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Will USF1 make it to the 2010 grid? (merged)

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Poll: Will USF1 make it to the 2010 grid? (merged) (933 member(s) have cast votes)

Will USF1 make it to the 2010 grid?

  1. Yes (392 votes [42.02%])

    Percentage of vote: 42.02%

  2. No (541 votes [57.98%])

    Percentage of vote: 57.98%


#1 D.M.N.

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Posted 26 September 2009 - 17:23

Many over the past few months have been speculating with USF1 is actually happening as we speak, or whether it will never turn into fruition. The only main things we've heard is the YouTube link up in terms of sponsorship - and we haven't heard a great deal on the drivers' front.

Bernie Ecclestone on today's BBC coverage admitted USF1 were a question mark. This appears to be 'confirmed' by the fact that Peter Windsor is back doing the FIA Press Conferences. They had replaced him with James Allen a few months ago to avoid any 'bias' issues, now we see that he is back doing the PC's with no proper explanation.

Will USF1 be on the grid next year in Bahrain, or will USF1 always remain a myth?


#2 MegaManson

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Posted 26 September 2009 - 17:26

Many over the past few months have been speculating with USF1 is actually happening as we speak, or whether it will never turn into fruition. The only main things we've heard is the YouTube link up in terms of sponsorship - and we haven't heard a great deal on the drivers' front.

Bernie Ecclestone on today's BBC coverage admitted USF1 were a question mark. This appears to be 'confirmed' by the fact that Peter Windsor is back doing the FIA Press Conferences. They had replaced him with James Allen a few months ago to avoid any 'bias' issues, now we see that he is back doing the PC's with no proper explanation.

Will USF1 be on the grid next year in Bahrain, or will USF1 always remain a myth?

Hope they won't be

Being a team owner would inflate still further Windsor's over sized ego and feeling of self importance

#3 wasssup bra

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Posted 26 September 2009 - 17:26

No, even Mosley said that they were sending some people round there to see what the hell is going on in the ghost town factory. He hinted that he didnt expect all the new teams to make it to the grid. you could tell he meant USGPE. They should not have taken a place on the grid if they werent serious

#4 engel

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Posted 26 September 2009 - 17:27

Don't think they will ... Which is not necessarily bad, I 'd rather have Sauber around than Windsor

#5 DanDectis

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Posted 26 September 2009 - 17:29

they are the most serious out of the new entries, that's for sure. So yes.

#6 dank

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Posted 26 September 2009 - 17:31

they are the most serious out of the new entries, that's for sure. So yes.

Based on?

#7 Red 5

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Posted 26 September 2009 - 17:32

they are the most serious out of the new entries, that's for sure. So yes.

Where did you pull that "fact" from?
I've a feeling you just made it up, didn't you?

#8 MegaManson

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Posted 26 September 2009 - 17:32

Knowing Windsor it was probably a scam, put together a "credible" F1 outfit, get a highly valuable grid slot, string everyone along for a few months, pull the plug on USF1 due to the "credit crunch" and then sell the grid slot for a few million to Prodrive or Sauber and live happily ever after

#9 learningtobelost

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Posted 26 September 2009 - 17:33

Based on?

hype one assumes.

#10 D.M.N.

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Posted 26 September 2009 - 17:37

they are the most serious out of the new entries, that's for sure. So yes.

The one-hour programme USF1 had on Speed in America, in my view was purely a publicity stunt.

#11 mountford

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Posted 26 September 2009 - 17:38

Unless the grid in in America, they've got no chance.

#12 wdh

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Posted 26 September 2009 - 17:40

Sadly, I think its more likely vaporware than virtual enterprise.
However, its a 60/40 feeling, not an article of faith.

#13 Seanspeed

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Posted 26 September 2009 - 17:42

No, even Mosley said that they were sending some people round there to see what the hell is going on in the ghost town factory.


#14 Red 5

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Posted 26 September 2009 - 17:48


Mosley himself said something along those lines IIRC in an interview on bbc.

#15 wasssup bra

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Posted 26 September 2009 - 17:53


Mosley on USGPE

When asked specifically about US F1, amid speculation that the team may be behind schedule to get its car ready, Mosley said: "This is the rumour. We sent some people over there and it's not quite what it sounds. Someone is going over again at the beginning of October.

"There's all sorts of rumours about them but they say they are very serious, so we have to take them at face value."

#16 peroa

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Posted 26 September 2009 - 17:54

The one-hour programme USF1 had on Speed in America, in my view was purely a publicity stunt.

Well, they got me fooled for a month or so, but now after some articles in serious mag's I think that the whole thing is a publicity stunt.

#17 donskar

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Posted 26 September 2009 - 21:42

I HOPE they make it -- for the good of F1. F1 will only be stronger with a representative US team.

And didn't they have to undergo the strenuous "due diligence" of Mosley's minion's? :rolleyes:

Could it be the bribe they had to pay was so large that there isn't enough money left to actually build a car?  ;)

#18 Clatter

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Posted 26 September 2009 - 21:45

No, even Mosley said that they were sending some people round there to see what the hell is going on in the ghost town factory. He hinted that he didnt expect all the new teams to make it to the grid. you could tell he meant USGPE. They should not have taken a place on the grid if they werent serious

So much for the FIA's due deligence.

#19 slideways

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Posted 27 September 2009 - 00:57

I HOPE they make it -- for the good of F1. F1 will only be stronger with a representative US team.

Can you clarify this a bit please. I don't understand why F1 will become stronger by having a backmarker team from the states.


#20 Madera

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Posted 27 September 2009 - 01:37

Why is there even a doubt that this is a serious effort?

It is happening and they will be there.


#21 Monad

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Posted 27 September 2009 - 02:24

Can you clarify this a bit please. I don't understand why F1 will become stronger by having a backmarker team from the states.

Do you not see the benefit of a US team? :confused: Cheeseburgers and hot-dogs at the paddock and pitlane, mechanics and drivers that drink Coke instead of Red Bull, playboy motels dressed in American flag swimsuits saying "USF1, F&*k yeah", a big giant statue of Ronald Mcdonald in the garage(to pray for a good day at the track) and fat people with beer hats in the races wondering why to this guys not go round and round and round and round and round and round and round........ .
And don't worry they are not gone a be backmarkers for long. If those stupid Europeans don't get there ass out of the way and let them win they are just gone bomb the **** out of them and call them terrorist. :p

(The post is just making humor, to all Americans please don't get offended and patriotic on me now) ;) :kiss:

#22 canon1753

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Posted 27 September 2009 - 02:26

I think even Speed is airing the rumor that USGPE isn't all that its cracked up to be (you know, making the grid).... I hope they make it and it is a good, quality effort. But, with BMW-Ferrari (don't know what it will be called- Sauber would be nice..) looking like a 14th team, you really only want 13 teams/26 cars, as that was the grid size for a long time... Maybe some of the teams were meant to be a thorn for FOTA, and now are saying "ack we need a car! Hi, is this Lola cars? Can we buy your F1 car?" Plus, some of the teams were basing their bid on a price cap, that is not in place.

Ultimately, we'll see.

#23 alecc

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Posted 27 September 2009 - 02:39

The americans, think it in their way, someway like "oh, we have, great nascar, we have great indy, we have pretty much money, so a team for F1 shouldn't be that hard", but I think, this type of thinking can be for them "no through road", and they didn't manage to get the 2010 place, either they did it, they will be not competitive to other newbies like manos.

#24 RiDE

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Posted 27 September 2009 - 04:09

Peter Windsor is too busy brown nosing Lewis Hamilton.

#25 rage2

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Posted 27 September 2009 - 04:13

Peter Windsor is too busy brown nosing Lewis Hamilton.

He's also too busy deciding between Hitco and Carbon Industries brakes for the new car.

#26 Fausta

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Posted 27 September 2009 - 05:49

The americans, think it in their way, someway like "oh, we have, great nascar, we have great indy, we have pretty much money, so a team for F1 shouldn't be that hard", but I think, this type of thinking can be for them "no through road", and they didn't manage to get the 2010 place, either they did it, they will be not competitive to other newbies like manos.

What a stupid thing to say

#27 Owen

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Posted 27 September 2009 - 06:17

All signs point to uncertainty with this lot.

#28 DFV

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Posted 27 September 2009 - 10:30

All signs point to uncertainty with this lot.

And what signs (plural) are you referring to?

Whether US F1 will make it to the grid next year I wouldn't know, but I do hope they will. I think it will be good with a US team but I want them to be a good team, not just backmarkers. I think that we europeans sometimes tend to think that noone can beat us and that the americans are incompetent.

#29 MegaManson

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Posted 27 September 2009 - 10:38

I only want USF1 to fail because of Windsor's involvement, if Windsor ceased to be involved I would wish for USF1 to succeed but Windsor's involvement makes me want them to fail

#30 DFV

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Posted 27 September 2009 - 10:48

Mybe we rather should ask this question with regards to the BMW/SAUBER/QUADBAK team


The Swiss-based investment group recently agreed to purchase the BMW Sauber outfit, but it has been surrounded by controversy in England after doubts emerged about its integrity amid its involvement at Notts County football club.

This has been prompted by the fact that Qadbak is connected to British businessman Russell King, who has had £2 million worth of assets frozen by a Jersey court following an investigation into another company he owned. King has been involved in F1 before.

As a result of that matter, the Football Association is to conduct an inquiry into Qadbak's takeover at Notts County, with a decision on whether the company passes football's 'fit and proper' test due next month.

Sounds dubious, but this is OT for this thread.

#31 wingwalker

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Posted 27 September 2009 - 10:52

It would be funny if one of the drivers pressed Windsor on that on a press conference "one more thing: Pete, we'd all like to know if you're BS-ing us or not"

#32 slideways

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Posted 27 September 2009 - 11:19

And what signs (plural) are you referring to?

Windsor is a mediocre journalist
Anderson appears completely out of his depth
The team has no race history
They have no big name technical signings
They still have an empty factory
They plan on outsourcing most design and testing
Many in F1 including Bernie/Max are unsure about them
2010 entry granted for aligning with FIA during breakaway threat

I'm sure there are a tonne of others that people could pitch in.

#33 GerardF1

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Posted 27 September 2009 - 11:59

Would have liked to have seen another option - "Just Barely" They might make it onto the grid - but with an effort that just creates a moving chicane.

#34 GerardF1

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Posted 27 September 2009 - 12:01

And what signs (plural) are you referring to?

Whether US F1 will make it to the grid next year I wouldn't know, but I do hope they will. I think it will be good with a US team but I want them to be a good team, not just backmarkers. I think that we europeans sometimes tend to think that noone can beat us and that the americans are incompetent.

It isn't just Europeans that think Americans are incompetent ...

#35 UPRC

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Posted 27 September 2009 - 12:39

Being a team owner would inflate still further Windsor's over sized ego and feeling of self importance

Oh lord, as if his insight on Speed isn't already bad enough.

#36 wj_gibson

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Posted 27 September 2009 - 14:32

Windsor is a mediocre journalist
Anderson appears completely out of his depth
The team has no race history
They have no big name technical signings
They still have an empty factory
They plan on outsourcing most design and testing
Many in F1 including Bernie/Max are unsure about them
2010 entry granted for aligning with FIA during breakaway threat

I'm sure there are a tonne of others that people could pitch in.

Why on Earth did this shambles win a place that was denied to such established names as Lola and Prodrive (both with existing factories and tech staff with previosu F1 experience), and such a credible option as Epsilon?

#37 DFV

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Posted 27 September 2009 - 14:44

Windsor is a mediocre journalist
Anderson appears completely out of his depth
The team has no race history
They have no big name technical signings
They still have an empty factory
They plan on outsourcing most design and testing
Many in F1 including Bernie/Max are unsure about them
2010 entry granted for aligning with FIA during breakaway threat

I'm sure there are a tonne of others that people could pitch in.

Windsor is a mediocre journalist And this is relevant because???
Anderson appears completely out of his depth And that is a sign that USF1 wont be on the grid? It could be relevant to the quality of the car they make of course
The team has no race history And the new Lotus team has?
They have no big name technical signings hat we know of. But even without unknown people they could still compete, it's more to do with the quality of the car.
They still have an empty factory And the Lotus factory is buzzing with a complete car and lots of staff? And are we sure the factory is empty (I don't know)?
They plan on outsourcing most design and testing And that is a sign they wont show up next year? They have chosen another way of doing it, might work might not but I can't see that as relevant to what is being discussed here (will the team make it to the grid)
Many in F1 including Bernie/Max are unsure about them Valid point, even though Ferrari have been quite derogatory to all newcomers...
2010 entry granted for aligning with FIA during breakaway threat So where Campos and Manor as well...

As I said earlier I don't know if they will show up but I hope they make it and there hasn't really been any factual information in this thread to suggest otherwise.

#38 slideways

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Posted 28 September 2009 - 01:46

Relevant because he is supposed to be leading a start up F1 team and instead he is selling TV clips to various F1 channels for a couple of grand each weekend.
Considering Anderson is supposed to be the driving force of getting them onto the grid, yes.
Actually yes they do. Google litespeed and Mike Gascoyne.
The other teams have technical directors and staff with recent experience in design/build of F1 cars.
I don't know much about the Lotus setup sorry - but I do know they have not provided media tours of an empty factory.
Relevant as their whole design/build process relies on outsourcing to US groups with no F1 experience.
Actually USF1 was guaranteed an entry while Campos and Manor fought it out with the other hopefuls. This is because USF1 were the first to publicly align with Max and co.

Edited by slideways, 28 September 2009 - 01:49.

#39 V8 Fireworks

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Posted 28 September 2009 - 02:15

If they are desperate they can always buy some Super Aguris and modify them. How hard can it be!?


#40 ff1600

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Posted 28 September 2009 - 02:18

I think they will make it but at the back of the grid. F1 realy wants the US market and this is a way to help. It was leaked that 25% and more that 40% of BMW and Ferrari profits come from the US. Toyota want the US marke also so I think the FIA will do what they can to help. As far as the team goes the will suck because they will end up with pay drivers. Hey, Nelson Jr has a place to go.......

#41 MPea3

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Posted 28 September 2009 - 02:39

The americans, think it in their way, someway like "oh, we have, great nascar, we have great indy, we have pretty much money, so a team for F1 shouldn't be that hard", but I think, this type of thinking can be for them "no through road", and they didn't manage to get the 2010 place, either they did it, they will be not competitive to other newbies like manos.

I'm always amazed by how many people really know America and Americans. It's almost funny though how in spite of all of the comments about what we think and do, this board yields relatively few generalizations and comments from Americans about other countries. Still, perhaps you'd like to share with us your country so we can stereotype your people. Oh wait... that's only okay for others to do to us, I get it. Next time throw in a few comments about only knowing how to turn left. That will be original.

As far as the new teams, I hope they all make it to the grid, and I hope they're all competitive enough and well funded enough to stick around for a while. That anybody posting here wants a team to fail because Peter Windsor is involved or because it's American says more about the poster than the team.

#42 DFV

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Posted 28 September 2009 - 07:08

I'm always amazed by how many people really know America and Americans. It's almost funny though how in spite of all of the comments about what we think and do, this board yields relatively few generalizations and comments from Americans about other countries. Still, perhaps you'd like to share with us your country so we can stereotype your people. Oh wait... that's only okay for others to do to us, I get it. Next time throw in a few comments about only knowing how to turn left. That will be original.

As far as the new teams, I hope they all make it to the grid, and I hope they're all competitive enough and well funded enough to stick around for a while. That anybody posting here wants a team to fail because Peter Windsor is involved or because it's American says more about the poster than the team.

Good post. I agree, but sometimes we europeans are so "full of ourselves" that we don't think that anybody can compete with us.... Yet most of us use our computers on a daily basis, we all use Google, some of us have iPods and rely on.... oh right American technology and inventions.... Yes, sure we europeans are at the forefront of everything....

#43 JarnoA

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Posted 28 September 2009 - 07:58

Good post. I agree, but sometimes we europeans are so "full of ourselves" that we don't think that anybody can compete with us.... Yet most of us use our computers on a daily basis, we all use Google, some of us have iPods and rely on.... oh right American technology and inventions.... Yes, sure we europeans are at the forefront of everything....

Most of us have computers, (invented by Englishman Charles Babbage), use google, (a search engine for the www, with the www invented by Englishman Tim Berners lee), and iPods, (mp3 players using the mp3 format developed by a dutch, french and german group)

So yes, the Americans are good at taking other peoples inventions and marketing them as their own. :)

#44 slideways

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Posted 28 September 2009 - 08:08

Can we maybe move away from the anti/pro American debate and back to USF1 the team?

#45 Captain Tightpants

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Posted 28 September 2009 - 09:15

I think USF1 will be fine. I believe a lot of the rumours of their so-called inability are born out of the fact that they're American, and America has not had any recent success in the sport. As soon as you think of an American in Formula One, your mind runs to the likes of Michael Andretti and Scott Speed, as opposed to Dan Gurney and Mario Andretti the way it should.

#46 ac39

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Posted 28 September 2009 - 11:35

i was at the british american racing launch in winter 98/99. they had two seperate cars in different liveries. their slogan was "a tradition of excellence", having never raced in any catagory before. they said they'd win their first race, and they never even scored a point all season.
the hype surrounding usf1 reminds me somewhat of that...but i'll reserve judgement until bahrain.

#47 Captain Tightpants

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Posted 28 September 2009 - 13:35

they said they'd win their first race, and they never even scored a point all season.

When was the last time anyone managed that? Except for Brawn, of course.

The above is one of the reasons why I think Lotus may be a surprise in 2010. They said their goal is to be the best of the new teams; they're under no illusions as to their abilty to compete. They're not claiming they'll get race wins or consistently score points. They've set a modest, manageable goal, one that they can reasonably work towards.

#48 Victor_RO

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Posted 28 September 2009 - 13:38

When was the last time anyone managed that? Except for Brawn, of course.

Walter Wolf Racing in '77.

#49 BMW_F1

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Posted 28 September 2009 - 13:43

I think USF1 will be fine. I believe a lot of the rumours of their so-called inability are born out of the fact that they're American, and America has not had any recent success in the sport. As soon as you think of an American in Formula One, your mind runs to the likes of Michael Andretti and Scott Speed, as opposed to Dan Gurney and Mario Andretti the way it should.

well said.. :up:

#50 F3000man

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Posted 28 September 2009 - 13:57

I do believe as it would be pathetic to see this project end after a lot of noise. They already said the car wouldn't be ready for this year so things are only going a bit slow but it stil doesn't seem something to be worried yet.

But I really doubt all the teams will make it to 2010. Unfortunately it looks more and more probable for me that we'll not have 28 in the grid. Maybe even not 26 or 24. At worst, we don't have any of the new teams debutting plus the abstence of BMW Sauber, Toyota and Renault.

I mean, impossible to say. But if a new team comes up, it has to be USF1, following the logics.