Awake? what do you mean awake????
I didn't know that everyone didn't know Steve and Aprille but I will fill in what I know.
Steve's family left Russia during the revolution, They had a huge house so presumably were of some importance. Why they went to Australia in unclear but presumably to start a new life. Steve started racing there and by all accounts did well so that, like others, thought he would try his luck over here.
He fell in with Cliff Davis who raced as well as selling American cars in the Goldhawk Road. Cliff had a yard of lock-up garages behind the car lot. Some of those were used by the likes of Bernie Ecclestone, Charles Lucas [Luke] [my brother] and many others. [It's not what you know, its who you know]
Steve progressed to a car lot on Castlenau, Barnes, selling American cars, just down the road from Petersham, where they lived with their seven sons.
I met them through the Davis family and the Doghouse.
So you can see the slightly tangled connections. With my granny hat on I say WRITE IT DOWN. Once we are gone its gone. Ships that pass in the night but all very interesting. Our paths crossed when we all went skiing at Isola 2000.[easy to get to and good for children] mine are younger than the Ouveroffs but we made rather a jolly gang consuming pizza at the Cow Club at lunch time. [which is why my daughter noticed the name on the bench on the tow path]
Thats pretty much it for now... I will be back if I think of any other stories.
Thanks to ace picture poster Stephen, where would we be without the internet? [asleep?]