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Scuderia Toro Rosso 2008 - Vettel v Bourdais

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#301 shonguiz

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Posted 12 September 2008 - 19:29

I want him to shine now, cause that would be much more rewarding, unfortunately for him the car is fundamentally different to his likings.


#302 Bernd Rosemeyer

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Posted 12 September 2008 - 19:32

Maybe Bourdais is not so bad, but his team mate just so extraordinary good, which seems to let Bourdais appear a lesser driver? I think we can say this next year, if Vettel blows Webber away?

#303 Cobden

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Posted 12 September 2008 - 19:53

Originally posted by Bernd Rosemeyer
Maybe Bourdais is not so bad, but his team mate just so extraordinary good, which seems to let Bourdais appear a lesser driver? I think we can say this next year, if Vettel blows Webber away?

The explanation is in the interview above.;)

#304 Sakae

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Posted 12 September 2008 - 19:59

I like both drivers, and what a difference between him (Seb) and certain JV of the past. I actually wish that both drivers would have seats in top three teams; together with Alonso in the mix we would see some fire cocktails.

(Needless to say that current flock of top six is killing me).

#305 pingu666

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Posted 12 September 2008 - 20:37

Originally posted by shonguiz
This guy surely knows what he's talking about, it's always a pleasure to read him.

oh yeah :up:
he gives a really good insight into what a car is doing or is like, i wonder if hes more detailed to the team than other drivers, or what the others say is rather a bland, non detailed version.

i hope he stays in F1, if only for the stuff he tells us :D

#306 BiH

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Posted 12 September 2008 - 21:55

Originally posted by wdh
But actually the English language version that appears at http://www.autosport...rt.php/id/70462 has a rather longer and more colourful answer to the Valencia question!

Seems very self-critical, aware of his limitations, but also confident that, given what he asks for, he could deliver.

one of the best interviews ever :up: :up: . Lets hope he gets seat for next year at STR or any other team it would be shame to let him go after one season. Would be great to see him next year get a car that suits him.

#307 Clatter

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Posted 12 September 2008 - 22:44

It's a very honest interview and kudos for admitting the issues he is having, but from that I feel he is an expensive commodity in F1. It's rare that a driver gets a car that is perfectly balanced and they have to adapt or fail.

#308 Slowinfastout

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Posted 12 September 2008 - 23:39

Originally posted by Clatter
It's a very honest interview and kudos for admitting the issues he is having, but from that I feel he is an expensive commodity in F1. It's rare that a driver gets a car that is perfectly balanced and they have to adapt or fail.

Some great drivers are struggling this year, they all seem to have the same problem... All the smooth drivers have problems while those with aggressive turn-in style are doing great... I suspect the changes for next year will even things up again at least a bit..

Gotta love a dude who tells it like it is.. Bourdais :up:

#309 Sakae

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Posted 13 September 2008 - 13:37

Both drivers had fun at Monza. I am getting more and more impression, that whole team is being very much underestimated.

I am learning to like them. Vettel (and I do not mean to pour on SB, whoom I do like equally) has done today real job on championship front runners. What his performance tells me, that all of those primadonas are in the front ususally only because of the superior equipment, but as soon as conditions make field more equal, we find some precious stones at the back of the grid as well. They are all good in one way or another to be in F1. It's just that some are BOB in that group as well.


Lets see what fuel strategy and individual car set ups will tell us tommorrow. Maybe boys will be separated from real men.

#310 Risil

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Posted 13 September 2008 - 16:03

Originally posted by MiPe

I am learning to like them. Vettel (and I do not mean to pour on SB, whoom I do like equally) has done today real job on championship front runners. What his performance tells me, that all of those primadonas are in the front ususally only because of the superior equipment, but as soon as conditions make field more equal, we find some precious stones at the back of the grid as well.

Those Red Bulls are quick in wet conditions, though. You'd think that if it was just a case of making the field more equal, Alonso would've qualified a little higher.

#311 johndej

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Posted 15 September 2008 - 01:04

Bourdais is referenced after the race that he was prob good for 3rd with out stalling on the grid. anyone know if he was lapping fast enough for that? i don't have any lap times to look at now.

#312 Lada Lover

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Posted 15 September 2008 - 01:27

Bourdais was impressive the last few GP week-ends. Much better than the start of the year.

#313 BMW_F1

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Posted 15 September 2008 - 02:10

Originally posted by johndej
Bourdais is referenced after the race that he was prob good for 3rd with out stalling on the grid. anyone know if he was lapping fast enough for that? i don't have any lap times to look at now.

probably yes.. Laptimes are here. He was indeed very good. :up:


#314 Risil

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Posted 15 September 2008 - 10:24

Regardless of whether he meets bizarre pre-agreed points totals or not, Toro Rosso have to keep Bourdais for next year. ):

#315 AFCA

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Posted 15 September 2008 - 11:05

Translated Q&A with Berger:

Q: What do you say to Vettel's performance ?
Berger: ''It's the best ! It's a long, long time ago that I've experienced something like this at this track. Twenty years ago I won here as a driver. That was a good moment too, but today it's almost better ! It still takes a little time before I really realise it. It's an incredible feeling to win with Toro Rosso. I didn't consider that to be possible.''

Q: It must simply be fantastic to experience such a result...
Berger: ''It's incredible. Standing on top of the podium at Monza: we didn't even dare to dream about it.''

Q: Vettel had already conquered pole position in qualifying and stayed completely calm during the race...
Berger: ''Sebastian really is a very special driver. Today he has shown he can win races, and by the look of things he will also be able to win worldchampionships in the future.''

Q: The entire race Vettel was flawless. Wasn't there a problem of any sort along the way ?
Berger: ''No, there was no problem. You really have to say the victory was absolutely won on merit. There was no luck or particular coincidence involved. It simply was a super strong performance from the team and from the driver.''

Q: He got through the Safety Car period particularly calmly. What was it like from his point of view ?
Berger: ''He started the race very strongly. He zigzagged on track in the last corner up until the last moment, really as if he were an experienced driver. He was well awake there.''

Q: On the eighth lap he almost lost the rear of the car...
Berger: ''That was on the limit, really marginal, but he really had to drive on the limit because we knew some drivers were on a one stopper. We had to build up a gap in order not to get stuck in traffic after the pitstop, not being able to win the race at all.''

Q: The weather didn't get worse as many had expected, instead it stayed dry. This allowed you to change to intermediates at the second, scheduled, stop. That decision was dead right, wasn't it ?
Berger: ''At that point the decision was no longer so hard because a number of cars were already out on track on intermediates. We saw that went well and that it shouldn't have been a problem for us.''

Q: Generally you're a calm man, but how high was your heartbeat in the final laps ?
Berger: ''It's been pretty high the entire day...''

Q: But when did was it clear to you, you were actually able to win the race ?
Berger (laughs) : ''Early in the morning when I went out of bed.''

Q: Sebastian's father Norbert was in tears. Is it a special family ?
Berger: ''I think he'll be crying a lot more for his son in the future ! They're a cool family. But I would like to say something else: people always talk about 'Gerhard Berger's team'. It's a team from Red Bull and me together. Therefore I would also like to thank Red Bull. This year Red Bull Technology has supplied us with a car that is fast in really every circumstance. The team now understand how to set it up and to convert (this into results) well, but the basis came from Red Bull. A big thank you to them !''

Q: Why is your car faster than that of Red Bull Racing ?
Berger: ''I think it's equally fast, but there are differences in the set-up and the 'mood of the day'. Sometimes we better get the job done, sometimes it's Red Bull doing that. Perhaps we also have a small advantage with the Ferrari engine. Since two or three races we've been able to really make use of that. That's why we're a bit in front at the moment.''

How important is Giorgio Ascanelli for you ?
Berger: ''Giorgio is a very important character in the team, I've known him as very good man from my days as a racing driver, especially with regard to setting up the car. He was my race engineer when I won here with Ferrari 20 years ago. We know each other well.''

Q: It was a golden move to hire him, wasn't it ?
Berger: ''Since that time it never went out of my mind. I already wanted to take him with me to other teams back then, but unfortunately that didn't really work out. The fact that he came from Ferrari obviously is a very good story for Toro Rosso. Because to win you need a team. Now Toro Rosso really is a strong racing team.''

Q: How many people are working for Toro Rosso today ?
Berger: ''180. Though in comparison with other teams one should keep in mind that we get a lot of technology from Red Bull Technology. Therefore it's clear that we have a bit less people, but even then we're a small team. But we work very well and very efficiently.''

Q: Many employees have been here since the Minardi era. They were never rewarded for their work back then. Isn't it nice that they now have something to celebrate as well ?
Berger: ''That's incredibly joyful because we've been fighting for two years to get rid of the old Minardi-culture and get a winning mentally into the team instead. Many have dropped out because they weren't able to change over. Those that are here now are the ones that have said: 'We go the tough way!' That's the biggest success for them. I think they'll now acquire a taste for it.''

Q: In the future you will no longer be allowed to use Red Bull customer cars. Do you already have thoughts about that ?
Berger: ''Many, but today I'm really not thinking about it...''

Q: Is there perhaps still a chance that Vettel stays in the faster Red Bull car, so at Toro Rosso...
Berger: ''It's a great loss for the team when Sebastian leaves us. On the other hand we're part of the Red Bull family and we agree that Sebastian should be there, where it's best for Red Bull.''

Q: Can he be kept within the Red Bull family, or will he end up at one of the big teams at some stage anyway ?
Berger: ''That depends on us. When we give him a car with which he can win races, then there's nothing nicer than winning races for Red Bull. Then it could well be that he stays.''

Q: Bourdais had a problem at the start straight away, what was wrong ?
Berger: ''The engine stalled, but we don't know exactly know why yet. Shortly before the start we changed the steering wheel. I think that something has gone wrong there, but we still have to analyse it.''

Q: A shame because his position on the grid was very good. How do you go about your driver in such a situation ?
Berger: ''He's now in the shadow of this success. You should obviously look after him straight away because he's obviously suffering a lot. He was in a good starting position and has seen what was possible. Having a technical problem at a moment like that hurts.''


Translated Q&A with Tost:

Q: What does this victory feel like ? One shouldn't forget where you started this adventure...
Tost (laughs) : ''We started from pole position. No, seriously: a few years ago we wouldn't have thought to win here at Monza in 2008. Monza is something special for the Italian teams and drivers. Monza has a fantastic history. To win a race here, it being the first of the team with Sebastian as the youngest driver ever winning a GP, is outstanding.''

Q: The atmosphere must be unbelievable now...
Tost: ''You can see it. All the boys are celebrating.''

Q: How long will you be celebrating at the factory now ?
Tost: ''Tomorrow I'll fly to Jerez. There we will test with two potentially new drivers: Sato and Buemi.''

Q: Sebastian did a perfect job, didn't he ?
Tost: ''From the first lap on it was a perfect drive. Since Friday he has been preparing in the best way because even though the circumstances on track were not always good, he always went out to see where there was water, where to watch out, where you catch wind, etc. Bourdais did the same by the way. He was able to use all the information that he had collected on Friday and Saturday to win the race. Sebastian controlled the race all the time. The strategy was perfect, the same goes for the pitstops.''

Q: Why did you chose to go for a short first stint ?
Tost: ''Firstly, we wanted to be at the front at the start. Secondly we wanted to have free visibility in case it would rain. Thirdly we didn't stress the tyres with too much weight. Fourthly we wanted to remain flexible in case we had to change from extreme wets to intermediates.''

Q: This victory is also a statement from the team...
Tost: ''We have won here, but I have to admit that the circumstances played into our hands because we would have only become sixth or seventh if it had been dry. You could see that in the test here. The rain has helped us and particularly our strategy because we were on a short first stint, and that was exactly right. We took the tyre degradation into account and expected our strategy to be the fastest one. Luckily we've proved that.''

Q: You've perfectly prepared the Red Bull car. How impressed are you with the team members and Giorgio Ascanelli in particular ?
Tost: ''Ascanelli is on of the fathers of the team. He has contributed all his technical know how from the past. That's the main reason for this victory.''

Q: Did it help the team, that isn't used to having a leading position on track, to have someone like him on the pitwall ?
Tost: ''Certainly.''

Q: What did you say to Sebastian in the final laps over the radio ?
Tost: ''Nothing. It was absolutely calm because he drove well and his laptimes were very fast. We would have only bothered him if we had told him to drive slower or in a different way. So we let him alone. As we now know: he's experienced enough to bring home a result like that.''

Q: You've obtained the first result for Red Bull. That must be very satisfactory, especially since you don't just get the car delivered but also develop it yourself, right ?
Tost: ''I have to say that Adrian Newey and Red Bull Technology have done a fantastic job because we get the basis of the car from Red Bull Technology. We set up the car ourselves, but actually each driver does that since he has his own preferences. The one driver wants hard springs, the other one soft ones, etc. That's basically the job we do in Faenza.''

Q: Now your sixth in the constructors championship. What's your aim for the rest of the season ?
Tost: ''We have made a leap forward but we have to keep with our feet on the ground. I would be happy if we collect points in the final five races. I don't think we'll win another race this year because Ferrari, McLaren and BMW Sauber are still ahead of us, clearly that is.''

Q: Last year at the rain race in Fuji you almost made it to the podium already. Do you hope for similar circumstances in the final races ?
Tost: ''Certainly ! We're a racing team and we always want to end up as far to the front as possible. When we're best in the rain that I pray for rain all the time ! That's only logical !''

Q: Does this success change anything to the future plans ? Mateschitz has offered his 50% stake in the team for sale...
Tost: ''I don't know. Mateschitz should answer that question. I expect that the price of the team has risen ! That's good for him because he's a businessman that's willing to regain the money he has spent. But for the team itself not much changes. Hopefully we'll get a few new sponsors because of it. The basis for that is obviously better being a winner rather than a looser.''

Q: At Monza in 2005 Minardi was still the worst team. In the period in between you've improved tremendously...
Tost: Yes. There are several factors. The first one factor is Red Bull, or rather Mateschitz. Without them we wouldn't have been here celebrating this victory. The second factor is Red Bull Technology. They supply us with a very good car. The third factor is Ferrari, they supply us very strong engines as you can see. We work together with them very closely and we're very happy about our collaboration.''

''Then the drivers shouldn't be forgotten about either because they're doing a fantastic job despite the fact they're still pretty new to F1. Vettel is driving his first full season. His performance curve is a very steep one. Then there's Ascanelli with his technical team, they do a staggeringly good job. We have the car under control and know how to set it up. That's important for the drivers in order for them to feel comfortable in the car. That's one of our most important factors for this success. In Faenza we're now improving our infrastructure. We're growing step by step. You can see the results.''

Q: You're no longer allowed to use customer cars in 2010. You have to build an own chassis. What are your plans regarding this ?
Tost: ''We've already begun extending the team for it to become a constructor. In 2005 we started off with 80 people. Now we're with 175. Another 80 will be added to that in the near future. These are the steps we have to make to become a constructor. We're also negotiating with several (owners of) windtunnels. That's a big task.''

''I'm not convinced that that is the right way for Formula 1, because we have six manufacturers. I think we should have six manufacturers and six private teams, and each private team should cooperate with a manufacture. Red Bull's philosophy was to have an engineering centre that supplies two teams with cars. That has reduced the costs because we only spend a quarter of the budgets of other teams. Nevertheless we're able to win, as we've shown at here. So far we've gone the right way in terms of efficiency and economics. But the regulations no longer allow this so we'll have to do it differently in the future.''

Q: ''Do you think things will still change as far the customer cars are concerned ?
Tost: ''When people use their brains then that will be the case. Just look at what's happening in the world of business: everyone's working together ! Even the car manufacturers start co-operations. Why ? They no longer want to spend so much money on R&D, which is comprehensible when, at the end of the day, the results almost stay the same.''

''We're now looking for a windtunnel. Even if we were to let a 130 people work in the windtunnel, we wouldn't build a revolutionary car because the regulations and the physical laws impede that. All the cars almost look the same. I'd like to bet that there are no more than five people that would be able to tell which car is from which team if they were all painted in white. But never mind, rules are rules. We try to achieve the best. We'll see the results in the future.''

#316 Chris Glass

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Posted 15 September 2008 - 12:57

So BMW confirm that it was indeed their choice to let Vettel go. Strange thing to do if hes really as good as people say. Surely they would have moved the earth to keep him ahead of Heidfeld at least.

#317 AFCA

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Posted 17 September 2008 - 08:52

Translated Q&A with Weber:

Q: Mister Weber, Vettel still doesn't have a manager...
Weber: ''Then he should give me a call, I would help him out straight away. If Vettel is willing to continue to have such success, he must go and 'swim freely'. Otherwise the hype will at some stage become too much for him. And then soon he no longer has the time to care about the car. Between Schumacher and me the division of work was clear: he drove the car while I cared about the rest.''

Q: How successful can Vettel become ?
Weber: ''With his talent there are 15 golden years ahead of him, he's only 21 years old now. But this year he has completely taken the righ decision: first he'll drive for Red Bull another couple of years, there he can continue to learn and mature. After that he still has ten years to be in a topteam like Ferrari or McLaren. The money really flows in there, the sponsors love to come.''

Q: How much money could Vettel earn ?
Weber: ''In ten good years a € 100 million is possible, that would be € 10 million a year. That's feasible.''

Q: Are we talking in 'Schumi-dimensions' now ?
Weber: ''He could even go further than that if he does absolutely everything right in the coming years.''

''After all, he's still very young but for his age he's already very very mature. But for that, he should first constantly have a performance like the one he had on Sunday, and that for years to come. He has it in himself to do that.''

Q: Your advice ?
Weber: ''Formula 1 doesn't forgive you if you make mistakes. Also from that point of view a manager, friend and guardian is so important.''

#318 peroa

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Posted 17 September 2008 - 08:53

Please not the slime bag again.
We only got rid of him ...

#319 Hames Junt

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Posted 17 September 2008 - 09:11

The fact the Vettel manages his own dealings and contracts personally says a lot about the lad for a 21 year old.


#320 AFCA

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Posted 19 September 2008 - 09:09

Recently STR has hired Niccolo Petrucci as chief of aerodynamics.

#321 Ross Stonefeld

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Posted 19 September 2008 - 09:14

Originally posted by Hames Junt
The fact the Vettel manages his own dealings and contracts personally says a lot about the lad for a 21 year old.

No, he's been under contract to Red Bull for years. They are dictating his dealings and contracts.

#322 AFCA

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Posted 19 September 2008 - 09:31

Originally posted by Ross Stonefeld
No, he's been under contract to Red Bull for years. They are dictating his dealings and contracts.

Maybe some truth in there but I don't think Red Bull has 'abused' him or anything. Vettel could always count on full support from that company and as a young driver, willing to have certainty and continuity in your career, that's what you're looking for, isn't it ? And to be honest, to me Vettel doesn't seem to be the obedient type that says 'yes' to everything he's presented with.

#323 Ross Stonefeld

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Posted 19 September 2008 - 09:47

No, but they're basically his manager in addition to his sponsor and team owner.. Which is why I think all the "oh he'll go to Ferrari" rumours are a bit silly. They're heavily invested in him and would have no desire to train him up just so their rivals can use him. Red Bull have a bit more spare cash than Ferrari.

#324 27GV

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Posted 19 September 2008 - 11:43

Originally posted by Ross Stonefeld
No, but they're basically his manager in addition to his sponsor and team owner.. Which is why I think all the "oh he'll go to Ferrari" rumours are a bit silly. They're heavily invested in him and would have no desire to train him up just so their rivals can use him. Red Bull have a bit more spare cash than Ferrari.

Depends if the Red Bull is rubbish... which is what I foresee if they have a Renault engine. If the car is competitive I could see him staying for quite a while, if it is crap then they may have a falling out and Vettel Ferrari 2010?..

#325 Bernd Rosemeyer

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Posted 19 September 2008 - 13:14

Originally posted by 27GV
Vettel Ferrari 2010?..

No, Raikkonen / Massa are contracted till end of 2010. Earliest possible is 2011.

#326 Yellow

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Posted 19 September 2008 - 13:31

i think kimi, if he will race in this way, will leave f1 or ferrari before 2011...

#327 Bernd Rosemeyer

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Posted 19 September 2008 - 13:52

Originally posted by Yellow
i think kimi, if he will race in this way, will leave f1 or ferrari before 2011...

Probably not. He will improve I reckon.

#328 AFCA

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Posted 20 September 2008 - 10:33

Briatore would have tried to give Romain Grosjean a seat at STR for a learning year, but Tost refused saying:
"We do not build up a driver for just one year who will then go to a manufacturer. I am only interested in long term deals."

#329 wonk123

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Posted 20 September 2008 - 11:17

Originally posted by 27GV

Depends if the Red Bull is rubbish... which is what I foresee if they have a Renault engine. If the car is competitive I could see him staying for quite a while, if it is crap then they may have a falling out and Vettel Ferrari 2010?..

He has to beat Webber in the RBR yet!!

#330 AFCA

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Posted 20 September 2008 - 11:21

Translated Q&A with Mateschitz:

Q: Didn't you want to sellToro Rosso ? How much more is the team worth after its maiden victory at Monza ?
Mateschitz (laughs) : ''There was no price labelled to Toro Rosso and there isn't one now. It's not that we're actively willing to sell the team. And the victory last Sunday didn't change anything to that.''

Q: That is to say, you've changed your mind ?
Mateschitz: ''This whole story of selling the team has com to life out of an indiscretion. In Spring there was informal request, that's it. I say it once more: From 2010 onwards the regulations no longer allow synergies between two teams. Then we will have to think about something.''

Q: Perhaps not the market price then but the significance of your team has increased enormously surely ?
Mateschitz: ''We musn't think we've landed on a different planet now. In 2009 we want to get into the points with Webber and Vettel frequently.''

Q: Are you on schedule with the team ?
Mateschitz: ''To be honest, we wanted to be further this year. We wanted to fight for fourth place behind the three big teams Ferrari, McLaren and BMW Sauber. We didn't manage to do that.''

Q: Why not ?
Mateschitz: ''Since a couple of months we have one of the fastest chassis' in Formula 1. But the Renault engine is our handicap. Toro Rosso doesn't have that with the Ferrari aggregate. Besides, they have a driver like Vettel who's in top form at the moment. This combination makes Toro Rosso faster than Red Bull.''

Q: How do you feel about Vettel going to Red Bull ?
Mateschitz (who travelled to Jerez to keep up to date with what's happening in his teams) : ''There are always two sides to selling a driver. But Sebastian has a contract with us and he's not for sale.''

''We have big plans with him. Next year he'll go to Red Bull. We want to attack the topteams with him. We want him to become a topdriver in our team. For me he's amongst the most intelligent F1 drivers. In a short time he collects a lot of knowledge. Therefore I say that the comparisons to Schumacher are justified.''


Translated Q&A with Vettel:

Q: You're the youngest driver to have won a Formula 1 race. Do you know your other record as well ?
Vettel: ''Yes, unfortunately. I was in Formula 1 for six seconds and was already handed my first penalty. I was driving too fast through the pitlane in Istanbul in 2006. I had to pay the $ 1000 fine myself from my salary as a BMW Sauber testdriver.''

Q: Today that would be small change. Schumacher's manager Weber calculated that you could earn € 100 million in ten years time. Appealing ?
Vettel: ''I don't drive for money. I drive because I want to become worldchampion.''

Q: How many offers from managers have you got after your win ?
Vettel: ''Some - as was the case before it happened. It's not that I voluntarily do without a manager. There simply has never been one for me. The confidence should be there from the start.''

''The 'human aspect' should be right. Perhaps I'll take the car in a minute, drive away and hit one, who knows ? I obviously hope I don't knock down anyone...''

Q: After your victory at Monza you were praised by everyone. Are you already a top driver ?
Vettel: ''I'm still 'schooling' to become a racing driver. Formula 1 is incredibly complex, you have to think about a thousand things at once. Only after some time you press the right buttons without thinking about it.''

Q: Next year you'll go to Red Bull. Why did you not go to a topteam at once ?
Vettel: ''A year ago Red Bull was my only possibility. I'm not shy to admit that. No topteam was available and that's that. The fact Red Bull asked me was nice because they've already been supporting me from the age of eleven. And therefore I didn't hesitate a second.''

Q: What does your 'schedule' towards the worldtitle looks like ?
Vettel: ''There wouldn't be a point in taking part without the aim of getting to the absolute top. Next year I want to fight the topteams. It's always my aim to fight, also in the last four races ! But I don't stick to a plan. Of course I know what I want to achieve: my aim is winning the title. But life brings you there where it's willing to have you. To win the title everything must be right.''

Q: Was Monza a coincedence ?
Vettel: ''No it wasn't ! We've won the race on merit and didn't make any mistakes. I can win another time this year - when we get another chance like that and everything's right, then we want to be right up there.''

#331 AFCA

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Posted 23 September 2008 - 10:08

Three random (translated) Q&A's with Tost I felt were interesting:

Q: How do you see the future of Bourdais, someone who, only a few weeks ago, seemed to be out of favor with the management of the team. But now he must be well in the race for a seat for 2009 again ?
Tost: ''In the shade of Vettel he's been showing a strong upswing since Valencia. When he continues to go on like this he'll certainly be in with a shout for next year. But the decision regarding the drivers won't be made by us before November or December. It is still completely open.''

(I guess the rumours about Buemi being set are false then - AFCA)

Q: Many think that for a Red Bull team money doesn't play a role. Is it true that you get the necessary budget for all your desires ?
Tost: ''Not at all. We often have budget-meetings, we must meet with what we're allowed to spend. Each Tuesday Ascanelli, Hutton (financial chief - AFCA) and I sit down in Faenza to 'calculate'. It's also being decided then how much money is going to be spend. That's why we don't have some specifications on the car that Red Bull does have.''

Q: What's happening in the team with regard to 2010 ?
Tost: ''The work for 2010, as it should be at the moment, has long started. We're looking for new people. Ferrari cares about KERS, although the we make the design for it. What will happen to the team after 2009 will be decided in Salzburg.''

(I wonder what it means that STR is making the design for their own KERS. Does Force India do the same ? Does Ferrari have to cope with three different designs ? - AFCA)


Tost on Sato and Buemi: ''Both drivers have fulfilled the expectations. They obtained useful times and have made for a food overall picture.''

''But the best times isn't what we're talking about here. Other criteria such as the understanding of the car, engine and tyres or the technical feedback towards the engineers, the attitude towards the job, etc. (are more important - AFCA).

What's going to happen is still completely open. ''In November and December there will be more testing. Whether that will happen with Sato and Buemi hasn't been decided yet. We didn't commit ourselves to a deadline with regard to the drivers, there's urge there. At this point it's certainly correct to stick to (the thought of) Sato, Buemi and Bourdais all having the chance to become an STR driver.''

With Sato STR would have a great 'marketing instrument', the driver obviously being very popular in Japan. ''Of course marketing plays an important role. In fact, it was the primary reason why Mateschitz entered Formula 1 with Red Bull. However, priority is given to the performance of the driver. Because without success there's no sound message to be send either.''

#332 Jodum5

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Posted 23 September 2008 - 12:53

I am guessing Tost means "design" as in packaging the KERS system in their car. Ferrari may supply it to them and Force India but those two teams have to figure out how to make them fit. So there is probably communication between the customers and supplier on their requirements. Plus, I am sure at some point Ferrari or Magneti Marelli will say "this is the best we can do, good luck!"

#333 AFCA

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Posted 25 September 2008 - 16:28

Horner isn't worried Vettel doesn't have a manager: ''Sebastian is smart enough to look after himself.''

#334 AFCA

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Posted 26 September 2008 - 19:22

Vettel's headmechanic Gabriele Vergnana has had an accident with a broken glass. He had a serious cut and had to be sutured with seven stitches. He'll be out for at least a week. Marco Campoduni, normally Vergagna's assistent, takes over the work.

#335 AFCA

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Posted 02 October 2008 - 10:15

Toro Rosso will mainly concentrate on two things during the three testsessions in between the end of the season and christmas: setting up the car with slick tyres and looking for a new driver. There are still a bunch of candidates but as of yet there's still no invitation list...

Tost: ''We've got the time, nothing will run away from us.''

As for the performance for the final three races of the season, Tost expects Vettel to qualify in the top ten each time and ''Bourdais not to be far away from that.'' The tracks should suit the STR3 better than the bumpy ride around Singapore.

Whether Toro Rosso will appear at Fuji with the new aerodynamic parts that made their debut on the RB4 at Singapore is yet unclear. Probably not since neither the nosecone delta winglets nor the miniwing above the rearlight have been tested. Tost is wary of possible negative effect of these parts: ''We don't know what kind of influence these parts have on the rearwing. Because of the longstraights topspeed is important at Fuji. It could even work counterproductively.'' Shanghai and Interlagos equally have long highspeed passages so the STR3 probably remains as it is now.

#336 undersquare

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Posted 02 October 2008 - 10:22

Originally posted by AFCA
Horner isn't worried Vettel doesn't have a manager: ''Sebastian is smart enough to look after himself.''

He would say that wouldn't he :lol:

I bet the teams hate driver managers.

#337 Bernd Rosemeyer

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Posted 02 October 2008 - 11:31

Originally posted by AFCA
Tost expects Vettel to qualify in the top ten each time and ''Bourdais not to be far away from that.''

Bourdais needs to edge closer to Vettel if he is to retain his seat. 23 points behind is too much. :down:

#338 Ivanoff

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Posted 08 October 2008 - 16:26

Karting show in Tokyo, today.

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#339 Ivanoff

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Posted 08 October 2008 - 16:26

Glad to see such kind relations between drivers :)

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#340 AFCA

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Posted 09 October 2008 - 10:46

Originally posted by AFCA
Whether Toro Rosso will appear at Fuji with the new aerodynamic parts that made their debut on the RB4 at Singapore is yet unclear. Probably not since neither the nosecone delta winglets nor the miniwing above the rearlight have been tested. Tost is wary of possible negative effect of these parts: ''We don't know what kind of influence these parts have on the rearwing. Because of the longstraights topspeed is important at Fuji. It could even work counterproductively.'' Shanghai and Interlagos equally have long highspeed passages so the STR3 probably remains as it is now.

STR has the delta wings on the side of the nosecone after all...

#341 AFCA

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Posted 14 October 2008 - 15:45

What a nonsense on the frontpage. STR isn't holding back a decision at all since the driver's pairing for next year was always going to be decided in November of December (if not later) anyway.


Translated Q&A with Bourdais:

Q: Are the next two races the most important ones of your career ?
Bourdais: ''Each GP weekend is important, regardless of whether it is the penultimate or final race before the decision is taken. The teambosses haven't taken a decision yet. I don't know what they're really thinking either. I very normally continue to do my job.''

Q: In Singapore Berger said that in the three races prior to the streetrace, you've upped your game and came closer to Vettel again.
Bourdais: ''Perhaps that's the way he thinks - but not me. Fuel corrected I've always been close to Vettel during the race. But during qualifying I always lack two to six tenths. That's a constant.''

Q: Why do you struggle so much with an empty tank ?
Bourdais: ''It is to do with the stability at the rear. In slow corners I have oversteer, in fast ones I have understeer. I've been struggling with the car this way since Magny-Cours. Some people like such a handling but I don't. Spa was an exception. That was mostly down to the trackcharacteristics. You usually go through the S-corners in third or fourth gear and you don't brake hard going into the corners there.''

Q: Do you not even see a small upward tendency ?
Bourdais: ''I especially see a man that is having a hard time in the car. My entire season has been frustrating.''

Q: Then why do you not find a remedy to the problems ?
Bourdais: ''We don't develop the car ourselves. For three or four months I've been complaining about the same difficulties but nothing changes. But that's not because the team hasn't tried to solve the problems. They simply can't because we don't develop the car ourselves.''

Q: Have you not asked Red Bull Technology directly about possible methods to resolve the problems ?
Bourdais: ''That's not my job. If I'd do that I'd certainly be making a lot of friends...''

Q: Have you already been in such a hopeless situation before in your career ?
Bourdais: ''At least not for so long. With normal cars there are always solutions, but this here is Formula 1. Everything is lot more complicated. If it's down to the basic aerodynamic characteristics of the car, then you can't change it, unless you're changing all of the aerodynamics.''

Q: Did the delta wings on the side of the nosecone help your good performance in Japan ?
Bourdais: ''No. That was a detail. It didn't have any influence on the basic aerodynamic concept. It was mainly about how the floor of the car moves up and down.''

Q: Vettel is absolutely fine with the car though...
Bourdais: ''That makes it even more difficult. If a driver (teammate) likes the car a lot then your credibility is automatically affected when you're saying critical things about it.''

Q: Do you think you've been able to prove yourself enough this year ?
Bourdais: ''I've tried it, but whether I've proven myself ? I've shown to be able to be as fast as Vettel for as long as we were still driving the STR2. But since the STR3 arrived we were no longer on par.''

Q: Do you think a Fuji alike performance in China and Brasil will save your seat for next year ?
Bourdais: ''I can only do my best and hope it's enough. No one is interested in explanations anyway. The only thing that will count in the end are results, that's just the way it is in Formula 1. No one cares why I'm here, and what my position is.''

#342 Hippo

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Posted 14 October 2008 - 16:06

It's kinda sad to see how frustrated the Frenchman seems to be atm. But OTOH it's nice to see someone calling a spade a spade instead of searching for lame excuses and giving PR-alike promises. I'm holding my fingers crossed for him. :up:

#343 Bernd Rosemeyer

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Posted 14 October 2008 - 18:57

Originally posted by Hippo
I'm holding my fingers crossed for him. :up:

He deserves another chance.

#344 AFCA

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Posted 16 October 2008 - 11:13

Interesting difference is that Bourdais has a mass damper both at the rear and the front while Vettel only has one at the front. He's not so convinced about having the two of them while Bourdais copes better having both.

#345 SchuOz

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Posted 18 October 2008 - 10:49

Came across this...

"Toro Rosso driver Sebastian Vettel - who recently won at Monza - is brilliant. He has a great sense of humour and loves Fawlty Towers. But his favourite show is Little Britain. He was on the radio once and we could hear him in the pits and after some problems, he said to his team, ‘I've got myself into a bit of a kerfuffle.' His Italian pit crew were like, ‘What's he on about?' Afterwards, he said he'd learned the word from the show!"

#346 santori

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Posted 19 October 2008 - 12:48

Has anyone had a clear view of the Bourdais-Trulli collision? From the little I've seen it looked to me like Trulli turned in on him.

#347 fnz

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Posted 19 October 2008 - 12:54

haven't found it on youtube yet, but on the live replay it looked like it wasn't sebs fault

#348 markpde

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Posted 19 October 2008 - 13:55

Originally posted by santori
Has anyone had a clear view of the Bourdais-Trulli collision? From the little I've seen it looked to me like Trulli turned in on him.

From the little I've seen it looked remarkably similar to the Massa/Bourdais incident at Fuji, and that wasn't Seabass's fault either. Ask Robert Kubica, though - he had the perfect view, and at least you could rely on his assessment, unlike the stewards' - and Jarno Trulli's: in his post-collision interview with Louise Goodman he evidently thought Bourdais was entirely at fault (Massa thought the same at Fuji, of course...). :|

Originally posted by fnz
haven't found it on youtube yet, but on the live replay it looked like it wasn't seb's fault

:up: ...in which case he should get another 25 second penalty - there has to be consistency... :rolleyes:

#349 fnz

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Posted 19 October 2008 - 13:59

Originally posted by markpde
:up: ...in which case he should get another 25 second penalty - there has to be consistency... :rolleyes:


#350 Bernd Rosemeyer

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Posted 19 October 2008 - 16:33

Racing incident. Trullo was infront, but he turned in on Bordaise who din't give way. Both are to blame, I guess.