Look what I just got!!!
Posted 02 February 2008 - 20:12
I inserted the link as well:
Posted 06 February 2008 - 13:04

Have you never thought to look on eBay? Lots of people sell this edition of Autocourse, and I'll wager that a mint copy would set you back far less than the asking price from these guys.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate that you're just trying to help, but you could have bought this book for much much less!
Posted 06 February 2008 - 14:42

Posted 06 February 2008 - 15:37
Posted 07 February 2008 - 01:10
And if you ask me after I saw this:
I knew I wasn't gonna buy anything there...
I've had the same Joytech wheel for about 75$(minus the BMW logo in the middle)
I'm quite sure it's the same thing and they've added a few FIA stickers along with the BMW logo.
Look at the closeup of the logo, you'll see the up, down, right and left arrows used as the D-pad on the gaming wheel!!!

But I must admit, they DO have an impressive collection of hats!!!

Posted 10 February 2008 - 20:21
Posted 07 March 2008 - 19:38
I am missing the 1980 version and have not yet been on ebay. I do know that nearly every specialised bookseller severely hoiks up Autocourse prices.
Btw. after all the ebay praising-to-the-heavens, did anyone find a cheaper 1989 version?
Posted 09 March 2008 - 16:28
Originally posted by bluebird
Btw. after all the ebay praising-to-the-heavens, did anyone find a cheaper 1989 version?
Personally I haven't been checking ebay, but a quick search has shown that there's a mint condition copy currently going for under £20 inc p&p on there (Item number: 220207451294).
In addition, the cover shows Naninni driving the Benetton as opposed to Senna in the McLaren, so it's a bit rarer.
There's also a cheaper one currently listed, albeit damaged.
I'm not connected with the sellers in any way, I just wanted to show that '89 copies can regularly be found on ebay (although obviously the quality of copies can vary considerably).
If you're not a fan of ebay ,then abebooks.co.uk has copies of the '89 Autocourse for between £20 and roughly £60. They've also got 1980 copies, albeit at higher prices.
Posted 09 March 2008 - 17:40
Originally posted by Shockabuku
Personally I haven't been checking ebay, but a quick search has shown that there's a mint condition copy currently going for under £20 inc p&p on there (Item number: 220207451294).
In addition, the cover shows Naninni driving the Benetton as opposed to Senna in the McLaren, so it's a bit rarer.
There's also a cheaper one currently listed, albeit damaged.
I'm not connected with the sellers in any way, I just wanted to show that '89 copies can regularly be found on ebay (although obviously the quality of copies can vary considerably).
If you're not a fan of ebay ,then abebooks.co.uk has copies of the '89 Autocourse for between £20 and roughly £60. They've also got 1980 copies, albeit at higher prices.
Shockabuku, many thanks for above information, it was much appreciated. In 1980 I had just gotten married and therefore could not afford the £15 (!) for that year's annual.