Formula 1 class in hillclimbs
Posted 13 November 2010 - 10:25
The full(?) result in F1 class for this hillclimb were posted by uechtel in TNF some years ago and they are:
1. No. 162 Pietsch, Freiburg, Maserati 8.16,5 = 87,05 km/h (fastest time of all cars)
2. No. 160 Bonetto, Milan, Maserati 8.29,4 = 84,8 km/h
3. No. 163 Herbster, Lörrach, Bugatti 10.20,8 = 69,6 km/h
So, I have a question - Were there any other hillclimbs in Germany or in other European countries with specific class for Formula 1 cars?
Posted 13 November 2010 - 12:26
Not at many venues, and not every year, but in Germany and especially Switzerland there were separate F1 classes for many years
Posted 13 November 2010 - 12:49

OK, thanks! May be later anybody can provide list of hillclimbs with results?
Posted 13 November 2010 - 17:29
Edited by Geza Sury, 13 November 2010 - 17:33.
Posted 13 November 2010 - 19:50
Posted 14 November 2010 - 02:20
I'm not sure if there was a specific Formula One Class, but there was a picture in an "Automobile Year" around that period of Sommerhalder at a Swiss round of the European Mountain Championship (Though he wouldn't have been eligible for it)
Posted 14 November 2010 - 03:22
In 1957-58-59, Maserati A6GCS and 250F cars were run in some Swiss and Italian(Trento-Bondone) Hillclimbs by Erwin Sommerhalder, Odoardo Govoni, and maybe Willy Daetwyler.
I'm not sure if there was a specific Formula One Class, but there was a picture in an "Automobile Year" around that period of Sommerhalder at a Swiss round of the European Mountain Championship (Though he wouldn't have been eligible for it)
Apologies to D. McKinney Esq. That should have been A6GCM or perhaps 1953-54, not A6GCS.
Posted 14 November 2010 - 07:58
Posted 14 November 2010 - 11:47
Posted 14 November 2010 - 15:26

Posted 14 November 2010 - 15:39
Posted 14 November 2010 - 17:43
In order to do this they had to look on what machinery was available and did not always look at the definition of the international Grand Prix forumla(s) but like Hugo said, often defined their own categories. So what may look like a "Formula 1" field may have indeed been a class for cars over 1.5 litres and one for cars below that capacity limit, no matter whether supercharged or not!
Here the results from 1946/47
Germany: 21.07.1946 Ruhestein "Racecars" (unlimited): 1st Fritzgeorg Martin Bugatti Special 1.5 sc ret Heinrich Herbster Bugatti sc 10.08.1947 Eggbergrennen Racecars up to 1.5 l: 1st Leonhard Joa Maserati 4CM 1.5 sc 4:19.8 (1st overall) 2nd Hans Stuck Cisitalia D46 1.1 4:24.9 3rd Fritz Gerster Bugatti Special 1.5 sc Racecars up to 3 l: 1st Egon Brütsch Alfa Romeo "Monza" Spl. 2.3 sc 4:37.1 2nd Heinrich Herbster Bugatti T51 2.3 sc 4:51.9 3rd Kurt Kiefer Maserati 26M 2.5 sc 4th Franz Braun BMW Special 2.0
Switzerland: 24.08.1946 Maloja (national race) Group I (up to 1.1l): no entries Group II (1.5 l): 1st Emmanuel de Graffenried Maserati 6 CM 1.5 sc 8:31 (and 1st overall) 2nd Max Christen Maserati 6 CM Special 1.5 sc 8:55 ret Ernst Hürzeler Maserati 1.5 sc no time Group III (2.0 l): no entries Group IV (over 2.0l): 1st Fred Meyer Bugatti 2.3 sc 8:57.4 4 race cars altogether! 25.08.1946 Maloja (international race): Group I (1.5l): 1st Arialdo Ruggeri Maserati 1.5 sc 8:19.8 (1st overall) 2nd Enrico Plate Maserati 1.5 sc 8:38.6 3rd Ernst Hürzeler Maserati 1.5 sc 8:42.0 4th Max Christen Maserati Special 1.5 sc 9:01.4 5th Felice Bonetto Maserati Special 1.5 sc 9:11.8 6th Gigi Plate Plate-Talbot 1.5 sc 9:20.4 Group II (over 1.5 l): 1st Fred Meyer Bugatti 2.3 sc 8:44.8 2nd Peppino Cattaneo Alfa Romeo sc 9:38.4 05.07.1947 Maloja (national race) Racecars up to 1.5 l: 1st Ernst Hürzeler Maserati 4 CL 1.5 sc 8:33.4 (1st overall) 2nd Max Christen Maserati Special 1.5 sc 8:58.8 3rd Adolphe Mandirola Maserati 1.5 sc 9:19.0 4th Rolf Kessler Bugatti 1.5 sc 9:24.6 Racecars over 1.5 l: 1st Vittorio Vanini Maserati 2.0 sc 9:19.0 06.07.1947 Maloja (international race) Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st Ernst Hürzeler Maserati 4 CL 1.5 sc 8:27.2 (1st overall) 2nd Fred Meyer Maserati 1.5 sc 8:45.4 3rd Arialdo Ruggeri Maserati 1.5 sc 8:46.8 4th Gino dell´Acqua Maserati 1.5 sc 8:48.4 5th Max Christen Maserati Special 1.5 sc 8:48.6 6th Giovanni Bracco Maserati 1.5 sc 8:50.0 7th Rolf Kessler Bugatti 1.5 sc 9:15.6 8th Adolphe Mandirola Maserati 1.5 sc 9:23.8 Racecars over 1.5l: 1st Vittorio Vanini Maserati 2.0 sc 9:09.8 20.07.1947 Develier - Les Rangiers Racecars up to 1.1l: 1st Arnold Grass Derby Special 1.1 7:34.2 Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st Ernst Hürzeler Maserati 4 CL 1.5 sc 3:47.8 (1st overall) 2nd Max Christen Maserati Special 1.5 sc 4:01.4 3rd Rolf Kessler Bugatti 1.5 sc 4:14.6 4th Gino dell´Acqua Maserati 1.5 sc 6:07.5 Racecars over 1.5l: 1st Walter Wüst Bugatti 2.3 sc 4:27.2 17.08.1947 Rheineck - Walzenhausen - Lachen Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st Ernst Hürzeler Maserati 4 CL 1.5 sc 5:00.1 (1st overall) 2nd Max Christen Maserati Special 1.5 sc 5:07.0 3rd Fred Meyer Maserati 1.5 sc 5:18.5 4th Rolf Kessler Bugatti 1.5 sc 5:47.6 Racecars over 1.5l: 1st Paul Schenk Alfa Romeo 2.3 sc 5:15.8 2nd Walter Wüest Bugatti 2.3 sc 5:16.6 14.09.1947 Dornach - Gempen Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st Max Christen Maserati Special 1.5 sc 4:35.4 2nd Fred Meyer Maserati 1.5 sc 4:36.8 3rd Rolf Kessler Maserati 1.5 sc 4:41.8 ret Ernst Hürzeler Maserati 1.5 sc no time Racecars over 1.5l: 1st Walter Wüest Bugatti 2.3 sc 4:25.4 (winner racecars) 2nd Vittorio Vanini Maserati 2.0 sc 4:48.0 3rd Hermann Trümpy BMW-Veritas ("T-Wagen") 2.0 4:57.4 21.12.1947 Siders - Crans Montana ("winter hill climb" on ice and snow!) Racecars up to 1.1l: 1st Piero Taruffi Cisitalia D46 1.1 15:59.4 (1st overall) Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st Emmanuel de Graffenried Maserati 1.5 sc 16:19.95 2nd Arialdo Ruggeri Maserati 1.5 sc 17:34.2 3rd Ernst Hürzeler Maserati 1.5 sc 18:34.0 4th Antoine Branca Maserati 1.5 sc 19:40.3
Posted 14 November 2010 - 18:33
Germany: 05.09.1948 Eggbergrennen: "Racecars" (unlimited): 1st Egon Brütsch Westenrieder-Maserati 3.7 sc 2nd Helmut Polensky Monopol-BMW 2.0 3rd Georg Meier BMW-Veritas 2.0 4th Roland Mall Neumaier-BMW 2.0 5th Hans Gerbel BMW Special 2.0 ret Hermann Holbein HH 48-BMW 2.0 dns Heinrich Herbster Veritas-Bugatti 2.3 sc
Switzerland: 23.05.1948 Rheineck - Walzenhausen Racecars up to 1.1l: 1st Hans Stuck Cisitalia D46 1.1 4:57.2 2nd Walter Wüest Cisitalia D46 1.1 5:08.0 3rd Rudolf Fischer Simca-Gordini 1.1 5:10.2 4th Francesco Nissotti Fiat Stanguellini 1.1 5:18.6 5th Carlo Pesci Cisitalia 1.1 5:21.8 6th Walter Wüest Cisitalia Sport 1.1 5:32.8 7th Gianni Arezzi Fiat 750 6:29.6 8th Jakob Keller Keller Spezial 600 6:30.2 Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st Emmanuel de Graffenried Maserati 4CL 1.5 sc 4:52.8 (1st overall) 2nd Antoine Branca Maserati 1.5 sc 5:12.0 3rd Hans Kaufmann Maserati 1.5 sc 5:27.2 4th G. B. Azzi Maserati 1.5 5:41.8 5th Aldo Ranzini Lancia 1.5 5:47.2 Racecars up to 2.0l: 1st Pariani Plate-Special 1.7 5:39.4 2nd Emil Haefeli Bugatti 2.0 5:55.0 Racecars over 2.0l: 1st Kenneth Hutchison Alfa Romeo 2.9 sc 5:08.2 06.06.1948 Valangin - Vue des Alpes Racecars up to 1.1 1st Hans Stuck Cisitalia D46 1.1 5:15.0 2nd Rudolf Fischer Simca-Gordini 1.1 5:25.6 3rd Walter Wüst Cisitalia D46 1.1 5:44.0 4th Raymond de Sauge Cisitalia D46 1.1 6:30.6 5th Gianni Arezzi Fiat 750 7:07.8 Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st Emmanuel de Graffenried Maserati 4CL 1.5 sc 4:56.4 (1st overall) 2nd Anton Branca Maserati 1.5 sc 5:15.4 3rd Enrico Plate maserati 1.5 sc 5:44.6 4th Giovanni Azzi Maserati 1.5 6:11.2 5th Ernest Ramseyer Maserati 1.5 7:42.0 ret Hans Kaufmann Maserati 1.5 no time Racecars up to 2.0l: 1st Giovanni Bracco Maserati 1.6 5:48.8 2nd Frederico Pariani PB Special 1.8 5:49.2 Racecars over 2.0l: 1st Kenneth Hutchison Alfa Romeo B 2.9 sc 5:08.8 22.08.1948 Casaccia - Maloja Racecars up to 1.1l: 1st Rudolf Fischer Simca-Gordini 1.1 4:16.4 2nd Walter Wüst Cisitalia D46 1.1 4:36.8 3rd Fiat 1.1 5:11.2 Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st Emmanuel de Graffenried Maserati 4CL 1.5 sc 4:03.0 (1st overall) 2nd Ernest Ramseyer Maserati 1.5 sc 4:26.6 3rd Leonardo Quadri Maserati 1.5 4:47.8 Racecars over 1.5l: 1st Max Renz Special 1.9 sc 5:20.0
Posted 14 November 2010 - 19:16
Germany: 31.07.1949 Schauinsland Racecars unlimited: 1st Hans Stuck Westenrieder-Maserati 3.7 sc 9:53.3 2nd Egon Brütsch EBS-Bugatti 2.3 sc 3rd Fritz Prinzbach Special 10:37.6 ret Heinrich Herbster Veritas-Bugatti 2.3 sc Racecars Formula 2: 1st Hans Stuck AFM-BMW 2.0 8:37.1 (1st overall) 2nd Hans Gerbel BMW Special 2.0 ret Helmut Polensky Monopol-BMW 2.0
Switzerland: 19.06.1949 Rheineck - Walzenhausen - Lachen Racecars up to 1.1l: 1st Max de Terra Cisitalia D46 1.1 5:16.8 2nd Alfred Dattner Simca-Gordini 1.1 5:20.0 3rd Humbert Joly Cisitalia D46 1.1 5:22.4 4th O. Wild Cisitalia D46 1.1 5:49.2 Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st Emmanuel de Graffenried Maserati 4CLT 1.5 sc 4:43.2 (1st overall) 2nd Rudolf Fischer Simca-Gordini 1.4 4:45.0 3rd Antonio Branca Maserati 1.5 sc 5:03.4 4th F. Sechehaye Maserati 1.5 sc 5:33.8 ret Max Christen Suiza-Maserati 1.5 sc no time 17.07.1949 Develier - Les Rangiers racecars up to 0.750l: 1st J. Erard Erard 750 5:06.8 Racecars up to 1.1l: 1st A. Canonica Cisitalia D46 1.1 4:01.6 2nd Claude Bernheim Cisitalia 1.1 4:04.8 3rd Alfred Dattner Simca-Gordini 1.1 4:06.8 4th Max de Terra Cisitalia D46 1.1 4:13.6 5th O. Wild Cisitalia D46 1.1 4:18.0 Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st Emmanuel de Graffenried Maserati 4CLT 1.5 sc 3:18.0 (1st overall) 2nd Rudolf Fischer Simca-Gordini 1.5 3:29.8 3rd F. Sechehaye Maserati 1.5 sc 4:14.4 24.07.1949 La Sonnaz (Sprint hillclimb) Racecars up to 1.1l: 1st Alfred Dattner Simca-Gordini 1.1 0:56.6 = A. Canonica Cisitalia 1.1 0:56.6 3rd Max de Terra Cisitalia D46 1.1 0:58.8 4th Claude Bernheim Cisitalia 1.1 0:59.0 5th O. Wild Cisitalia D46 1.1 0:59.6 6th Humbert Joly Cisitalia D46 1.1 1:01.0 Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st Rudolf Fischer Simca-Gordini 1.5 0:52.2 (1st overall) ret F. Sechehaye Maserati 1.5 sc no time 21.08.1949 Maloja Racecars up to 1.1l: 1st Humbert Joly Cisitalia D46 1.1 8:48.2 2nd A. Canonica Cisitalia 1.1 8:59.6 3rd Max de Terra Cisitalia D46 1.1 9:04.0 4th O. Wild Cisitalia D46 1.1 9:16.0 5th G. Quercioni Fiat 1.1 10:33.2 ret St. Coldham Cooper 1.0 no time Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st Rudolf Fischer Simca-Gordini 1.4 8:01.4 2nd Max Christen Maserati 1.5 8:37.6 3rd E. Ramseyer Maserati 1.5 sc 9:31.8 Racecars up to 2.0l: 1st Hans Stuck AFM-BMW 2.0 7:50.4 (1st overall)
Posted 14 November 2010 - 19:18
Lots of older F1 cars were used on the hills in Britain in the 1940s through to the 1970s. After that it was usually the engines that made it into hillclimb chassis.
Unraced f1 cars as well including Roy Lane in the March 2-4-0.
Posted 14 November 2010 - 21:43
Germany: 18.06.1950 Sternberg (Oberhof - Zella-Mehlis) Formula 2: 1st Paul Greifzu Greifzu-BMW 2.0 (1st overall) 2nd Kurt Baum Baum-BMW 2.0 06.08.1950 Schauinsland Formula 1: 1st Paul Pietsch Maserati 4CLT 1.5 sc 8:16.5 2nd Felice Bonetto Maserati 4CLT 1.5 sc 8:29.4 3rd Manfred Herbster Veritas-Bugatti 10:20.8 Formula 2: 1st Fritz Rieß AFM-BMW 2.0 8:28.5 2nd Toni Ulmen Veritas Special 2.0 8:42.09 = Hans Stuck AFM-BMW 2.0 8:42.09 4th Adolf Brudes Veritas-BMW 2.0 5th Roger Loyer Simca-Gordini 6th Paul Greifzu Greifzu-BMW 2.0 7th Rudolf Fischer HWM 8th Paul Glauser Veritas Meteor 2.0 9th Karl Kling Veritas Meteor 2.0 10th Fergus Andersson HWM 11th "J.M. Marcy" Veritas Meteor 2.0 12th Ernst Seiler Simca-Gordini 13th Max de Terra Cisitalia D46 14th Alfred Dattner Simca-Gordini 15th Karl Gommann AFM-BMW 2.0 16th "Robert" Cisitalia 17th Bruno Huber Cisitalia 18th Hans Gerbel BMW Special 2.0 ret Manfred v. Brauchitsch AFM-BMW 2.0 ret Kaspar Aebli Veritas Meteor 2.0
Switzerland: 11.06.1950 Valangin - Vue des Alpes Racecars up to 0.5l: 1st C. A. N. May Cooper 500 6:07.4 Racecars up to 1.1l: 1st Louis Noverraz Cooper 1.1 5:36.4 2nd Harry Schell Cooper 1.1 5:43.4 3rd Alfred Dattner Simca-Gordini 1.1 5:57.8 4th Max de Terra Cisitalia D46 1.1 6:09.0 5th E. Sommerhalder Cisitalia 1.1 6:12.4 6th B. Huber Cisitalia 1.1 6:23.6 Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st Louis Chiron Maserati 4CLT 1.5 sc 4:57.4 (1st overall) 2nd Giovanni Bracco Ferrari 125 1.5 sc 4:57.8 3rd "B. Bira" Maserati 4CLT 1.5 sc 5:01.2 4th Emmanuel de Graffenried Maserati 4CLT 1.5 sc 5:03.8 5th Antonio Branca Simca-Gordini 1.5 5:29.6 6th Claude Bernheim Cisitalia-Abarth 1.2 5:49.6 7th Max Christen Maserati-Suiza 1.5 sc 5:54.4 Racecars up to 2.0l: 1st Joe Fry ERA 2.0 sc 6:05.0 02.07.1950 Siders - Crans Montana Racecars up to 1.1l: 1st Louis Noverraz Cooper 1.0 10:40.8 2nd Alfred Dattner Simca-Gordini 1.1 11:02.2 3rd Betty Haig Cooper 1.0 11:14.2 4th B. Huber Cisitalia 1.1 11:13.4 5th Max de Terra Cisitalia 1.1 11:25.2 6th M. Duberti Abarth 1.1 11:29.0 7th Frits van Erp AFM 1.1 13:56.2 Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st Giovanni Bracco Ferrari 125 1.5 sc 9:39.6 2nd Antonio Branca Simca-Gordini 1.5 9:49.2 3rd "B. Bira" Maserati 4 CLT 1.5 sc 9:49.8 4th Emmanuel de Graaffenried Maserati 4 CLT 1.5 sc 9:50.6 5th Max Christen Maserati-Suiza 1.5 sc 11:25.2 6th M. Felley Maserati 1.5 13:29.8 Racecars up to 2.0l: 1st Hans Stuck AFM-BMW 2.0 9:35.6 (1st overall) 2nd Peter Hirt Veritas Meteor 2.0 10:13.6 3rd Paul Glauser Veritas Meteor 2.0 11:04.2 09.07.1950 La Sonnaz Racecars up to 1.1l: 1st Alfred Dattner Simca-Gordini 1.1 57.2 2nd B. Huber Cisitalia 1.1 1:00.0 3rd Max de Terra Cisitalia 1.1 1:08.5 Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st Emmanuel de Graffenried Maserati 4CLT 1.5 sc 51.8 (1st overall) 2nd Antonio Branca Maserati 1.5 sc 54.4 3rd L. Felley Maserati 1.5 sc 1:04.4 Racecars up to 2.0l: 1st Peter Hirt Veritas Meteor 2.0 55.8 2nd Paul Glauser Veritas Meteor 2.0 57.6 3rd Kaspar Aebli Veritas Meteor 2.0 57.8 4th "J.M. Marcy" Veritas Meteor 2.0 58.4 01.10.1950 Mitholz - Kandersteg Racecars up to 1.1l: 1st Alfred Dattner Simca Gordini 1.1 3:19.0 (no further results available)
Posted 15 November 2010 - 18:51
Germany: 05.08.1951 Schauinsland Racecars unlimited: 1st Ken Wharton ERA B-Type 1.5 sc 8:05.31 (1st overall) 2nd Willy Daetwyler Alfa Romeo 412 4.5 sc 8:25.32 Formula 1: 1st Rudolf Fischer Ferrari 212 2.5 8:07.15 2nd Antonio Branca Maserati 4CLT 1.5 sc 8:20.22 3rd Paul Pietsch Maserati 4CLT 1.5 sc 8:26.33 4th Bob Cowell Alta 1.5 Formula 2: 1st Paul Pietsch Veritas Meteor 2.0 8:09.15 2nd Hans Stuck AFM-Küchen 2.0 8:12.13 3rd Fritz Rieß AFM-BMW 2.0 8:20.73 4th Stirling Moss HWM-Alta 2.0 8:24.08 5th Robert M.-Charrington Cooper-JAP 1.1 6th Paul Greifzu Greifzu-BMW 2.0 7th Franco Cortese Ferrari 166 2.0 8th Toni Ulmen Veritas RS 2.0 9th Alexander Orley Veritas-BMW 2.0 10th Rene Bonnet DB 11th Cecil Heath HWM-Alta 2.0 12th Zdenko von Schönborn Simca-Gordini 1.5 13th Anthony Stokes Alta 2.0 14th Hans Gerbel BMW Special 2.0 15th Rita Rampinelli Cisitalia D46 1.1 16th Ernst Klodwwig BMW Special 2.0 Formula 3: 1st Stirling Moss Kieft 500 8:18.99 2nd Ken Wharton Cooper 500 8:49.87 3rd Felice Bonetto Volpini-Gilera 500 8:52.81 4th Walter Komossa Scampolo 500 9:07.14 5th Pim Richardson Beels-JAP 500 9:47.78 ret J. Keller Keller-Spezial 500 no time etc.
Switzerland: 17.06.1951 Rheineck - Walzenhausen - Lachen Racecars up to 1.1l: 1st C. Guldimann Cisitalia 1.1 5:30.4 2nd L. Ducrey Cooper 500 5:47.4 Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st Emmanuel de Graffenried Maserati 4CLT 1.5 sc 4:36.6 2nd Toni Branca Simca-Gordini 1.5 4:46.6 3rd Ernst Seiler Simca-Gordini 1.5 5:02.2 Racecars up to 2.0l: 1st Kaspar Aebli Veritas Meteor 2.0 4:50.0 Racecars over 2.0L 1st Rudolf Fischer Ferrari 212 2.6 4:36.2 (1st overall) 15.07.1951 Develier - Les Rangiers Racecars up to 1.1l: 1st F. Rochat Simca-Gordini 1.1 3:48.4 2nd F. Aubert Cooper 1.1 4:01.0 3rd J. Papaux Cisitalia 1.1 4:06.8 4th L.F. Ducrey Cooper 500 4:17.6 5th C. Guldimann Cisitalia 1.1 4:25.0 Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st Emmanuel de Graffenried Maserati 4CLT 1.5 sc 3:29.0 Racecars over 2.0l: 1st Rudolf Fischer Ferrari 212 2.6 3:16.0 (1st overall) 26.08.1951 Tiefencastel - Lenzerheide Racecars up to 1.1l: 1st Ferdinand Aubert Cooper 1.1 4:09.6 2nd Walter Meier Cisitalia 1.1 4:20.0 3rd Claire Guldimann Cisitalia 1.1 4:31.8 4th Josef Papaux Cisitalia 1.1 4:33.8 5th Rita Rampinelli Cisitalia D46 1.1 4:37.2 Racecars up to 2.0l: 1st "Herve" HWM 2.0 4:08.8 Racecars over 2.0l: 1st Rudolf Fischer Ferrari 212 2.6 3:31.8 (1st overall) 02.09.1951 Mitholz - Kandersteg Racecars up to 1.1l: 1st Ferdinand Aubert Cooper 1.1 1:53.6 (winner racecar class) 2nd Claire Guldimann Cisitalia 1.1 2:14.2 3rd Joseph Papaux Cisitalia-AFM 1.1 2:39.8 Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st Max Christen Maserati-Suiza 1.5 sc 1:54.8 Racecars up to 2.0l: 1st "Herve" HWM 2.0 2:02.4 23.09.1951 Aldiswil - Albis Racecars up to 1.1l: 1st Ferdinand Aubert Cooper 1.1 2:42.9 2nd Walter Meier Cisitalia 1.1 2:58.1 3rd Francis Rochat Simca-Gordini 1.1 3:00.4 4th Josef Papaux Cisitalia 1.1 3:09.6 5th Claire Guldimann Cisitalia 1.1 3:11.8 6th Jakob Keller Scampolo 500 3:22.9 Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st Max Christen Maserati-Suiza 1.5 sc 2:45.8 Racecars up to 2.0 l: 1st Hans Stuck AFM-Küchen 2.0 2:40.2 2nd Toni Ulmen Veritas 2.0 2:43.8 3rd "Herve" HWM 2.0 2:51.5 4th Peter Hirt Veritas Meteor 2.0 4:01.7 Racecars over 2.0l: 1st Rudolf Fischer Ferrari 212 2.6 2:34.0 (1st overall)
Posted 15 November 2010 - 19:23
Germany: 29.06.1952 Kyffhäuser Formula 2: 1st Hans Stuck AFM-Küchen 2.0 (1st overall) 2nd Jürgen Perduß IFA Rennkollektiv 2.0 3rd Josef Peters Veritas RS 2.0 ret Rudolf Krause Reif-BMW 2.0
Switzerland: 22.06.1952 Altstätten - Stoß Racecars up to 0.5l: 1st J. Keller JKZ 500 5:41.2 ret H. Zweifel Cooper 500 no time Racecars up to 1.1l: 1st W. Meier Cisitalia 1.1 4:57.8 2nd Rita Rampinelli Cisitalia D46 1.1 4:58.4 3rd F. Rochat Simca-Gordini 1.1 5:01.6 4th H. Gilomen Cooper 1.1 6:08.6 Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st max de Terra Simca-Gordini 1.5 4:43.4 Racecars up to 2.0L. 1st Peter Hirt Ferrari 212/166 2.0 4:37.8 2nd "Herve" HWM 2.0 4:56.0 Racecars over 2.0l: 1st Rudolf Fischer Ferrari 500/625 2.5 4:15.4 (1st overall) 2nd Max Christen Maserati-Suiza 1.5 sc 4:44.8 24.08.1952 Mitholz - Kandersteg Racecars up to 1.1l: 1st Hansjörg Gilomen Cooper 1.1 1:55.8 2nd Walter Meier Cisitalia 1.1 2:00.2 3rd Rita Rampinelli Cisitalia D46 1.1 2:08.6 4th Roland Heiniger Cooper 500 2:13.2 ret Francis Rochat Simca-Gordini 1.1 no time Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st Max de Terra Simca-Gordini 1.5 2:03.2 Racecars up to 2.0l: 1st Rudolf Fischer Ferrari 500 2.0 1:46.2 (1st overall) 2nd "Herve" HWM 2.0 2:00.2 Racecars over 2.0l: 1st Peter Hirt Ferrari 212 2.6 1:52.4 2nd Robert Jenni Alfa Romeo 2.3 2:17.4 31.08.1952 Maloja (results very bad readable :( - ) Racecars up to 0.5l: 1st Dellocchio Cooper 500 2nd Roland Heiniger Cooper 500 3rd "Nemo" Volpini-Gilera 500 Racecars up to 0.75l: 1st K. Rovelli Fiat-Stanguellini 750 2nd A. Pozzi Siata 750 3rd E. Rovello BMW 750 Racecars up to 1.1l: 1st Walter Meier Cisitalia 1.1 2nd casalegno Cisitalia 1.1 3rd Rita Rampinelli Cisitalia D46 1.1 4th F. Rochet Simca-Gordini 1.1 ret Hansjörg Gilomen Cooper 1.1 no time Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st Zdenko v. Schönborn Simca-Gordini 1.5 2nd Max de Terra Simca-Gordini 1.5 Racecars up to 2.0l: 1st Rudolf Fischer Ferrari 500 2.0 (1st overall) 2nd Ludwig Fischer AFM-BMW 2.0 3rd Ottorino Volonterio Ferrari 166 2.0 Racecars over 2.0l: 1st A. Macchieraldo Maserati 4 CLT 1.5 sc 2nd Max Christen Maserati-Suiza 1.5 sc 3rd Quadri Maserati 1.5 sc 4th "Herve" Jaguar 3.5
Posted 15 November 2010 - 19:59
Germany: 09.08.1953 Schauinsland Formula 3: 1st Kurt Ahrens Cooper 500 8:52.08 2nd Theo Fitzau Cooper 500 9:03.09 3rd Kurt Kuhnke Cooper 500 9:12.69 4th Guy Loens Kieft 500 9:13.17 5th Willi Lehmann BMW Special 500 9:16.05 etc. Formula 2: 1st Emmanuel de Graffenried Maserati A6GCM 2.0 8:01.24 (1st overall) 2nd Rudolf Fischer Ferrari 500 2.0 8:07.69 3rd Hans Stuck AFM-Bristol 2.0 8:12.17 4th Alan Brown Cooper-Bristol 2.0 8:13.73 5th Kenneth McAlpine Connaught 2.0 8:20.74 6th Hans Herrmann Veritas Meteor 2.0 8:21.31 7th Karl-Günther Bechem AFM Sport 2.0 8:33.41 8th "B. Bira" Connaught 2.0 9th Theo Helfrich Veritas RS 2.0 10th Joseph Hummel Veritas RS 2.0 11th Wolfgang Seidel Veritas RS 2.0 12th Erwwin Bauer Veritas-BMW 2.0 13th Hans Blees AFM-BMW 2.0
Switzerland: 12.07.1953 Valangin - Vue des Alpes Racecars up to 0.5l: 1st Roland Heiniger Cooper 500 6:12.2 2nd Walter Bühler Cooper 500 6:14.3 3rd Ferdinand Aubert Cooper 500 6:29.7 4th Peer Schmidt SS Martin 500 7:31.9 ret Marcel Gahus Cooper 500 no time Racecars up to 1.1l: 1st Hansjürg Gilomen Cooper 1.1 5:36.4 2nd Hans Jaeger AFM 1.1 6:06.9 3rd Max de Terra Cisitalia 1.1 6:07.8 4th Rita Rampinelli Cisitalia 1.1 6:10.8 5th Francis Rochat Gordini 1.1 6:13.7 6th Hermann Helbling Fiat Nardi-Danese 1.1 6:15.4 Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st Alfred Dattner Simca 1.5 6:04.4 Racecars up to 2.0l: 1st Juan Manuel Fangio Maserati A6GCM 2.0 4:46.4 (1st overall) 2nd Emmanuel de Graffenried Maserati A6GCM 2.0 4:50.7 3rd Hans Stuck AFM-Bristol 2.0 5:05.6 Racecars over 2.0l: 1st Ken Wharton ERA 2.0 sc 4:47.0 2nd Willy Peter Daetwyler Alfa Romeo 412 4.5 sc 4:50.8 16.08.1953 Ollon - Villars Racecars up to 0.5l: 1st F. Aubert Cooper 500 6:24.58 2nd R. Heiniger Cooper 500 6:40.73 ret R. Martin SS Martin 500 no time ret R. Gabus Cooper 500 no time Racecars up to 1.1l: 1st H. Gilomen Cooper 1.1 5:20.00 2nd Rita Rampinelli Cisitalia 1.1 6:02.19 3rd Max de Terra Cisitalia 1.1 6:03.20 4th W. Meier Cisitalia 1.1 6:06.55 5th F. Rochat Gordini 1.1 6:21.45 Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st Alfred Dattner Simca-Gordini 1.5 5:59.01 Racecars up to 2.0l: 1st Emmanuel de Graffenried Maserati A6GCM 2.0 5:59.01 2nd Ottorino Volonterio Maserati 2.0 6:22.56 Racecars over 2.0l: 1st W. Daetwyler Alfa Romeo 412 4.5 sc 5:05.09 (1st overall) 13.09.1953 Mitholz - Kandersteg Racecars up to 0.5l: 1st Roland Heiniger Cooper 500 2:08.8 2nd Walter Bühler Cooper 500 2:09.8 3rd Rene Martin SS Martin 500 2:36.4 Racecars up to 1.1l: 1st H. Gilomen Cooper 1.1 1:48.0 2nd Rita Rampinelli Cisitalia 1.1 2:05.0 3rd Fr. Rochat Gordini 1.1 2:06.2 Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st Alfred Dattner Simca-Gordini 1.5 1:57.2 Racecars up to 2.0l: 1st Max de Terra Ferrari 500 2.0 2:16.4 Racecars over 2.0l: 1st W.P. Daetwyler Alfa Romeo 412 4.5 sc 1:42.6 (1st overall) 2nd Fritz Fanti Alfa Romeo 2.3 sc 2:26.6
Posted 15 November 2010 - 20:46
Switzerland: 11.07.1954 Rheineck - Walzenhausen Racecars up to 0.5l: 1st Theo Helfrich Cooper 500 4:53.2 2nd Kurt Ahrens Cooper 500 4:59.2 3rd Luigi Cavanna Guzzi 500 5:20.6 4th "Caulins" Cooper 500 5:33.2 5th H. Zweifel Cooper 500 5:52.8 6th "Quick" BMW Special 500 6:11.8 7th R. Stammbach BMW Special 500 6:25.0 Racecars up to 1.l: 1st H. Gilomen Cooper 1.1 4:35.4 (winner race car class) 2nd Willy Franz Cisitalia 1.1 5:06.8 3rd Rita Rampinelli Cisitalia 1.1 5:10.8 4th Max de Terra Cisitalia 1.1 5:23.0 5th Hilde Künzler OSCA 1.1 5:31.8 Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st Otto Mathe Porsche Special 1.5 4:50.2 2nd Alfred Dattner Simca-Gordini 1.5 5:10.8 3rd Paul Waldner Cisitalia Special 1.2 5:24.8 Racecars over 2.0l: 1st Ken Wharton ERA 2.0 sc 4:37.2 2nd "Wuff" Maserati 1.5 sc no time 26.09.1954 Mitholz - Kandersteg Racecars up to 0.5l: 1st H. Gilomen Cooper 500 2:01.6 2nd H. Zweifel Cooper 500 2:07.6 3rd Marcel Gabus Cooper 500 2:13.8 4th "Quick" BMW Special 500 2:27.0 Racecars up to 1.l: 1st H. Gilomen Cooper 1.1 1:55.6 (winner race car class) 2nd Willy Franz Cisitalia 1.1 2:03.4 3rd Rita Rampinelli Cisitalia 1.1 2:19.4 Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st P. Waldner Cisitalia Special 1.2 2:01.8 Racecars up to 2.0l: 1st H. Reglitzky Bugatti 2.0 2:21.6 24.04.1955 Steckborn - Eichhölzli Racecars up to 0.5l: 1st Harry Zweifel Cooper 500 2:09.3 2nd Franz Kehrli BSA Special 500 2:41.8 Racecars up to 1.1l: 1st Hansjörg Gilomen Cooper 1.1 2:01.5 (winner race car class) 2nd Erwin Eckert Cisitalia 1.1 2:13.9 3rd Rita Rampinelli Cisitalia 1.1 2:16.2 4th Francis Rochat Gordini 1.1 2:19.5 Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st Charles Vögele Porsche 1.5 2:21.8 Racecars over 2.0l: 1st Erwin Sommerhalder MG 1.3 sc 2:08.8 11.09.1955 St. Ursanne - Les Rangiers Racecars up to 0.5l: 1st Harry Zweifel Cooper 500 3:00.6 2nd H. Habegger Cooper 500 3:06.6 3rd H. Krattiger Cooper 500 3:09.2 4th F. Kehrli BSA Special 500 3:44.4 Racecars up to 1.1l: 1st Hansjörg Gilomen Cooper 1.1 2:50.2 2nd E. Eckert Cisitalia 1.1 3:09.8 3rd Rita Rampinelli Cisitalia 1.1 3:11.4 4th Breitenstein Cisitalia 1.1 3:26.6 Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st A. Leuenberger Cisitalia 1.2 2:57.0 2nd Charles Vögele Glöckler-Porsche 1.5 2:57.6 Racecars over 2.0l: 1st Daetwyler Alfa Romeo 412 4.5 sc 2:45.6 (winner race car class) 2nd Sommerhalder Maserati 1.5 sc 3:04.6 3rd M. Meylan Bugatti 3.6 3:35.4 2nd 25.09.1955 Mitholz - Kandersteg Racecars up to 0.5l: 1st Hans Haldemann Cooper 500 1:58.3 2nd "Caulins" Cooper 500 1:59.1 3rd Heinz Krattiger Cooper 500 2:00.8 4th Harry Zweifel Cooper 500 2:02.2 5th Walter Rhyn Cooper 500 2:05.8 6th Franz Kehrli BSA Special 500 2:27.2 ret Victor Voutat Cooper 500 no time Racecars up to 1.1l: 1st Hansjörg Gilomen Cooper 1.1 1:56.4 2nd Erwin Eckert Cisitalia 1.1 2:00.2 3rd Rita Rampinelli Cisitalia 1.1 2:05.3 4th Fl. Breitenstein Cisitalia 1.1 2:10.5 Racecars up to 1.5l: 1st A. Leuenberger Cisitalia 1.2 1:55.0 2nd Rudolf Roth Cisitalia 1.1 2:16.4 Racecars over 2.0l: 1st W.P. Daetwyler Alfa Romeo 412 4.5 sc 1:44.6 (1st overall) 2nd E. Sommerhalder Maserati 1.5 sc 1:53.8
<end of my records>
Posted 16 November 2010 - 07:25
Much appreciated (by me at least)

Posted 16 November 2010 - 09:05
Roger Lund
Posted 16 November 2010 - 09:08
09.08.1970 Mt. Dore - J.P.Beltoise
23.08.1970 Cote du Beaujolais - H.Pescarolo
30.08.1970 Cote d'Urcy - J.P.Beltoise
Posted 16 November 2010 - 09:52
Wonderful stuff, uechtel
Much appreciated (by me at least)
And very much appreciated by me.
Posted 16 November 2010 - 10:28
28.05.1950 CC de Doullens F G.Grignard Lago Talbot T26C 11.06.1950 CC de la Sarthe B A.Legat Maserati 4CM 18.06.1950 CC d'Ars F G.Grignard Lago Talbot T26C 30.07.1950 Susa-Moncenisio I G.Bracco Ferrari 125C 20.05.1951 CC de Doullens F G.Grignard Lago Talbot T26C 15.07.1951 Cran D'Escalles F G.Grignard Lago Talbot T26C 12.08.1951 Col Bayard F K.Wharton ERA 21.06.1953 CC d'Ars F G.Grignard Lago Talbot T26C 27.09.1953 CC Chatellerault F G.Grignard Lago Talbot T26C 08.08.1954 Col de Bayard F K.Wharton ERA 22.09.1957 Kandersteg CH E.Sommerhalder Maserati 250 F 03.06.1961 La Faucille F M.Trintigant Cooper Maserati 27.08.1961 Klosters – Davos CH G.Balzarini Cooper Maserati T43 01.07.1962 Rochefort CH H.Schiller Porsche 718 26.08.1962 Ollon Villars CH J.Bonnier Porsche 804 02.09.1962 Chamrousse F H.Schiller Porsche 718 12.05.1963 CC du Pin F B.Collomb Lotus Climax 24 25.08.1963 Ollon Villars CH J.Bonnier Ferguson-Climax 16.09.1963 Vaals Heuvelklim NL C.de Beaufort Porsche 718 07.06.1964 CC du Pin F B.Collomb Lotus Climax 24 14.06.1964 Mont Ventoux F M.Trintigant BRM P57 16.08.1964 Mont Dore F M.Trintigant BRM P57 22.08.1965 St Ursanne CH J.Siffert Brabham-BRM BT11 21.08.1966 St Ursanne CH J.Siffert Cooper Maserati T81 18.08.1968 St Ursanne CH J.Siffert Lotus-Ford 49 24.08.1969 St Ursanne CH S.Moser Brabham Ford BT 24 23.08.1970 St Ursanne CH S.Moser Bellasi Ford 27.09.1970 Kerenzerberg CH S.Moser Bellasi Ford
Edited by Hugo Boecker, 16 November 2010 - 16:28.
Posted 16 November 2010 - 11:27
So the Swiss ran into very big problems when the FIA set new capacity limits in 1954 for the touring cars, as it was now debatable whether the winner of the 1.6 l touring car class could "punish" the winner of the 1.5l spors car class! If the Swiss had adopted the official international formulas for the race cars this would have led to an immediate breakdown of the whol championship system.
A very remarkable event to me is also that 1947 "christmas hillclimb". Imagine today´s Formula 1 cars running on snowy or icy unpaved surface!
Besides that I think in that period also in Great Britain, France and Italy hillclimbs there were quite many hillclimbs either, but I have only very rudimentary knowledge about this. So I would apperciate very much if somebody would be able to deliver some dates and results for this, too.
Posted 16 November 2010 - 12:52
Don't tell it Bernie.A very remarkable event to me is also that 1947 "christmas hillclimb". Imagine today´s Formula 1 cars running on snowy or icy unpaved surface!

Posted 16 November 2010 - 13:50
I only have the date; anyone who knows if there were any Alfa Romeo's entered ? And their eventual result ?
Posted 16 November 2010 - 13:53
Same as above:
I only have the date; anyone who knows if there were any Alfa Romeo's entered ? And their eventual result ?
Posted 16 November 2010 - 14:05
Of course everytime it is Georges GRIGNARDjust an addition to uechtel's great list. Some continental hillclimbs won by F1 cars, besides the listed above.
[code=auto:0]28.05.1950 CC de Doullens F G.Gringard Lago Talbot T26C18.06.1950 CC d'Ars F G.Gringard Lago Talbot T26C20.05.1951 CC de Doullens F G.Gringard Lago Talbot T26C15.07.1951 Cran D'Escalles F G.Gringard Lago Talbot T26C
21.06.1953 CC d'Ars F G.Gringard Lago Talbot T26C
27.09.1953 CC Chatellerault F G.Gringard Lago Talbot T26C
Posted 16 November 2010 - 15:14
A very remarkable event to me is also that 1947 "christmas hillclimb". Imagine today´s Formula 1 cars running on snowy or icy unpaved surface!

Red Bull:
Mclaren: http://www.metacafe....ren_f1_in_snow/
Posted 16 November 2010 - 16:24
Of course, sorry messed it up.Of course everytime it is Georges GRIGNARD
Posted 16 November 2010 - 18:38
1963 CC du PIN May 12
Same as above:
I only have the date; anyone who knows if there were any Alfa Romeo's entered ? And their eventual result ?
Don't know about the Alfas, but I can offer the podium :
1 Collomb - Lotus 24
2 Fraissinet - Porsche 718 RS
3 Tavano - Ferrari 250 GTO
One could see wonderful cars on the hills in those years...
Posted 30 December 2010 - 12:28
Edited by Oleksij Hrushko, 30 December 2010 - 12:29.
Posted 02 January 2011 - 09:12
Posted 02 January 2011 - 09:32
6/6/59 course de côte du Pin
Fernand Tavano/ 500 TRC "0696MDTR" #105 1er
Pierre Dumay "Loustel"/ 250 GT "TdF" "1357GT" 1er
Posted 29 May 2011 - 19:16
F1 cars continued to be used in hill climbs across Europe into the 1970s but they weren't eligible for points in any major national championship after the French banned them in 1973. So although you still see Tyrrell 007s and other competing later than that, they are rarely mentioned in the results unless they happened to set BTD.