It's a nice circuit as street circuits go, but I have a few suggestions to name the corners.
Turn 1 should be called Khashoggi corner.
Turn 2 should be called MBS ordered it
Turn 3 should be called Kleptopcracy.
Turn 4 should be called Vassal State.
Turn 5 should be called Loujain al-Hathloul (symbolic of her prison sentence of 5 years, just for wanting the right for a woman to drive a car)
Turn 6 should be called Hilton Prison.
Turn 7 should be called Stated Saudi oil reserves are grossly inflated, the Aramco IPO is a joke, and on par for honest evaluations as Unicorn companies like Theranos, WEWORK, and Stripe Financial services.
Turn 8 should be called F1 has no moral compass.
Turn 9 should be called When the US dollar, and Petrodollar implodes, the Saudi Kleptocracy comes to an end within 3 years, even with the help of Eric Prince.
Turn 10 should be called What Yemen genocide?
I'm open to all suggestions.