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Just my humble sugestions...

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#1 Mosquito

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Posted 13 April 2000 - 00:30

I don't know if it is feasible at all, but here's my suggestion:

Could it be possible to view only the topics you are involved in? (Either as creator or replier) This BB has become somewhat more hecktic and topics are oooohh soooo easily bumped to the pages nobody goes. I've already had some situations where people replied to your post (or your reply) and just because you missed out just too long (say 4 hours  ;)), you will miss out on it.
This is extremely sad if they just asked you some burning elaboration and pfooooeeff...! Topic's on the 2nd page. Ok, one could scroll to page 2, 3, 4 and see if anything looks familiar and raises some ~unfinished~ feeling, but my short term memory is terrible.

And, having more and more multi-post, look-alike, entries fighting for the top position, it would make it easier to just follow your current threads of interest and use the front page for stuff you might feel like jumping into....

(This post was way too long I fear.......  ;))

[This message has been edited by Mosquito (edited 04-12-2000).]

I should learn to type...

[This message has been edited by Mosquito (edited 04-12-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Mosquito (edited 04-12-2000).]


#2 Mosquito

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Posted 13 April 2000 - 00:30

Naaahhhh, it just looked big in that ienie tienie wienie edit window ;)

#3 Rainstorm

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Posted 13 April 2000 - 00:41


I can tell you what I do when I've lost track of what threads I've posted in:

I click on "Search", choose "Readers Comments" in the list of forums, choose "entire message" in the search method, choose "since yesterday" in the timeframe (or longer if I was away for longer than that) and then do a search for rainstorm in the "search by username" field. (leave it on "Partial Name Match Acceptable" -- for some reason the "exact" option doesn't work)

And there you go, the search result is a list of threads in which I posted since yesterday :)

#4 Rich

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Posted 13 April 2000 - 00:42

Sure it's possible to only follow your own topics. Just go into the search function, tell it to search for posts by 'Mosquito', and away you go. :)

Damn, Rainstorm beat me to it. I thought that, for the first time in my entire history here, I might be able to answer a techy question. Oh well, maybe next time... :D

PS. I'm getting better. Usually Sally also beats me to it.  ;)

[This message has been edited by Rich (edited 04-12-2000).]

#5 Sally

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Posted 13 April 2000 - 00:53

I was sleeping, so you got away with it this time Rich ;)

#6 Mosquito

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Posted 13 April 2000 - 02:31


Didn't even spring to mind that you could just leave the search field empty! It's simple, it's brilliant!