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Automobilista 2

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#1 Jeeves

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Posted 29 May 2019 - 19:01

Some of you may be familiar with Reiza Studios' gMotor- based effort (think rFactor) from a couple years back.

It was a known fact that the team was developing a new hardcore sim, but very little was actually known about it - until now:


I'm going to go all Ovdrone on this and call it: H Y P E !

This is a sim racer's wet dream! A title that does so many things right, but one has been held back by an old graphics engine is finally getting the upgrade it so deserves!

Many regard AMS 'as the perfect sim', but with the caveat that it's missing rain and VR. From December onwards, not anymore. Why this is such a big piece of news is Reiza's track record in delivering quality content and actually listening to their fans.

They may not always make the deadlines they plan to hit, but when it happens, one can be sure the content is as polished as it could be. This, combined with their general friendly attitude towards fans and loyal customers, is what earns them a considerable amount of goodwill and is also the reason for the hype.

Interview on Race Department: https://www.racedepa...-part-1.168990/

And here's a little video of AMS I did a couple years back, showcasing the Formula 1 content in the sim. A 2017 F1 car has since been added to the roster.

Edited by Jeeves, 30 May 2019 - 17:58.


#2 DanardiF1

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Posted 30 May 2019 - 15:39

They're using the Madness Engine from PCars2 presumably for the track and weather effects, but tweak the car physics towards their own ideas? Sounds like a really good mix.

#3 Peat

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Posted 30 May 2019 - 15:50

Colour me excited!

AMS was/is a very worthy sim.

#4 Jeeves

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Posted 30 May 2019 - 18:02

They're using the Madness Engine from PCars2 presumably for the track and weather effects, but tweak the car physics towards their own ideas? Sounds like a really good mix.


Indeedio. If they can pull it off with the same level of detail as they put in AMS, we might just be looking at something very special here.


What's so surprising is that they somehow managed to get the engine with a 'no strings attached'- kind of deal from Ian Bell. Kudos to him for going forward with this.

#5 DanardiF1

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Posted 31 May 2019 - 17:01

Indeedio. If they can pull it off with the same level of detail as they put in AMS, we might just be looking at something very special here.


What's so surprising is that they somehow managed to get the engine with a 'no strings attached'- kind of deal from Ian Bell. Kudos to him for going forward with this.


Perhaps as with the gMotor engine before it's a static version of the engine that SMS have progressed upon since... Either way its no bad thing, when PCars2 is doing everything right its maybe the most complete title out there, it just isn't doing everything completely right all of the time (I love it still though)

Edited by DanardiF1, 31 May 2019 - 17:02.

#6 Jeeves

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Posted 06 June 2019 - 03:22

Second part of the long interview at RD: https://www.racedepa...-part-2.169275/

#7 Prometheus

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Posted 21 June 2019 - 15:41

This title will need more European content for me.  The 1st game was decent in the physics etc but again in this day and age no VR???

#8 Alfisti

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Posted 21 June 2019 - 16:03

How does this exist in conjunction with PCARS? Such a shame pcars is a bug fest, overly complex too. i still miss it. 

#9 Prometheus

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Posted 25 June 2019 - 15:37

How does this exist in conjunction with PCARS? Such a shame pcars is a bug fest, overly complex too. i still miss it. 


Maybe because PCARS is old now and new one on the horizon, plus Automobilista is mostly south American cars and track so not stepping on Mads toes

Edited by Prometheus, 25 June 2019 - 15:39.

#10 Jeeves

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Posted 29 June 2019 - 21:20

This title will need more European content for me.  The 1st game was decent in the physics etc but again in this day and age no VR???



How does this exist in conjunction with PCARS? Such a shame pcars is a bug fest, overly complex too. i still miss it. 


RD: Now first things first, let’s address the elephant in the room. MADNESS engine – that one came as a surprise! What made you decide on taking this engine for AMS 2 development?

RS: Firstly one clarification that may be worth making is that specially when it comes to more sophisticated racing sim engines, there aren´t just options one can simply pick off from the shelf at our own discretion - the engine providers also must want to work with us, under conditions that we can meet.

MADNESS was one option we had in our radar, but it was actually Ian Bell who approached us first at some point last year looking to do something together. Although I believe his original idea was a little different, I made the point we were already committed to doing Automobilista 2, and that we were on the market for a game engine - if he was kind enough to let us have a go with his with no strings attached we´d be more than happy to try work out something in case we managed to get on with it. To my pleasant surprise and his considerable credit, he did just that.


#11 Jeeves

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Posted 30 June 2019 - 01:47

June development roadmap: https://www.racedepa...y-video.170216/

#12 Jeeves

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Posted 02 September 2019 - 16:22

August development roadmap: https://forum.reizas...nt-update.6597/


Formula Classic gets expanded, team hard at work converting assets from AMS as well as developing new ones. 

#13 Jeeves

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Posted 03 October 2019 - 14:16

September development roadmap is out: https://www.racedepa...ictures.173835/


Stuff about audio and physics tick rates, manual transmission model, etc. Plus some new videos:


F1 V10, V8 & V6 (WIP) sounds: 


Formula Classic on slicks on a damp track:


WIP transmission model at work:

Edited by Jeeves, 03 October 2019 - 14:56.

#14 Jeeves

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Posted 02 November 2019 - 15:27

October development roadmap: https://www.racedepa...nfirmed.175005/

- Release delayed until March(ish) 2020.
- New videos.
- Some new info about FFB, AI, animations and weather.
- Jerez announced.

#15 pRy

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Posted 16 April 2020 - 09:16

Oh if only I had a few thousand pounds sitting around to buy a chair, wheel, pedals and a VR head set. 



Looks very impressive.

#16 Augurk

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Posted 16 April 2020 - 10:04

Looks amazing. Hope the driving dynamics are great and realistic. Might give it a go. For competitive online racing I'm too invested with iRacing (with a racing team as well), so probably no full switch. 

#17 LucaP

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Posted 16 April 2020 - 19:25

The AI is still very much a beta but everything else is great, my favourite sim by far

#18 messy

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Posted 16 April 2020 - 19:52

Looks like a good version of Project CARS.

#19 FirstnameLastname

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Posted 17 April 2020 - 19:54


V10 cars look decent


#20 A3

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Posted 24 April 2020 - 14:32

It's still early acces, but for €27 there's already a lot of fun to be had. Impressed with the force feedback so far!

#21 balage06

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Posted 24 April 2020 - 17:46

#22 A3

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Posted 24 April 2020 - 18:20

I tried the rain earlier but my computer can't handle it. Video is amazing.

#23 Dolph

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Posted 19 May 2020 - 20:28

I've decided to give Automobilista 2 a go. And OH MY GOD... the most fun I've had since 20 years. I'm playing in VR late 80s / early 90s F1 cars at historic circuits like Jacaperagua, early nineties version of Imola, early 80s Sao Paulo, Osterrichring, Kyalami, Adelaide etc. Absolutely fantastic action!!! That tracks are really flowing and fast - totally different from current F1 tracks. They will also have Estoril and in DLC old Hockenheim, old Silverstone (along with the new ones). The old videos where you see F1 cars coming out of Tosa and gunning it out of the corner with the rear end stepping out - the same action is present in this. I'm really digging this right now. You get to race on tracks that not commonly seen in other simulators. They recently also acquired rights for old Lotus, McLaren and Brabham F1 cars.

Edited by Dolph, 19 May 2020 - 20:30.

#24 Dolph

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Posted 19 May 2020 - 20:29

I tried the rain earlier but my computer can't handle it. Video is amazing.


What graphics card are you running? I haven't tried rain yet.

#25 A3

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Posted 20 May 2020 - 07:28

What graphics card are you running? I haven't tried rain yet.


GeForce GTX 1050 Ti

#26 Dolph

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Posted 20 May 2020 - 15:14

GeForce GTX 1050 Ti


1080 Ti here and rain was running fine in VR at Donington (yes, rain at Donington :p ). Nvidia and AMD are expected to release new graphics cards in autumn, so if you need an upgrade those might be a good step up. Probably smth like an RTX 3060 could give similar performance to 1080 Ti. I'm looking forward to RTX 3080/3080 Ti myself.

Edited by Dolph, 20 May 2020 - 15:15.

#27 A3

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Posted 20 May 2020 - 20:05

Well at the moment I'm completely hooked on iRacing which is running more than fine. Spent €500 on a new loadcell pedal set and a new wheel and that has brought back the enjoyment. :)

#28 Dolph

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Posted 20 May 2020 - 20:57

I was really looking forward to dropping 4-5k on a full sim rig in the spring with direct drive wheel, but have now erred away from that due to the uncertainty of current times.

#29 balage06

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Posted 17 April 2021 - 15:16

So almost one year later, the netcode is still... it needs to be worked on, let's leave it there, BUT if you mainly race in single player, don't mind unlicensed F1 cars or interested in obscure South American (or British, sorry  :lol: ) circuits or machines, I think it's slowly becoming a solid base for that.


Reiza have just released the Brabham BT46B for AMS2, it's a pretty interesting beast, if you keep the revs up and let the fan do its job, it has massive downforce, but slow sections are another story. :)


#30 Myrvold

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Posted 17 April 2021 - 18:08

I have AMS and all DLC's current and future due to backing the fundraiser ages ago. Still haven't installed it. Probably never will either, it still has some of the pCars issues (like the netcode)

#31 balage06

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Posted 17 April 2021 - 18:22

I have AMS and all DLC's current and future due to backing the fundraiser ages ago. Still haven't installed it. Probably never will either, it still has some of the pCars issues (like the netcode)


Never liked PCARS, but I find myself enjoying AMS2 more and more, especially in the last few months. I think Reiza is finally getting there with the FFB and car behavior. I'm not gonna say it doesn't have issues, because it's still nowhere near as polished as the competition, but for some offline fun it's pretty great.

#32 Myrvold

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Posted 17 April 2021 - 22:46

Never liked PCARS, but I find myself enjoying AMS2 more and more, especially in the last few months. I think Reiza is finally getting there with the FFB and car behavior. I'm not gonna say it doesn't have issues, because it's still nowhere near as polished as the competition, but for some offline fun it's pretty great.


And there lies another issue. I run rF2 events over at RaceDepartment, together with a rally league there. And I am a steward at a Norwegian iRacing championship (supported by the Norwegian car racing federation). If I'm doing offline racing, I am doing career stuff, often more arcade-ish, like F1 2020, WRC-games (if they had managed to get the rules right for once...), or management stuff.

I struggle to find motivation to run simulators offline, just to drive these days. More of a me-problem than AMS2-problem though.

#33 LucaP

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Posted 20 April 2021 - 21:07

SprintRace cars are great fun

#34 Dolph

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Posted 04 May 2021 - 21:46

I got my sim rig, HP G2 and a 30-series card and am mostly spending time in AMS2 now in offline races. Absolutely love it.

#35 mahelgel

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Posted 04 May 2021 - 22:21

I got my sim rig, HP G2 and a 30-series card and am mostly spending time in AMS2 now in offline races. Absolutely love it.


AMS2 in VR is a blast! (even with my gtx1070 card, mind you i run a first gen oculus rift, so less pixels to render)


Love the 80-90s f1 cars, and the way the game conveys the speed and nimbleness of those cars...

#36 balage06

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Posted 27 November 2021 - 17:42

FYI: Automobilista 2 v1.3.0 has just got released and - especially if you didn't like how the cars handled in it before - I'd highly recommend giving it another shot, because I feel this build is a big milestone for the title. Reiza has found some major bugs in the differential and tyre models of the engine and managed to fix them, so the cars behave significantly more consistently and predictably than before. I'd say this is the first version when they completely got rid of that "PCARS2 aftertaste".

Edited by balage06, 27 November 2021 - 17:43.

#37 Peat

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Posted 08 December 2021 - 08:18

The CART content looks mighty tempting!

#38 Ross Stonefeld

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Posted 08 December 2021 - 15:11

Looks infinitely more fun than the iRacing Mercedes F1

#39 balage06

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Posted 08 December 2021 - 18:40

Unfortunately, I'm having technical issues with my wheel, so I haven't had a chance to try out the new American content yet. :|


#40 LucaP

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Posted 04 January 2022 - 17:24

Got back to AMS2 after a couple of months, the improvement in AI is incredible. They feel very human like and provide close, exciting races.

Edited by LucaP, 04 January 2022 - 17:24.

#41 mahelgel

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Posted 05 January 2022 - 09:55

Got back to AMS2 after a couple of months, the improvement in AI is incredible. They feel very human like and provide close, exciting races.


Also heard good things about changes to the physics/handling in the latest patches... Not driven it in a while as i have tried to concentrate on f3 in iRacing lately, and i just can't put in the hours i want to drive all the sims so i tend to concentrate on one for a while before changing it up a bit :)

#42 noikeee

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Posted 05 January 2022 - 17:41

I purchased the game recently (just base content, not going for the DLCs for now) and it's very enjoyable to drive, excellent natural feeling FFB, but something's slightly off. Every car I try wants me to slide out of a corner, I'm constantly using opposite lock. It's lovely but real drivers don't do that.
The excessive bounciness/stiffness that lots of people have complained about, is also somewhere there underneath the whole thing. I felt HUGE bounciness with the first combo I tried, the McLaren F1 GT1 @ Interlagos, but it seems like it's partially the circuit itself that's bumpy, and also because I was getting flatspots on the tyres.
I don't know, I think it's spectacularly fun in some circumstances with some cars, but I think the game scores higher on immersion than on realism. The game's also lacking a proper online ranked races system, which is what I enjoy doing the most (when I actually have the time to race!!), and why I'd say Raceroom remains my #1 sim at the moment - even AC and ACC have better options for ranked races through websites/third party systems.

#43 Dolph

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Posted 19 June 2022 - 07:59

Anyone try AMS2 recently? Most cars have heavily revised tyre physics now and have received positive feedback. Also, the developers have added driveline flexing among other things.

#44 balage06

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Posted 20 June 2022 - 09:26

Anyone try AMS2 recently? Most cars have heavily revised tyre physics now and have received positive feedback. Also, the developers have added driveline flexing among other things.


I've been playing it since the closed beta stage, and I do think that the latest revised tyre physics are a significant improvement. Still, the differential model is quite different from other sims and it has a much more significant impact on how the various cars handle. In general, I have to be much more careful with both the throttle and brake input compared to what I'm used to. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it drives different compared to the likes of AC or RaceRoom.

#45 noikeee

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Posted 20 June 2022 - 10:23

It's better now and very, very fun to drive, it's my favourite game for hotlapping now, but the game still feels like it wants you to drift a bit too much. It rewards overdriving with laptime.


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Posted 25 September 2022 - 00:06

I very rarely post here probably first time, but Sim Racing is definitely a lot of fun and AMS2 keeps improving with every update since I managed to put my hands on it a the end of 2020.

I used to race in a league in PCars 2 but we decided to switch to ams2 and certainly had paid off 

I also enjoy driving Rfactor 2 but I have not a group to race with and also Assetto Corsa feels great as a sim but I didn't find the interface to be friendly enough at least to my liking

Discord has plenty of dedicated leagues and it would be great some day to spare some track time with some of you people  :cool:

#47 noikeee

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Posted 25 September 2022 - 11:49

I very rarely post here probably first time, but Sim Racing is definitely a lot of fun and AMS2 keeps improving with every update since I managed to put my hands on it a the end of 2020.
I used to race in a league in PCars 2 but we decided to switch to ams2 and certainly had paid off
I also enjoy driving Rfactor 2 but I have not a group to race with and also Assetto Corsa feels great as a sim but I didn't find the interface to be friendly enough at least to my liking
Discord has plenty of dedicated leagues and it would be great some day to spare some track time with some of you people :cool:

Have you tried Assetto Corsa with Content Manager? The interface becomes a lot simpler and it provides the base for the game to become a lot better with mods.


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Posted 26 September 2022 - 03:04

Much obliged I will definitely have a look into it

Great sim no doubt  :clap:

Edited by DRAGONZO, 26 September 2022 - 03:05.

#49 Rumblestrip

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Posted 06 April 2023 - 17:57

I've just started looking at this, mainly for the CART opportunity. Does anyone have any recommendations for DLCs?

#50 Dolph

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Posted 15 April 2023 - 08:21

I've just started looking at this, mainly for the CART opportunity. Does anyone have any recommendations for DLCs?

Yes. Buy the season pass at 50% off during sale periods. Its a steal then. Otherwise youll rack up the same amount of money for a third of the content or less.