I'd prefer to see 13 teams and 26 cars, but then I see F1 as a sport, whereas Bernie is only concerned with a business which masquerades as a sport... 
Exactly my thoughts.
I can't stand the way he shares FOM money between the teams. He is doing everything to let teams outside top10 in WCC die financially.
OK, I understand it is in his interest. He doesn't need more team to share the money with.
But as an F1 fan, I want to see 12 or 13 teams in F1 and backmarkers aren't refused a fair share of money which would allow them to keep so-so level of competitiveness.
Bernie may get his 10 teams soon. But then, again, if he gets it and then one or two of them are going to leave F1, the whole F1 has a serious problem. 3 cars per team is not a good solution for me. Too many team orders. 16 or 18 cars are way too little as well.