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Project Cars 2

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#1 D.M.N.

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Posted 22 June 2015 - 17:25



Already? :eek:


Building upon the huge success of Project CARS being one of the highest-rated and fastest-selling racing games of this generation, Project CARS 2 continues to expand, innovate, and dominate with...


THE LARGEST TRACK ROSTER EVER - 50 unique locations and 200+ courses including 'loose surface racing' on dirt, gravel, mud, and snow. All will have dynamic time of day and weather allowing you to play anytime, anywhere
THE WIDEST VARIETY OF MOTORSPORTS with 8 different disciplines now including Rallycross, Hillclimbs, and Touge. 200+ cars from over 40 different vehicle classes including never-before-seen Concepts and Banned Race Cars
CO-OP CAREER - Play as the Teammate Driver, Spotter, Driver Swap, or Co-Pilot. More choices, more opportunities, more strategy, greater risks and greater rewards
SEAMLESSLY CONNECTED - Socialize and compete via Online Track Days, have players from around the world take the place of AI-controlled drivers in your solo play, and get news updates on the Driver Network around you
PRO ESPORTS RACING - Skill & Behavioural-based matchmaking, create your own Online Racing Seasons, and Live Broadcast and Spectator functionality
YOUR HOME FOR RACING - Your own personal, customisable Test Track to tune and test your cars. Invite others to showcase your passion for racing and learn race craft and engineering with the Project CARS Academy


#2 Tourgott

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Posted 22 June 2015 - 18:08

Coming 2022 ;)

#3 Nonesuch

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Posted 22 June 2015 - 23:16

Wasn't this pretty well known already? I recall it being brought up prior to the release of Project Cars in a 'they won't maintain this title post-release because they're already working on a sequel' kind of manner. That could have been typical, but not necessarily unwarranted, gamer cynicism though.


In any case; I'm glad that Project Cars has done well even if it's not a title I've been particularly interested in. These games that appeal to an audience outside the traditional simracing niche can hopefully serve as a welcoming entry into racing in general and racing games in specific. :up:

Edited by Nonesuch, 22 June 2015 - 23:21.

#4 RogerGraham

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Posted 23 June 2015 - 03:03

I recall it being brought up prior to the release of Project Cars in a 'they won't maintain this title post-release because they're already working on a sequel' kind of manner.


Those sorts of comments were made by people with, let's say, agendas.  

I don't know why, but some people seem to struggle with the idea that a developer can have two teams working on separate (but related) projects at the same time.  Some people also see conspiracies everywhere, including the idea that announcing the start of development of the second game is somehow A Bad Thing.  Project CARS is and will continue to be patched, while the second game is developed alongside it.  That's always been the plan, however much some haters here would like you to believe differently.  


Am I right, or am I just blinded by SMS?  Well, the patches put out so far (containing bug fixes / performance improvements / functionality additions), and those that will continue to come out in future will also show this to be true.

#5 Myrvold

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Posted 23 June 2015 - 04:40

The thing is, pCars 1 is still lacking many promised features, it is still bug-ridden like hell both off and online. At the same point they are supposed to throw out monthly DLC's, while patching, fixing, adding features etc. At the same time the majority of the staff have moved on the pCars 2, who will have a publisher in the traditional way (if I read the funding goals - site correct).


It does look like pCars 2 will be "TOCA Race Driver 4". Every single car racing discipline known to man, and a piss poor multiplayer mode.

#6 Nonesuch

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Posted 23 June 2015 - 09:50

Those sorts of comments were made by people with, let's say, agendas. 


Unfortunately the 'release and forget' attitude isn't all that uncommon among developers. I wouldn't ascribe a bit of caution on the part of players to conspiracy theories or having an agenda. These days we have people paying upfront to play unfinished products and developers promising everything between here and the sun to raise money, and I'm not sure we as players should put much stock in claims that this or that 'will be done' at some undetermined time.


That said, you're absolutely right that Slightly Mad Studios has continued to work on Project Cars after they released it last month with various problems (as one would expect for such a complex game).

#7 RogerGraham

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Posted 23 June 2015 - 10:07

Unfortunately the 'release and forget' attitude isn't all that uncommon among developers. I wouldn't ascribe a bit of caution on the part of players to conspiracy theories or having an agenda. These days we have people paying upfront to play unfinished products and developers promising everything between here and the sun to raise money, and I'm not sure we as players should put much stock in claims that this or that 'will be done' at some undetermined time.


That said, you're absolutely right that Slightly Mad Studios has continued to work on Project Cars after they released it last month with various problems (as one would expect for such a complex game).


At least as far as Shift was concerned, the "release and forget" was driven by EA, not SMS.  That is one of the big reasons they sought non-publisher funding for pCARS, and made it a win-win by getting a lot of that funding from the sim-racing community.  As we're seeing, "release and forget" won't be happening with pCARS.  So I don't understand why people (like Myrvold above, from RD) imply that patches aren't coming and won't continue to come out, when (a) have seen a few patches already, plus free cars, plus paid DLC, and (b) SMS have stated they will continue to support the game for two years.  

(Not to mention his unwarranted assumptions about the pCARS2 game design: "put up false strawman, knock it down, et voila pCARS2 is crap and SMS are duds!".  Or the ignorance of the implication that SMS can't possibly field two teams to work on both games simultaneously - especially since many of the bug fixes and feature enhancements for pCARS will find their way into the pCARS2 engine as well.  It's depressing when people are so actively antagonistic about being given the chance to be part of such a positive process.)

Edited by RogerGraham, 23 June 2015 - 13:35.

#8 Myrvold

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Posted 23 June 2015 - 20:46

So I don't understand why people (like Myrvold above, from RD) imply that patches aren't coming and won't continue to come out, when (a) have seen a few patches already, plus free cars, plus paid DLC, and (b) SMS have stated they will continue to support the game for two years.  

(Not to mention his unwarranted assumptions about the pCARS2 game design: "put up false strawman, knock it down, et voila pCARS2 is crap and SMS are duds!".  Or the ignorance of the implication that SMS can't possibly field two teams to work on both games simultaneously - especially since many of the bug fixes and feature enhancements for pCARS will find their way into the pCARS2 engine as well.  It's depressing when people are so actively antagonistic about being given the chance to be part of such a positive process.)

It's a first time for everything I guess.

Let's start off, I have not implied, not here, not on RD, on virtualR or any other place I might have posted about pCars 1/ pCars 2, that there will not be any patches coming out. I am, as stated on at least three websites, not believing that pCars will be abandoned. There are much money still in the game, there is no reason to not do what have been said with DLC's etc. However, support the game for 2 years, is PR-talk, it can mean "we will keep making DLC's for two years". That doesn't mean that they will actually manage to get rid of the game-breaking bugs that is still present in the game.

But, the only facts that we have at the moment, is that the game have plenty of bugs, there are promised features missing, and less than 30% of SMS is now working on the game. We've had 2 DLC's and 4 patches, and still the AI is far from acceptable in varying conditions, to the point that wet racing is without much point - but weather cannot be altered in career (afaik). You have the 4 flat tyres after pit-stop bug, which is ruining the Single Player as well. And the continuous multiplayer start-grid crashes, connection issues, and generally unstable.


As well, as I have never said, or stated that SMS is not able to have two teams working simultaneously. However, while they are massively bigger than Kunos, they are not a big dev. team compared to, let's say Turn 10 and their Forza franchise. Of course they will be stretched, they will have a slower progress than if there had been more people on pCars 1.


Reg. pCars 2, there is nothing new reg. multiplayer that is mentioned on the vision-list for that game. And the other visions are "more cars and tracks". Which kinda moves it into the TOCA Race Driver style of racing game. Circuit-racing, rallycross, rally, off-road etc. etc.

Also, pCars 2 is looking towards a publisher that also invests, so we are moving towards a more traditional way there, with a publisher having quite a big voice.

For some reason, I feel that (From RD) is a bigger issue that what I wrote here.

EDIT: And, as pCars have been boosted as a big fan-fest with major input from fans, and the community, praising the community, making the game for the community, proclaiming that WMD is the community, and pCars is the "community-game". And it is crowdfunded. Then you have a different expectation, the fans have funded it. Without the fans there wouldn't be a pCars. And then, when the game lacks features, and are having this much bugs, they are announcing pCars 2. It's a bad PR-move at the best.


And a great PR-Move. Mr.Bell manages to get the forums, sites etc. to talk about him, SMS and the game.

Edited by Myrvold, 23 June 2015 - 20:50.

#9 RogerGraham

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Posted 24 June 2015 - 02:54

Well, whatever.  You look for and imagine the worst, and there's nothing anyone can do about that.

#10 Myrvold

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Posted 24 June 2015 - 14:42

Well, whatever. You look for and imagine the worst, and there's nothing anyone can do about that.

That goes for 95% of the gaming industry. There is so many broken promises in the gaming industry. That yes, I look at the things that was promised and haven't delivered, which makes me sceptical to the next game. The same way that I have mo faith in Kunos making a very good multiplayer system, or Codies making a rally game with good physics together with many unique stages and a good multiplayer.
I did have faith in ISI as thay've had a good run, but rF2 is... what it is.

I don't expect EA to come with a revolution, not Ubisoft or any Activision published games either.

I did have high hopes for pCars though, really high hopes as well. But no. It have gamebreaking offline bugs. Online bugs. And an online mode not suited for competetive online racing, nor replays for highlight videos.

And it was claimed that one of the delays was because the game was 99% finished and SMS needed a bit of time to fix that last 1% .

#11 vrroomcd

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Posted 15 January 2017 - 22:48

Lets hope the cars don't still stick together or run over land mines or hit invisible walls, 


Thats three major bugs they never fixed.


Bugs apart its still a good game

#12 Alfisti

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Posted 16 January 2017 - 03:44

Making the same mistake as gran tourismo, trying to make it too big. Just refine the game, there's so much that can be improved.

#13 chunder27

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Posted 16 January 2017 - 09:24

I think from reading a lot of stuff on other forums, there is a lot of mistrust now of WMD and the team that made PCARS.


Whilst it was a decent game, it was largely designed for consoles as the gameplay reflects. I tried the PC version recently and was very unimoressed to be honest, while the console version I found OK. Merely OK not great.


And all the hype and nonsense they trolled out really annoyed quite a few people.


They did a good job, made a bunch of money and even made the PC version playable if not a proper sim.


But as I say, they need to change their approach, because if they carry on with the stuff they did in their first game they will find themselves not selling anywhere near as many copies.


Having said that, gamers are rather easy to please, so a few peachy screenshots and trailers will probably still convince people to buy it, as it did the first version, despite the warnings and failings.

#14 The Kanisteri

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Posted 16 January 2017 - 16:09



"designed for consoles..."


When I go into real car and the fasten seatbelts I have comfy seat, steering wheel, manual gearstick and 3 pedals on floor. I don't see nowhere keyboard nor mouse nor I have to start windows before driving my car. Maybe my car is also designed for consoles... :D

#15 chunder27

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Posted 17 January 2017 - 07:40



You know what I mean fella.


PCARS for the PC only wold never be a big seller. WMD used investors who paid to do data testing on the game and QA testing.  That was done to refine the port so that it would work better on consoles, a far bigger, younger and more wealthy market.


It's a simple idea, and it is why it works better on consoles too.  Despite the inevitable bugs and issues

#16 Alfisti

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Posted 18 January 2017 - 03:44

It really is a lot of fun to drive once you get it all sorted out but the format is very hard to follow. I still have nfi where my lap times go, as in i cannot view them anywhere and fastest laps are not recorded. NFI the difference between novice and expert or whatever, the whole set up saving and retrieval mechanism is diabolical, i have no clue how it works, none. 


There's a lt I just don't understand. 

#17 Augurk

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Posted 05 February 2017 - 20:37



You know what I mean fella.


PCARS for the PC only wold never be a big seller. WMD used investors who paid to do data testing on the game and QA testing.  That was done to refine the port so that it would work better on consoles, a far bigger, younger and more wealthy market.


It's a simple idea, and it is why it works better on consoles too.  Despite the inevitable bugs and issues

They have been paying the investers in pcars a share of the profit. I've more than doubled my (far too small) investment. 

#18 chunder27

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Posted 06 February 2017 - 08:09

It depends on what you paid in to be honest.


I did try and pay in a few quid initially but was so disappointed I did not try it again until a few months before release.


Then, because of who I was and the things I had said on their forum and others my money was refunded and I was not able to play the game.


I found their approach to funding rather ingeniuous but also rather illegal!  AS did the authorities who eventually said it was OK.


The game though is full of bugs, has major flaws and is as expected a largely console focused game, Understandable.


But hey, it looks pretty so who cares.  And that's why it sold, that and the millions spent on marketing

#19 Alfisti

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Posted 08 February 2017 - 03:39



It did have bugs but the full DLC content resolves that. It's just hard. 


#20 chunder27

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Posted 08 February 2017 - 09:12

I would not say PCARS was hard, it is not sim enough to be hard.

#21 The Kanisteri

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Posted 08 February 2017 - 15:46

I would not say PCARS was hard, it is not sim enough to be hard.


Ben Collins recently told about some so called simulators are so hard compared to real life racing he would have got killed several times.

Hard doesn't necessary mean it's realistic. Car is very simple and easy to drive, when you manage power and weight racing cars are easy too.

Difficulties from reality comes with one time tryout - there's no restarts. Driver can push at limits but cannot go beyond them or she/he crash.

Also enviroment effects a lot. g-forces. temperature, air pressure, heartbeat and all. You don't get them from chair even if you are legend in most awesome simulation money can get for PC.

#22 Alfisti

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Posted 08 February 2017 - 19:03

I would not say PCARS was hard, it is not sim enough to be hard.


Sure it is. 


I am using a controller but still, miss a braking point or a gas point by a few metres and you lose a lot of time. I am stuck at about 85% vs the AI with GT3 cars which are amongst the easiest to drive. Around Spa for example, you need to trim your downforce so Eau Rouge is very tricky and even a slight error costs you 6,7,8 tenths down the straight. Bathurst is crazy from the cutting through to the dipper, you can gain or lose SECONDS by making very very small errors. 

#23 chunder27

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Posted 09 February 2017 - 08:53

But the same is true of Gran Turismo or Forza or any game that uses real tracks. You just have to learnt he way the game plays and work around it, humans are very adept at doing this! PCARS is somewhere inbetween a true sim and a full on arcade game for most fans, leaning towards sim but not fully there. It looks great and that hooks you into feeling it is realer, when in reality it is nowhere near.


Some of the cars are done very well and feel very good, some are like Scalextric cars with far too much grip and no feel. That has been the case since the early beta versions, and it has continued right through until release.


All games have problems, but the way the whole PCARS episode was rolled out from start to finish was I think an example in using glitz and marketing to sell a game rather than pure physics, gameplay and content. It looks pretty, has some nice features, but most of the people I know who played things like Rfactor, Iracing, RF2 etc you know proper sims before it was release, feel let down by it I am afraid.


It is a game for the console generation, nothing wrong in that. But what they tried to say was it was good on both formats. It can be, but it takes an awful lot of set up time to get your FFB right when most games can manage that aspect very easily and quickly with a few sliders. ANd most people who did try it on PC felt a little let down. Not all, but most in the forums and stuff I read.


And the way Bell was with anyone who dared criticise his creation was an example in awfulness like no other I have experienced.

#24 Alfisti

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Posted 09 February 2017 - 14:24

It's far more difficult than Gran Turismo, you could spank the AI and charge around corners full throttle but in PCars if you turn in a metre too early into hell corner and you lose 8/10ths on the way up the mountain. 


We can argue all day if it is a sim or not but I don't need it any more difficult for the 4 to5 hours a week i play. 


For me, they just need to refine it and not try and bite off too much, make it too big. The saving and navigation of settings needs a lot of work but there are enough cars and tracks for me anyway. 

#25 Dangerpaws

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Posted 19 March 2017 - 15:44

Looking forward to this game!


Anyone know what other vintage cars will be in the game?

I want more vintage F1 & Indy cars, please!  Also some vintage Can-Am cars would be awesome (McLaren, Shadow, etc.)

Also a Porsche 917 (in Gulf livery) would be the sweetest!

#26 Alfisti

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Posted 20 March 2017 - 15:47

They are just so hard to drive though, well no tthe pure vintage but damn the Turbo powered 80's cars are a nightmare. i cannot get on the gas at all. 

#27 The Kanisteri

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Posted 22 March 2017 - 10:44



Assetto Corsa had couple late 50's GP cars. They are even more horrible to drive than 80's turbo lag monsters. :D

(if you've played Grand Prix Legends, you will know what I mean)

Edited by The Kanisteri, 22 March 2017 - 10:45.

#28 Dangerpaws

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Posted 22 April 2017 - 12:54

I would love to have the full IndyCar grid/license included in Project Cars 2!

#29 messy

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Posted 23 April 2017 - 17:25

Had forgotten all about PCars 2. Remember everyone being up in arms when it was announced five minutes after the release of the original, but to be fair if we'd known then that it was going to be two years plus down the line I doubt people would have moaned. I'm not talking about people on here btw, more on their official board.

What really puts me off buying it or giving SMS any more of my money is the horrible attitude of Ian Bell and his minions savaging anyone who dared criticise their game. Or even worse, point out that they'd made a lot of promises about how the game was going to develop without following them through. Full licenced Indycar series? Yay. Then we get ovals canned, and the DW12 Indycar without any official liveries. Full set of classic tracks like old Spa, Solitude etc? Nah, we never said that, you're banned you ****.

The game itself was alright, but for me spread itself far too thin, had far too many bugs and never delivered. It almost did. Having a full grid of WEC style LMP1-LMP2-GTE was so damn nearly done, but they messed up the multiclass stuff and never put it right despite (again) promising that they would.

On console, I do think Assetto Corsa is the better, but if Project CARS had been slightly better realised, it could have been very different. I'll wait for some reviews of the sequel and gauge the opinion on their boards before buying it, for sure.

#30 chunder27

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Posted 24 April 2017 - 07:29

If I told you that I bought my uncle AC for Xmas and saw him at Easter this year and he told me he had not played PCARS once since you get the idea.


He does not play online either, mainly career mode and is finding that a bit dull understandably with 30 lap races and a lack of tracks that really troubles the console version. But it is so much more playable than PCARS and without the faults that hindered game from the start and were never resolved.


Bell is one of those people in life that annoy most but somehow encourage almost devout following in others. Hence the rather odd situation with his lieutenants on their forum and others.


WMD are a strange lot and a lot of bridges were not just burned, but totally torn down over the original game, so I doubt this will be as much of a success. It is a console game much like the first one and will sell well on there as it will appeal to the Gumball generation. Good business sense clearly.


It will look pretty, have some interesting features, but it will be a patched up version of the last game, much like most modern games like Dirt4, just a revamped version of another game.


And you can blame modern gaming culture and people like Polyphony for that, as they proved that gamers were rather easy to please and will accept poor imitations like PCARS, GT6 etc as full on new titles.

Edited by chunder27, 24 April 2017 - 07:31.

#31 Alfisti

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Posted 24 April 2017 - 17:26

Why is AC more playable than PCARS? I am beavering away as bathurst with an MP4-C and through better driving and tiny little tweaks to the set up I have gone from 2.10's to 7's. It's addictive because for a fun race you just wick the AI up harder and harder, guaranteeing a tight race. 


Said it before and will say it again, I think they need to be LESS ambitious, it's already too big and broad IMHO, narrow it's focus a tad and improve the menu and settings systems which are diabolical. 


I notice AC is sitting on the shelf at my local library, i may give it a twirl. 

Edited by Alfisti, 24 April 2017 - 17:28.

#32 messy

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Posted 24 April 2017 - 19:52

I think AC vs PCars is a bit like FIFA vs Pro Evo, only both games are a bit ****.

Only half serious, but for me AC absolutely owns PCars on driving 'feel'. Taking a car out onto the Nordschleife in AC is (if you choose the right car) genuinely thrilling. Add AI cars to the mix and it falls down a bit. PCars does the racing bit well (again, if you choose the right class), but I really struggle to enjoy the way the cars handle.

I remember thinking exactly the same in the old days where it was a battle between V-Rally and Colin McRae Rally. Critics loved V-Rally, but CMR nailed the handling so for me, that was that. I'm not sure if technical realism or levels of "simness" even come into it. I don't care how much either developer goes on about tyre physics etc, I just like what I like.

#33 Alfisti

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Posted 24 April 2017 - 20:39

Only half serious, but for me AC absolutely owns PCars on driving 'feel'. Taking a car out onto the Nordschleife in AC is (if you choose the right car) genuinely thrilling. Add AI cars to the mix and it falls down a bit. PCars does the racing bit well (again, if you choose the right class), but I really struggle to enjoy the way the cars handle.


But why, not arguing as never played AC so curious, what feels different between the two. 

#34 messy

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Posted 24 April 2017 - 20:53

I can't really explain it. Take, say, the 2013 Ferrari F1 car out in time trial onto the Nordschleife and you just feel in full control. You are completely in control of the steering, the throttle, the brakes, you can feel the grip, you start off taking it carefully then you get more confident and give it a bit more throttle mid corner and you feel the excitement, the thrill. It just feels organic.

Then you choose another car and it's ****. Very hit and miss. But when it's good and all that.

#35 chunder27

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Posted 25 April 2017 - 07:49

The real aspect here is that one pretends to be a simulation, the other actually is.


Nothing wrong with either, but one is put together by a multi million dollar company backed by one of the biggest gaming companies in the world, the other is knocked up by a few Italians!!

#36 Alfisti

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Posted 25 April 2017 - 10:25

Again, how? What makes one a sim and one not?

#37 chunder27

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Posted 26 April 2017 - 06:54

Because in my opinion one feels more real than the other.


In your eyes maybe not, but in the eyes of most people who have played sims for years PCARS is not really a proper simulation.

#38 Alfisti

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Posted 26 April 2017 - 11:22

I never said it was a proper sim, I don't want a proper sim as it takes way too much time to play and needs a wheel etc. But at the same time the cars are not on rails either.

Still not answering the question of "feels more real". How? So you have a better feel for the grip, what is it?

#39 chunder27

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Posted 26 April 2017 - 13:42

Yes in all honesty you do.


If you are not playing with a wheel you simply get nothing like the same immersive experience.


PCARS suffered a lot as they could not get the wheel settings right so basically launched the game with a fairly basic default setup on PC that worked for some but not most, then a myriad of confusing setup wheel options that took ages to work out and sort out yourself, they basically said there you go you do it.  Very poor for a release that had millions of hours testing and development.


In AC you have to use the clutch sometimes, cannot use ABS and Traction control on lots of cars and have to allow time for tyres to heat up.  That is real.


It is not as advanced as some that have now developed fairly decent "rubbering in" on line. But in terms of feel the difference between PCARS and AC is night and day.


With a wheel of course.  With a pad, you are literally playing at both, but will get on better in all likelihood with PCARS as it is designed primarily for consoles.


#40 messy

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Posted 26 April 2017 - 19:18

I never said it was a proper sim, I don't want a proper sim as it takes way too much time to play and needs a wheel etc. But at the same time the cars are not on rails either.
Still not answering the question of "feels more real". How? So you have a better feel for the grip, what is it?

I think the bottom line is simply play Assetto Corsa and see what you think. Chunder did a very good job of explaining it but ultimately it's going to come down to personal preference and the best way to get any idea isn't to get someone to explain it to you here, it's to give both games a proper go and see what you think.

#41 ermo

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Posted 27 April 2017 - 11:54

Just a quick note that, to the best of my knowledge, Chunder27 is not involved with the development of pCARS 2 and so does not have any first hand experience with the changes and improvements made over the original pCARS title.

Personally, I don't think that the impressions formed by driving pCARS carry over to pCARS 2 (it should come as no surprise that 2+ years of development will tend to deliver tangible improvements). But the proof will be in the pudding as the saying goes.

For the record, I too think pCARS was never really fully realized. I would be very surprised if the same will be case for pCARS 2, given the effort that has gone/is going into developing it.

That said, I encourage people to not buy it at release and instead wait for a patch or two and then try it out on a properly configured rig.

#42 chunder27

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Posted 27 April 2017 - 17:25

I would not be allowed through the door chap, let alone try and do any work on that game lol!

#43 Myrvold

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Posted 28 April 2017 - 00:14

Personally, I don't think that the impressions formed by driving pCARS carry over to pCARS 2 (it should come as no surprise that 2+ years of development will tend to deliver tangible improvements). But the proof will be in the pudding as the saying goes.

Just like the Need for Speed Shift and Shift 2 with the hopeless, awful Test Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends following?

At least the build-up is the same for pCars 2 as pCars 1. Buying out simracing-sites to handle PR. That gives me a bad feeling.

Edited by Myrvold, 28 April 2017 - 00:16.

#44 chunder27

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Posted 28 April 2017 - 07:10

Haha, they did exactly the same the last time.


Which is why a hell of a lot of PC driving sim fans will NEVER buy this title, no matter how good the reviews or pretty pictures or things they promise and don't deliver, just like last time.


These guys push the boundaries of PR and things I am not allowed to say!!

#45 PayasYouRace

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Posted 28 April 2017 - 08:54

This would be dependent on your means of course, but the best solution would be to try both of you can.

Realism is a bit subjective. What makes a sim feel realistic to some might not be as noticeable to another. Factors that make that immersion will vary between players.

If you can, try both and see which one feels best to you. It also depends what set up you have. If you have a full wheel and pedal rig one might be better, but if you're limited to a game pad then the other might hit those sweet spots for you.

#46 Jeeves

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Posted 29 April 2017 - 09:30

Haha, they did exactly the same the last time.


Which is why a hell of a lot of PC driving sim fans will NEVER buy this title, no matter how good the reviews or pretty pictures or things they promise and don't deliver, just like last time.


These guys push the boundaries of PR and things I am not allowed to say!!


Yeah. Got suckered into backing the previous title thinking it would be a an actual simulation. When it was released, they sent me a -50% Steam-coupon - which I then gave away as the reviews were out already. Later on they sent me some money. Then some more money. And then a small amount of money. I gather this was my cut for the sales. However, I really just wanted a sim, not an investment opportunity. Got some peace of mind by donating every cent to the server fund of an rF2 league.


Their history and financial model assures that you can never fully trust people when they say good things about PCars 2. You certainly can't trust their PR; in the launch trailer of the first game, there's a sentence 'class leading suspension and tyre model'. Which makes perfect sense, once you figure out the class they mean is Gran Turismo vs. Forza, not rFactor 2 vs. AMS vs. iRacing. Only they would very much like to lead you believe otherwise.

#47 ermo

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Posted 29 April 2017 - 17:53

People can write whatever they want.  I'm just pointing out that pCARS 2 was very deliberately developed to fix the issues clearly present in pCARS 1.  We don't know whether SMS will succeed yet; only time will tell.

In case it wasn't clear, I'm encouraging people to a) keep an open mind and b) try pCARS 2 on a properly configured rig after 2 or so post release patches before they make any sort of purchasing decision.

Nothing more, nothing less. :)

@Myrvold:  I look forward to your perspective on the merits and demerits of pCARS 2 a year or so from now (which should be 6 months/a couple of patches after release if the tentative fall release ends up playing out). Given your history with pCARS, I wouldn't expect you to pull any punches, but I also wouldn't expect you to judge pCARS 2 on anything but its own qualities. :up:

Edited by ermo, 29 April 2017 - 17:57.

#48 Alfisti

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Posted 02 May 2017 - 01:03

Before I waste an hour downloading the update, was the option to map controls on a pad ever added to asserts corsa? Cos without it I cannot play, I have zEro feel with the default set up, unplayable for me.

#49 Myrvold

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Posted 02 May 2017 - 02:54

@Myrvold:  I look forward to your perspective on the merits and demerits of pCARS 2 a year or so from now (which should be 6 months/a couple of patches after release if the tentative fall release ends up playing out). Given your history with pCARS, I wouldn't expect you to pull any punches, but I also wouldn't expect you to judge pCARS 2 on anything but its own qualities. :up:

Thanks for the vote of confidence there. It'll probably not be earlier than that before I pick it up either. As I am quite sure I will be either full up in organizing some league for another game, or be travelling. But I am very interested in seeing what game handles RX the best, as I have dreamed about getting a proper RX game and thus also league for insanely many years - and I know what I would've thrown money at if I had enough money to finance a game myself :cat:

#50 Alfisti

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Posted 05 May 2017 - 18:52

OK tried Assetto Corsa for a few hours and basically ran out of patience with it as it is difficult to keep her on the track without investing serious time which i do not have. The lack of button assignment is unforgivable, makes it very difficult for me. 


Project Cars is the better game in almost every conceivable way other than some aspects of the UI (like saving settings) and yes, even with the ham fisted way i was driving i could feel the car slide more, less on/off than PC which is what I think you guys are referring to. 


The sounds and visuals as well as car and track options though, it's Project Cars all the way, no contest.