seahawk, on Mar 15 2012, 09:49, said:
Well, are most top drivers not paydrivers?
Once they have personal sponsors who also sponsor the team the line gets blurred. Vettel is a paydriver, if you see Red Bull as his personal sponsor.
Red Bull is a RACING TEAM and pays its drivers. They have sponsors like everyone else. That Red Bull Racing has another company behind it called Red Bull does not justify your above comment. McLaren also has another company behind it called McLaren which would similarly make Lewis and Jenson pay drivers if you were to see it as their personal sponsor, but there is no reference to this being true for Vettel, Webber, Lewis or Jenson that I know of.
Your comment makes no sense in my opinion.
Alonso is a pay driver beyond any doubt and he would have no place in F1 without the money.
What are you talking about? Do you believe Alonso would not get a drive unless he had sponsorship? Just because someone wants to sponsor him does not mean he is a pay driver. If that were the case, it makes your other statement nonsense:
I only see few drivers who can not be called pay drivers.
1. Lewis
2. Jenson
3. Kimi
Because every single one of those drivers has sponsors too, either team or personal.
and that is about it.
No, based on your criteria, either everybody in the sport is a paydriver or they are not. Seeing as your criteria does not distinguish, I would have to disagree with your definition altogether. As stated, it is a driver that would not have a seat without cash (or a paydriver is one that must seek sponsors - and have that sponsor's continued contribution for his seat)