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F1 2017

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#51 MikeV1987

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Posted 11 September 2017 - 18:03

Someone I work with raised a good point.. this type of game would seem to be a no brainer for VR support. Do you folks think it would work? Or is the engine not really suited for VR? I wonder if you'd feel a little sick after a while.


With a game like Fallout 4 being on VR, there is no doubt in my mind that this game could handle it. I think in time VR will become a standard for a lot of games across different genres.

Edited by MikeV1987, 11 September 2017 - 18:04.


#52 GuilhermeMach

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Posted 11 September 2017 - 22:00

Monaco now on my 3rd ICE and MGU-H for the race, I will have to start taking penalties sooner or later.


I'm playing a 50% career with Renault and my engines wear far too quickly as well. I'm in Silverstone and I'm already on my 4th of every component with the exception of energy store and control electronics. Apparently component life scales with race length (as it should), but it also applies to practice sessions... so if you're playing 50% length or less you need to be really mindful of your practice mileage. Hopefully it gets noticeably better with all the wear upgrades.


Yeah anything above 80% wear felt like you were risking a blow out, it caught me out a few times too. Not sure if its the same in this game.


So far I'm enjoying the tyres, you can really push them a lot and not worry about wear too much, but if you abuse your tyres you can really feel it. Yesterday I played a race at Austria and pushed like hell in the first stint on US tyres... Rear tyres were gone in about 9 laps, got so much wheelspin out of turn 2, so had to come early for my SS stint.




The only thing I absolutely hate in this game are the menus. I don't know why Codemasters has this hard-on for bloated and slow menus full of animations that get old within an hour. I really don't want to look at my character opening a laptop, listening to voice mail or waiting for a mechanic to bring him a tablet so he can change setups. And inlaps, dear god... takes forever for you to regain control as you have to watch them push your car back in the garage, put tyre blankets on, etc. But it seems they do that on almost all their games (Dirt 2 was unbearable in this regard) so I guess I'll just have to suck it up or pray for someone to mod it all out.

#53 Nonesuch

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Posted 12 September 2017 - 09:08

Someone I work with raised a good point.. this type of game would seem to be a no brainer for VR support.


Not if it's expensive to implement. Despite the impressive ability of a vocal minority to raise the issue, the actual adoption rate of VR has been very small. Codemasters sells its PC version on Steam, which shows that less than 0,3% of users have a VR headset. Xbox has none at all. Not sure about Playstation's success.


But plenty of cockpit-based games on all manner of engines have added VR support - even 10 year old Live for Speed. As a concept it works.


Having tried it in Assetto Corsa at a friend, though, I wasn't convinced of its long-term appeal. It was pretty fun in the first few laps, but the thing with racing is that you'll want to be looking ahead, not sideways. I imagine it'd be more fun in something that depicts short-range aerial battles.

Edited by Nonesuch, 12 September 2017 - 09:09.

#54 goingthedistance

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Posted 12 September 2017 - 11:39

I have a suspicion they'll introduce support for VR next year. They've received a lot of criticism for not including it this year (there's a very long thread in the Steam community forum on the topic). Most of the other racing games now do support it, the genre is well suited to VR. 


I'm yet to try it, I have triple monitors and often use NVidia 3D vision in AC, AMS and iRacing. It's not a bad half-way house. 

#55 pRy

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Posted 13 September 2017 - 17:39

Not if it's expensive to implement. Despite the impressive ability of a vocal minority to raise the issue, the actual adoption rate of VR has been very small. 


Oh yes I agree. I don't think VR will take off in gaming. It will be there as a product to compliment games that suit it such as space games.. racing games etc. The same as with steering wheels, pedals etc. But as a mainstream device that everyone has? I can't see it. I actually wonder if AR has more potential to impact gaming long term than VR goes.

#56 WilliamsF1Fan

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Posted 18 September 2017 - 08:50

Playing a career mode with Williams (who would have thought it) and I am also finding that engine wear seems very high but using the development tree is slowing it down somewhat.  I really enjoy it, probably my favourite of Codemasters' F1 games.  The cars feel better to drive, a real heft and you can throw them round a bit more and I like the change every so often having the retro cars to drive.  I just wish there were some even older ones!  

#57 Knowlesy

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Posted 19 September 2017 - 11:51

Got my first career win the other day for McLaren at Singapore. Had to change from wets to inters to slicks over the race. The slick segment was harrowing as I am slow at Singapore generally.

#58 messy

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Posted 19 September 2017 - 16:51

Singapore and Abu Dhabi are two of my worst tracks, hate them. Just can't be that quick there. Takes a SC to get me in the mix. Oddly I quite like Baku and Sochi and am quite quick on them. Sochi surprised me. You feel like you can really push through the corners by taking slight liberties with track limits.

#59 MikeV1987

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Posted 19 September 2017 - 21:14

My worst is probably Australia, I am not consistent there at all. Sochi gets slated a lot for it's boring racing, but I love driving on that track in the game. 


I feel burnt out on this game already though, it feels like Pcars 2 will be taking up most of my gaming time in the future.


#60 onemoresolo

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Posted 21 September 2017 - 09:16

Singapore and Abu Dhabi are two of my worst tracks, hate them. Just can't be that quick there. Takes a SC to get me in the mix. Oddly I quite like Baku and Sochi and am quite quick on them. Sochi surprised me. You feel like you can really push through the corners by taking slight liberties with track limits.


I felt the same with Sochi. When you get the corners right it feels great.


Baku I struggled with because of a lack of braking references. Particularly turn 3, turn 7 (the worst) and turn 11 always feels clumsy, even when you get it right. Turn 15, 16 similarly difficult to have a defined breaking point.

#61 MikeV1987

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Posted 21 September 2017 - 14:37

Turn 3 in Baku has the most difficult braking point in the game imo.

#62 Knowlesy

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Posted 22 September 2017 - 11:41

I actually really enjoy Baku. Probably not my best track, but I picked it up quite quickly which surprised me.


I have never mastered Singapore and this is the eighth game that has had it. I cannot get into a rhythm and honestly struggle to know where I am. Fundamentally it is very boring as well. Impossible to concentrate!


I don't know if that is because I don't have the attention span and dedication these days tbh. I am very much now a casual gamer.

Edited by Knowlesy, 22 September 2017 - 11:42.

#63 messy

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Posted 22 September 2017 - 19:22

The problem with Singapore (apart from being ****) is that the corners don't look like they're there until the last minute if you're not concentrating 100% and I'm the kind of gamer who after about three laps starts thinking about what's for tea. I used to spend a LOT of time reversing out of the escape roads. But I picked up Baku quickly too. Maybe it's because it's in the day. Dunno. I expected to suck at it.

#64 PayasYouRace

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Posted 25 September 2017 - 21:59

What are the alternative track layouts? Try as I might I can’t get a definite list anywhere.

#65 goingthedistance

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Posted 25 September 2017 - 23:05

What are the alternative track layouts? Try as I might I can’t get a definite list anywhere.

Just three short courses: Bahrain, Silverstone and Suzuka. See pics - 

Singapore and Abu Dhabi are two of my worst tracks, hate them. Just can't be that quick there.


I adore both of those tracks. Singapore in particular is my go-to track and tends to be one of my faster TT tracks. I think it's so tough, a really good test of concentration and memory. I love getting into a rhythm around there in a long race. 

#66 PayasYouRace

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Posted 26 September 2017 - 18:33

By the looks of the top screen menu there’s an alternative version of Austin too.

#67 goingthedistance

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Posted 27 September 2017 - 00:17

Good catch, sorry. There's also a short course of COTA available too. Haven't tried that one myself. 



#68 PayasYouRace

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Posted 27 September 2017 - 06:19

While they seem like decent extras, it’s nowhere near as good as having 4 classic circuits like 2013 did.

#69 messy

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Posted 27 September 2017 - 07:06

I'd ove them to introduce some classic tracks, but Codemasters don't really do after-release DLC do they? 

#70 goingthedistance

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Posted 27 September 2017 - 10:23

No, not that sort of significant DLC anyway. I think they're planning to update the liveries in a later patch but that's it. 


I agree the 2013 classic tracks were much more fun, the cut down tracks don't interest me that much. Estoril was great. 

#71 MikeV1987

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Posted 27 September 2017 - 15:09

I like Suzuka east but COTA West is just bad. The others, are 'meh'

Edited by MikeV1987, 27 September 2017 - 15:10.

#72 pRy

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Posted 28 September 2017 - 18:33

I'd ove them to introduce some classic tracks, but Codemasters don't really do after-release DLC do they? 


Makes no sense with a yearly game development cycle. Can't blame them for that really.

#73 messy

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Posted 28 September 2017 - 18:55

Makes no sense with a yearly game development cycle. Can't blame them for that really.

It makes sense with F1 - concentrating on patches and updates instead.

With games like DiRT they're really missing a trick big time. I'd have given anything for a 2017 WRC car or three in DiRT Rally. Or a new location or two. I'd rather forget DiRT 4 ever existed I think.

#74 Victor_RO

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Posted 15 October 2017 - 17:09

Two 100% length races in one day (Haas, AI at 75%), 1st at Sochi and would have been 1st at Barcelona without a tiny mistake on the last lap which let a simulated Raikkonen through. 4 wins and a second place, and won rivalry against teammate, and I still haven't done enough to be promoted to first driver yet.  :rotfl:

#75 MikeV1987

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Posted 15 October 2017 - 17:25

Finally got my first podium with McLaren in season 2 in Bahrain, it only took about 5 or 6 retirements from the cars ahead, 2 safety cars and a lucky S-SS strategy. All the other AI's went SS-M except for my team mate. 


Something I discovered, once your control electronics go over 50% of wear, the other parts wear out more quickly. Used 8 PUs in my first season with McLaren.  :lol:

Edited by MikeV1987, 15 October 2017 - 17:27.

#76 Requiem84

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Posted 18 October 2017 - 13:25

So guys, should I buy this game or not? ;)


Used to play a lot of iRacing and Assetto Corsa, but the PC is out of the window and only the PS4 is still there..

#77 Nonesuch

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Posted 18 October 2017 - 13:37

So guys, should I buy this game or not?  ;).


The Codemasters F1 games are pretty fun. They do a good job of replicating what F1 looks like on TV, even if there are plenty of reasons to dislike the driving model - although even the very best games only go so far in replicating the sense of driving when you're sitting in a stationary chair behind a desk.


If you have a relatively recent title from this series then, especially this close to the season of deep discounts, I don't see much reason to buy the game now. But if you only have an older, or none, then it could be nice to have the chance to race at Baku, Mexico, or Russia. Plus the cars will look much better than the goofy contraptions that were inflicted on us viewers in 2009-2016.


Edited by Nonesuch, 18 October 2017 - 13:37.

#78 balage06

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Posted 18 October 2017 - 13:43

So guys, should I buy this game or not?  ;)


Used to play a lot of iRacing and Assetto Corsa, but the PC is out of the window and only the PS4 is still there..


I'm a long time sim racer and this is the first Codemasters F1 title I bought. Finally they reached a level when the game can be both fun and challenging for casual gamers and experienced "racers" too. I would absolutely recommend it, but keep in mind it's still not a hardcore sim racing title.  ;)

#79 Knowlesy

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Posted 20 October 2017 - 12:14

I see they have updated the liveries (with the big numbers and all that shizzle) and added a photo mode now. Good stuff.


I am in season three now and have made it to Mercedes. Would have stayed with Red Bull but they were only offering number two status, despite me winning the titles for them and Ricciardo being nowhere.  :drunk:

Edited by Knowlesy, 20 October 2017 - 12:14.


#80 Myrvold

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Posted 20 October 2017 - 16:18

With games like DiRT they're really missing a trick big time. I'd have given anything for a 2017 WRC car or three in DiRT Rally. Or a new location or two. I'd rather forget DiRT 4 ever existed I think.

It looks like Codemasters are trying to forget that D4 exist as well.

2017 cars will not happen - licenses etc. Also, Codemasters have "been asked" to not include real stages that can be found in the WRC in their games. Which is a shame.

#81 messy

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Posted 20 October 2017 - 21:29

DiRT 4 is probably the single biggest letdown in terms of recent racing games I think. I'm not really sure what they were thinking. I find it a complete downgrade on DIRT Rally in pretty much every regard, especially visually and in terms of stage design.

#82 MikeV1987

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Posted 20 October 2017 - 21:56

I did not mind Dirt 4, it was pretty much my first rally game though.

#83 Kao18

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Posted 27 October 2017 - 12:03

Austin highlights, pretty nicely done.


#84 Lights

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Posted 28 October 2017 - 08:03

I'm a long time sim racer and this is the first Codemasters F1 title I bought. Finally they reached a level when the game can be both fun and challenging for casual gamers and experienced "racers" too. I would absolutely recommend it, but keep in mind it's still not a hardcore sim racing title.  ;)


Could you elaborate a bit on the differences compared to sim racing games in terms of handling, realism and such? Any gripes?

#85 balage06

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Posted 28 October 2017 - 09:16

Could you elaborate a bit on the differences compared to sim racing games in terms of handling, realism and such? Any gripes?


Don't get me wrong, I think Codies has done a great job lately, I enjoy both Dirt Rally and their latest F1 titles as well. But I still think they lack a bit of detail compared to other sims. The two things I miss the most is proper suspension movement and the feedback on grip on my wheel.


In F1 2017, you can still ride the curbs way too easily, a good example is Albert Park, if you cut the 90 degrees right corners on the inside with two wheels on the grass, it won't unsettle the car at all, so an even higher cornering speed is reachable by doing that.


The other thing is the FFB and simulation of grip. When you apply too much throttle on corner exit - especially in powerful cars like this - in other sims, you can instantly feel the loss of grip on your wheel, because it becomes suddenly lighter. And also when you brake too hard and lock your wheel, FFB pulls the steering slightly to the side so the driver can instantly react to the car's sideways movement. In F1 2017, the feeling is there, but somehow it doesn't feel so "direct". Even if you lose the rear sometimes, it still feels more like a scripted rather than a simulated event - you can correct it with a single counter-steer and that's it.


Here is an example in the rain (I didn't feel the loss of grip on the wheel so I lost the car completely, but still managed to correct it with a single move):



And here is a counterexample in RaceRoom (unfortunately I have no better example recorded atm, but probably it will show what I mean):



Or in rF2:

Edited by balage06, 28 October 2017 - 13:00.

#86 Lights

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Posted 29 October 2017 - 18:34

Don't get me wrong, I think Codies has done a great job lately, I enjoy both Dirt Rally and their latest F1 titles as well. But I still think they lack a bit of detail compared to other sims. The two things I miss the most is proper suspension movement and the feedback on grip on my wheel.


In F1 2017, you can still ride the curbs way too easily, a good example is Albert Park, if you cut the 90 degrees right corners on the inside with two wheels on the grass, it won't unsettle the car at all, so an even higher cornering speed is reachable by doing that.


The other thing is the FFB and simulation of grip. When you apply too much throttle on corner exit - especially in powerful cars like this - in other sims, you can instantly feel the loss of grip on your wheel, because it becomes suddenly lighter. And also when you brake too hard and lock your wheel, FFB pulls the steering slightly to the side so the driver can instantly react to the car's sideways movement. In F1 2017, the feeling is there, but somehow it doesn't feel so "direct". Even if you lose the rear sometimes, it still feels more like a scripted rather than a simulated event - you can correct it with a single counter-steer and that's it.


Here is an example in the rain (I didn't feel the loss of grip on the wheel so I lost the car completely, but still managed to correct it with a single move):



And here is a counterexample in RaceRoom (unfortunately I have no better example recorded atm, but probably it will show what I mean):



Or in rF2:


Thanks for the explanation  :up: I get what you mean with the last 2 video's, how that feels.


Sometimes I think I want to buy this game but when I then see video's of it I feel like the things you mention would bother me too much.

Edited by Lights, 29 October 2017 - 18:35.

#87 cordell777

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Posted 15 November 2017 - 08:24





One of the best simulated physics game (+ fantastic smooth multiplayer) in last 10 years.

I cannot believe so little is said on this forum about this game.

#88 RandomG

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Posted 26 November 2017 - 03:50


In F1 2017, you can still ride the curbs way too easily, 


Yeah when you see Brendon Leigh put all four wheels on the outside kerbing of Les Combes one can't help cringing dramatically. 

#89 pRy

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Posted 26 November 2017 - 10:44





One of the best simulated physics game (+ fantastic smooth multiplayer) in last 10 years.

I cannot believe so little is said on this forum about this game.


Start a thread about it. Maybe people don't know it's out there. I'd never heard of it.

#90 LBDN

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Posted 26 November 2017 - 16:03

Yeah when you see Brendon Leigh put all four wheels on the outside kerbing of Les Combes one can't help cringing dramatically.

In the grand scheme of things it's hardly a big issue.

#91 RandomG

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Posted 27 November 2017 - 02:46

In the grand scheme of things it's hardly a big issue.

Yes but when you see even some small-time eccentric driving it does make you wonder what is possible in the actual cars. The director was probably picking on the poor guy, I'm sure there were others doing it as well however when you start seeing abnormal things for an F1 car (even a video game F1 car)  then it can be a bit distorting for your senses. 

#92 LBDN

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Posted 27 November 2017 - 09:38

Yes but when you see even some small-time eccentric driving it does make you wonder what is possible in the actual cars. The director was probably picking on the poor guy, I'm sure there were others doing it as well however when you start seeing abnormal things for an F1 car (even a video game F1 car)  then it can be a bit distorting for your senses. 


Apologies for probably not being clearer. I just believe at this stage no game is ever going to be a 100% true reflection of the physics of real life so we just have to accept some imperfections and overall there is a lot of positive things on F1 2017 that far outweigh things like this.

#93 FJuan

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Posted 04 December 2017 - 14:05

Is the game out yet? Can someone send me a copy please. I'll give you a million Vietmenise Dong

#94 McLaren

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Posted 05 December 2017 - 13:22

Have had the game for about 1 month, and started a career playing as a McLaren driver about 3 weeks ago (yes I know about the 'teammate bug).


I started season 1 with 69% AI difficulty with all assists set to OFF (hadn't played it for too long at that point) and spent the early part of the first season upgrading the powertrain with 5 'minor' updates, as well as durability updates to the ICE (2) & gearbox (1). Got my first podium in Canada which I won surprisingly easy, and got me second and last podium of the year in a wet race in Suzuka. The second half of the season I would spend all my resource points on making further developments cheaper. I finished 5th in the Championship.


I have since increased the difficulty to 76% for the second season. I continued to spend all my resource points on making developments cheaper, and have won again in Canada (AI must not be that great around there) but have 5 other podiums. Now I am on race 16/20 of the season. Am looking to start upgrading Aero & Chassis and start competing for the championship in Season 4 (test run) or 5 (hopefully will be a dominant force by then). Am also looking to increase the difficulty again after next season.. maybe up to 79/80 %.


I am interested to know how much faster the card will go once all upgrades have been applied...

#95 Blinkandimgone

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Posted 30 January 2018 - 18:54

Hey guys been playing this for a little while now and noticed that on race day your gear box percentage goes up automaticly at the start of the race a bug in the game.
Say you had gear box wear is 10% after qualifying it can go up anywhere from adding 7% - 10% at the start of the race before you have even turned a wheel. This can happen the same with parts of the engine.

So what i found is that if you start the race use restart session and for some reason the percentage goes back to what it should be hope this helps. This was on ps4 edition update 1.11