldstars) and did quite well, coming 4th in the Senior Clubman's race and 3rd in the Junior. Sadly Pete was killed racing in the 1960 Dutch TT on 25/06/1960 whilst riding an AJS (probably a Junior race on a 350cc AJS 7R, the 500cc bikes for Senior races being badged as Matchless..) Dad was a lifelong motorcyclist (British bikes mainly) and I got the impression that Pete was a bit of a hero of his, after he'd recounted one of his stories about Pete to me he'd always end by say he'd been killed and then immediately changed the subject.. RIP Pete, Ken and Arthur..

#9619 LittleChris

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Posted 13 July 2023 - 15:04

Some info on Peter at Motorsport Memorial


Motorsport Memorial - Peter Ferbrache