It's not too good for the chief engineer to admit they had the 3rd best car more than the half of the seasonMacca benefits more from hyping LH and JB than they do from hyping Tim Goss and the designers ... someone seemed to forget that when they issued that blog post.
Remember that the team even had to row back from Ron's mid-season very public STFU to the drivers when they complained about the quali pace... maybe Goss wont issue his own statement but I expect the team to backpedal from this... not least, because what Goss said just does not ring true to average fans.
it let the drivers and their racing teams appear not in the very best light, if they were not able to deliver at least 3rd & 4th with the second best car, wich was more than a tenth faster than Ferrari
ergo (for the simple fans like me)> something went wrong at Macca> the drivers and the team underperformed > not a good testimonial for Lewis & Button , who were said to be the best drivers (pairing) out there
Perhaps he should have been diplomatic and say, they had the 2,5 best car

and for some reasons like mechanical failures, (strategy) errors or difficulties with intgroducing the EBD they where only 4& 5th at the WDC.
I think if Alonso or Ferrari reads this statement from Mr Goss....
Alonsos ego would implode ;)