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The Pettys

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#1 Don Capps

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Posted 16 May 2000 - 09:09

Since I just got back after being out the loop for the past few days, I would like to mention how shocked and dismayed I was by Adam Petty's death. When my son told me, I was dumbfounded. Adam is only two years older than my son so it really hit home.

Adam was the only one of the four (five, since Maurice also raced & I did see him in the cockpit once or twice) Pettys I never got to watch at the track. We had planned to take in a few racers next season with the express intent of seeing Adam in action and hopefully getting to meet with him. Sadly, that will never happen now...

I have been a Petty fan since I can remember, which is way back to the early '50s. This is indeed a sad year for the Pettys, this following so quickly on the heels of Lee's death.

Godspeed, Adam....

Yr fthfl & hmbl srvnt,

Don Capps

Semper Gumbi: If this was easy, we’d have the solution already…

[This message has been edited by Don Capps (edited 05-16-2000).]


#2 Joe Fan

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Posted 16 May 2000 - 09:31

The racing gods took another great one from us who would have been a champion and a great ambassador for the sport. I expected Adam and Casey Atwood to be the next round of stars in the sport.

Whether you like NASCAR or not the Petty's are great people. Didn't Adam and Kyle just finish their charity motorcycle ride before this happened? It is a shame for this to happen especially to such a great caring family and a fine young man like Adam was. I never heard anyone say a bad word about Adam and he always seemed to have that trademark Petty smile on his face. He will be missed and my condolences to the whole Petty family.

#3 Ray Bell

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Posted 16 May 2000 - 15:02

Not being a NASCAR follower, but having seen the odd article here and there in magazines (and a little on TV), I must say that the Petty dynasty and Fireball Roberts were the ones that appealed to me. Such tragedy as theirs is not easily overlooked.

Life and love are mixed with pain...