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Scuderia Toro Rosso 2008 - Vettel v Bourdais

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#1 MortenF1

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Posted 10 August 2007 - 12:30

Finally this years worst kept secret in F1 has been announced; Bourdais will drive for STR in 2008 (and beyond?), which means the sister Red Bull team has now got two drivers that are both labeled as "talented" and "promising".

-Bourdais is the one that ticks the box "experienced", 'cause at 28 he does have substantial racing experience, even if his running in F1 cars have been limited to a handful of tests, three relatively recently for STR.
-Vettel ticks the box "promising newcomer" and he's held in high regard by BMW's Mario Theissen, and he's not one to sling the superlatives around too loosely. (Obviously Berger rates Vettel too.)

Vettel is as we all know, in the car already, so it will be very interesting to see how he'll match up to Liuzzi given more time, but he wasn't far behind in Hungary - basically matching him I think, in the race.

Bourdais was said to be as quick as Liuzzi when he did one of his test-runs (I wonder if it was at the first one already...?), so we have a vague sign saying that Vettel and Bourdais' potential is similar.
(Then again perhaps they said he was matching their regular drivers' times just to undermine Speed/Liuzzi? well, well, let's stay clear of that discussion in this thread, OK?)
But who do you think is the quicker of the two? I'm thinking Bourdais. I think he'll prove quicker and better overall than Vettel. His work-ethic is also praised a lot, so he should be able to progress even further with his crew of engineers, and perhaps also be the one to lead the team.

Anyway, a very interesting driver pairing for STR next year, and one that should be very good.
I'm looking forward to it!

: the thread title didn't come out as I wanted it to... :mad: Some good samaritan among the mods please help!


#2 le chat noir

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Posted 10 August 2007 - 12:37

I think seb will prove the faster :p

#3 Youichi

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Posted 10 August 2007 - 12:51

Originally posted by le chat noir
I think seb will prove the faster :p

Hehe sneaky :rotfl:

I think that Vettel will prove marginally faster over the year, but Bordais will have marginally better race results, but that fans of both sides will argue black is white, regardless of the facts....

#4 jaisli

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Posted 10 August 2007 - 13:00

I suppose I'm stating the obvious, but I expect Vettel to out qualify Bourdais, 2 to 1, but expect Bourdais to end up ahead of Vettel in the races over the course of the season. That said, considering STR's current level of performance, one or two lucky placed finishes by either driver could put one or the other ahead for the season and skew the stats of their non-points finishing order.

Of course, one or two poor showings by either driver might lead to a physical ass whooping courtesy of STR management. And if that isn't an incentive to perform, I don't know what is.

#5 LukeM

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Posted 10 August 2007 - 13:24

i think STR need to start getting there **** together as a team/car before they think that having these 2 drivers will magically boost them up the grid... The way they have treated speed and liuzzi has been disgusting.

#6 noikeee

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Posted 10 August 2007 - 13:27

I think if Bourdais fails to dominate Vettel, despite next season he'll technically be the rookie, his hopes of still getting a great F1 career will be over. But I guess it's worth a try.

#7 carbonfibre

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Posted 10 August 2007 - 14:01

Not quite sure yet, i think Bourdais will impress occasionaly but if he can hold back Vettel im not sure. If Bourdais does well then he could end up at Ferrari with his manager nicolas todt ofcourse.

But i think Bourdais will have a hard time, if he doesnt impress it's down to him not to the team. People like schumacher, alonso etc could all impress at their lowgrid teams and that never changes.


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Posted 10 August 2007 - 14:08

Bourdais will dominate in development, setup, race craft, and on the more technical tracks. He will have better race results. Vettel will have the occasional splash in qualifying but will score fewer points than Bourdais. Neither will be shown to be exceptional talents.

The car's reliability will improve because Berger / Tost have what they want. B/T will suddenly find the funds (N. Todt) for testing and development. They will suddenly have the personal interest to actually participate in the running of a Grand Prix team rather than hanging about slamming young men, who through no fault of their own, were: (a) not "correct personalities for Austrian F1 management" and (b) did not have Todt and Theissen as managers and sources of funding.

The team will be renamed "Scuderia Seabass Squared".

I wish the grunts (techs and engineers) on the team well.

#9 glorius&victorius

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Posted 10 August 2007 - 14:29

The confusion could lead to hilarious moments on the pitwall :lol:

#10 magicalonso

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Posted 10 August 2007 - 17:07

This does not answer the question, but it is very nice to see the jokes are finally getting the shaft (Liuzzi, Speed) and being replaced by some talented drivers - even though I'm not too impressed by Vettel.
I know that Liuzzi dominated F3000 in 2004, but he has spent two years proving to everyone that he is never going to cut it while the much-criticzed veterans (Ralf, DC, Trulli, Sato etc...) are at least showing glimpes here and there and deserve to stay. In my opinion Liuzzi is useless as a F1 driver and I hope he doesn't find another team to stay in F1.

#11 Dudley

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Posted 10 August 2007 - 18:50

Originally posted by LukeM
i think STR need to start getting there **** together as a team/car before they think that having these 2 drivers will magically boost them up the grid... The way they have treated speed and liuzzi has been disgusting.

The speed who was a dick from the start and the tonio that, much as I like him, crashes every 2nd lap?

#12 Ved

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Posted 10 August 2007 - 18:54

Originally posted by Dudley

The speed who was a dick from the start and the tonio that, much as I like him, crashes every 2nd lap?

Get off your Minardi high horse.

#13 Dmitriy_Guller

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Posted 10 August 2007 - 23:27

I think Bourdais would fare much like da Matta.

#14 IOU 16

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Posted 11 August 2007 - 00:14

da Matta was with Toyota. That team will never go anywhere and sucked worse when Cristiano was there.

Bourdais will be the guy over Vettel.

#15 Dmitriy_Guller

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Posted 11 August 2007 - 01:04

Originally posted by IOU 16
da Matta was with Toyota. That team will never go anywhere and sucked worse when Cristiano was there.

Bourdais will be the guy over Vettel.

Toro Rosso doesn't exactly look poised to fight for wins either.

#16 LukeM

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Posted 11 August 2007 - 04:14

Originally posted by Dudley

The speed who was a dick from the start and the tonio that, much as I like him, crashes every 2nd lap?

speed and liuzzi had there share of good races but obviously with a terrible car they couldnt get any points ie speed at monaco

and on what evidence did you say that speed was a dick? i think it was the other way around

#17 V8 Fireworks

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Posted 11 August 2007 - 07:09

It provides an interesting hyped comparison indeed, however if they both get their butts whooped by MW and DC it means both Vettel and Bourdais are crap. :wave:

Liuzzi and Speed are very much under-rated and will make valuable additions elsewhere in the field in a racing, testing or CFD programming capacity :up: .

#18 V8 Fireworks

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Posted 11 August 2007 - 07:11

Originally posted by LukeM
i think STR need to start getting there **** together as a team/car before they think that having these 2 drivers will magically boost them up the grid... The way they have treated speed and liuzzi has been disgusting.

Vettel and Bourdais can still have a great battle with magnificent p15 qualifying battle and zero championship points for either, can't they? There is plently of drama and passion in that isn't there! :up:

#19 j madra

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Posted 11 August 2007 - 07:27

This is what I like about Bourdais...he's a guy that will race anything. This past year we saw him race in Lemans and some crazy race-of-champions event in Europe as well as his "real job" with NHL...and he took those events seriously and looked like he loved every minute of it.

I have no doubt that his work ethic (plus his talent) will serve him well in F1.


#20 peroa

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Posted 11 August 2007 - 07:51

So after Liuzzi and Speed gone, when will Marko be fired.
After all he spent several millions of RB money on a project that proofed to be a failure.

#21 Visionz

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Posted 11 August 2007 - 09:35

Originally posted by peroa
So after Liuzzi and Speed gone, when will Marko be fired.
After all he spent several millions of RB money on a project that proofed to be a failure.

If Vettel and Bourdais prove themselves no better, then I guess he wont be fired.
I`d have a good laugh if STR will do next year equal to this year with the new driver line-up.

Offtopic: does anyone have a clue where Speed and Liuzzi are going to be next year?

#22 FonzCam

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Posted 11 August 2007 - 10:09

Well there's sure to be a lot of competition for the NHLR seat that Bourdais has vacated. Red Bull may even make Liuzzi an offer like they did with Klein to sponsor a move the the US.

#23 Juan Kerr

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Posted 11 August 2007 - 10:47

Bourdais can definitely deliver under pressure, he can win races from the front and from the back and score pole positions right when it matters and when the heat is on. To be fair to Sebastien Bourdais there's some strong F1 drivers who have come and gone in his time in Champcars and he's always looked as fast or faster, this year again with new chassis and a more level playing field he has shone through.
He has a better background to Vettel who maybe just a quick learning playstation driver not necessarily an amazing new talent, in that respect I prefer Nico Hulkenberg. Vettel has experience of a faster F1 car which is probably easier to drive than the Toro Rosso anyway.
I wish Bourdais luck and I hope the car is fast enough for him and the results aren't dominated by technical issues like it has been with Liuzzi and Speed.
Tonio and Scott are very talented and their careers are now ruined, that needs to be considered and also the fact the team is run by an F1 driver which is never good, I think Eddie Jordan should run it.
Allmendinger is the only one who impressed me more than Bourdais in champcars based on raw speed.

#24 DLaw

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Posted 11 August 2007 - 14:46

I mean who cares?


#25 dr funkenstein

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Posted 11 August 2007 - 15:03

My guess is that Bourdais will prove the faster initially, and will definitively be faster in the races, but Vettel will improve enormously over the season and will cause Bourdais some embarassment a couple of times at least. After all, Bourdais has been racing powerful machinery for ages now, and Vettel is what? 10 years old? 11 at the most.... ;)

Anyway, there is, however, something I don't understand. Why would Bourdais want to go to STR? I understand it in the case of Vettel because it's his big break into F1 and he's in more or less the same situation as Alonso in Minardi in 2001: if he impresses, it'll be him who is great, but if he fails miserably, it'll be understandable because the car is a brick. But Bourdais? Why go from winning three championships in the top team to going to the back of a different grid? I can understand that it would be interesting as a challenge and all that stuff, but come on, STR is hardly setting the world on fire, and I very much doubt it will before Bourdais retires. I find it's a big pitty, because I really like his driving and I would hate to see him systematically lapped at every GP.

#26 Tmeranda

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Posted 11 August 2007 - 15:28

Seabass really didn't have anywhere else to go. He has proved everything there is to be proved in Champ cars, and Nascar really hasn't been kind to open wheel drivers in the short term. Going to STR will answer his life time dream of F1, and if he does good then there might be a chance to move up to a better team. To bad he was kept out of Renault for so long. I think he could have really done something there.

#27 dr funkenstein

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Posted 11 August 2007 - 15:34

Originally posted by Tmeranda
Seabass really didn't have anywhere else to go. He has proved everything there is to be proved in Champ cars, and Nascar really hasn't been kind to open wheel drivers in the short term. Going to STR will answer his life time dream of F1, and if he does good then there might be a chance to move up to a better team. To bad he was kept out of Renault for so long. I think he could have really done something there.

I totally agree. However, Bourdais and Renault would have been just perfect. Kick Fisichella out (sorry for Fisichella fans, but he's past it) and have Kovalainen and Bourdais! Perfect!

Anyway, it's not going to happen, so it's better not to waste too much thinking time about it. Thinking time is already too much of a precious comodity in my case.... :lol:

#28 MortenF1

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Posted 11 August 2007 - 15:35

I totally fail to understand why people question why Bourdais signed for STR! As carbonfibre and others have said; if he's made of the right stuff he'll be recognised and maybe be picked up by one of the front-running teams. Then he'll surely have fun racing anywhere he'll find himself on the grid, 'cause he'll be up against the best drivers in the world.

To expand a little on how I see the intra team battle going at STR next year, I can say that while I think Bourdais will pick the longest straw, Vettel wont be far behind. These two should push each other.

#29 dr funkenstein

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Posted 11 August 2007 - 15:42

Originally posted by race addicted
I totally fail to understand why people question why Bourdais signed for STR! As carbonfibre and others have said; if he's made of the right stuff he'll be recognised and maybe be picked up by one of the front-running teams. Then he'll surely have fun racing anywhere he'll find himself on the grid, 'cause he'll be up against the best drivers in the world.

Sure, in theory that should work, but he's already 28 (I think that's what someone said previously in the thread), so if he's to impress someone, he should be quick about it. I think he's only got 3 or 4 years at the most, and after that it'll be hard to beat people like Vettel, Hamilton or Kovalainen.

#30 carbonfibre

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Posted 11 August 2007 - 15:46

Originally posted by race addicted
I totally fail to understand why people question why Bourdais signed for STR! As carbonfibre and others have said; if he's made of the right stuff he'll be recognised and maybe be picked up by one of the front-running teams. Then he'll surely have fun racing anywhere he'll find himself on the grid, 'cause he'll be up against the best drivers in the world.

To expand a little on how I see the intra team battle going at STR next year, I can say that while I think Bourdais will pick the longest straw, Vettel wont be far behind. These two should push each other.

Exactly, especially if you know his manager is a certain Nicolas Todt we all know what might happen if he does indeed prove to be very good..

#31 Juan Kerr

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Posted 11 August 2007 - 22:19

Originally posted by carbonfibre
Exactly, especially if you know his manager is a certain Nicolas Todt we all know what might happen if he does indeed prove to be very good..

Massa wasn't very good when he got the drive at Ferrari. Its not what you know its who you know as they say.
Its so hard to get up the grid these days on merit its much harder than in the past. Massa didn't drive his way up the grid, don't get me wrong I think he's really good actually but who else is there out there given the chance ?

#32 V8 Fireworks

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Posted 13 August 2007 - 12:55

Originally posted by Juan Kerr
To be fair to Sebastien Bourdais there's some strong F1 drivers who have come and gone in his time in Champcars and he's always looked as fast or faster,

To call Wilson a 'strong' F1 driver is loose with the truth.

And now mighty Bourdais, races with lowly drivers Doornbos and Power .... that's a major embaressment for Bourdais is not? He should have a 100 point lead against this worthless not even Button/Trulli F1 level opposition.

#33 wj_gibson

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Posted 13 August 2007 - 13:03

Originally posted by V8 Fireworks

To call Wilson a 'strong' F1 driver is loose with the truth.

And now mighty Bourdais, races with lowly drivers Doornbos and Power .... that's a major embaressment for Bourdais is not? He should have a 100 point lead against this worthless not even Button/Trulli F1 level opposition.

No offence, but I find that an absurd (and frankly ill-informed) comment, given the reliabiltiy issues that Bourdais has faced this year.

#34 vroom-vroom

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Posted 13 August 2007 - 19:22

Based on past results of CART/Indycar superstars ready to set the world of F1 ablaze, I will resoluteluy abstain of ANY prediction in regards to Bourdais' performance.

#35 David M. Kane

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Posted 13 August 2007 - 20:21

I hear Ralf is going to do the Star Mazda Series next year...

#36 V8 Fireworks

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Posted 14 August 2007 - 13:05

Originally posted by wj_gibson

No offence, but I find that an absurd (and frankly ill-informed) comment, given the reliabiltiy issues that Bourdais has faced this year.

Geeze that's a bit harsh. So accept blindy that Doornbos and Power are crap!?

Power's Formula 3 results were fairly average, same averageness for Doornbos, but they do seem to be solid consistent steerers so good luck to them :up: .

Outside of briscoe and courtney, who aren't winning much these days, Power was the best Australian driver in open wheel feeder formula (whatever happend to Rob Nyugen by the way, who stunningly finished in the top 10 in some FIA International F3000 series races despite almost zero racing experience whatsoever? :) )... Anyway it's good and excellent that Champcar suits Power's driving style and he is in fact outperforming Courtney and Briscoe :D .

#37 KLN

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Posted 14 August 2007 - 13:12

Originally posted by DLaw
I mean who cares?


i love that...........but you're right.
have seen Vettel in practice last year and he was hot. bourdais, well he's just an obnoxious............%^&*^

so go Vettel!!!

#38 Risil

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Posted 14 August 2007 - 13:24

Originally posted by vroom-vroom
Based on past results of CART/Indycar superstars ready to set the world of F1 ablaze, I will resoluteluy abstain of ANY prediction in regards to Bourdais' performance.

They´ll need a decent car first. A luxury not afforded to Zanardi or Michael Andretti, or, for that matter, Fangio or Piquet on their attempts to crack Indy.

With full customer cars for 2008, and Newey and Willis working in tandem developing/designing them, whether that will happen is at least as big an unknown as the disputed talents of their two drivers. Bourdais is a F3000 champion, and has been undisputedly the man in Champcars virtually since his arrival, and whatever that says about the merits of those two series, even with a terrible car, if one conclusively beats the other, they will do their reputation the power of good.

#39 Locai

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Posted 14 August 2007 - 16:01

Originally posted by V8 Fireworks

To call Wilson a 'strong' F1 driver is loose with the truth.

And now mighty Bourdais, races with lowly drivers Doornbos and Power .... that's a major embaressment for Bourdais is not? He should have a 100 point lead against this worthless not even Button/Trulli F1 level opposition.

I would say that you are completely uninformed on the current state of ChampCar.

Until this year Bourdais was pretty much completely dominating ChampCar at every race. He was the best driver on the best team. What happened this year was that ChampCar got a completely new chassis and locked-down all development/modifications. What this means is that, except for the driver's individual setup, everybody has exactly the same equipment (chassis and engine).

Any individual driver & team would find it nearly impossible to dominate in a completely spec series. The whole point of a spec series in the first place is to "level the playing field." Add in the teething problems that most drivers have had with the new car, a couple of other pretty good drivers and teams and you have a pretty good competition going on.

You can't expect anybody to dominate in a spec series the way that Michael dominated in F1. He was the best driver on the best team with the best engine, the best chassis, and the best reliability.

Bourdais has done more to deserve an F1 seat than probably half of the current F1 grid. He's certainly done more than any 19-year old 'hot shot' has ever done.


#40 AFCA

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Posted 16 August 2007 - 09:28

For the Bourdais fans (are there any here ? - I quite like him), a translated interview...

Q: You're finally a Formula 1 driver. Relieved ?
Bourdais: ''More than that. There were times in which I accepted to no longer make it into Formula 1. When it wouldn't have worked out this time, than it would never have. Next year I'll be 29.''

Q: How nervous were you that maybe an the last moment it wouldn't have worked out ?
Bourdais: ''Not at all nervous. Formula 1 has always been a dream. I have already fulfilled these dreams with the testdrives for Toro Rosso. I was in peace with myself. It wouldn't have been the end of the world if I again wouldn't have made it.''

Q: What do you think about your new teammate Vettel ?
Bourdais: ''Although he's only 20 years old, he has more F1 experience than me. He's the experienced one, I'm the rookie. Who drives just as fast as Liuzzi from the start in Hungary, without knowing the car, must be a good racing driver.''

Q: Will you already be driving the Grand Prix' of Monza, Spa, Fuji and Shangha this year ?
Bourdais: ''First of all Toro Rosso must want that, then Newman-Haas must agree. The title in the ChampCar-Serie has the priority.''

Q: Would it not be a problem to 'jump' from continent to continent, one time driving in ChampCar, the other time in F1 ?
Bourdais: ''But that's what I do for years now anyway. This year I've often been in Europe, to test with Peugeot for Le Mans, to drive the 24 hours. There's no bigger difference between a ChampCar and a sportscars.''

Q: Many Formula 1 drivers that have switched to Formula 1 have had bad a experience. Doesn't that discourage you ?
Bourdais: ''I only see the positive examples. Jacques Villeneuve became worldchampion, Juan-Pablo Montoya wasn't exactly the worst there was. It's all about timing. You have to be at the right spot at the right time.''

Q: Newman-Haas fights for victories, Toro Rosso drives at the back. A new feeling ?
Bourdais: ''I'm prepared to grow with the team. Toro Rosso doesn't want to stay at the back. Let's see, perhaps Adrian Newey comes up with a topcar in 2008. The technical structure is already there.''

Q: Will it help you that you're used to driving without traction control in the ChampCar ? In 2008 the decive will be banned in Formula 1.
Bourdais: ''I'm afraid the teams will find a way to realise some form of traction control. Somehow they will bring the power on the road in a controlled way. My advantage is that I can give Toro Rosso hints about how we do that in the ChampCar. I like to be technically integrated in a team.''

Q: How do you cope with the grooved tyres in Formula 1 ?
Bourdais: ''I don't like them. Grooved tyres is not the way to go to make racing cars slower. It's better to reduce the aerodynamics and to increase the mechanical grip. That makes overtaking easier. The GP2-Serie already does that. My biggest learning demand will be to cope with the tyres. You have to set-up the car in such a way the tyres are not stressed too much.'' -- (There's a fair chance that next year there will be slicks in F1 - AFCA)

Q: With a fourth title you could write ChampCar history. Rick Mears, Bobby Rahal and Michael Andretti have three titles like you.
Bourdais: ''It doesn't interest me. I want to prove that we can become champion in any car. I can no longer hear the stupid chitchat about my team Newman-Haas always having been privileged by Lola. Now we're driving with Panoz-chassis, and we're up front nevertheless.''

Q: How does the Panoz drive in comparison with Lola ?
Bourdais: ''It's more nervous entering corners. I don't like it as much. Panoz has more downforce than the Lola, has a bit more airresistance and is a bit heavier (to drive).''

Q: Why is your team Newman-Haas the best in the championship ?
Bourdais: ''It comes down to details when all the cars are the same. Newman-Haas finds these details better than the other teams.''

Q: How strong are your rival drivers ?
Bourdais: ''From the 17 drivers maybe 7 of them earn money. The rest has to bring money. With that the question is answered.''

#41 noikeee

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Posted 16 August 2007 - 10:37

Originally posted by AFCA
For the Bourdais fans (are there any here ? - I quite like him), a translated interview...

Q: You're finally a Formula 1 driver. Relieved ?
Bourdais: ''More than that. There were times in which I accepted to no longer make it into Formula 1. When it wouldn't have worked out this time, than it would never have. Next year I'll be 29.''

He's right, :up: for taking the chance.

Q: What do you think about your new teammate Vettel ?
Bourdais: ''Although he's only 20 years old, he has more F1 experience than me. He's the experienced one, I'm the rookie. Who drives just as fast as Liuzzi from the start in Hungary, without knowing the car, must be a good racing driver.''

Already starting to make excuses by labelling Vettel as experienced? ;) I could see this pairing having some trouble between them.

Q: Will you already be driving the Grand Prix' of Monza, Spa, Fuji and Shangha this year ?
Bourdais: ''First of all Toro Rosso must want that, then Newman-Haas must agree. The title in the ChampCar-Serie has the priority.''

Berger apparently has just confirmed Liuzzi will remain until the end of the season. Better for Bourdais I think, since this allows him to settle in with a winter of testing before racing.

Q: Many Formula 1 drivers that have switched to Formula 1 have had bad a experience. Doesn't that discourage you ?
Bourdais: ''I only see the positive examples. Jacques Villeneuve became worldchampion, Juan-Pablo Montoya wasn't exactly the worst there was. It's all about timing. You have to be at the right spot at the right time.''

Q: Newman-Haas fights for victories, Toro Rosso drives at the back. A new feeling ?
Bourdais: ''I'm prepared to grow with the team. Toro Rosso doesn't want to stay at the back. Let's see, perhaps Adrian Newey comes up with a topcar in 2008. The technical structure is already there.''

Well, Bourdais often comes off as too negative, but this is the opposite, really wishful thinking. I can't see Toro Rosso with a top car fighting for podiums in 2008, sorry.

Q: Will it help you that you're used to driving without traction control in the ChampCar ? In 2008 the decive will be banned in Formula 1.
Bourdais: ''I'm afraid the teams will find a way to realise some form of traction control. Somehow they will bring the power on the road in a controlled way. My advantage is that I can give Toro Rosso hints about how we do that in the ChampCar. I like to be technically integrated in a team.''

I hope he's wrong. :

Q: How do you cope with the grooved tyres in Formula 1 ?
Bourdais: ''I don't like them. Grooved tyres is not the way to go to make racing cars slower. It's better to reduce the aerodynamics and to increase the mechanical grip. That makes overtaking easier. The GP2-Serie already does that. My biggest learning demand will be to cope with the tyres. You have to set-up the car in such a way the tyres are not stressed too much.'' -- (There's a fair chance that next year there will be slicks in F1 - AFCA)

Q: With a fourth title you could write ChampCar history. Rick Mears, Bobby Rahal and Michael Andretti have three titles like you.
Bourdais: ''It doesn't interest me. I want to prove that we can become champion in any car. I can no longer hear the stupid chitchat about my team Newman-Haas always having been privileged by Lola. Now we're driving with Panoz-chassis, and we're up front nevertheless.''

Q: How does the Panoz drive in comparison with Lola ?
Bourdais: ''It's more nervous entering corners. I don't like it as much. Panoz has more downforce than the Lola, has a bit more airresistance and is a bit heavier (to drive).''

Q: Why is your team Newman-Haas the best in the championship ?
Bourdais: ''It comes down to details when all the cars are the same. Newman-Haas finds these details better than the other teams.''

Q: How strong are your rival drivers ?
Bourdais: ''From the 17 drivers maybe 7 of them earn money. The rest has to bring money. With that the question is answered.''

Well, this guy surely isn't afraid of speaking his mind.

#42 AFCA

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Posted 16 August 2007 - 18:17

Red Bull testdriver Ammermüller will replace Vettel in the World Series by Renault.

#43 noikeee

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Posted 16 August 2007 - 23:59

Originally posted by AFCA
Red Bull testdriver Ammermüller will replace Vettel in the World Series by Renault.

Yeah, looks like a great chance for either Parente or Albuquerque to win those series, although the merit will always be diminished as people will say Vettel would win it..

I really hope Parente gets it, it's pretty much the only chance he has to test a F1 car.

#44 MattFoster

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Posted 17 August 2007 - 06:12

two more careers down the toilet then.....thanks to Tost and Berger

#45 checkonetwo

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Posted 17 August 2007 - 06:49

neither liuzzis nor speeds careers went south because of tost and berger. that.s just crap. the way speed conducted himself, how long do you think had he stayed at, let's say, williams ?

#46 AFCA

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Posted 14 March 2008 - 16:49

Shall we continue to use this thread for the rest of the year as far as Toro Rosso is concerned ?!


Before the season Vettel said that he was willing to enter Q3 as the last car this weekend. He only ended the day on 18th place. Berger: ''We didn't get the tyres to work. Both drivers were pretty much sliding about.''

Brother RBR obtained a second place with Webber, but that was done in qualifying conditions. Most of the other teams were using the soft tyres just to find out how to set up the car in the best way, having the race on Sunday in mind.

Anyway, Berger doesn't agree with Vettel: ''It's good that he's so optimistic. But realistically we're in between spot 12 and 16.''

#47 AFCA

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Posted 14 March 2008 - 17:48

Some points made by Laurent Mekiès who is Toro Rosso's chief engineer. He oversees and coordinates all the technical work on track, being in constant contact with the race engineers of the two 'Sebs'. He's also there to explore strategy related aspects (I tell you, this guy is going to end up at a topteam - AFCA).

- They've been able to do a whole lot of mileage this winter, about equally divided over the two drivers, that still need to learn a lot about F1, especially Bourdais. The team hopes to collect points with the well known car from last year. This should be in their advantage.

- To go very fast, Bourdais likes to have a very stable car. Stable especially at the rear and under braking. On the other hand, Vettel has no problems jumping in car that's a bit nervous. He'll go fast in it. He accepts having understeer whereas Bourdais starts complaining earlier.

- The team is pretty happy with the realibility and also with the work done on the ECU, which they've started working on in August 2007. There will be a clearer picture after the two hot first races of the year.

- And then there's the gearbox that needs to last four races, another aspect they've been racking up the mileage for. STR doesn't have RBR's seamless gearbox btw, they kept the one from 2007 (which is also seamless). They had to redesign it to meet with the new regulations. Which wasn't easy at all given that the FIA demanded certain dimensions on parts. The internals were all changed also with the help of other suppliers.

- He reckons that over one lap the drivers will only loose around 1 tenth due to the lack of traction control.

- Q1 has been extended from 15 to 20 minutes and small teams like Toro Rosso are likely to make three runs instead of two. He said it will be a struggle to get into Q2. Sometimes in the past it happened good drivers missed the cut being stuck in traffic, making a mistake, or due to technical reasons. But because there's more time now, those that do end up in Q2 will also often really belong their.

- Mekiès doesn't think that the shortened Q3 will have consequences for the first part of the race. The stints were already relatively short last year. Apart from those drivers that really want to shine in qualifying (and thus use less fuel), there's not going to be a difference. The stints will be one or two laps shorter at most.

- The engineer doesn't agree that the RB4, that Toro Rosso will get come Turkey, is specifically built for the demands of Coulthard and Webber. STR is completely involved with Red Bull Technology in the study of the car. The preferences of the drivers only play a marginal role. It's also important to note that the two teams have different engine suppliers (Ferrari and Renault) and thus other gearboxes, fuel-, oil-, and watersystems. The current level in Formula 1 is sufficient to make the RB4 a different but well working car.

#48 MortenF1

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Posted 14 March 2008 - 20:08

I wonder if STR can use the same engine cover as Red Bull? Different engines I mean, but maybe the dimensions are similar enough to allow the same engine cover?

#49 Ceejay

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Posted 15 March 2008 - 08:30

posted by race addicted
I wonder if STR can use the same engine cover as Red Bull? Different engines I mean, but maybe the dimensions are similar enough to allow the same engine cover?

That’s a good idea. It will certainly slow them down.;)

#50 kamix

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Posted 15 March 2008 - 09:30

Vettel really is impressive isn't he. Hopefully he settles down and converts that raw talent into results in 2008.

I never felt sorry for Bourdais after his many snipes at F1 in the past. However I always appreciated his talent (even with a superior car, in a dying series) and now that he has finally made the move I'll be following him closely. I expect Vettel will have the jump on him for at least the first third of the year, but once Bourdais settles in he should be able to match and possibly better his younger teammate.

All in all I think STR finally have a good pairing with plenty of potential, and with a RBR seat dangled in front of them as a career path it should keep them both motivated.

I don't think anyone knows what will happen when the new car is introduced, but this team has definately made it's way onto my radar this year.