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Dreams about F1 / motorsports

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#1 spacekid

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Posted 25 July 2012 - 13:31

I don't know if this will work, but thought I'd give it a go as it could be a fun thread.

As F1 is a huge passion and interest of mine I sometimes find that it intrudes into my dreams. Do any of you find the same thing? If so I'd be interested in knowing what craziness your subconcious has managed to conjure up!!!

Here's a couple of mine for starters...

#1 - I am at the Australian GP. The Williams team need a driver, so ask the crowd for volunteers. No one wants to do it so I get in the car. I have a good race and at one point am leading, but I finish in about 11th place. I feel very proud of myself as it is my first F1 race. (I have done single seater track days and, combined with years of watching in cars footage, my brain actually created a very vivid feeling of driving an F1 car. When I woke up I was convinced it was real and I couldn't believe I had forgotten that I had actually driven an F1 car! It was a good few moments before I realised it was a dream and not an actual memory).

#2 (last night) - I need a haircut, so I go to Bruno Senna's barbershop, because in my dream he is a hairdresser as well as an F1 driver. I am trying to explain to him why I think his F1 career has not worked out, and explain to him that its because he used to be Lewis Hamiltons race engineer and that was always going to make things hard for him. I try to explain to him but he doesn't understand, so I type it for him on a computer instead.

Anyone else?


#2 HuddersfieldTerrier1986

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Posted 25 July 2012 - 13:56

I had 1 not too long ago, though as usual, I can't remember much about it. In fact all I remember is that it was at Monaco (but a different version of Monaco that must've invented itself in my head), I missed the first lap, there was a massive pile up on the first lap, I then somehow missed nearly all the race and came back to find Schumacher leading by 5 seconds with 5 laps to go in the rain.

#3 TheWilliamzer

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Posted 25 July 2012 - 14:25

Last week I had a dream: going to Spa, speaking to Pastor and getting his autograph!

A year or so ago I had a dream about Danica, I'm not going into the details!! :lol:

#4 Risil

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Posted 25 July 2012 - 14:29

Can't remember any F1 dreams but I did have one a while back, few months, about buying a ride in IndyCar as an unheard-of 30 year old

You dreamt you were Mark Plourde?

#5 spacekid

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Posted 25 July 2012 - 19:57

Interesting so far! Nice to know I am not alone in dreaming that I have hopped into a race car.

If anyone is interested, I can recommend the technique of lucid dreaming. You can have some pretty good experiences!!

#6 goldenboy

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Posted 25 July 2012 - 20:01

Never! My dreams suck!

Well hopefully I'm still young enough to fall back on my old excuse; there will be a pill to fix this someday....

just realised how that sounded - I use that excuse for my impending baldness in 20 years, not erectile disfunction...

#7 goldenboy

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Posted 25 July 2012 - 20:03

Interesting so far! Nice to know I am not alone in dreaming that I have hopped into a race car.

If anyone is interested, I can recommend the technique of lucid dreaming. You can have some pretty good experiences!!

I once took medication called champix to help quit smoking, a side affect is extremely lucid and vivid dreams. They weren't wrong! As someone who doesn't dream much or remember dreams that **** was crazy fun.

#8 PoliFanAthic

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Posted 25 July 2012 - 20:06

My dreams usually have something to do with Schumacher leading a usually bizarre race and then suffering some total mechanical failure at one point or another towards the end. Even before that became reality!

#9 midgrid

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Posted 25 July 2012 - 20:09

I occasionally have dreams about watching F1 races, which usually take part on strange hybrid circuits with Formula Libre fields. For instance, one that I particularly remember featured two separate Rubens Barrichellos, one driving a Jordan 195 and the other a Ferrari F2002 (and a range of other driver-car combinations from the mid-1990s to the early 2000s) around a street circuit which consisted of an endless series of descending hairpins, like a cross between the Loews hairpin and Monaco and Lombard Street in San Francisco.

Far less often, I also dream about driving or otherwise taking an active part in a Grand Prix. Less happily, I also sometimes dream that a contemporary driver has been killed in a racing accident. I then forget the dream when I wake up, but feel vaguely depressed until I remember it again and can dismiss it as fiction.

#10 PayasYouRace

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Posted 25 July 2012 - 20:28

I had a bit of a crazy and sad one recently.

The race I was watching was at Le Mans, but it was a much larger version of the track, because the front straight was long enough to accommodate a grid of what must have been at least 50 cars. The field consisted of Le Mans prototypes, Indycars (with wheel covers) and NASCAR Sprint Cup cars. At least those where the ones in the top half of the field. The run down to the first corner was much longer than in real life too.

So the race started with a standing start. The huge field was already doing about 200mph as it rounded the gentle first corner. The leading Audis got though fine but there was a collision just behind them which caused a chain reaction that was Las Vegas 2011 on steroids. It wasn't quite Blues Brothers levels of carnage but it was a massive crash. Unfortunately Carl Edward's cup car (he's the one with the duck on it right?) was launched into the spectator banks on the outside of the corner, killing 5. Scot Dixon was also pinned in his Target car by about 3 other cars and he didn't survive either. Obviously the race was stopped, and I was watching and waiting to hear the news much like I was in real life for Las Vegas.

I woke up with a bit of a sick feeling, much like I was feeling after Las Vegas. I was thinking, how could that race been given the go ahead, it was obviously going to end it carnage. Of course then I realised it was a dream.

#11 gm914

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Posted 25 July 2012 - 20:32

I had a dream last week I was at Monaco. I don't think I was a steward or a marshal, but I remember standing on the track at the chicane and telling people to get back, further, further, saying "the cars will arrive any minute and they're faster than you think!"
To my surprise the cars came hurtling by....in the opposite direction. :drunk:

Analyzing it for a minute- as all dreams can be analyzed- I think it means I consider myself an expert but in actual fact (as the guys in the NASCAR threads will tell you) I don't know **** about **** :lol:

Edited by gm914, 25 July 2012 - 22:41.

#12 CrashPad

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Posted 25 July 2012 - 21:05

I had this dream the night before Brazilian GP in 2007.
In the dream, there was a race going on, at a track that seemed like a mix on Interlagos and Melbourne, though I suppose my subconsciousness was aiming for the first :p. The race was just a few laps from the end. The running order was Massa-Raikkonen-Hamilton, when suddenly, a slow going McLaren appears. Hamiltons Mclaren. Slowly but surely his car comes to a halt, and he has to retire from the race. After this, Massa lets Kimi by, who then goes on to win the race and also the WDC.
And I wake up.

So yeah, when some 12 hours later I watched the actual Brazilian GP of 2007, I was pretty stunned. My dream had some little details missing or slightly wrong, but man....I found it all pretty weird and still do, it's just that after the race I was so ecstatic that I never gave this dream much thought afterwards :D
The most peculiar thing was the way Hamilton retired in my dream. It was not an engine failure, nor a crash. He just grinded to a halt. Exactly the same way he did in the race, untill his car came a life again.

Funnily enough, also the previous race in China offered me some weird stuff to think about. But that was not exactly a dream.

#13 flowerdew

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Posted 25 July 2012 - 21:25

Funny, i just had my first F1 dream last night. I was out walking and was surprised to find that my hometown had an F1 race on at that time. Road course, in a large industrial town/small city on Highway 61 - the race was on the highway itself. I needed to get across the track but figured there was no way that was happening until the race was over, so I might as well sit down and watch in the meantime. I thought it was a pretty poor circuit. Then I woke up.

#14 BetaVersion

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Posted 25 July 2012 - 21:32

I don't know if this will work, but thought I'd give it a go as it could be a fun thread.

As F1 is a huge passion and interest of mine I sometimes find that it intrudes into my dreams. Do any of you find the same thing? If so I'd be interested in knowing what craziness your subconcious has managed to conjure up!!!

Here's a couple of mine for starters...

#1 - I am at the Australian GP. The Williams team need a driver, so ask the crowd for volunteers. No one wants to do it so I get in the car. I have a good race and at one point am leading, but I finish in about 11th place. I feel very proud of myself as it is my first F1 race. (I have done single seater track days and, combined with years of watching in cars footage, my brain actually created a very vivid feeling of driving an F1 car. When I woke up I was convinced it was real and I couldn't believe I had forgotten that I had actually driven an F1 car! It was a good few moments before I realised it was a dream and not an actual memory).

#2 (last night) - I need a haircut, so I go to Bruno Senna's barbershop, because in my dream he is a hairdresser as well as an F1 driver. I am trying to explain to him why I think his F1 career has not worked out, and explain to him that its because he used to be Lewis Hamiltons race engineer and that was always going to make things hard for him. I try to explain to him but he doesn't understand, so I type it for him on a computer instead.

Anyone else?

firstly, great thread and great 2 initial dream involving F1 :up: :lol:

secondly, which single seater you drove? F3? ;)

#15 PorcupineTroy

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Posted 25 July 2012 - 22:37

While I was in Montreal for the GP, I had a dream on Friday night where the guys were racing at Spa. Hamilton and Maldonado crashed going into Les Combes on the first lap, causing complete chaos as seven or eight other drivers were eliminated behind them. Button walked up to Di Resta's car (both were involved in the chaos) and gave Paul a slap on the head, a la Schumacher and Sato in 2005. Di Resta quickly got out and gave Button a push, but Hamilton came in to defend his teammate and gave Di Resta a shove. A couple other drivers came in to get involved and soon every driver out of the race was fighting in a brawl, while Ben Edwards yelled his ass off at the commotion.

I woke up and realized that qualifying was yet to run :drunk: .

#16 TheWilliamzer

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Posted 25 July 2012 - 23:42

While I was in Montreal for the GP, I had a dream on Friday night where the guys were racing at Spa. Hamilton and Maldonado crashed going into Les Combes on the first lap, causing complete chaos as seven or eight other drivers were eliminated behind them. Button walked up to Di Resta's car (both were involved in the chaos) and gave Paul a slap on the head, a la Schumacher and Sato in 2005. Di Resta quickly got out and gave Button a push, but Hamilton came in to defend his teammate and gave Di Resta a shove. A couple other drivers came in to get involved and soon every driver out of the race was fighting in a brawl, while Ben Edwards yelled his ass off at the commotion.

I woke up and realized that qualifying was yet to run :drunk: .

Maaan... you ate too much that night!! :lol:

#17 SpartanChas

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Posted 26 July 2012 - 00:16

Had a dream a few weeks ago that I was racing an articulated lorry around Indianapolis against ralf Schumacher, also in a lorry. At some point Michael offered to take over from me. So I let him, and he seemed pretty disgusted that I gave up.

That's the only one so far for me.

#18 akshay380

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Posted 26 July 2012 - 02:25

Awesome thread. I get these F1 dreams way to often. Mostly its about Lewis having bad luck with tires or Macca being dead slow on inters. The most I cherish was seeing Senna driving in Suzuka. Ofcourse a dream but classic :)

#19 Anderis

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Posted 26 July 2012 - 08:39

My F1 dreams are usually about me watching race in TV.

My first of them was a big crash in first corner in Australian GP 2008 (I had this dream before that race). First race without traction control and drivers were crashing to each other in first corner.

Then I had a dream about Nakajima winning F1 race. :smoking:

I have dreams from time to time that Williams' car starts like a rocket from down the grid, taking the lead in the race and then crashes or has bad luck.

The most crazy one was probably this one: First FP in the new season and Williams was about 4-5 seconds off the pace. The quickest team in the practise was named Sudan GP. :drunk:


#20 sumpthy

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Posted 26 July 2012 - 14:58

I've only had one F1 dream that I remember and that was during the 2009 season. I dreamt that Peter Windsor was interviewing candidates for the USF1 drive in the back of a Ford Fiesta in a Tesco car park and I was one of them along with Jacques Villeneuve and Scott Speed. None of us got the job,

#21 ivey

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Posted 26 July 2012 - 15:04

Lewis Hamilton always has a **** day in my dreams, and the dreams are practically always before race days

#22 sumpthy

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Posted 26 July 2012 - 15:05

Lewis Hamilton always has a **** day in my dreams, and the dreams are practically always before race days

You sure those were dreams?

#23 spacekid

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Posted 26 July 2012 - 15:16

Had a dream a few weeks ago that I was racing an articulated lorry around Indianapolis against ralf Schumacher, also in a lorry. At some point Michael offered to take over from me. So I let him, and he seemed pretty disgusted that I gave up.

That's the only one so far for me.


Thats my favourite one so far!!

I like it nice and surreal :smoking:


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Posted 26 July 2012 - 17:18

I don't dream about Formula 1 but I do daydream about fictional tracks with ridiculous curves and elevation changes.

It'd be full of things like the arch here: London GP Preview.

One can only dream :rolleyes:


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Posted 26 July 2012 - 17:34

A couple of years ago I'd a dream where I was watching the British GP. Alonso won and while the podium ceremony was taking place I realised it was happening in by back yard! I went outside and met Alonso. He gave me his cap from the podium which was felt ridiculously heavy on my head because it was soaked with champagne. He then came in for a cup of tea in the kitchen and soon the other drivers followed. We chatted and laughed about Hamilton's poor performance during the race with him in earshot. It was a really cool chat that only made our bond stronger! :lol:

#26 Muppetmad

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Posted 26 July 2012 - 20:44

I dreamt last year that Kubica was racing again and was leading his first race back, only for a failure to deny him victory. Even in my dreams he has lousy luck.

#27 biercemountain

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Posted 26 July 2012 - 21:28

Not too long ago I dreamt that McLaren let me borrow their prototype motorcycle (I guess I've been watching to much F1 and MotoGP). After riding it around for a while I parked it, did something else (which I can't remember) and when I came back it had been nicked. :eek:

#28 Longtimefan

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Posted 26 July 2012 - 21:43

Sadly I rarely dream of anything (or simply don't remember them)

But two vivid ones I've had are:-

I dreamt I was an engineer for Team ATS in the mid 1980's, this is pretty insane as I've never done anything like that at all and ATS isn't really one of my fave teams, I'm a Tyrrell guy. odd dream indeed, especially the argument with my driver over his excessive brake pad wear 'they don't grow on trees you know!' lol

I also dreamt I was at Watkins Glen when Francois crashed, I fought my way into the pits and as I got closer and closer to the Tyrrell pits time slowed more and more and I couldn't get there in time to tell him not to go out or to be careful. I've had that a few times and its always very distressing when I wake. but I'm a soft old devil and he's my hero.

#29 scheivlak

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Posted 26 July 2012 - 21:50

I seldom dream about F1, but there's one I still remember.

It must have been July 1977, Tour de France time. I dreamt that James Hunt and Niki Lauda were fighting it ou side by side all through the winding hairpins of Alpe d'Huez in a F1 stage of the Tour.
Niki's Ferrari sneaked through the inside of that famous last left corner and beat James' McLaren on the line with the crowd going wild.

#30 spacekid

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Posted 27 July 2012 - 09:07

I had another one last night - possibly inspired by the creation of this thread, possibly because I have started keeping a dream diary so my dreams are much more vivid and easily remembered than they used to be (a really good tip for anyone who wants to remember more dreams).

I am talking to Kimi Raikonnen and telling him that I am glad he is back and I'm really enjoying his driving this year. Kimi mumbles back 'I don't give a **** what you think'. Then we go to the circuit together, which involves having to climb along ropes up through the inside of an airship/blimp kind of thing. When we get there the race is being called off because Sebastian Vettel has planted a bomb.

I shall watch the Hungarian GP with interest to see if any of this comes true.

#31 Brandz07

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Posted 27 July 2012 - 09:46

How weird, I had one last night and then saw this thread. Anyway Sebastian came into my old college. Which is random as one, he's not the first driver I'd like to meet and two, I don't even go there anymore.

#32 jeze

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Posted 27 July 2012 - 09:55

Wow guys, dreams are what you have about hot girls ffs :wave:

#33 Anderis

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Posted 27 July 2012 - 10:02

I had another dream last night.

I was watching F1 race in TV. Was hoping for good result for Williams. Senna had colision on lap1, lost front wing, came to the pit, then retire after few laps. I was very angry with him. Then I focused on Maldonado who was running in good points. But after few laps Schumacher crashed into him in very stupid way and I was so furious that I wanted to write some stupid things about Schumacher in the Internet. :lol: In next few laps more and more drivers retired. I was angry that Williams wouldn't get any points so I turned the TV off. But then I thought it would be nice to know the results of the race so turned my TV on again. But there were some problems with broadcast and there was no view from the circuit and they just said about result and the race was won by one of the Saubers, with Kovalainen and Glock on second and third place respectively. Then I went to my PC and saw the news in the Internet that race was won by Russian rookie with name that I cannot remember. :drunk:

#34 sumpthy

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Posted 27 July 2012 - 10:53

I had another one last night - possibly inspired by the creation of this thread, possibly because I have started keeping a dream diary so my dreams are much more vivid and easily remembered than they used to be (a really good tip for anyone who wants to remember more dreams).

I am talking to Kimi Raikonnen and telling him that I am glad he is back and I'm really enjoying his driving this year. Kimi mumbles back 'I don't give a **** what you think'. Then we go to the circuit together, which involves having to climb along ropes up through the inside of an airship/blimp kind of thing. When we get there the race is being called off because Sebastian Vettel has planted a bomb.

I shall watch the Hungarian GP with interest to see if any of this comes true.

Well up until the airship/blimp part it was plausible. :lol:

#35 midgrid

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Posted 27 July 2012 - 11:16

I've had another one as well! I dreamt that I bumped into Fernando Alonso in a supermarket. Unfortunately he was very embarrassed about being recognised in public (despite wearing full Ferrari team gear) and promptly ran away when I started talking to him.

#36 PretentiousBread

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Posted 27 July 2012 - 11:22

Just thought i'd let you guys know that I had a dream last night that John Button was a transexual who actually gave birth to Jenson - he is his mother.


#37 SR388

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Posted 27 July 2012 - 11:42

All of mine involve Nicole.

#38 Longtimefan

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Posted 27 July 2012 - 12:46

All of mine involve Nicole.

Ewwww. I wouldn't touch her with someone else's. :D

#39 gm914

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Posted 27 July 2012 - 15:17

All of mine involve Nicole.

Do you watch a lot of equestrian events?


#40 Jovanotti

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Posted 03 August 2012 - 06:43

This night I had the first F1 related dream for years: Räikkönen was leading a Lotus 1-2 in Spa in front of Alonso, Vettel and Webber. The Lotus' had already crossed the finish line when Senna crashed Alonso and Maldonado took out Vettel. I just remember I was pretty amused :lol:

Edited by Jovanotti, 03 August 2012 - 08:03.

#41 Nobody

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Posted 03 August 2012 - 07:49

Two vivid ones I always remember

I would have been 12yo, I dreamt I had an MP4/6 in my garage, minus the front wheel which Senna had crashed at Kylami (he didn't), I was shattered I could not drive it.

Years after the event, I dreamt I was at the 1996 Australian GP, Schumacher in a Bennetton, and Senna was driving a Williams, the moment I realized that Senna in '96 was impossible I woke up

#42 spacekid

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Posted 03 August 2012 - 07:55

Last night I had a dream that I was watching Michael Schumacher and Damon Hill play snooker. Damon Hill fouled on the black but won anyway.

#43 Anderis

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Posted 03 August 2012 - 09:30

Last night I had a dream that Bottas replaced Senna at Williams. There was a race and Bottas has finished 4th. Maldonado was running 8th before crash. :)

#44 saudoso

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Posted 03 August 2012 - 11:37

Not exactly a dream, but my 'sleeping mantra', for those days when you are just to worried to sleepe and spend lots of time frying in the bed is to visualize myself driving the lap of interlagos in my head. I usually am gone by Junção.

#45 TheWilliamzer

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Posted 03 August 2012 - 12:13

...Hamilton and Maldonado crashed going into Les Combes on the first lap..

...Then I focused on Maldonado who was running in good points. But after few laps Schumacher crashed into him...

...Alonso and Maldonado took out Vettel...

...Maldonado was running 8th before crash. :)

Give him a break!! :lol:

#46 sumpthy

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Posted 03 August 2012 - 14:27

Not exactly a dream, but my 'sleeping mantra', for those days when you are just to worried to sleepe and spend lots of time frying in the bed is to visualize myself driving the lap of interlagos in my head. I usually am gone by Junção.

If you want to get to sleep quicker, visualise yourself driving the Hungaroring.

#47 mangeliiito

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Posted 31 May 2013 - 05:54

I dreamt that there was an GP in my yard...
Vettel was running around 13th, when someone had a crash (I think Massa and Grosjean were involved :p ) and the saftey car came out. All of a sudden everyone disappeared invluding the saftey car, so I picked Vettel up and went to see were they went. It turned out everyone was in the pits except the saftey car who was in the back trying to help the medical car who was stuck in the mud... Finally the SC pushed it back on track so I put down Vettel behind the SC and he cruised home to (another) victory.

Have had weird dreams about F1, but this one takes the price. Still trying to figure out if I'm a giant or the F1 cars are in toy size.

#48 Jackmancer

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Posted 31 May 2013 - 07:01

I once watched Grand Prix (the movie) and had a huge fever. Was so sick of having the F1 sound in my mind all the time and seeing the cars go by :p
As a kid I tried to dream about being an F1 driver.

#49 toolish

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Posted 31 May 2013 - 08:32

A dream I have had several times over the last 19 years: Ayrton Senna returning to F1, driving in a Williams Renault. Back from the dead: I know it sounds corny, but you can't decide what you dream!

#50 DampMongoose

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Posted 31 May 2013 - 09:23

My dreams don't tend to feature F1, I had a particularly vivid one where me and Elvis Presley were saved from the sinking Titanic by climbing a brick wall and lowering ourselves onto a barge in the Norfolk Broads...

A daydream I have is that one day F1 will be back to what excited me about it when I was younger, but unfortunately I am living the repeating nightmare that is 'The Show' weekend after weekend at the moment!