What he said - Maurice was a cool, placid, relaxed and calming influence on Geoff Goddard - his regular fellow photographer around the race circuits of the world - puffing on his pipe and occasionally even nodding off in a sun-soaked spot between races or practice sessions. But he could also be very crisp, direct and decisive when the situation demanded. He was also a superb photographer, with tremendous technical grasp and that most vital of innate talents - a great eye for a picture. As editorial secretary on 'Motor' magazine his wife Beryl could provide an equally calming influence for stressed scribblers, imprisoned in tiny hotel phone booths, on the end of a crackling and unreliable Continental telephone line while attempting to dictate their reports over the hot line. In short - a lovely couple. As Peter posted above Maurice was one of the nicest people I have ever known.
That phrase simply sums him up. Right now I can imagine he'll be soothing over a raging argument between Geoff...and Jenks...while keeping one eye out for a decent French restaurant for Philip, and so many other friends... Comfy now.