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Place The Points Competition 2015 final standings after Abu Dhabi

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#1 Makarias

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Posted 01 December 2015 - 22:21

2015 final standings after Abu Dhabi:

Pos Name             Tot Latest
1)  mark f1          1710  61
2)  KWSN-DSM         1686  50
3)  kismet           1673  57
4)  scheivlak        1671  20
5)  Grayson          1661  44
6)  wattoroos        1645  40
7)  Makarias         1644  39
=   noikeee          1644  71
9)  Wander           1640  43
10) fisichella_2001  1634  17
11) The Snowman      1630  42
12) MJB5990          1627  73
13) jjcale           1626  43
14) DutchQuicksilver 1621  44
15) Bleu             1620  26
16) SpaceHorseParty  1617  33
17) Brawn BGP 001    1610  35
18) d_view7          1608  62
19) JAW97            1604  41
20) HeidfeldsBeard   1586  30
21) M2000-5          1569  72
22) Apex             1562  28
23) Costaz           1558  48
24) AcuraF1          1553  20
25) Barty            1476  53
Congratulations to mark f1 :clap: :clap: :clap: who maintains a good scoring rate right to the end.
Congratulations also to runner-up KWSN-DSM :clap: :clap:
and third place finisher kismet :clap: who maintains that spot from last year. Well done!

The entries

PTPC Hall of Fame
Year  WDC   Game         Pl  Winner
 AD  Points  Win   %     #
2000   442   365  82.58  14  jack and gilles
2001   442   364  82.35  69  MrT, tacololo
2002   442   376  85.07  46  smarty
2003   624   537  86.06  41  arcsine
2004   702   554  78.98  48  Pioneer
2005   741   595  80.30  49  KWSN-DSM
2006   702   592  84.33  47  an1res
2007   663   563  84.92  40  turin
2008   702   597  85.04  39  AcuraF1
2009   731   518  70.86  29  D82
2010  1919  1674  87.23  34  Costaz
2011  1919  1664  86.71  25  Crazy Canuck
2012  2020  1706  84.46  28  Costaz
2013  1919  1656  86.29  27  scheivlak
2014  1919  1602  83.48  30  noikeee
2015  1919  1710  89.11* 25  mark f1
*2020 points in the guesses

The Drivers' list
Driver Expect  Surprise Beat
           %        %     #
Pere    355,8    166,0   25
Nasr    319,9     93,1   24
Eric    208,3     33,3   22
Hülk    188,8     85,3   23
Vers    168,7     64,5   22
Vett    161,8    134,3   25
Räik    104,4     58,4   15
Hami    103,9     92,0   18
Rosb    100,7     85,4   18
Sain     92,4     46,2   10
Gros     89,0     54,8    8
Kvya     83,0     51,1    3
Mass     77,7     62,4    1
Mald     75,9     33,8    9
Bott     69,4     54,6    1
Ricc     49,3     36,7    0
Butt     23,2     15,0    1
Alon     12,6      8,7    0
Achiever bonanza in the season finale as all three podium finishers in quick succession get past 100% Expectation! Sergio Perez moves to the top of the list with another great result that we're getting used to from him by now.

Expect: Expectation fulfillment. The driver's current points score as a percentage of the average points placed on him (not rounded off to integer points)
Surprise: The driver's points score as a percentage of the maximum points placed on him plus one. When this number is reached, the driver has achieved a 100% surprise, by beating the highest expectations on him for this season.
Beat: How many players' expectations the driver has managed to beat. The maximum amount is the number of entrants for the season; for 2015 this is 25.

Guesses on P1-P5:
Rosberg                Hamilton               Räikkönen              Vettel                 Perez               
Barty           376    JAW97           413    M2000-5         256    * Potential     278    * Potential      78
jjcale          375    mark f1         410    Barty           208    * Forecast      278    * Forecast       78
d_view7         355    M2000-5         408    kismet          167    * Current       278    * Current        78
M2000-5         353    MJB5990         405    noikeee         165    scheivlak       206    kismet           46
The Snowman     336    Makarias        401    MJB5990         163    wattoroos       205    Bleu             40
noikeee         330    Brawn BGP 001   400    DutchQuicksilver161    M2000-5         203    jjcale           35
MJB5990         329    noikeee         382    KWSN-DSM        160    fisichella_2001 197    mark f1          35
* Potential     322    * Potential     381    Wander          156    noikeee         197    SpaceHorseParty  33
* Forecast      322    * Forecast      381    d_view7         155    The Snowman     196    Apex             30
* Current       322    * Current       381    * Potential     150    Makarias        191    KWSN-DSM         30
Costaz          320    Costaz          375    wattoroos       150    mark f1         190    Wander           30
Grayson         320    kismet          375    * Forecast      150    Grayson         180    fisichella_2001  27
mark f1         320    d_view7         370    * Current       150    KWSN-DSM        180    scheivlak        27
KWSN-DSM        317    Grayson         370    Bleu            140    DutchQuicksilver173    Grayson          25
SpaceHorseParty 313    SpaceHorseParty 365    jjcale          140    HeidfeldsBeard  168    Makarias         25
HeidfeldsBeard  312    DutchQuicksilver362    mark f1         140    Wander          168    wattoroos        25
kismet          312    fisichella_2001 362    scheivlak       140    MJB5990         167    Brawn BGP 001    24
DutchQuicksilver311    Apex            360    The Snowman     138    kismet          166    HeidfeldsBeard   22
Apex            310    KWSN-DSM        359    AcuraF1         130    d_view7         165    MJB5990          19
Wander          310    jjcale          350    Grayson         130    AcuraF1         164    noikeee          15
wattoroos       307    Wander          350    SpaceHorseParty 130    Brawn BGP 001   163    The Snowman      15
JAW97           305    HeidfeldsBeard  346    JAW97           126    SpaceHorseParty 159    JAW97            13
Makarias        303    Bleu            345    HeidfeldsBeard  124    Bleu            158    DutchQuicksilver 12
AcuraF1         302    AcuraF1         344    fisichella_2001 113    JAW97           157    Costaz            9
Brawn BGP 001   302    Barty           341    Costaz          112    jjcale          151    AcuraF1           6
fisichella_2001 301    scheivlak       335    Brawn BGP 001    97    Costaz          145    M2000-5           5
scheivlak       290    wattoroos       330    Makarias         97    Barty           125    Barty             0
Bleu            280    The Snowman     312    Apex             95    Apex            120    d_view7           0
Rosberg made a huge climb up his list in the finale; many guesses in a short points span, and pretty much on target!

Guesses on P6-P10:
Ricciardo              Hülkenberg             Massa                  Grosjean               Kvyat               
jjcale          250    kismet           67    M2000-5         193    SpaceHorseParty  92    jjcale          185
Makarias        229    Bleu             63    AcuraF1         184    KWSN-DSM         90    MJB5990         154
AcuraF1         224    * Potential      58    SpaceHorseParty 181    scheivlak        80    HeidfeldsBeard  138
Barty           218    * Forecast       58    The Snowman     175    The Snowman      79    Makarias        135
DutchQuicksilver216    * Current        58    Makarias        173    M2000-5          77    DutchQuicksilver132
HeidfeldsBeard  215    jjcale           47    JAW97           169    Wander           70    wattoroos       131
Costaz          204    scheivlak        45    Brawn BGP 001   168    AcuraF1          68    kismet          130
scheivlak       200    KWSN-DSM         44    wattoroos       165    HeidfeldsBeard   68    Costaz          126
Bleu            195    Apex             43    Apex            160    Apex             65    fisichella_2001 124
JAW97           192    mark f1          40    Barty           160    Makarias         64    noikeee         121
Wander          191    fisichella_2001  36    Grayson         160    JAW97            63    Apex            115
noikeee         190    Grayson          35    KWSN-DSM        160    Bleu             62    Wander          113
kismet          189    Wander           35    MJB5990         159    mark f1          60    AcuraF1         112
Apex            180    HeidfeldsBeard   31    fisichella_2001 158    DutchQuicksilver 59    JAW97           112
KWSN-DSM        180    Barty            30    Bleu            157    d_view7          56    SpaceHorseParty 112
mark f1         180    MJB5990          28    noikeee         155    * Potential      51    Grayson         110
wattoroos       176    JAW97            27    HeidfeldsBeard  150    * Forecast       51    mark f1         110
fisichella_2001 175    Makarias         27    mark f1         150    MJB5990          51    Barty           105
d_view7         170    Brawn BGP 001    26    Wander          150    wattoroos        51    d_view7         104
Grayson         170    SpaceHorseParty  26    Costaz          149    * Current        51    Bleu            100
MJB5990         166    wattoroos        26    DutchQuicksilver138    Grayson          50    KWSN-DSM         96
SpaceHorseParty 162    AcuraF1          20    scheivlak       131    fisichella_2001  49    * Potential      95
Brawn BGP 001   135    The Snowman      20    d_view7         125    Costaz           45    * Forecast       95
The Snowman     130    DutchQuicksilver 18    jjcale          125    kismet           45    scheivlak        95
M2000-5         126    noikeee          17    * Potential     121    Brawn BGP 001    37    * Current        95
* Potential      92    Costaz            9    * Forecast      121    noikeee          29    The Snowman      88
* Forecast       92    M2000-5           8    * Current       121    jjcale           23    Brawn BGP 001    86
* Current        92    d_view7           0    kismet           97    Barty             0    M2000-5          26
A very disappointing season for Ricciardo, but guess what: it's the car!

The PTPC forecast after Brazil
Name             Forecast  +/-
mark f1          1720,3   -0,1
KWSN-DSM         1687,9    2,5
scheivlak        1685,2  -10,0
kismet           1673,3   14,3
Grayson          1669,4   -2,7
Makarias         1660,3  -12,7
wattoroos        1652,4   -3,4
fisichella_2001  1647,4  -11,7
Wander           1647,2    1,3
noikeee          1641,4    4,0
The Snowman      1633,9   -1,6
SpaceHorseParty  1632,7   -1,8
Bleu             1630,1   -0,9
DutchQuicksilver 1628,2    2,3
jjcale           1626,1    2,6
MJB5990          1625,6    2,3
Brawn BGP 001    1624,1  -15,8
JAW97            1621,8  -11,1
d_view7          1606,7   10,6
HeidfeldsBeard   1600,7   -1,7
Apex             1577,7   -4,8
AcuraF1          1567,7   -9,7
Costaz           1566,4   -2,7
M2000-5          1564,7    2,5
Barty            1473,9    2,3
The final results generally were lower than the final forecast. No wonder with such a boring race result.

b]The best guesses on each driver[/b]
 X    #   !  Y
Hami 381 382 noikeee
Rosb 322 320 Costaz, Grayson, mark f1
Vett 278 206 scheivlak
Räik 150 150 wattoroos
Bott 136 154 kismet
Mass 121 125 jjcale
Kvya  95  95 scheivlak
Ricc  92 126 M2000-5
Pere  78  46 kismet
Hülk  58  63 Bleu
Gros  51  51 MJB5990, wattoroos
Vers  49  48 Makarias
Nasr  27  28 The Snowman
Mald  27  28 Costaz
Sain  18  19 JAW97
Butt  16  15 M2000-5
Alon  11  20 M2000-5
Eric   9  10 KWSN-DSM; 8 Brawn BGP 001, The Snowman
Merh   0   0 Everyone except KWSN-DSM
Ross   0   0 Everyone
Stev   0   0 Everyone except KWSN-DSM and SpaceHorseParty
Magn   0   0 20 players
King   0   0 Everyone except KWSN-DSM
vdGa   0   0 21 players
Zero pointers aside, only four spot on points guesses.

Reality check on some of our predictions

Popularity Poll WCC prediction:
Team   Pred  Off
Merc   687  + 16
Will   352  - 95
Ferr   316  +112
RBR    301  -114
McLa   157  -130
Lotu    93  - 15
FoIn    53  + 83
STR     48  + 19
Saub    13  + 23
Mano     0  +- 0
A + in the "off" column means the prediction was outscored. Since we made guesses for 20 races naturally the net sum becomes negative.
Force India stands out on the positive side, McLaren on the negative.

Teammate battles: Which driver is expected to outscore his teammate?
Owner               Owned Comment
     <-     =    ->
Ricc  25    0    0  Kvya  Wrong
Gros  23    2    0  Mald  Correct
Alon  23    0    2  Butt  Wrong
Bott  22    1    2  Mass  Correct
Hülk  22    1    2  Pere  Wrong
Hami  22    0    3  Rosb  Correct
Vett  22    0    3  Räik  Correct
Vers  20    1    4  Sain  Correct
Nasr  14    7    4  Eric  Correct
Stev   1   24    0  Merh  Correct (draw)
We got a few wrong this time...

Y'all will score points for this in the Supercup too. Have a fun offseason and see you in 2016!


#2 scheivlak

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Posted 01 December 2015 - 22:38

Congrats to mark f1  :clap:


There's something special about this game: the feeling of doom that gets bigger and bigger - unless of course you got it right that one time like I did in 2013. 

There's something very satisfying in getting the feeling pretty well that you're winning months before, of course it still it takes a long time and yet nothing comes between it. Months ago I just knew mark would win and in the end he did! So I think he'll be pretty satisfied.


Thanks to Mak for running the game and providing all those data in a swift manner as well. That's the way - ahaaa - I like it!

#3 mark f1

mark f1
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Posted 02 December 2015 - 01:13

Thanks Mak for running the game.  :up:


Very happy to win this one. As scheivlak points out, it is really interesting to follow throughout the season and your swift and amusing commentary and results detail are awesome.




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Posted 02 December 2015 - 10:30

Congratulations mark f1 for this grand win.


It is indeed interesting throwing it all at the season before it start and then watch oneself either sinking or rising in the ranks. I have felt the joy of a win (10 years ago? How the heck can that be 10 years ago?), promptly followed by finishing last next year :rotfl:



Thanks Makarias for running this game. :clap: :clap: :clap:

