Most of the field including the winner - Dick Seaman have signed the album - The Earl Howe, Prince Bira, Raymond Mays, Freddy Dixon, Bill Cotton, J.D “Doc” Benjafield, Arthur Dobson, Chris Staniland, Cyril Paul, Norman Black, A.P. “Ginger” Hamilton, W.L.Handley, W.B.Everitt, E.Maclure, H.J. Aldington, W.G. Everitt, D.L. Briault and more to be identified. Here are a couple of interesting pages.

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What about this one? The top signature is E. Maclure but who are the lower two?....

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....and is the bottom signature here Noel Brockelbank's (or should it be Brocklebank) who raced Bugatti # 29 in the Empire Trophy race?

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