If I've already posted this. Sorry, but my original submission disappeared (like the XJ12C).
Interesting as I'm pretty sure I replied on the 6th July with some photos of two of the cars
at Goodwood a few years back and some comments on post #27 but all since then seems
to have disappeared? Can't remember all I said but....
If anyone has a JDC mag for January 1982 there is a small For Sale ad for the Steed car
in there. Also this from the JDC:
Apparently, in 1985, Steed's Jaguar was offered to the former ‘Avengers fan club' by a dealer
in West Bromwich ( West Midlands, UK ). The trader also put the car on display at the N.E.C
in May 1986, and it was duly bought by a person who however did not collect it. The car still
remained with the then former owner, who had sold his business and needed to clear his premises.
He contacted a transport company that took the car temporarily away and, having no place to move
it to, kept it for four years.
Finally the car was paid for and taken away to presumably Stockport. That was in 1991. Since
then the whereabouts and condition of the car are unknown.
The Steed chassis was pre-production No: 2G1008BW from August 1973 and here are the
pics again:


The JDHT's 003 with Win Percy piloting