If anyone ever finds out the vagaries of the British attempts at a 'World Beater' they'll be the first.
Weslake 500cc (was slower than my Hitac TD2 at a Snetterton test day),The Manx Lottery racer (never got off the back of several fag packets). The KRM (did get onto the tarmac but not much further). The four cylinder Norton.
I think the problem always came down to 'top management' (
) in the British motorcycle industry. Read anything concerning race development in the UK and it invariably comes down to apathetic and incompetent management.
Unfortunately for us in the UK it did not stop with the motorcycle industry. We still suffer the fools and pay them 'loadsa' money then if they are sacked because of their incompetence (infrequently happens) they get a big golden handshake and reappear like Jonah of some other board getting 'loadsa' money.