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Calder Park Track [Melbourne]

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#1 cosworth bdg

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Posted 01 January 2007 - 00:57

I was just trying to remember who the 4 partners were that originally formed Calder Park Circuit in Melbourne. One i remember was Pat Hawthorn, but who were the others? I was a member of the Australian Motor Sports Club in Melbourne, who at the time ,early 1960's , supplied all the meeting officials for Calder Meetings. The late Wally Mitchell was the club president at the time......................


#2 Ray Bell

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Posted 01 January 2007 - 01:12

A long time ago, Peter...

It wasn't known as 'Calder Park' then, that's a very recent addition to the name.

As for the partners, I have no idea but I feel that the name of the man who ran the meetings should be on the tip of someone's tongue! *edit* and it was... Jim Pascoe.

Surely he was one of the partners?

#3 cosworth bdg

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Posted 01 January 2007 - 01:23

Ray, in those days it was Just known as simply CALDER............

#4 cosworth bdg

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Posted 01 January 2007 - 01:38

Originally posted by Ray Bell
A long time ago, Peter...

It wasn't known as 'Calder Park' then, that's a very recent addition to the name.

As for the partners, I have no idea but I feel that the name of the man who ran the meetings should be on the tip of someone's tongue! *edit* and it was... Jim Pascoe.

Surely he was one of the partners?

Ray, i think you are correct, thanks......

#5 Ray Bell

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Posted 01 January 2007 - 02:14

Easier to find out the partners in Port Wakefield and Altona...

I don't ever recall seeing anything about the background to Calder and its construction.

#6 Leo D

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Posted 01 January 2007 - 06:23

As far as I know, it was Jim & Jean Pascoe.... husband and wife.... I think they were in the Drive In Theatre business as well when they developed Calder. I think Jim may have also been in the construction business as well.....
When Jim died, Jean sold it to Bob Jane, who as we know still owns it...

Of course I am more than willing to be corrected on any of this, as I may be wrong....

#7 cosworth bdg

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Posted 01 January 2007 - 06:47

I think you are right Leo, Cheers , P N

#8 Leo D

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Posted 01 January 2007 - 10:06

Speaking of Calder... Is the name Ken McPhail (sp) familiar to anyone else out there other than me?....
If you were a regular at circuit meetings in the 60's in Victoria, I'm sure the name would mean something....

#9 Haydn

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Posted 01 January 2007 - 11:37

Re: Founders of Calder Raceway as it was called in the sixties - these included Jim Pascoe, Pat Hawthorn (both mentioned previously) and Frank Watty (he was an accountant in Kew) - not sure of 4th member of group.

Leo D - Have fond memories of Ken McPhail in his old dark (black I think) Vanguard. IIRC he was part of the commentary team at Calder for many years from the inception of Calder . He also had a Motor Racing program on 3xy or 3ak on a Saturday morning. A great character.



#10 Leo D

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Posted 01 January 2007 - 11:42

Originally posted by Haydn

Leo D - Have fond memories of Ken McPhail in his old dark (black I think) Vanguard. IIRC he was part of the commentary team at Calder for many years from the inception of Calder . He also had a Motor Racing program on 3xy or 3ak on a Saturday morning. A great character.



That was him Haydn..... I think the radio show was on 3GL Geelong...... It was ways before there was any other regular Motor Sport program :up: :up:

#11 samsonjr1992

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Posted 06 July 2014 - 22:25

My father, George Reynolds, was a regular Formula Vee racer at Calder Park in the late 60's.  He also hired the track from Jean Pascoe to run the George Reynolds Academy of Advanced Driving.  I vividly remember it was Jean from whom he hired the track.

#12 275 GTB-4

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Posted 06 July 2014 - 23:29

My father, George Reynolds, was a regular Formula Vee racer at Calder Park in the late 60's.  He also hired the track from Jean Pascoe to run the George Reynolds Academy of Advanced Driving.  I vividly remember it was Jean from whom he hired the track.


Welcome to George Junior! :)


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Posted 06 July 2014 - 23:49

Yes, welcome, Greg.


Any chance of a story on George, your dad? I raced with [read, 'was beaten by'  ;) ] George a few times, in VW Beetles, in the early '60s.

#14 cooper997

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Posted 31 December 2014 - 04:13

If any TNF member has access to the February 25, 1962 Calder race meeting programme could you please let me know? It was a Light Car Club of Australia run meeting.


I would like to check something, but don't have one myself..





#15 Ray Bell

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Posted 31 December 2014 - 05:07

Strangely, it looks like there's not AMS report on that one...

Though the issues of the time carry reports on similar closed meetings at Oran Park.

#16 cooper997

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Posted 31 December 2014 - 06:38

Reports that I know about are 4/62 Autosportsman and 4/62 AMS, there may be something in 4/62 RCN too. But that's a gap in my RCN's.

The programme or accurate data from one is my best bet to fill a small piece of the jigsaw.


#17 Ray Bell

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Posted 31 December 2014 - 07:44

Originally posted by 997
Reports that I know about are... 4/62 AMS.....

Ahh... the index doesn't mention Calder!

Do you need anything from that report?

#18 ronsimmonds70

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Posted 31 December 2014 - 08:05

Ken ran his radio show on a Saturday morning on 3GL in Geelong, I was interviewed a couple of times on his show, with him always wearing his BBC tie, his lovely wife Shirley kept him in order.


Ken had a number of Standard Vanguards, plus a very nice Triumph TR2.

Ken was instrumental in getting me started in commentary, mainly at Templestowe Hill Climb and Lakeland Hillclimb, and later at race circuits around Victoria.


As a point of interest, Ken lived opposite Tim Schencken in Canterbury.


One of natures gentlemen gone to God so many years ago. Cheers Simmo.

#19 SJ Lambert

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Posted 31 December 2014 - 09:45

Out of interest, though no individuals are mentioned, the January 1962 edition of Sports Car World States that Calder Motor Raceway has been built & will hold it's first meeting on January 14 with an 18 event program, the meeting being organised by the Calder Motor Raceway Committee in conjunction with the Australian Motor Sports Club.


#20 ronsimmonds70

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Posted 31 December 2014 - 11:01

I remember seeing on the TV news one night, many many  years ago, Pat Hawthorn driving is Dodge around a paddock marking out where the circuit would go, very high tech in those days.


If you wanted to have a practice run at the track, you would call into the Pascoe's home in Keilor,  pick up the key, do your practice, no ambulances or rescue crew in those days, and just close the gate and return the key .I don't think O H and S would approve of this today. Cheers Simmo.

Edited by ronsimmonds70, 31 December 2014 - 23:15.

#21 Ray Bell

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Posted 31 December 2014 - 11:08

And so it was pretty much everywhere...

Remember that there was a Vee driver drowned at Warwick Farm?

#22 Lee Nicolle

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Posted 31 December 2014 - 11:59

I remember seeing on the TV news one night, many many  years ago, Pat Hawthorn driving is Dodge around a paddock marking out where the circuit would go, very high tech in those days.


If you wanted to have a practice run at the track, you would call into the Pascoe's home in Keilor,  pick up the key, do your practice, no ambulances or rescue crew in those days, and just close the gate and return the key .I don't O H and S would approve of this today. Cheers Simmo.

I did that in the 90s at both Mallala and AIR.

#23 cooper997

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Posted 31 December 2014 - 22:08

I have the 4/62 AMS report, Ray, Just looking to source the 25/2/62 Calder race programme for some information. As far as I'm aware that was Calder's 3rd official meeting. The first was as James mentions above on 14/1/62. Then a Harley Club bike meeting on 11/2/62.


Here's how AMS broke the Calder news in their 10/61 issue.


image hosting 10mb limit


The missing name for the 4th early Calder Raceway director is likely to be Jack Corry. There's a very small piece in 9/64 Motor Manual about Jim Pascoe becoming chairman of the board, after the passing of Jack.


Happy new year.



#24 timbo

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Posted 02 January 2015 - 07:29

Either on or off topic, but what of the future of Calder?

#25 Ray Bell

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Posted 02 January 2015 - 09:12

That's only ever going to be guesswork...

Beware, eccentric egomaniacs in charge!

#26 Lee Nicolle

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Posted 02 January 2015 - 23:18

That's only ever going to be guesswork...

Beware, eccentric egomaniacs in charge!

From what I here there is limited activity there. Some Drag racing and some Sprints too.

I have heard stories that they wish to have both tracks back in operation sooner than later. Drag meets are being held at AIR too. One hopes the circuit becomes available again soon too. It would be nice to have a second venue. Even if only for Sprints and practice days.

I am sure the Mexicans would like more to happen at Calder too.

#27 bigkoenn

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Posted 14 January 2015 - 02:44

Hi Guys, does anyone have any word on the original poster of this thread, Peter?

I have not heard of him in a long time.


#28 kaydee

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Posted 14 January 2015 - 06:11

Peter has been in residential care for several years now and up until recently had been relatively mobile in his wheelchair 

Peter has also found it increasingly difficult for him to use his computer and consequently has lost contact with TNF and a lot of his TNF friends.

Unfortunately his MS and recent complications have taken their toll and during the last several months Peter has been confined to his bed.

I'm sure that he would appreciate any messages from his friends and if any one wishes to contact Peter or needs me to pass on any messages please PM me.


#29 Lee Nicolle

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Posted 14 January 2015 - 06:53

Kevin, I knew that Peter had been unwell with some horrible disease for some time. Now I know what. Very sad, i know a few people early stage of that.

Say hello to him for me. He should remember me from both on here and at the racetrack and his Somerton workshop.

#30 cooper997

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Posted 15 August 2016 - 03:15

It appears Calder, like another Australian circuit opened in 1962 (Oran Park), housing is set to take over.


This appeared in Melbourne's The Age on Saturday. Refer 'End of an era'.


Calder_The_Age.jpgfree screen capture



#31 Lee Nicolle

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Posted 15 August 2016 - 03:43

That is probably why not too much has been spent there. I had heard credible stories of getting at least the road circuit and drag strip up too its heyday.

Events have been happening but fairly low key from what I understand.

Though sad to see yet another motorsport venue disapear.

What then is happening with AIR? That too has been running events fairly low key also.

Though the speedway next door has changed management with the Miller family, [Blair Athol Auto Parts] among other things] mainly Steven and Bill taking over the lease. A full season planned including 2 World Series events. Wishing them all the best,,, and no housing at AIR! Though that is all zoned motorsport.

#32 Lee Nicolle

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Posted 18 November 2020 - 01:57

That is probably why not too much has been spent there. I had heard credible stories of getting at least the road circuit and drag strip up too its heyday.

Events have been happening but fairly low key from what I understand.

Though sad to see yet another motorsport venue disapear.

What then is happening with AIR? That too has been running events fairly low key also.

Though the speedway next door has changed management with the Miller family, [Blair Athol Auto Parts] among other things] mainly Steven and Bill taking over the lease. A full season planned including 2 World Series events. Wishing them all the best,,, and no housing at AIR! Though that is all zoned motorsport.

Re reading this thread. AIR is still there and looking horribly run down.

The Millers ran a season at Speedway Pk that was not succesfull culminating with Bill dieing with his cancer came back. The funeral was at the Speedway.

Since then the place has not been used, it is for sale. Or possibly for lease. Bob Sincock of Richmond Towing owns the speedway and Jane Corp ofcourse AIR.

I have heard further rumours of rezoning. Easy to get too now though both are effectively now on a corner of Pt Wakefield Rd and the new freeway to Gawler. I suspect it would not be an ideal place to live!!

#33 Ray Bell

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Posted 18 November 2020 - 02:29

Too close to Bolivar...


Or that's how I would see it.

#34 Lee Nicolle

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Posted 18 November 2020 - 07:21

Too close to Bolivar...


Or that's how I would see it.

3 or4 km from Bolivar. Though both 0f those places are on recycled water from Bolivar, as are the markets gardens in the area

The ground water has all gone salt. Competing there you could taste the salt in the dust and bare metal went rusty fairly quick.

Edited by Lee Nicolle, 18 November 2020 - 07:23.

#35 TerryS

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Posted 18 November 2020 - 22:59

Re reading this thread. AIR is still there and looking horribly run down.

The Millers ran a season at Speedway Pk that was not succesfull culminating with Bill dieing with his cancer came back. The funeral was at the Speedway.

Since then the place has not been used, it is for sale. Or possibly for lease. Bob Sincock of Richmond Towing owns the speedway and Jane Corp ofcourse AIR.

I have heard further rumours of rezoning. Easy to get too now though both are effectively now on a corner of Pt Wakefield Rd and the new freeway to Gawler. I suspect it would not be an ideal place to live!!

Two memories of Calder:

- At an early 1970's meeting a steam train pulled up near the back straight. There was no platform so passengers had to climb down off train and then clamber down a bank.

You had to be hearty.... I don't recall how they got back on the train at the end of the day.


-   At some point it was renamed Calder Park. I don't know why as it was the most unlike place I have ever seen to be called a park.


because of uncertainty about its future I decided to check various websites and found:


1. The circuit has not been owned by Bob Jane since December 2012.


2   The new owner/s of the circuit is

     Rodney McDonald, whoever he is?



3  The circuit has had a variety of names:

     In 1982 it was Melbourne International Raceway

     In 1985 it was Keilor International Raceway

Edited by TerryS, 19 November 2020 - 09:38.

#36 Librules

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Posted 19 November 2020 - 10:04

I suspect Rodney McDonald is a joke name.  I'm pretty sure the business headed by Rodney Jane has ownership of Calder.