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Gran Turismo 7

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#1 sportyskells

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Posted 12 June 2020 - 10:29

Yesterday during the Sony event we had confirmation that a new Gran Turmiso is being done. No timeframe given yet for the racing game


#2 PayasYouRace

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Posted 12 June 2020 - 11:32

Saw the trailers. Nice to see Trial Mountain is back. I could be tempted towards Playstation for this generation, having been with Xbox for a few years.

#3 Alfisti

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Posted 12 June 2020 - 12:30

So is it planned to revert to the tradition GT format or a continuation of SPORT? Or will they run side by side?

#4 babbel

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Posted 12 June 2020 - 13:51

So is it planned to revert to the tradition GT format or a continuation of SPORT? Or will they run side by side?

Judging by the comments yesterday it looks like it will return to the GT format but I'm sure there will be a big online part as well. It would be pretty stupid not to

#5 Alfisti

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Posted 12 June 2020 - 13:55

Yeah racing against AI is like kissing your cousin, i only play online. GTS, for all it's faults, is revolutionary in this respect. It is utterly brilliant for "middle aged guys without a lot of time looking to race in evenly balanced lobbies". 

#6 PayasYouRace

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Posted 12 June 2020 - 19:04

If anyone likes way too in depth trailer analyses.


#7 messy

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Posted 12 June 2020 - 20:36

For me Gran Turismo and Forza Motorsport are both completely overrated and outdated franchises. Give me Assetto Corsa Competizione any day. I deleted both Gran Turismo Sport and Forza 7 long since, they’re both boring.

But Forza Horizon on the other hand will still keep me on the Xbox side I think

#8 PayasYouRace

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Posted 12 June 2020 - 20:39

What I hope is that GT7 will bring back the "racing RPG" type of gameplay that the original games had and made them so unique and special. That would bring me back to the franchise.

#9 Hati

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Posted 12 June 2020 - 20:42

There is only one thing they have to get right. GET RID OF THE DAMN RUBBER BAND AI!!!

#10 Myrvold

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Posted 13 June 2020 - 00:53

Yeah racing against AI is like kissing your cousin


Then I think my cousins should run away... A proper offline racing game experience set in something other than F1 has been lacking! AC:C does a fine job, but it's far from perfect.

#11 Alfisti

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Posted 13 June 2020 - 02:26

They're all absolute shite, the AI I mean. You can have all the great driving software but in the end, it's the racing that counts. 


I can log onto GTS 24/7 and hit a room of folks with relatively even pace to me. It is, for the most part, brilliant racing and nothing Ai could ever replicate. 


How good is this? I know you can get this via rooms on any game but the ability to hit a room, at any time, and be racing like this in minutes is incredible. 


Edited by Alfisti, 13 June 2020 - 03:37.

#12 MikeV1987

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Posted 14 June 2020 - 08:21

GTS has the best online racing on console. I keep telling myself that I’m done with consoles but it seems likely that I’ll buy a PS5 for this after seeing that trailer.

Hopefully they make a big step in the physics, especially with Michelin as a partner. The graphics look roughly the same as GTS but that is not a bad thing, they are just getting diminishing returns at this point. FPS is more important imo.

Edited by MikeV1987, 14 June 2020 - 08:33.

#13 Alfisti

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Posted 14 June 2020 - 14:28

Physics are tricky as the games success often rides on its ability to make with the wheel and ds4 work.

#14 MikeV1987

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Posted 15 June 2020 - 08:05

Physics are tricky as the games success often rides on its ability to make with the wheel and ds4 work.

They have to do better than this though. For me the tire physics in particular are really out dated.

#15 Alfisti

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Posted 15 June 2020 - 13:20

What's your gripe with it exactly? Not criticizing, genuinely curious. I find the driving a bit wooden and with too much understeer on the controller but then I look at the lap times and if we go any faster it destroys any sense of realism. I just wish the base tyre for SPORT was the medium and not the hard, so much more fun. 


They desperately need to work on the sound too, compared the PC2 the sounds are terrible. 

Edited by Alfisti, 15 June 2020 - 13:56.

#16 Myrvold

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Posted 15 June 2020 - 17:05

They're all absolute shite, the AI I mean. You can have all the great driving software but in the end, it's the racing that counts. 


I can log onto GTS 24/7 and hit a room of folks with relatively even pace to me. It is, for the most part, brilliant racing and nothing Ai could ever replicate. 

I don't doubt that. And honestly, most of my racing stuff are done online as well. However, now and then, I just wanna sit down in my chair, fire up a game, do some races, not having to think too much about what I race and how the others race, and just do some career progress-style stuff.

#17 messy

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Posted 16 June 2020 - 20:46

They have to do better than this though. For me the tire physics in particular are really out dated.

I think if there’s one thing GT does better than the opposition it’s getting a really good handling feel on a gamepad. Maybe it’s not as sophisticated a handling model in terms as physics etc as Project CARS or Assetto Corsa but on a pad it’s the only one that really feels satisfying.

Thing with GT is that I’m an offline player only, and racing the AI on GT Sport is about as much fun as sandpapering your knees.

#18 Alfisti

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Posted 17 June 2020 - 01:28

PCARS and AC are impossible with a pad, so loose. 

#19 LucaP

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Posted 17 June 2020 - 20:01

PCARS and AC are impossible with a pad, so loose.

I sometimes drive with keyboard and found AC super easy... grip everywhere


#20 messy

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Posted 17 June 2020 - 21:12

God, Assetto Corsa with an Xbox One pad is what I’d imagine it’s like being in hell.

#21 Doren

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Posted 18 June 2020 - 11:28

Hello everyone. I think Sony should do more for the simracing market. All series go to professional simracing. Take a look at IRacing, VCO, and other professional simulators. We need to go further, especially now, when many because of the virus sit at home and play racing.

#22 PayasYouRace

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Posted 18 June 2020 - 12:51

Has the thread title always said "Gran Turmiso"?

#23 Alfisti

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Posted 18 June 2020 - 12:59

Hello everyone. I think Sony should do more for the simracing market. All series go to professional simracing. Take a look at IRacing, VCO, and other professional simulators. We need to go further, especially now, when many because of the virus sit at home and play racing.

Yeah...no. Full blown sim racing takes a level of dedication I cannot commit to. That's why we have PCars, AC and iRacing. 

#24 Beggysmalls

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Posted 18 June 2020 - 13:01

PCARS and AC are impossible with a pad, so loose.

Project cars is ok with a pad, just need to get used to it

#25 Doren

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Posted 18 June 2020 - 20:29

Yeah...no. Full blown sim racing takes a level of dedication I cannot commit to. That's why we have PCars, AC and iRacing. 


Yes, it will be interesting to see what has been done with physics and feedbacks in driving. Of course it depends on the steering wheel. But having lost more than 6 years on the G27, we want more reality.
I want to stay in GT, but the Global Simracing Market forces me to switch to PC, Fanatec and IRacing.

#26 messy

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Posted 18 June 2020 - 20:33

Project cars is ok with a pad, just need to get used to it

As long as the ‘opposite lock assist’ is turned on, it’s quite playable on a pad.

Incidentally, the announcement of Project CARS 3 rather passed me by. It looks pretty rubbish though. Dumbed down doesn’t even begin to cover it. They’ve gone full Forza.

#27 Beggysmalls

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Posted 29 June 2020 - 08:31

Such as shame about project cars 3. Looks like a real arcade style game. Project cars 2 is very good. i think the bugs in the early versions did hurt it. The online lobbies are also starting to die right off

#28 Alfisti

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Posted 29 June 2020 - 13:38

Bugs?????? On console it was absolutely atrocious, borderline unplayable. I love the idea of Project Cars, absolutely love it but what a mess. 

#29 Melbourne Park

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Posted 08 July 2020 - 08:00

I haven't raced / sim'd for a quite a while, but if the PS5 and GT whatever its called has a high resolution 3D visor / goggle / whatever they are called, then the on line race game would be a lot better for me, as with close racing, its the sideways view that can be critical. I have the Sony one for the PS4 and its awesome for vision and feel (crashing shocked me so much I had to crawl out of my seat and get over the shock by sitting on the coach for some considerable time). But the resolution is so bad, I just did not enjoy what felt like a 64 colour RGB experience from the about 1994.


Another thing that can be critical IMO was the lag; playing the game from Australia, the basic racing game (not the events though which I never raced in) the server was moved to Japan and it was very difficult to know exactly where a close car was due to the lag from Australia to Japan and back. I now have a better cable setup  I think but when I last raced the lag in close racing against Japanese and Hong Kong racers was annoying. I recall a Nordshleef avant I was going very well at, when I raced to really fast guys (we all had the same Mitsubushi Lancers which I found out how to drive) and a guy passed me and then was right off the track but then was back on the road in front of me. It was all due to lag and if I'd not had it I'd have beaten two top guys I felt at the time.


As far as physics go, I'm really not sure it matters much. As long as the cars are around the same speed that is ... tactics with tyre wear etc. would be fun though.I suspect my driving style which used little steering wheel input would benefit a better physics engine and tyre wear algorithm. But such testing knowledge  of tyre wear and vehicle choice rewards people who spend a lot of time on the game, such as practicing a circuit when its announced testing tyres and such, maybe doing 12 hours or something, and then rolling up the next day when the tactics are not worked out and thereby having a competitive advantage.


i'd like an age or veteran class too ... its a bummer being smashed by some kid with a hand controller ...

Edited by Melbourne Park, 08 July 2020 - 08:11.

#30 Peter Perfect

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Posted 26 July 2020 - 11:44

Yeah racing against AI is like kissing your cousin, i only play online. GTS, for all it's faults, is revolutionary in this respect. It is utterly brilliant for "middle aged guys without a lot of time looking to race in evenly balanced lobbies". 


I've just given up the idea of building my own gaming pc as I can't justify the cost, so instead I'm upgrading from a PS3 to a PS4 Pro with GTS being my focus for online racing. It's great to know I fit the demographic you described  :D

#31 Tony Mandara

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Posted 02 March 2021 - 09:22

No point having expectations of playing this anytime soon. Latest announcement states projected game release in 2022. I honestly expect the PS5 will be at least three years old before we see this game.

Edited by Tony Mandara, 02 March 2021 - 09:23.

#32 messy

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Posted 02 March 2021 - 11:01

Nah it was officially postponed to 2022 a few weeks ago I think.

Honestly think the new consoles came out a bit soon.

#33 Alfisti

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Posted 02 March 2021 - 16:43

I am not too bothered by it. They have made small changes to GTS, namely using the soft and medium tyre a lot more, which has added enjoyment. I am not in a rush to buy a PS5 so if i can wait a year, all the better for it. 

#34 mmmcurry

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Posted 04 March 2021 - 10:43

I am not too bothered by it. They have made small changes to GTS, namely using the soft and medium tyre a lot more, which has added enjoyment. I am not in a rush to buy a PS5 so if i can wait a year, all the better for it.

Pretty much my opinion too, at the moment I'd only be playing PS4 games on a PS5. I'll wait until a PS5 games comes out I really want, or the price comes down.


#35 baddog

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Posted 04 March 2021 - 10:44

Ill doubtless get a ps5 when GT7 comes out, but if thats next year all the better hah

#36 babbel

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Posted 08 March 2021 - 08:23

I got a PS5 last week and even for the PS4 games it’s a major improvement. Steady 60fps, quick loadtimes etc

#37 Tony Mandara

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Posted 08 March 2021 - 09:29

True for me too. (although PS4 games need to be patched for 60fps.. it doesn't happen automatically) But the point is that it would be frivolous to spend that money now on a PS5 in anticipation of GT7. Polyphony are as notorious for taking their time as Sony marketing is for throwing wildly inaccurate dates (Spring 2021 anyone?) out there, in order to push more hardware sales.

Edited by Tony Mandara, 08 March 2021 - 09:30.

#38 messy

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Posted 08 March 2021 - 22:13

I got a PS5 last week and even for the PS4 games it’s a major improvement. Steady 60fps, quick loadtimes etc

I’ve had a decent look at the XBsX through a mate. The games probably run marginally better on it than on the Xbox One X but there’s not much real life difference and I’ve noticed way more game crashes etc too. The upgraded next gen versions of WRC9 and Ride4 are nice but still not truly feeling like “next gen”. Just slightly better visuals really. Now seeing that MotoGP21 and quite possibly F12021 will also release on current gen, I feel leaving it another year would be sensible personally. The stock shortages are meaning I think quite a few developers are either delaying their games, or reversing the decision to make them next gen exclusive.

#39 babbel

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Posted 09 March 2021 - 10:33

I’ve had a decent look at the XBsX through a mate. The games probably run marginally better on it than on the Xbox One X but there’s not much real life difference and I’ve noticed way more game crashes etc too. The upgraded next gen versions of WRC9 and Ride4 are nice but still not truly feeling like “next gen”. Just slightly better visuals really. Now seeing that MotoGP21 and quite possibly F12021 will also release on current gen, I feel leaving it another year would be sensible personally. The stock shortages are meaning I think quite a few developers are either delaying their games, or reversing the decision to make them next gen exclusive.

I came from a PS4 slim but I guess if you come from the pro's / X there is less of an improvement


#40 Tony Mandara

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Posted 10 March 2021 - 10:11

There's a lot of talk of '..a year too early..' Probably originating from youtube/twitch streamers (who I've noticed tend to report on each others videos as news)

But before I say anything.. please destroy that like button and consider subscribingandactifyingallnotificationsandsupportingmefinancia...

er..Sorry. Got sidetracked! ;)

The fact is (for me at least) it's a big step from the PS4PRO in many ways. From the hardware operation itself (no more Jet-Engine fan noise) on so many PS4 titles which REALLY stretched the legs of even the PRO. ..to the fact that it runs all this software better than the console it was written for.. has to be seen as a plus. Why do some next gen upgrades feel like the same thing with flashier graphics and jazzy controller feedback? Because that's what they are. There's no problem IMO with staying with last gen for now, as last gen is still current. Current lack of top-flight native next gen titles is to be expected (given '2020'..21?..22? OMG...) But is also normal for new consoles.

Edited by Tony Mandara, 12 March 2021 - 11:39.

#41 babbel

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Posted 10 March 2021 - 12:27

The fact is (for me at least) it's a big step from the PS4PRO in many ways. From the hardware operation itself (no more Jet-Engine fan noise) on so many PS4 titles which REALLY stretched the legs of even the PRO. ..to the fact that it runs all this software better than the console it was written for.. has to be seen as a plus.

Same here, it was worth the upgrade!

#42 mmmcurry

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Posted 04 March 2022 - 08:31

My copy of GT7 has been dispatched, not sure when I'll get a chance to give it a spin and report my initial thoughts though.



#43 messy

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Posted 04 March 2022 - 09:16

I’m interested in this, but for all the good reviews it kinda looks like more of the same old same old….I bought GT6 but never sank the hours into it, and mainly preferred Project CARS 2 over GT Sport. Given that it’s on PS4 as well as PS5 I’ll probably get it at some point, but would be interested to see whether it’s developed in the areas that matter to me before spending 60 quid on it.

#44 mmmcurry

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Posted 04 March 2022 - 11:12

I’m interested in this, but for all the good reviews it kinda looks like more of the same old same old….I bought GT6 but never sank the hours into it, and mainly preferred Project CARS 2 over GT Sport. Given that it’s on PS4 as well as PS5 I’ll probably get it at some point, but would be interested to see whether it’s developed in the areas that matter to me before spending 60 quid on it.


I suspect I'll be grinding through the licences, starting with an MX5 and going from there, so yeah, probably same as all the others in the GT series...


Although I enjoyed Project Cars, Project Cars 2 was unplayable when I first got it and these days I can only play in shorter doses which works for GT.



#45 PayasYouRace

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Posted 04 March 2022 - 12:06

From what I’ve seen it looks excellent. Maybe not that much new, but with GT you know what you’re getting.

I’m tempted to switch back to PS for this, though it seems PS5s are still hard to get hold of. Maybe I’ll wait until Forza 8 comes out and compare.

#46 IrvTheSwerve

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Posted 04 March 2022 - 12:53

For me Gran Turismo and Forza Motorsport are both completely overrated and outdated franchises. Give me Assetto Corsa Competizione any day. I deleted both Gran Turismo Sport and Forza 7 long since, they’re both boring.

But Forza Horizon on the other hand will still keep me on the Xbox side I think


I haven't played a Gran Turismo since...I dunno, GT3 or 4...and the newer ones look and sound pretty much exactly the same to my eyes and ears. Very similar menu style, very similar tyre sounds, pretty bad AI...admittedly graphics look great but honestly no better than ACC (fairly high-spec PC but still). I've no idea how the driving actually feels on GT these days but it all looks a bit...boring?! I'd like to give it a try some time to see if/how it has actually changed. More than happy with ACC at the moment though - bloody great game (sim!).

Edited by IrvTheSwerve, 04 March 2022 - 12:54.

#47 Nemo1965

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Posted 04 March 2022 - 16:00

I haven't played a Gran Turismo since...I dunno, GT3 or 4...and the newer ones look and sound pretty much exactly the same to my eyes and ears. Very similar menu style, very similar tyre sounds, pretty bad AI...admittedly graphics look great but honestly no better than ACC (fairly high-spec PC but still). I've no idea how the driving actually feels on GT these days but it all looks a bit...boring?! I'd like to give it a try some time to see if/how it has actually changed. More than happy with ACC at the moment though - bloody great game (sim!).

I've raced many racing games on the Xbox (especially Moto GP) and though I think despite the graphics and the tactile interface between the player and the game on Xbox or other consoles (Call of Duty, oh!), it is just blown out of the water by the choice games like rFactor and ACC offer in free content. AC gives a ton of content and you can add free stuff yourself or buy new stuff for about a third you have to pay for a new Xbox-games. There is just SO much content to be found... if a console would come on the market that would make it possible to download the new Ferrari F1 car for free (yes!) or something like the historical 1991 mod... then perhaps... 

#48 Alfisti

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Posted 04 March 2022 - 16:05

Virtually everything I am reading is the complete opposite of what I personally want from the game other than maybe a slightly less grip on the rear end which was needed.

The grinding, the "unlocking", the harder focus on driving, the lesser focus on racing, the tuning in sport, the set up changes in sport, the annoying intro, the "music rally" bs, the cafe menu and just the general bloat and lack of focus is all going against my core desire to just jump on and within a few minutes be racing guys of equal skill level in a variety of cars with decent grip. Massively disappointed if I am honest.

#49 Ali_G

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Posted 04 March 2022 - 17:56

Virtually everything I am reading is the complete opposite of what I personally want from the game other than maybe a slightly less grip on the rear end which was needed.

The grinding, the "unlocking", the harder focus on driving, the lesser focus on racing, the tuning in sport, the set up changes in sport, the annoying intro, the "music rally" bs, the cafe menu and just the general bloat and lack of focus is all going against my core desire to just jump on and within a few minutes be racing guys of equal skill level in a variety of cars with decent grip. Massively disappointed if I am honest.

I’m playing it right now. Huge bloat. I think you may need to get at least 3 licences at the start to unlock just about any event.

#50 PayasYouRace

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Posted 04 March 2022 - 18:13

You're telling me there are people who play Gran Turismo who don't get all the licences first?