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2004 Engines Output, Weight

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#51 Pinguin

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Posted 28 February 2004 - 13:23


Originally posted by scarbs
The merc engine (or its cam shafts at least) is being killed by vibrations and for unknown reasons (to me at least) losing power over the 800Kms. So possibly its peak power on the dyno would be on a par with better engines but otherwise in a car installation over a race distance its down on revs and hence power.

A lot of negative press has surrounded Mercedes recently regarding their F1 engine. With all due respect to them, could it not be that the problem(s) not comming directly from the engine itself but from the integration with Mclaren's chassis?

I mean, the people from Illmor/Mercedes certainly test their engines rigourously enough on test beds & engine rigs I'm sure but once mounted to the McLaren problems unfold...

ok. on the test beds the engines are in controlled environments, an once behind the chassis & on the race track they're in uncontrolled environment. But still if they do well on test beds they surely should reach expected performance on the tarmac.

Raikkonen spoke out about engine integration issues recently...which gives me a hint that -contrary to popular belief - Mclaren & Mercedes may indeed not be working harmoniously enough together?


#52 HSJ

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Posted 28 February 2004 - 16:03


Originally posted by Pinguin

A lot of negative press has surrounded Mercedes recently regarding their F1 engine. With all due respect to them, could it not be that the problem(s) not comming directly from the engine itself but from the integration with Mclaren's chassis?

I mean, the people from Illmor/Mercedes certainly test their engines rigourously enough on test beds & engine rigs I'm sure but once mounted to the McLaren problems unfold...

ok. on the test beds the engines are in controlled environments, an once behind the chassis & on the race track they're in uncontrolled environment. But still if they do well on test beds they surely should reach expected performance on the tarmac.

Raikkonen spoke out about engine integration issues recently...which gives me a hint that -contrary to popular belief - Mclaren & Mercedes may indeed not be working harmoniously enough together?

You're right. However, it is probably the engine that is causing the vibrations. I mean does the chassis vibrate by itself? Maybe to a degree as it moves around the track, going over bumps, having different aero loads on it etc., but surely the engine is the source of most vibrations. So, the engine vibrates so that its integration with the chassis suffers, and to combat that, basically meaning to prevent the car from shaking itself to pieces and to have a reliable package that actually finishes the races, the engine revs have been cut to reduce vibrations.