Posted 29 April 2000 - 03:46
Well, at great fear for my life and limb, as the Moderator of this noble gathering and Forum for the truly dedicated, Your Scribe is seriously considering the notion of an Atlas Nostalgia Forum Pantheon of Racers. The criteria is best kept simple:
(1) Racers who were racers and were successful and/or caught and fired our imagination. (Moderator's note: Personally, I wouldn't limit it to just GP/F1, but to open-wheeled formulae achievement. I only make this concession to keep the field to a manageable size. I personally admire and greatly respect many, many sports & "touring" or "stock" car drivers. Just a rationale to make a difficult task less impossible.)
(2) Only those who have been retired from active driving in the formulae being considered as the source for these heroes for a minimum period of either 5, 10, or 15 years -- with my personal nod to the latter. This requirement can be waived due to a death as a result of a racing accident. I suggest that the formulae be the GP, F1, Voiturette, AAA Contest Board (or similar)/ USAC/ CART/ IRL/ Tasman/ F5000 (UK/Euro/SA/Antipodean & FA or F Continental in US/ CDN) or similar formulae.
(3) That there be no rank ordering of Heroes within the Pantheon. Either they make the cut or they don't.
(4) That it be a done in such a way as the deck doesn't get stacked by profilic posters. To this end I suggest that when I post the topic, you get ONE shot at posting your nominations. Period. No alibis, first round downrange counts.
(5) That nominations are limited to a number between 5 and 10 per participant. I recommend start with 10 this initial round and add five each subsequent year. And there be a clearly defined period during which the votes may be cast.
(6) Most importantly, someone besides Your Scribe will do the grunt work of the tallies with Your Scribe only validating the results. The results to be posted, annually, in the RVM column.
Discussion, of a calm, mature mature welcomed. Then it is vox populi.
Sound reasonable?
Yr fthfl & hmbl srvnt,
Don Capps
Semper Gumbi: If this was easy, we’d have the solution already…
[This message has been edited by Don Capps (edited 04-28-2000).]