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Bring Back V10s Podcast

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#1 Steve L

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Posted 25 February 2024 - 12:35

Does anyone else here listen to this podcast, please?  It covers Eff Wun from circa 1989 to the early 2000s, and has a lot of interesting subjects.


I download using Podbean (free) but the shows often mention a subscription being possible to unlock extra content.   I cannot for the life of me find out how to do this - I have even messaged the producers of the podcast, but have not received a reply.


If someone has the answer, I would be grateful to know please!


#2 blackmme

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Posted 25 February 2024 - 12:54

I listen via Apple (BBV10’s is terrific) and the Subscription is available via the Apple ecosystem direct from the Apple Podcasts app.

i suspect it will be the same via Google Play ecosystem.

What device are you using? 

Regards Mike

#3 Steve L

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Posted 25 February 2024 - 13:04

Hi Mike, thanks for your reply.


I have an Android mobile, standard laptop, and use Google Play store occasionally. Do I need to download or subscribe to another app to be able to subscribe to BBV10s, please?

#4 blackmme

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Posted 25 February 2024 - 16:43

I’m totally on the Apple ecosystem I’m afraid.
Check the Google native Podcast app and find BBV10’s on there and check the options.

Regards Mike

#5 PCC

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Posted 25 February 2024 - 17:01

I believe all content can be accessed by subscribing to The Race.

#6 Steve L

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Posted 25 February 2024 - 17:34

I believe all content can be accessed by subscribing to The Race.


Thanks - that looks like the link I need.  Just need to somehow gauge exactly how much extra content the subscription provides!

#7 blackmme

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Posted 25 February 2024 - 17:41

Thanks - that looks like the link I need.  Just need to somehow gauge exactly how much extra content the subscription provides!

You can get a 30 day free trial Steve and then it’s £25 a year.  I might give the trial a go myself as in general the Race creates fantastic content and Mark Hughes is worth that on his own. 

Regards Mike

#8 PCC

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Posted 25 February 2024 - 18:20

You can get a 30 day free trial Steve and then it’s £25 a year.  I might give the trial a go myself as in general the Race creates fantastic content and Mark Hughes is worth that on his own. 

Regards Mike

I agree, they do a very good job and Mark Hughes in particular is exceptional. I've never actually done a systematic comparison of subscriber content vs. non-subscriber content. I've subscribed all along just because I don't like being a freeloader!

#9 Michael Ferner

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Posted 26 February 2024 - 09:12

Not a fan of Mark Hughes, wouldn't read him for free. So, that's 25 quid saved  :smoking:

#10 TennisUK

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Posted 01 March 2024 - 20:04

I pay the sub, but only for the podcast and extras, which is excellent.

#11 Steve L

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Posted 01 March 2024 - 21:16

Do all of the podcasts and extras remain available, and can they be downloaded, please?

#12 E1pix

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Posted 01 March 2024 - 21:52

Very much support the concept and title, despite the objective being two cylinders low.

#13 john aston

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Posted 02 March 2024 - 07:06

I listen to a lot of podcasts and I've  perhaps mistakenly assumed that most other TNF folk do so too.  There is a wealth of stuff to listen to - Tom Clarkson is no Jeremy Paxman but he has had just about everybody on his podcast Beyond the Grid. Mario Andretti was a recent highlight , as have been the razor sharp Danica Patrick, 'been there done that' Herbie Blash and uber- boffin  Adrian Newey . Eddie Jordan divides opinion but if you like him -and I do - some of his Formula for Success (FFS...) are wildly entertaining . A recent highlight was his very very funny account of the crash prone Takuma Sato. Motor Sport's Rob Widdows' series for the magazine is excellent  , if a little old school in style .


 I think some of us older folk get a bit po- faced about pods  - but take them for what they are. Not serious research , not documents of record but sometimes sweary conversations of the sort you'd hope to have if Danny Sullivan or Roberto Moreno walked into the pub . 

#14 Steve L

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Posted 02 March 2024 - 08:12

I love a good podcast!

Motor Sport magazine podcast are doing a "Centenary" series at the moment, and they have also just covered Mario Andretti. I found the latest one with John Watson to be very interesting.

Then there is the Historic Racing News podcast which is released monthly, with each episode lasting around 2 hours. Content is excellent, and includes interviews, reviews of books and events, and discussion about all periods of motor sport history.

The Brooklands Members regularly hold events, often centered around book launches. Sadly, it is not practical for me to attend due to time, distance and associated cost. But they record the evenings and release them both in audio format as a podcast, and as a visual recording on youtube.

The Cars Yeah podcast is now nearly up to 2500 episodes (!) with each show interviewing an active member of the old car world. There have been a number of fascinating guests including Colin Crabbe, Brian Redman and many others.

Talking of youtube, there are lots of ongoing old car related blogs available. Two of my current favourites are one about the ongoing restoration of ERA GP2, and Shed Racing which follows Ivan Dutton's (of Bugatti fame) exploits and restorations of all kinds of interesting cars.

If anyone has other podcast or viewing recommendations, I would be delighted to hear them! :yawnface:

Edited by Steve L, 02 March 2024 - 12:21.

#15 Sterzo

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Posted 02 March 2024 - 13:51

Motor Sport's "Engineering the Greats" podcasts are especially wonderful, and I would say they do have a historical value. They are full of snippets of information. I treasure having heard of the dispute between Ron Dennis and Steve Nicholls on whether the top of the roll hoop should be painted for smart turn out, or left bare to save weight...

#16 PCC

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Posted 02 March 2024 - 13:52

I think some of us older folk get a bit po- faced about pods...

Probably true, but I don't understand why. I've always loved radio (much more than TV), which for much of my life made me seem like a throwback. But podcasts are really just radio documentaries, the only difference being you can listen to them any time you like. By turning to podcasts, a new generation is really just discovering radio for the first time in their lives.


I listen to several fairly regularly, although they're all about history rather than racing. They often have guests with serious expertise, and their educational value is considerable. I'm sure a lot of podcasts are complete junk, but some of the ones that aren't are very good indeed. I have no qualms about assigning them to students as required reading listening.


I've even produced a few myself for my classes!

#17 messy

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Posted 02 March 2024 - 16:56

Not a fan of Mark Hughes, wouldn't read him for free. So, that's 25 quid saved  :smoking:

I like Mark Hughes, his insights are good even if he’s, erm, um, not the um, most natural, erm, podcaster.

I’ve taken up the offer of a free month of The Race access, but I can’t find a way to actually download any of the extra podcasts, just stream them on the site, so I’m not sure I’ll carry on with it. Some good bonus stuff to listen to for this month though.

#18 E1pix

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Posted 02 March 2024 - 17:03

By turning to podcasts, a new generation is really just discovering radio for the first time in their lives.

Peter and I seem to agree on most things in this world — (Peter: Warning!) — so I’m not surprised to see we do again.

We have no access to radio, so haven’t imbibed for years. But Peter’s comment raises a thought… that the lack of visual stimulation (or *distraction* if you will) forces the listener to *imagine and visualize* on levels that aren’t stimulated with video.

In my opinion, such positive stimulations are likely a very good thing, and particularly with young, developing minds.

A silly analogy perhaps, but two favorites in my college-era days were Monty Python, and the “radio show-style” comedy duo of Firesign Theater. One required zero thought to be thoroughly entertained, the other demanded it.

Both were absolutely fabulous, but only one let the imagination free to create scenes in the mind, thoughts that actually added to the hilarity.

#19 PCC

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Posted 02 March 2024 - 20:51

Indeed Eric, you know what they say - "Great minds think alike"! Or is it "Fools seldom differ"? Either way, I'm with you!



Somewhat less flippant postscript: I first became enamoured of audio production when I worked in the Media Productions department of a large public art gallery. We made videos too, but I always preferred audio because the viewer was free to look at the art while taking in the information. I've always loved the space between what the eye saw and the ear heard - a space that the imagination could rush in and fill.


Which is a long-winded way of saying that I think we agree again....

Edited by PCC, 02 March 2024 - 20:55.


#20 E1pix

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Posted 02 March 2024 - 21:10