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Automobilista Motorsports Simulator

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#1 Jeeves

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Posted 07 May 2017 - 21:14

Quite surprising this hasn't been mentioned here before. Yes, it's an evolution of Game Stock Car and Stock Car Extreme. Yes, it's based on the old gMotor engine. No, there's no rain and no pretty DX11 graphics.
However, the in-house developed content rivals any hardcore racing simulation out there - often coming out on top. Being gMotor-based, there are plenty of community tracks and cars available, the AI is good, there are weekly hot lap challenges, the audio design ensures you don't want to stop treating your eardrums with the scream of a V12 and finally, racedepartment.com organizes club races where you can trade paint with other rookies, enthusiasts, aliens and humans a number of times a week.
It should be noted though that Reiza is finalizing the development of AMS, with their new project codenamed 'Reiza 17' under works currently as well, so this likely isn't a sim that will get future updates for years to come. Also, there isn't a big difference in the content between Game Stock Car / Stock Car Extreme and Automobilista, so if you own either of the former ones already, think before you buy. Still, depending on where you stand, it might be worth a purchase immediately or perhaps for a few bucks less during the summer sale. AMS is sold on Steam.
Now to the real beef, which is the F1 content in the sim. Made a quick recap of it in the form of a video. Headphones recommended, ignore the occasional gearbox grinding sound, that's just my woeful driving.  :drunk:



#2 Peat

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Posted 08 May 2017 - 08:30

I got it when it was reduced at the back end of last year. Alot of content, some really nice additions to base rfactor engine. (FFB is great, flat-spot modelling is superb)

#3 Jeeves

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Posted 08 May 2017 - 18:06

Very true, the FFB is on par with rF2 IMO. With actually even a little bit more wiggle room in terms of tuning it to your liking. 

#4 BuddyHolly

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Posted 06 June 2017 - 15:59

its 50% off on steam right now.  I'm very tempted after looking at some of the cool mods you can get for it!

#5 Jeeves

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Posted 07 June 2017 - 13:39

The new 1.4 update also adds 'Formula Ultimate' to the sim, which is basically a generic 2017 F1 car.

#6 Jeeves

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Posted 22 June 2017 - 18:10

The base sim without DLC is -70% on Steam during the Summer Sale it seems.

#7 BiggestBuddyLazierFan

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Posted 09 June 2021 - 12:35

The best sumulation out there

Physics is on pair with rf2
And modding is easy just like rF1
Plus all rF1 mods work with just little tweaking and running them through simple converter.

The only perfect sim out there

And then there are two awesome mods


And Racing Line developement's CART Factor Extreme

#8 balage06

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Posted 09 June 2021 - 13:06

And now it supports VR (thanks to the CrewChief guys) !!