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Shareholders 2023: Emilia-Romagna changes and new entries

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#1 Makarias

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Posted 09 May 2023 - 17:44

New entries are always welcome!
Do note the difference between entering the game for the first time and making changes to your existing entry:
If you don't want to make any changes, you don't need to make any post here!
* New entries submit an entry with 100 shares as described below
* Existing players may only shift position for at most 20 of their shares each round, as described below.

Deadline for both edits and new entries is the start of first free practice.

Initial thread (including scoring rules)
Saudi Arabia changes
Australia changes
Azerbaijan changes
Miami changes (Including Azerbaijan entries)

Submitting an initial entry

The first time you play this game, you shall submit an entry where you place 100 shares among the drivers, fulfilling these conditions:
 * You may only hold 100 shares (or less, which doesn't help you) in total at a time.
 * You can not own fractions of a share, just integer shares.
 * You can place no more than 40 shares on any one driver.
 * You must own shares in at least three drivers.
 * You may not own shares in more than ten drivers.
 * You may edit your first entry as much as you like until the edit deadline (first free practice) for the coming race.

Note that there is no limit to the number of shares available for each driver.
Also note that your initial entry is the basis for the following rounds too! You'll be allowed to change no more than 20 shares before each race, so make sure your initial entry looks at least 80% respectable...

Entry Example A from 1975:
E Fittipaldi 37
Reutemann 22
Depailler 16
Peterson 12
Ickx 10
Donohue 3

Editing your entry after the first round it takes part in
 * After the first race your entry took part in, you may only change 20 of your shares at a time (for the next race).
 * You do not have to edit your entry at all! If you so wish, you can leave your entry as it is from race one and not make a single change throughout the season.  
 * If a driver is replaced -temporarily or permanently- during the season, the shares placed on him will automatically be transferred to the replacing driver. So you could say that the shares actually are attached to the car number.
 * You may edit your changes as much as you like until the edit deadline for the coming race.
 * Edit deadline for changes is the beginning of first free practice for each race.

Example B:
After the first race, the shareholder who submitted the entry in Example A from 1975 realizes that the Lotus is a dud, and submits an edit to her entry as follows:

Peterson -10
Ickx -10

Pace +10
Reutemann +5
Depailler +5

Her new "portfolio" will after the entry look like this:
E Fittipaldi 37
Reutemann 27
Depailler 21
Pace 10
Donohue 3
Peterson 2

The above change of shares can perhaps best be written like this:
E Fittipaldi 37
Reutemann 27 (+5)
Depailler 21 (+5)
Pace 10 (+10)
Donohue 3
Peterson 2 (-10)
Ickx 0 (-10)

Posting changes in this way may make it easier for you to keep track of what your portfolio looks like, if you look back into these change threads.
Just look at the initial thread, and it's a bit of a drag to backtrack some players' changes!

An edit doesn't have to look just like above, any way is fine as long as it's easy to understand which driver shares are to be sold and which to be bought.

NOTE: I won't automatically be posting updates on what each player's portfolio looks like, so remember to keep track of what you own!

*** Share distribution and value ***
DRIVER      DShares   Race Season    VPP Owners
Verstappen      350  20.79 478.26     48     16
Perez           293  17.41 400.38     57     17
Alonso          206  12.24 281.49     81     15
Leclerc         155   9.21 211.80    108     14
Hamilton        137   8.14 187.21    123     13
Russell         134   7.96 183.11    125     12
Sainz           104   6.18 142.11    162     11
Stroll          101   6.00 138.01    166      9
Norris           69   4.10  94.29    244      8
Gasly            29   1.72  39.63    581      4
Bottas           20   1.19  27.33    843      2
Ocon             20   1.19  27.33    843      2
Albon            15   0.89  20.50   1124      4
Tsunoda          14   0.83  19.13   1204      2
Zhou             14   0.83  19.13   1204      3
Hülkenberg       13   0.77  17.76   1297      4
Piastri          13   0.77  17.76   1297      2
Magnussen        10   0.59  13.66   1686      1
de Vries          2   0.12   2.73   8432      2
Sargeant          1   0.06   1.37  16864      1

The table above shows how the shares are distributed and the race points scores corresponding to these share distributions.
A driver's share provides above average return when the driver scores more points than the value listed for him in the "Race" column.

*** WDC points value for one share as a function of number of players ***
#   points/share
17  0.059411
18  0.056111
19  0.053158
With 17 players, if ten shares are moved to/from a driver his rating will rise/fall by about 0.59 points/race.

*** Return per share as a function of finishing position ***
DRIVER           Win      P2      P3      P4      P5      P6      P7      P8      P9     P10
Verstappen      1200     864     720     576     480     384     288     192      96      48
Perez           1425    1026     855     684     570     456     342     228     114      57
Alonso          2025    1458    1215     972     810     648     486     324     162      81
Leclerc         2700    1944    1620    1296    1080     864     648     432     216     108
Hamilton        3075    2214    1845    1476    1230     984     738     492     246     123
Russell         3125    2250    1875    1500    1250    1000     750     500     250     125
Sainz           4050    2916    2430    1944    1620    1296     972     648     324     162
Stroll          4150    2988    2490    1992    1660    1328     996     664     332     166
Norris          6100    4392    3660    2928    2440    1952    1464     976     488     244
Gasly          14525   10458    8715    6972    5810    4648    3486    2324    1162     581
Bottas         21075   15174   12645   10116    8430    6744    5058    3372    1686     843
Ocon           21075   15174   12645   10116    8430    6744    5058    3372    1686     843
Albon          28100   20232   16860   13488   11240    8992    6744    4496    2248    1124
Tsunoda        30100   21672   18060   14448   12040    9632    7224    4816    2408    1204
Zhou           30100   21672   18060   14448   12040    9632    7224    4816    2408    1204
Hülkenberg     32425   23346   19455   15564   12970   10376    7782    5188    2594    1297
Piastri        32425   23346   19455   15564   12970   10376    7782    5188    2594    1297
Magnussen      42150   30348   25290   20232   16860   13488   10116    6744    3372    1686
de Vries      210800  151776  126480  101184   84320   67456   50592   33728   16864    8432
Sargeant      421600  303552  252960  202368  168640  134912  101184   67456   33728   16864

The above table illustrates the return each share gives for each finishing position given the current share distribution.

*** VPP samples ***
Players                             Shares/driver
        5     10    20    30    40    50    60    70    80    90    100   200   300   400
17      3372  1686  843   562   421   337   281   240   210   187   168   84    56    42
18      3571  1785  892   595   446   357   297   255   223   198   178   89    59    44
19      3769  1884  942   628   471   376   314   269   235   209   188   94    62    47
VPP as a function of number of players and number of shares placed on a driver.

*** Return per share season history ***
DRIVER          TOT   BAH   SAU    OZ   AZE   MIA   EMI   MON   ESP   CAN   AUT    GB   HUN   BEL   NED   ITA   SIN   JPN   QAT   USA   MEX   BRA    LV   ABU
Alonso         6717  1680  1560  1290   972  1215                                                                                                            
Perez          6689  1818  1725   620  1500  1026                                                                                                            
Norris         6516     0     0  5392  1124     0                                                                                                            
Hülkenberg     6324     0     0  6324     0     0                                                                                                            
Stroll         6226  3544     0  1728   954     0                                                                                                            
Hamilton       6068   950  1040  2214   880   984                                                                                                            
Sainz          5918  1296   872     0  2130  1620                                                                                                            
Verstappen     5800  1550   972  1250   828  1200                                                                                                            
Russell        4632   732  1920     0   480  1500                                                                                                            
Zhou           4216     0     0  4216     0     0                                                                                                            
Gasly          3894   822   748     0     0  2324                                                                                                            
Leclerc        3474     0   696     0  2130   648                                                                                                            
Albon          3372  3372     0     0     0     0                                                                                                            
Ocon           2810     0  1124     0     0  1686                                                                                                            
Piastri        2808     0     0  2808     0     0                                                                                                            
Tsunoda        2737     0     0  1533  1204     0                                                                                                            
Magnussen      2529     0   843     0     0  1686                                                                                                            
Bottas          976   976     0     0     0     0                                                                                                            
de Vries          0     0     0     0     0     0                                                                                                            
Sargeant          0     0     0     0     0     0                                                                                                            

Scoring over 1000 points per share in a round means that the share did above average.


#2 LolaB0860

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Posted 15 May 2023 - 16:39

Verstappen 35
Perez 22
Alonso 16
Sainz 8 (+1)
Russel 7 (+2)
Hamilton 7 (+2)
Leclerc 4 (+1)
Sargeant 1
Norris 0 (-3)
Piastri 0 (-3)