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SCCA USRRC race programme/results archive

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#1 NGSmith

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Posted 25 February 2007 - 18:07

Does anyone know if there is a central archive database of SCCA national and regional programs or race results for the 1960's and 1970's?

It would be nice if the old race entries, programs and Sports Car Club magazines were scanned and archived for public viewing.

I was thinking of what it would take to gather this information and construct a database. It would take a lot of collecting of information but the end result would be extremely interesting.

Any thoughts?



#2 Jerry Entin

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Posted 25 February 2007 - 20:39

Nick: I know of two people who have documented the USRRC series and are attempting to make all this information into a book. The main problem with finding information is that the SCCA was located in Westport, Conneticut at the time you seek information from. While the events in the Northeast and the Midwest were reasonably well covered by the SCCA magazine Sportscar, races in the corridor between New Mexico and Florida depended very much on the efforts of local "eager Beaver" correspondents to send in their reports. Even then, forget about complete results in most cases. Instead, in the late 50's many pages of the SCCA magazine were dedicated to the efforts of Americans racing in Europe, write-ups on teams like Ecurie Ecossee and the LeMans 24 hours, at the expense of especially, their own Regional scene.

Willem Oosthoek is in the process of accumulating the results of all SCCA events-National and Regionals in the notorious black hole, that is the South and Southeast, starting in 1957. Here is what he has to say about trying to find results of races held during this period. "To give you a flavor, in 1959 there were 37 events in the South/Southeast alone(and I am sure some were missed by me, as they did not show on the SCCA calendar) with 8 events still unknown without even the feature winner on record.

Starting with the SCCA calender in each Sportscar magazine. I found the number of cancelled events, and changes in location and dates, astounding. When these events are not reported, it makes any historical research difficult. Sometimes races pop up (thanks to newspaper clippings found in the scrapbooks of former race drivers such as Alan Connell and Ed Rahal, who were there) that boggle the mind. Case in point is the relatively obscure location of Dunnellon in Florida. The first Dunnellon Regional was held April 1958, then again in November 1958(after being moved back 2 weeks from it's original November calendar), yet none were ever reported by the SCCA or the national car magazines. Apparently the appearances of a Ferrari 315S and various other Italian exotics at Dunnellon were not worth the effort to inform it's membership. Provided the dates are correct, one can always contact the local libraries for Monday morning papers hopefully still on file, but if the dates are uncertain... Many times libraties came back to me with the message that the race did not show up in their newspapers. This meant it was cancelled, or moved to another venue not covered by the local paper, or another date.

By 1963 the SCCA made things a little easier by issuing it's Sport Car Racing Annual. a booklet listing all Nationals for 1962. No Regionals and only the top 5 or 6 positions in the Nationals. no race numbers, no engine sizes, no entrants. I have these booklets with the SCCA results of 1963, 1964, 1965 and 1966. In 1963 the professional USRRC was included ( top 3 only, plus class winners). National results werte reduced to class winners only, no Regionals. Same for 1964.

By 1965 the USRRC results were a little more extensive, top 6 or 8, at the expense of the Nationals: only the classs winners by division, then the American Road Race of Champiopns at Daytona. Same in 1966 edition, which included the top 6 in the CanAm races.

While I blame the SCCA for malfesance in covering the late 50's/early 60's era, it is clear that soon comprehensive reporting would have been impossible due to the sheer volume of events.
1962:198 SCCA -sanctioned events
And than there were of course the sportscar events sanctioned by the Cal Club and USAC."
all research provided by Willem Oosthoek

#3 NGSmith

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Posted 26 February 2007 - 01:09

Thanks Jerry,

I sort of assumed that it was very unorganized back then, . I recently got a copy of the scanned issues of Motoracing from Allen Kuhn and along with so many other tidbits of race programs and results, sports car graphic, SCCA etc. I was wondering who if any one is catalogging what is available. If William is doing this, how can we help I guess would be the question. I am sure that everyone reading this would gladly purchase a copy of such an effort if it became available. I know I have not stopped reading the Motorracing issues since I got them.


#4 Hugewally

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Posted 26 February 2007 - 05:11

Didn't the SCCA throw out a lot of records when they moved their headquarters a long time ago too?

#5 RA Historian

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Posted 26 February 2007 - 12:31

Originally posted by Hugewally
Didn't the SCCA throw out a lot of records when they moved their headquarters a long time ago too?

Don't think that is quite the phrase; perhaps "edited" might be more accurate! At any rate, Peter Hylton is thier archivist, and he is in possession of their material. I believe that he took over an unorganized garage full of material from his predecessor, and has spent several years sorting through it. He can be contacted through SCCA.

#6 humphries

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Posted 26 February 2007 - 13:17

Not wishing to be negative but I contacted Peter Hylton a couple of years ago and he wrote that very few records of Regional or Divisional racing were kept, in some parts of the USA, and some of those that were had been "lost". If he has since "found" any then I will be pleasantly surprised. To be frank the SCCA appears to have been an organisation run mainly by amateurs and for fun (fair enough!), and in the Sixties it showed as far as record keeping was concerned. The decline in the race reportage in SportsCar was symptomatic. This general laid-back approach by the SCCA, almost swamped by the growth of the sport, drove people like John Bishop to distraction and led him to form his own IMSA organisation.

#7 Terry O'Neil

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Posted 26 February 2007 - 14:56

I must unfortunately agree with you John. I have had cause to request information relating to SCCA races from the early 1950's and met with a deafening silence from Pete.
Many of the regions submitted their race records to the national body, but forgot to keep detailed copies themselves.
Of course, as time moves on fewer and fewer earlier members of the SCCA survive, and to find original material is very difficult indeed.
Does anyone know of the existance of the early 50's regional publications?

#8 grimeheel

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Posted 26 February 2007 - 20:21

My name is Mike Martin and I'm currently finishing up a book about the history of the USRRC series.

A central database is a nice pie in the sky idea. It has taken me 17 years to collect race results and data, race programs, entry lists, car numbers, fastest qualifiers, fastest race laps, starting grids and times, and I'm still missing some of these. If any of you reading this are curious and would like to add to the data I need please send me an email (grimheel@whidbey.com) and I will reply with my want list.

If anyone sets up a database like you suggest I'm sure it would be a commercial venture because it would take years, or a staff, to do all the scanning, computer work, and website maintenance. Plus it would take a significant financial outlay to buy the computer hardware, or the use of an ISP's hardware and service.

I believe at one time the SCCA did have details of the USRRC, and probably a lot of other/earlier races, however sometime in the late 60's, or early 70's there was a fire at the National Office and most of these records were lost in the fire.

#9 grimeheel

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Posted 26 February 2007 - 21:05

Regarding Terry O'Neill's question about early SCCA regional publications:

These are rather difficult to come by. I do know that the Chicago Region's Piston Patter had an August 1951 issue. I don't know if there are earlier issues. Also, Pit Talk from the the New England Region, and publications from the Philadelphia and West New York regions date back to the early 50's. On the West Coast the California Sports Car Club's magazine and The Wheel from the San Francisco region have been around since the mid 50's. Up here, in the Northwest the Puget Sound Sports Car Club's magazine started in March of 1960 (I have the first 13 issues) and Northwest Motorsport and Rod News started in 1961 (I have a spotty collection of 1962 thru 1968). I'm sure there are more these are just the ones I'm familiar with.

I think most of these are still "around", in the hands of oldtimers from the various regions. It would be nice to have these available. The task of collecting these is something else again.

#10 Doug Nye

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Posted 26 February 2007 - 21:15

Back in the 1970s SCCA was not quite in such a muddle as it evidently has become since. They once sent me a set of USRRC results bulletins, complete down to the home town of each driver/entrant, and so on. When I get time, I will scan these, and post them here - if I can get a grip on the technology to do so.

But I have NOT got the time to do that right now. If anyone wants the answer to a specific question based on this material I might be able to respond.


#11 HDonaldCapps

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Posted 26 February 2007 - 22:00

Originally posted by Doug Nye
Back in the 1970s SCCA was not quite in such a muddle as it evidently has become since. They once sent me a set of USRRC results bulletins, complete down to the home town of each driver/entrant, and so on. When I get time, I will scan these, and post them here - if I can get a grip on the technology to do so.

But I have NOT got the time to do that right now. If anyone wants the answer to a specific question based on this material I might be able to respond.


Gee, sounds like a good reason for me to come over and be of some use....

#12 NGSmith

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Posted 26 February 2007 - 23:10

Originally posted by grimeheel

My name is Mike Martin and I'm currently finishing up a book about the history of the USRRC series.

A central database is a nice pie in the sky idea...

Mike, I was not suggesting that it would be an easy or even do-able task. I certainly know the level of effort required to uncover the inforamtion and have an appreciation that much of it is lost. The beauty of this forum is that it spurs the ideas and uncovers much of the lost memories that can only add to those known to exist. As we have already seen, there are a lot of people ready to take on some of the legwork required to gather, scan, reformat and distribute. I am amazed at the amount of effort some of the regulars here already do. Organizing these resources can possibly bring the years that it takes to a reasonable period and maybe we could use the information in our lifetime. While I am not in a retired position or have a lot of extra time, I would glady be willing to do what I can and also to pay for the results when published.

You mention you are close to finishing your book. Give us more details of what it entails and when you will publish it.


#13 grimeheel

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Posted 27 February 2007 - 01:17

Nick, it's nice to see the support the folks on this forum give to each other. I definitely think your idea is doable, just expensive and time-consuming.

My book is just a basic history of the USRRC series, how it started, race stories, introductions and summaries for year, epilogue, results of each race, tables for championship points, pole positions, fastest race laps, winning speeds, drivers and races entered, and about 300 to 400 photos.

I have written the race reports, created the results tables, most of the other tables, and have about 125 photos. Right now I am working on the Introductions and Summaries for each year and getting more photos.

I hope to find: the pole position times for 6 races, 13 fastest race lap times, 3 race programs and entry lists (1964 Augusta, 65 Pensacola, and 68 Mexico City), 31 starting grids, and 81 car numbers from various races, before I'm done.

Thanks for asking.

#14 HDonaldCapps

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Posted 27 February 2007 - 01:49


I have some of this as does my friend Bill Green at the IMRRC. Probably much of the same plowed ground, but you never know....

Until I got diverted for nearly two years with another adventure in exotic places, I was in the closing stages of putting together my look at the USRRC series. Obviously not quite the job you are finishing up, just something a little less grand for my own amusement.


#15 Lotus23

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Posted 27 February 2007 - 03:05

Having run SCCA Divisionals and Nationals in the 63-66 timeframe, I cannot recall any major effort expended on keeping long-term records by anyone involved.

The tenor of the times was to live for the moment, and there was little thought -- and less work -- given to historical matters. I've always been something of a pack-rat, yet I have precious little saved from that era. I can't remember any detailed entry lists; you often figured out who was running that weekend by seeing them in the paddock when you arrived.

grimeheel, our TNF friend Historic Mustang is the expert on Augusta 64. I crewed on my buddy's 904 at Pensacola 65 -- will see what I can dig out (literally).

#16 Jerry Entin

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Posted 27 February 2007 - 03:33

I have had the pleasure of reading Mike Martin's race report on the 1968 Kent USRRC race. I will say it was very well done and very correct in his thoughts.

#17 NGSmith

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Posted 27 February 2007 - 03:50

Yes, this is what I was talking about! The little bits of info that can add to the efforts already acheived are the missing peices that we all can share. I am sure if you post specific needs that someone will come up with more. Surely you have already done this in the past if you have been working on it for 17 years but you never know who is reading this now and what we may dig up from programs or magazines and such.

Thanks for your efforts and I look forward to seeing your results.


#18 NGSmith

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Posted 27 February 2007 - 04:03

Originally posted by Lotus23
Having run SCCA Divisionals and Nationals in the 63-66 timeframe, I cannot recall any major effort expended on keeping long-term records by anyone involved.

The tenor of the times was to live for the moment, and there was little thought -- and less work -- given to historical matters. I've always been something of a pack-rat, yet I have precious little saved from that era. I can't remember any detailed entry lists; you often figured out who was running that weekend by seeing them in the paddock when you arrived.

grimeheel, our TNF friend Historic Mustang is the expert on Augusta 64. I crewed on my buddy's 904 at Pensacola 65 -- will see what I can dig out (literally).

Lotus 23,

I looked at the site from Historic Mustang & Augusta. Very informative. Thanks for the tip.

Do you have a Lotus 23?



#19 Jerry Entin

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Posted 27 February 2007 - 04:56

Nick: Bob Norton a race historian and ex college teacher had attempted to put all of Competition Press and MotoRacing Magazine on the net for free. He also had cd's with the results on them. Much to the loss of motor racing historians everywhere Bob Norton suddenly passed away. His effort may still be on the net. How long it will stay up I have no idea.
These are Bob Norton's own words on what he was attempting to do:
" I'm a happily retired former aerospace & automotive engineer(26 years at JPL), and am delighted to be able to apply my capabilities and equipment to archiving some of this great old stuff from the earlier days. I completed MotoRacing some time ago. I'd rather just post these scans on the internet, but the current internet just isn't fast enough. Perhaps in another decade it will be."
As I have said Bob Norton passing was a great loss to motor racing historians


#20 humphries

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Posted 27 February 2007 - 10:30


What sad news. I was thinking of writing to Bob and enquiring about whether he had managed to locate a run of Competition Press 1965-1966, a period that saw big advances in the SCCA's professional series but coincided with a decline in the reportage of amateur events in both Sportscar and Sports Car Graphic which I had enjoyed reading. Obscure events like the Ponca City Grand Prix held a fascination for me although they were usually just another race at a makeshift circuit on airport runways. Finding out about these races is still an objective. My elder sister provided me with a wonderful birthday present once, just once, back in '60, a book called "A Guide to American Sports Car Racing " by William S. Stone and I 've been hooked ever since.

Like I said, what sad news but thanks a lot Bob Norton; your contribution is greatly appreciated.


#21 RA Historian

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Posted 27 February 2007 - 13:17

Originally posted by humphries
Obscure events like the Ponca City Grand Prix held a fascination for me although they were usually just another race at a makeshift circuit on airport runways. Finding out about these races is still an objective.

John, for what it is worth, the latest issue of Sports Car has another of Peter Hylton's articles on lost race tracks. This concentrates on the US Southwest, and Ponca City is one of those featured. No race results, mind you, but a then and now story.

#22 HiRich

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Posted 27 February 2007 - 13:43

I'm shocked to hear that Bob passed away. His work in publishing the raw material (and I believe he sought copyright permission for his work) was a huge task, greatly appreciated. It assisted me enormously in scavenging information in my field (500cc F3).

I was spoddish enough to download a complete set, so at least it's not lost forever. But the packages I know of are:

Motor Sport World
A fortnightly Californian magazine, 1951-1952 (complete set, 73 issues)
Still available at:

A Southern Californian magazine, published fortnightly from 21st October 1955 until 17th January 1964 (complete set)
Still available at:

Competition Press
A fortnightly magazine (weekly from September 1965), with national coverage, published from 16th July 1958 onwards, until at least 1970. Bob's run is near complete up to 1967, very patchy thereafter.
Still available at:

West Coast Sports Car Journal
The monthly magazine of the California Sports Car Club, published from February 1955. Bob has a good selection up until 1957, and just a couple of copies beyond.
Still available at:

SCCA National Newsletter
A bi-monthly insert to the SCCA magazine, including results and decisions. Bob's run is complete from May 1952 until March 1958 (presumably it continued beyond there).
This package does not appear to be available any longer.

Whilst hard work to read, a combination of the pdf format and 1950s typesetting standards, they are informative and fascinating (including random items like the first Snell tests on helmets, the interest in European racing, and the arrival of a young Mexican kid by the name of Ricardo Rodriguez). Well worth laying your hands on whie you can. I'll supply copies on request once the masters come down (full sets will have to wait until I add a DVD writer)

I've also prepared "Reader's Digest" transcriptions of the 500 F3 references should anyone want them - at least saves you eye strain.

#23 Seppi_0_917PA

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Posted 27 February 2007 - 15:10

Originally posted by Jerry Entin
Nick: Bob Norton a race historian and ex college teacher had attempted to put all of Competition Press and MotoRacing Magazine on the net for free. He also had cd's with the results on them. Much to the loss of motor racing historians everywhere Bob Norton suddenly passed away.

Sad news, my condolences to his friends and family. I had noticed that his daily uploads of Competition Press stopped (Nov 5, 2006), I've been wondering why...

Some of Bob's photos can be found here:

He posted on TNF as rlnorton:

#24 Jerry Entin

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Posted 27 February 2007 - 15:13

I had a collection of all the Competition Press editions from the early 70's that I gave Bob Norton. He quickly went about putting them on a CD. He was most greatfull and a great guy. This is from Willem Oosthoek: " The trouble with MotoRacing is that it was a California magazine, not too many Regionals outside of the Golden State were covered. Competition Press started in 1958, but it took a while to get up to speed on Regional SCCA events. Sports Car Graphic did not start until mid 1961."
And thank you very much HiRich for listing the links to Bob Norton's work. He is missed greatly at the monthly Burbank breakfast meetings held at the Coral Cafe on Burbank Blvd. and hosted by David Scully.
Thank you also Seppi for listing Bob Norton's sites.

#25 HDonaldCapps

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Posted 27 February 2007 - 15:46

The point is that were it not for the pack rats among us, much more would be missing than there already is.

This is also a reason for supporting a place such as the IMRRC. I have often found the missing issues from those in my personal files and then other items I had forgotten about or never realized existed. Then, there is always Bill Green with his knowledge which spans an amazing number of topics.

What makes Mike's USRRC history so interesting is that it says something quite loud and clear about the continued state of American racing history.

I was more than a bit dismayed about the loss of Bob Norton since it meant that another one of our group passed from our midst....

#26 grimeheel

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Posted 27 February 2007 - 19:44

Yep, Historic Mustang sent me a couple of links that are really good.

Hey Jerry, thanks for the nice words about my 68 Kent report.

Lotus 23, I would appreciate any info you have on the '65 Pensacola race (a starting grid with times, a program or entry list?) Who was your buddy (Peter Gregg, Charlie Kolb, Ted Tidwell, or George Drolsom)?

I'm a bit new to this forum stuff. Can I upload an M/S Excel file here? I have about 150 bits of information I'm looking for and am reluctant to chew up space and bore you all with it. I will do it if a couple of you say yes and if uploading Excel is possible. If a couple say yes and uploading is not possible I will do it a section at a time.

I don't plan to comment in my book about the state of American sports car racing history. I just want to give a history of the series and let folks have or make up their own views.

My thanks to Seppi and HiRich for posting the links to Bob Nortons work.

#27 Hse289

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Posted 27 February 2007 - 22:03

Sad to hear about Bob Norton, he was very helpful to me in my questions about Ken Miles and other nostalgia. Nice guy. :(

#28 AU1000S

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Posted 28 February 2007 - 00:03

There is a huge amount of history on the races held at Virginia International Raceway in Danville Va. from 1957 to 1974 compiled by Nick England over the past several years. SCCA, motorcycles and all are at www.virhistory.com . I started my bike racing career there in '74 , the last year before it closed. It has now been (2000) totally made over into a world class Motorsorts country club. The Gold Cup 50th anniversary Historic races are in early June...be there..... Phil Friday

#29 Lotus23

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Posted 28 February 2007 - 00:49

Nick, I was the owner/driver of Lotus 23 chassis #23-S-28 many moons ago. Sold her when I went to Vietnam in 67 -- seemed like a good idea at the time...

grimeheel, Ted Tidwell has been a good buddy for nearly 45 years now. He lives a few miles away and we still stay in close touch.

#30 grimeheel

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Posted 28 February 2007 - 01:31

Lotus 23,

In 1963 and 64 did you ever race against T.A. Rees or T.J. Kelly? If so, what are their first names, or the names they are commonly known as?

#31 RAP

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Posted 28 February 2007 - 08:57

HiRich - please see your PM re your offer on 500 races.
Thanks RAP

#32 Allen Brown

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Posted 28 February 2007 - 10:14

I am really sorry to hear about Bob's passing. What he was doing for the historic community was of huge value.

I would be happy to host the material he had published and continue to make it freely available. I don't know how long box.net will preserve it and I would suggest that we don't all start downloading it or that might trip some threshold on their servers.

If anyone has already downloaded the material, could they contact me at allen@oldracingcars.com and I'll make arrangements to host it all through a new site. The site will be dedicated to Bob's memory and will be separate to OldRacingCars.com as I would wish to be appearing to take credit for someone else's hard work.


#33 Jerry Entin

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Posted 28 February 2007 - 16:50

Allen to have Bob Norton's work on the net for all to see was his wish. You hosting a site to keep his work up would be fantastic. You deserve credit for preserving his memory. He was a ture race historian. Dr. David Scully has told me he believes Bob passed away suddenly and unexpectedly from the results of having an infection related to having a prostate biopsy.

#34 NGSmith

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Posted 28 February 2007 - 17:52

I also thank everyone here. This site and it's members continue to provide such an amazing amount of resources.


#35 Lotus23

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Posted 28 February 2007 - 22:45

grimeheel, T.J. Kelly always preferred to be called just that -- and still does. I'd known him for some time before I learned his full name: Thomas Jervis Kelly. He's had "M.D." suffixed to it since 64.

Rees rings a bell, but only vaguely. Can't recall anything more about him.

The practice of using one's initials in this fashion is not unheard of in the American South. A.J. Foyt is probably a good example.

#36 raceannouncer2003

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Posted 01 March 2007 - 00:22


T.A. Rees...I have his first name as Tom...raced Austin Healey, MGA 1600, Lotus Elite...was from Portland, Oregon

Also very sorry to hear about Bob Norton. I wish I could have met him in person to thank him for his work. We seem to be a "band of brothers" (and sisters!), many faceless!

Vince Howlett, Victoria, B.C., Canada

#37 grimeheel

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Posted 01 March 2007 - 21:01

Lotus 23 and Vince,

Thanks so much for the info.

Does anyone have, or know of anyone who has, the race programs for the 1964 Augusta, 1965 Pensacola, or 1968 Mexico City USRRC races? I would like to get a color jpg scan of the program covers and if possible photocopies of each page with photos, entry list, and info about the races, cars, and drivers.

I also need the numbers of laps completed by all drivers, except the first 3, in the 1964 Mid-Ohio manufacturers race.

#38 grimeheel

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Posted 03 March 2007 - 00:28

Here are some more pieces of USRRC information I hope to find.

Does anyone have the starting grid for the 1964 Laguna Seca manufacturers and drivers races. The timing equipment broke during qualifying. They knew something was wrong when an MG-B set a new outright course record. The timing crew asked each team to turn in their driver's best lap time. I know that Bob Holbert was on the pole. Do any of you know the rest of the driver's race grid, and/or the grid for the manufacturers race?

Does anyone know Dave MacDonald's pole winning time for the 1963 Pensacola manufacturers race?
How about Bob Holbert's pole winning time for the '63 Mid-Ohio manufacturers race?
Or Ken Miles' pole winning time for the 1964 Pensacola race?
And name of pole winner and their time for the '64 Mid-Ohio manufacturers race?

Fastest Race Laps are another item that has been hard to track down. I have checked Competition Press, Sports Car, Sports Car Graphic, Motor Sport International, US Autosports, records at Road America, and timing reports from Watkins Glen.

This first batch are races for which I found the name of the person setting the fastest lap but I would really like to know their time around the course:
1964 Augusta drivers race Jim Hall
1964 Greenwood Hap Sharp
1965 Riverside drivers race Hap Sharp
1966 Stardust Buck Fulp

The following races I would like to find out who set the fastest lap and their time:
1963 Daytona
1963 Pacific Raceways manufacturers race
1964 Laguna Seca drivers race (yes, the timing equip. was fixed for the race)
1964 Augusta manufacturers race
1964 Meadowdale manuf. race
1964 Pacific Raceways manuf. race
1965 Riverside manuf. race
1965 Continental Divide
1966 Pacific Raceways

Good Luck. I do have the fastest race lap times for all the other races.
And Thanks in advance.

#39 raceannouncer2003

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Posted 04 March 2007 - 06:20

A friend just alerted me to this...it should maybe be in the YouTube section, but I thought it would fit here too. About four minutes of footage of the 1963 USRRC at Pacific Raceways, Kent, Washington. Plus, I believe the last minute is footage of the Northwest GP, held later in the year. The USRRC was won by Rodriguez in the red Genie...the last minute has many of the same cars in the Northwest GP, but Gurney is leading the early laps in another Genie.

I also have a tape with more footage of the '62 and '63 Northwest GP's.

Vince H.


#40 grimeheel

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Posted 05 March 2007 - 02:26

Thanks for posting the YouTube of the '63 USRRC at Pacific Raceways. The first minute or so looks to be the manufacturers race, followed by a couple of minutes of the drivers race, then the Northwest GP. The quality is not very good, but it sounds like whoever posted it is going to try and clean it up and repost.

#41 raceannouncer2003

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Posted 05 March 2007 - 04:27

Yes, the manufacturers race...Gammino's and Crane's Ferrari GTO's were the first ones I had seen, and I remember swooning! And we saw something like 25 of them at Monterey in 2004 ("Oh no, not another GTO!") I still think they are one of the prettiest cars ever.

Vince H.

#42 grimeheel

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Posted 28 March 2007 - 15:12

Does anyone here have a copy of the program for the 1968 race at Mexico City? I would like to get a nice color scan of the program cover for use in my book.

#43 HistoricMustang

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Posted 07 April 2007 - 01:50

Originally posted by grimeheel
Lotus 23,

In 1963 and 64 did you ever race against T.A. Rees or T.J. Kelly? If so, what are their first names, or the names they are commonly known as?

Sorry for the delay in catching up with this thread.

Hopefully, this link will work for a modern day photograph of Dr. T.J. Kelly.



#44 grimeheel

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Posted 09 April 2007 - 19:32

Thanks for the recent photo of Dr. Kelly. He was the only person to score a point for Morgan in all of the USRRC Manufacturer's Championship races.

In keeping with the Augusta theme, please let me know if you, or any other TNFers, have or know where to find the following information about the 1964 USRRC races at Augusta:

Who set the fastest race laps during the Drivers and Manufacturers races and what were their lap times?

What were the qualifying times for T.J. Kelly, Bill Floyd, and George Parsons, for the Manufacturers race?

What were the qualifying times for Ken Miles, Bud Clusserath, Charlie Kolb, Anson Johnson, Dick Macon, Bob Ward, Bill Floyd, and Wilbur Morgan, for the Drivers race?

What was Bill Malion's race number for the Drivers race?

#45 grimeheel

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Posted 09 April 2007 - 20:27

Whoops. Regarding my last post: I need George Parsons' race number for his Austin Healey Sprite at the Augusta Manufacturers race, not Bill Malion's number.

However I do need Bill Malion's race number for the 1963 Mid-Ohio Drivers race. He drove an Elva Mk 6 and DNF'd after 24 laps.

#46 HistoricMustang

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Posted 09 April 2007 - 22:21

Originally posted by grimeheel
Thanks for the recent photo of Dr. Kelly. He was the only person to score a point for Morgan in all of the USRRC Manufacturer's Championship races.

In keeping with the Augusta theme, please let me know if you, or any other TNFers, have or know where to find the following information about the 1964 USRRC races at Augusta:

Who set the fastest race laps during the Drivers and Manufacturers races and what were their lap times?

What were the qualifying times for T.J. Kelly, Bill Floyd, and George Parsons, for the Manufacturers race?

What were the qualifying times for Ken Miles, Bud Clusserath, Charlie Kolb, Anson Johnson, Dick Macon, Bob Ward, Bill Floyd, and Wilbur Morgan, for the Drivers race?

What was Bill Malion's race number for the Drivers race?

AIRPS would also like to fill these gaps!

Others that perhaps would like to see race program from the USRRC March 1, 1964 event:


Caution for members using dial - up. This is a large file.


#47 Hugewally

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Posted 10 April 2007 - 00:16

Henry, it that the whole 'program'?

#48 HistoricMustang

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Posted 10 April 2007 - 09:20

Originally posted by Hugewally
Henry, it that the whole 'program'?

This is the only "program" we have been able to document for the 1964 Augusta event.

This "dash plaque" has also surfaced. Were these plaques a normal activity from the SCCA events?


Posted Image

#49 Hugewally

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Posted 10 April 2007 - 13:04

Dash plaques were very common for the competitors.

#50 Frank S

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Posted 11 April 2007 - 03:29

In Southern California, other participants as well:

Posted Image

Beyond the joy and satisfaction of being a contributor, what you got for your efforts as a worker was a dashplaque, a sack lunch, and (rarely) a program.

Frank S