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Bruce Allison - a man of promise?

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#1 island

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Posted 10 April 2000 - 20:44

One of the lost talents of Australian racing
and a driver of the Warwick Brown-calibre?
Who recalls his two impressive Oran Park
Rothmans performances in 1976 (dominating
in the rain-until his crash) and 1978
(beating McRae`s GM3 by half a second in
the difficult Chevron B37)?


#2 Ray Bell

Ray Bell
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Posted 10 April 2000 - 20:55

My immediate thought is of that pole position in the Toby Lee series. But then he had that Bill Patterson car and did do well in that... we watched him come up through FF and F2 to get to that point, I can't say that he impressed early on. Later he had Peter Molloy guiding him, which probably changed things a lot.

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