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#1 Indian Chief

Indian Chief
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Posted 18 January 2000 - 16:28

I have tried to read as much as possible about the political wars in the '70s and '80s but I still haven't quite understood a few things -
1. What was FISA? Whom did it represent?
2. What was the FIA's role? On whose side (FISA or FOCA) was the FIA?
3. What was the CSI's role in F1? Why doesn't it exist now?
I hope someone can explain.


#2 Ray Bell

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Posted 18 January 2000 - 08:39

Let's see if we can get this right:
FIA - Federation International de l'Automobile - the International body over all motoring clubs. RAC, that sort of thing.
FISA - The sporting arm of the FIA - Federation International Sport l'Automobile (brother, I hope nobody quotes my French here!). From memory, it branched off in the early sixties, but it may have existed sooner. Still tied to the FIA, however.
FOCA - Formula One Constructor's Association. The builders of the cars ganging together to ensure that the FIA and FISA don't give them a hard time.
CSI - Commission Sportive International. I really don't remember, but maybe that was the predecessor of FISA. It was also part of the FIA.
Essentially, the rules are written by and enforced by FISA and CSI, with ever-growing interference from FOCA. I hope I've conveyed the right message there.

#3 Don Capps

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Posted 19 January 2000 - 00:55

I am planning on wading into this tar baby in the near future in a Rear View Vision column and attempt to sort out the bodies, etc., and generally try to discuss it since it has a huge bearing on the current product.

However, should anyone wish to provide thoughts on the topic, I would be a happy camper to incorporate and credit said Scribe in the articles.

Yr fthfl & hmbl srvnt,

Don Capps

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