Land's End and other car trials (merged)
Posted 04 February 2007 - 21:09
A great day out in the fresh air, and very little cost, if any at all if the car is an MOT failure!
Posted 04 February 2007 - 21:25
50 years ago when I started (good heavens, is it really that long ago

Posted 04 February 2007 - 22:23
Originally posted by Allan Lupton
50 years ago when I started (good heavens, is it really that long ago), road rallying was also the province of the normal man in his day-to-day car, at least at Closed and Closed-Co-promoted levels.
I used to do autotests as well, "Pylon Spinning" was great fun, reverse flips (always right hand down in a Right hand Drive vehicle) handbrake turns...and some tests that were so fast, they were like a special stage......and all accessible on the membership of the local Motor Club, halcyon days!
I used to finish work on a Friday evening and then go to the start of a 12 car rally, usually run by the Bexley Light Car Club. Great fun, such good memories and great grounding for beginners.
Posted 05 February 2007 - 14:04
Scroll down, and click on the video section
Posted 05 February 2007 - 15:32
Car spec. is interesting. I can't think that the man who made the two-speed gearbox it uses has many customers!
Posted 05 February 2007 - 15:55
Originally posted by sterling49
Not quite, but today I went to a Production Car Trial in Culverstone, Near Meopham in Kent and reminded myself of the great fun that can be had at this grass roots level.
You and I must be fairly close neighbours sterling49. Was that the Borough 19 PCT that you attended? I would have been helping out at that if I hadn't been stripping the engine of my Tomcat after a below par peformance on Dave Walker's rolling road (looks like the valves are the culprits).
If you want more grass roots sport in the area, try the Sevenoaks clubs grass autotests run on Thursday evenings in the summer on the old A20 at Farningham Hill, or the MMKMC autotests run on Wednesday evenings in the summer next to Headcorn aerodrome?
Posted 05 February 2007 - 18:19
Originally posted by Greystone
You and I must be fairly close neighbours sterling49. Was that the Borough 19 PCT that you attended? I would have been helping out at that if I hadn't been stripping the engine of my Tomcat after a below par peformance on Dave Walker's rolling road (looks like the valves are the culprits).
If you want more grass roots sport in the area, try the Sevenoaks clubs grass autotests run on Thursday evenings in the summer on the old A20 at Farningham Hill, or the MMKMC autotests run on Wednesday evenings in the summer next to Headcorn aerodrome?
Hi Andrew,
Well I never! I used to compete in the 7Oaks events a few moons ago......

There was a period of my life when I knew most of the regular competitors in ASEMC and LCAMC, then I got married and exchanged the Mexico for a small wife and a LARGE mortgage

I might even have competed in some of the same events as you

Posted 08 March 2011 - 20:46
Does this sport still exist?
I have a few more photos, if anyone is interested.

Posted 08 March 2011 - 20:53
Posted 08 March 2011 - 21:59

Posted 08 March 2011 - 22:13
Thanks for the info; this was the only trial I ever saw.
The cars cost as much a single seat racing cars now - and are very clever bits of Kit
Posted 08 March 2011 - 23:08
Posted 09 March 2011 - 00:28
Production Car Trials are run for road-legal vehicles (sometimes much-modified). They are usually held at a single location. The Bristol Pegasus MC trial mentioned by Ralph is one of these. Classic Trials include the three famous long-distance events run by the MCC (the Edinburgh, the Land’s End and the Exeter) and other similar events, where cars (and motor cycles) travel on the road between the various trials sections.
Posted 09 March 2011 - 08:36

Production Car Trials are alive and well in East Anglia. Events are regularly held by the West Suffolk Motor Club, Eastern Counties Motor Club and the Sporting Car Club of Norfolk. I have entered my 205 in three of these events so far this year, they are a great way to spend a winters day.
Posted 09 March 2011 - 09:11

Any more photos, folks?
Posted 09 March 2011 - 09:53
Posted 09 March 2011 - 14:51
Posted 09 March 2011 - 20:37
There are three main categories of trials events, Sporting Trials, Production Car Trials (PCTs) and Classic Trials. Sporting trials are run for the specialist vehicles shown in Pete’s photos. These cars are (almost always) not road-legal. The Peter Blankstone Memorial Trial mentioned by Aykay is run for these cars.
Production Car Trials are run for road-legal vehicles (sometimes much-modified). They are usually held at a single location. The Bristol Pegasus MC trial mentioned by Ralph is one of these. Classic Trials include the three famous long-distance events run by the MCC (the Edinburgh, the Land’s End and the Exeter) and other similar events, where cars (and motor cycles) travel on the road between the various trials sections.
All almost certainly requiring more driving skill than the roundy , roundy tarmac stuff
Posted 09 March 2011 - 20:40
Posted 09 March 2011 - 20:57
Posted 09 March 2011 - 21:01
Was it Julian Flack who seemed to appear every week in "Motoring News " winning trials all over the UK in the 1970s?
...and the Brise family, John being quite a dab hand with the "fiddle" brakes..............
Edited by sterling49, 09 March 2011 - 21:02.
Posted 09 March 2011 - 21:13
...Any more photos, folks?
Well, I've got a few from even earlier: these were taken on the Snake Pass in, I think, 1960:

I posted them a few years ago on an earlier thread, I think the conclusion was that it was either a North Midland Motor Club or Sheffield and Hallamshire event.
Posted 09 March 2011 - 21:21
Roger Lund
Posted 09 March 2011 - 21:41
Edited by Alan Cox, 10 March 2011 - 09:38.
Posted 09 March 2011 - 21:44
And Reg Allen, whose daughter, Janet, married Tony Brise....and the Brise family, John being quite a dab hand with the "fiddle" brakes..............
Posted 09 March 2011 - 23:49
Seeing Eric Jackson's name on that list reminded me that his daughter Jackie started these threads on her Dad and the joys of trialling:Some great names on this list. the names I remember aprticularly from the early '60s are Rex and Renee Chappell. IIRC their photo appeared once on the front cover af a winter edition of Motor Sport, such was the following of the sport in those far-off days.
British Trials 1958 - photo
The second of these threads is the one where Mike C first posted his photos seen above.
Edited by Tim Murray, 09 March 2011 - 23:51.
Posted 10 March 2011 - 10:59
Production Car Trials are alive and well in East Anglia. Events are regularly held by the West Suffolk Motor Club, Eastern Counties Motor Club and the Sporting Car Club of Norfolk. I have entered my 205 in three of these events so far this year, they are a great way to spend a winters day.
I had doubt about attempting a trial in either a Passat or Picante now I have seen this I am tempted to give it a whirl

Posted 10 March 2011 - 17:12
Posted 10 March 2011 - 17:33
That explains how I finished last in each of my events!
Posted 10 March 2011 - 17:58
To quote Sterling... "as it is the skill of the crew that makes the difference."
That explains how I finished last in each of my events!
...........but it should be for the enjoyment Leigh !!!

Posted 10 March 2011 - 18:33
Since when did they have hills in E. Anglia!!Production Car Trials are alive and well in East Anglia. Events are regularly held by the West Suffolk Motor Club, Eastern Counties Motor Club and the Sporting Car Club of Norfolk. I have entered my 205 in three of these events so far this year, they are a great way to spend a winters day.

Posted 10 March 2011 - 20:33
Posted 11 March 2011 - 13:46
Posted 12 March 2011 - 17:43

This was taken at a West Suffolk MC meeting last month. If you want to see more photos of their meetings check out www.flickr.com/photos/querth
Edited by Leigh Trevail, 12 March 2011 - 19:50.
Posted 12 March 2011 - 20:47
To quote Sterling... "as it is the skill of the crew that makes the difference."
That explains how I finished last in each of my events!
Don't tell (Sir) Stirling Moss that! He was not a happy bunny when he didn't do too well in a local trial back in the early fifties

Posted 13 March 2011 - 10:16
Posted 13 March 2011 - 11:32
Posted 29 June 2015 - 15:18
Elansprint I'd love to see any more photos of trials you may have.
Posted 21 January 2022 - 05:41
JANUARY 1-2, 1954.—M.C.C. Exeter Trial
First car departed Kenilworth, Queen and Castle Hotel, 12.08
Saturday morning. Other start points: Virginia Water (Wheatsheaf Hotel)
1.24 a.m. and Launceston (Guildhall Car Park) 2.39 a.m.
Finish at Grand Hotel, Bournemouth.
Does anybody have an entry list/program for this event?
Edited by Rupertlt1, 21 January 2022 - 05:51.
Posted 31 January 2022 - 18:45
M.C.C.—Awards in the Land's End Trial
(April 3-4) are as follows:
First-class awards: Singer 1,929 (R. A. Hellyar);
Scarlet Runner 1,172 (J. Tucker Peake); Tucker
M.G. 1,460 (H. W. Tucker Peake); Vauxhall s 1,484
(C. F. Crossby); Dellow s 1,172 (W. F. Mead); Baylis
Thomas 1,496 (W. J. Haward); H.R.G. 1,496 (F.
Allot); Dellow 1,172 (R. F. Barnard); Singer Le
Mans 1,493 (K. D. McDowall); Dellow 1,172 (A. C.
Westwood); Dellow 1,172 (D. E. Read); Meadows-
Dellow 1,496 (J. E. Talbot); Pelican 1,172 (A. M.
Goldthorpe; M.G. TC 1,250 (M. J. Lawrence); Lea-
Francis 1,496 (A. L. S. Denyer); Ford 3,622 (C. R. L.
Nicholl); Morgan 4-4 1,267 (C. J. McCann); Dellow s
1,172 (W. E. Wykes); Aero Minx s 1,184 (D. Under-
wood); Frazer-Nash 1,496 (R. E. Wright); M.G.
TD 1,250 (W. B. Hercock); Ford 1,172 (Mrs. M. E.
Woodall); Frazer-Nash 1,496 (D. J. Parsons); M.G. s
1,250 (C. M. Kemp); A.F.S. 1,172 (S. D. Guttridge);
Frazer-Nash-B.M.W. 1,971 (G. Crossley-Meates);
Dellow 1,172 (W. S. Bennett); B.H.M. 1,172 (J. B.
Banbury); Eardon 1,172 (G. S. Edwards); Dellow
1,172 (C. R. Parsons); Singer 972 (J. Featherstone);
Barton 1,300 (S. G. Wooldridge); Allard 3,800 (R.J.
Harris); Shamick Special 918 (Ian J. Cruickshank);
L.R.G. Ford 1,172 (R. Wilson); L.R.G. Ford 1,172
(H. G. Ackland); L.R.G. Ford 1,172 (L. R. Gear);
Dellow 1,172 (C. D. Evans).
Second-class awards: Riley Special 1,087 (K. F.
Morrice); Morgan Plus Four 2,088 (B. A. Roy);
Morgan 1,098 (E. P. Huxham); P.S.M. 1,172 (H. H.
Alderton); Dellow s 1,172 (T. J. Sawell); Dellow 1,172
(A. E. Cleghorn); Dellow 1,172 (E. G. Walsh);
Dellow 1,498 (B. W. J. Hindes); Batten V8 3,704
(H. W. Inderwick); Dellow 1,172 (D. W. Watkin);
Dellow 1,172 (D. S. Price); H.R.G. 1,496 (Sir
E. D. W. Verner); Morgan Plus Four 2,088 (W. A. G.
Goodall); Morgan Plus Four 2,088 (J. Moore);
R.L.C. 1,172 (K .M. Law); Austin Grasshopper s 747
(R. J. P. Morley); Austin 747 (D. J. Hurd); Ford
Special 1,172 (F. P. Taylor); Morris 918 (D. F. Stick-
well); Fanifold 1,250 (H. Mayne); Morris 8 Special
918 (K. D. Evans); M.G. TD 1,250 (J. H. Radbourne).
Third-class awards: Riley 1,496 (W. B. Caldwell);
M.G. TC 1,250 (H. G. W. Kendrick); M.G. TC 1,250
(W. E. Kendrick); M.G. 1,250 (C. M. Davis); M.G.
TD 1,250 (J. Shewell-Cooper); Allard 3,917 (J. P.
Davis); Austin A40 1,200 (D. G. M. Middleton);
Singer 1,991 (R. F. Matthews); Trojan 1,488 (N. M.
Arnold-Forster); Allard 3,622 (T. Bellm); Aston
Martin 1,495 (D. Elwell Smith); Ford Anglia 1,172
(D. C. Mitchell); Singer 1,074 (C. J. Preston);
Dellow 1,172 (C. R. Price); Rover 2,147 (R. A. H.
Griffin); Austin A40 1,200 (B. A. W. Holt); Dellow
1,172 (W. Scott); Allard 3,622 (J. W. Bowdagge);
Austin 1,200 (J. E. Wright); M.G. TA 1,342 (R. W.
Brown); Allard 3,622 (J. Potter); Hillman 1,265
(K. G. Cramp); Dellow 1,172 (J. A. van Beugen
Bik); Renault 748 (R. S. E. Cohen); Renault 748
(Miss D. P. W. Norman); Standard 1,009 (M. J.
Barker); H.R.G. 1,496 (A. G. Norgard); Buckler
1,172 (E. J. Kehoe); Vauxhall 2,275 (P. Hewins);
Sunbeam-Talbot 2,263 (J. H. Leigh); H.R.G. 1,074
(H. B. Pincher); G.W.8 3,600 (G. Wood); M.G. TD
1,250 (Miss B. M. Bratt); Sunbeam-Talbot 2,267
(S. A. Letchford); M.G. TD 1,250 (M. D. King);
Dellow s 1,172 (G. M. Sharp); Ford Special 1,172
(R. H. Kirkland); M.G. 1,250 (C. J. Penberthy);
M.G. 1,250 (J. H. Pool); Jowett Bradford 1,005
(E. H. Dennis); M.G. TC 1,250 (L. J. Saundercook);
Austin 800 (R. S. Prout); Vauxhall 1,507 (I. T.
Bale); Morris 1,550 (J. S. Bacon); Triumph Special
1,943 (S. P. Briginshaw); Lagonda 4,500 (J. G. S.
Entries 166. non starters 15. non finishers 34.
Posted 01 February 2022 - 08:31
The Land's End Trial, 16-17 April 1954
Test hills in the London to
Land's End motor reliability trial
on Saturday were all up to their
maximum standard of trickiness
and although the weather was the
best since the war, many ace riders
failed to take all the hills without
dropping points.
Hustyn Hill at Wadebridge was
responsible for the biggest number
of failures and a stream running
down it made the surface slippery
and greasy.
There were 388 entrants in this,
the 34th run organised by the
Motor Cycling Club. Though 20
failed to start, 208 solo motor-
cycles, 27 combinations, two three-
wheelers and 131 cars took the
road. Of the total, 28 solos, four
combinations, one three-wheeler,
and 22 cars failed to finish.
First-class awards have been
claimed by 48 solos, four combina-
ations and 44 cars; second-class by
46 solos, three combinations and 31
cars; third-class by 47 solos, 12
combinations and 24 cars, and one
Cornish Guardian and Saltash Gazette and Cornwall County Chronicle (Bodmin, Cornwall, England) Thursday 22 Apr 1954, Page 10
Can anybody give the results of this event? Possibly Autosport, 23 April 1954?
Looking for information on this Singer? Is this Beggar's Roost? Was this picture published by Autocar at the time?
#247 Morgan, KWP 127
#248 Ford Special, KOC 693
#249 Ford Popular, OFJ 616
#252 Dellow, FJN 97
#260 Austin Ten, GYE 563
#261 Standard Vanguard
#266 HRG, ECX 450
#269 Allard 3.9-litre, JYH 613, R. J. Harris (ex-Tony Rumfitt)
#281 Renault, PUO 257
#282 M.G., HMX 318
#284 Ford Popular, SAF 729
#289 Vauxhall, TML 169
#304 Austin A40 Somerset convertible, OGL 423
#306 Morris Minor, NAD 351
#307 Singer, HEA 770
#309 Ford, AAF 550
#312 Austin A30, NOX 524
#316 Morgan, JNP 239
#321 Frazer-Nash, PD 4724
#341 Tucker M.G., ORO 4, H. W. Tucker Peake
#342 Jaguar XK120, GJB 419
#356, HWL 815
#367 Trojan, KM 9763
#369 Ford, LOR 855
#374 Morgan, NYU 993
Dellow, LCL 787, probably A. E. Cleghorn
Ford, XTW 406
Edited by Rupertlt1, 13 February 2022 - 16:18.
Posted 06 February 2022 - 06:36
JANUARY 1-2, 1954.—M.C.C. Exeter Trial
Some random entries compiled from various sources, best efforts:
#175 H.R.G., LXF 342
#179 Renault, MDF 379, K. W. Hobbs
#180 Morgan, OHW 273
#187 Ford Popular, RTF 611, J. Cuff
#190 Morgan, KNP 5, J. Moore
#191 Morgan, HUY 982
#194 Dellow, LDF 22, M. Hazelwood
#199 Aero Minx s, CLX 827, D. Underwood
#207 Scarlet Runner, NNK 3, J. Tucker Peake
#208 Tucker M.G., ORO 4, H. W. Tucker Peake
#209 Dellow, LLN 943, E. G. Walsh
#210 Dellow, LCL 787, A. E. Cleghorn
#213 Dellow, HWP 935, W. F. Mead
#217 Singer, SMT 712
#219 A.R.M. Special, HPX 465, E. G. Smith
#234 Bartlett Special, KRJ 7, L. Gutteridge
#242 Morgan, JNP 239, Peter Morgan
#248 M.G. TD, UMG 760, T. D. H. Rutter
#250 Land Rover, RBH 363
#252 Renault, NXH 525
#254 Jowett Javelin, KLR 363, T. J. Sawell
#256 M.G. Midget, MPL 484, G. N. Dear
#259 Dellow Mk 3, UVX 999
#260 Ford Prefect, EGN 112, E. J. W. Snusher
#268 Alfa-Romeo 1750, LYC 819, L. G. Bennett
#274 Jowett Javelin, KYR 66
#295 Allard, JYH 613, R. J. Harris
#298 Ford Special, MUO 944, H. G. Ackland
What is this—MFD 387 (Dudley)?
Results of the M.C.C.'s Exeter Trial
on 1st/2nd January have now been
announced. In so far as they affect car
entrants, they are as follows:
First-Class Awards: W. W. Wykes (Dellow S),
Mrs. M. E. Woodall (Ford), A. A. Wilson-Gunn
(Dellow), G. M. Sharp (Dellow), J. Tucker Peake
(Scarlet Runner), H. W. Tucker Peake (Tucker-
M.G.), W. F. Mead (Dellow S), W. E. Wonnacot
(L.R.G. Spl.), E. G. Smith (A.R.M. Spl), D. S.
Price (Dellow S), D. E. Read (Dellow), H. H.
Alderton (Ford), E. D. Scobey (Dellow S), C. R.
Parsons (Dellow), W. G. Penhale (Ford Spl.),
R. Willson (Dellow), H. G. Ackland (Ford), L. R.
Gear (L.R.G. Spl.).
Second-Class Awards: A. C. Hobbs (Morgan),
J. Moore (Morgan), W. A. G. Goodall (Morgan),
D. Underwood (Aero-Minx S), W. J. Haward
(Bayliss-Thomas), C. F. Crossby (Vauxhall S)
A. E. Cleghorn (Dellow), A. C. Westwood (Dellow),
H. W. Inderwick (Batten V8), B. W. J. Hindes
(Dellow), H. G. W. Kendrick (Ford Popular), J. H.
Ahern (Morgan), C. J. Girling (Allard), A. E. H.
Parsons (Dellow), C. G. Faber (Renault), F. P.
Barker (Frazer-Nash), D. G. Fleming (Hillman),
Mrs. E. N. G. Parsons (Dellow), J. B. Banbury
(B.H.M.), I. J. Cruikshank (Morris Spl.).
Third-Class Awards: R. M. Barford (Bradford
Utility), D. J. Parsons (Frazer-Nash), K. W.
Hobbs (Renault), P. Hewins (Vauxhall), P. Small
(Austin A30), A. F. Rollason (Allard), G. R. Allen
(Triumph Mayflower), J. P. Davis (Allard), E. G.
Walsh (Dellow ), K. B. Shaw (Morris), D. C.
Mitchell (H.R.G.), Miss P. J. Roake (M.G. TD)
F. W. Scott (M.G.). M. J. Lawrence (M.G. TC),
F. G. Ruggles (M.G. TD), The Earl of Northesk
(Jaguar XK 120), F. Downs (Sunbeam-Talbot),
G. L. Gutteridge (Bartlett Spl.), C. R. Price
(Pelikan), A. G. Norgard (H.R.G.), E. W. James
(Morgan), P. Garnier (Morgan), J. H. L. Bingham
(Ford Anglia), H. J. Kingswell (Austin A40).
T. D. H. Rutter (M.G. TD), A. H. Baker (Land
Rover), R. F. Sear (M.G.), E. J. W. Snusher
(Ford), S. H. Goddard (Austin A30), J. R. Temple-
ton (Dellow), E. J. Kehoe (Buckler), R. W.
Woolaway (Dellow), I. T. Bale (Vauxhall), R. J.
Harris (Allard), W. Ivey-Mollard (M.G.).
Team Championship (Cars): J. Tucker Peake,
H. W. Tucker Peake and C. F. Crossby.
Triple Award, 1953 (Cars): W. F. Mead (Dellow S).
Autosport, 22 January 1954, Page 108
Edited by Rupertlt1, 16 January 2025 - 01:45.
Posted 07 February 2022 - 07:16
(30th/31st May)
Provisional Results
Class Winners: C. M. Seward (M.G.), P. H. G.
Morgan (Morgan), D. O'M. Taylor (Jaguar).
First Class Awards (Cars): H. Harrop (Triumph),
C. M. Seward (M.G.), P. P. Ford (Vauxhall),
P. H. G. Morgan (Morgan), W. A. G. Goodall
(Morgan), H. B. Woodall, (Ford), F. B. Copeland
(Austin), R. Davis (Austin), K. F. A. Walker
(Triumph), D. J. Farquharson (Jaguar), H. J.
Finden (Lagonda), P. A. Taylor (M.G.), R. H.
Ellis (Wolseley), C. F. Share (Jowett), R. F.
Vanderpump (Hillman), J. W. Bowdage (Allard),
Dr. B. H. Goodrich (Jowett), W. L. Butler
(Allard), P. G. Cooper (Hillman), R. E. Griffiths
(Sunbeam-Talbot), A. E. H. Parsons (Ford), D.
O'M. Taylor (Jaguar).
Second Class Awards (Cars): W. L. T. Winder
(Jowett), D. N. Herbert (Hillman), R. Sidwell
(M.G.), R. E. Wright (Dyna-Panhard), F. S.
Whitfield (S.S. Jaguar), M. Biberfield (Morgan),
B. H. Thompson (Alvis), L. Sims (Riley), J. P.
Davis (Allard), W. E. Kendrick (M.G.), H. G. W.
Kendrick (M.G.), L. J. Spiller (Hillman), A. D. C.
Gordon (H.R.G.), B. A. Roy (Morgan), F. C. W.
Emery (Jaguar), H. W. Underhill (Bentley), K. B.
Shaw (Morris) A. Turner (Riley), P. C. Brand
(Triumph), A. S. Lusty (M.G.), F. Cartwright-
Williams (Triumph), G. Howard-Sorrell (Ford),
A. G. Norgard (Riley), D. S. Price (Dellow), J.
Clarke (Dellow), A. G. Cooper (Triumph), W.
Slocombe (Jaguar), G. W. Cottle (Lancia).
Third Class Awards: N. F. Walker (Chrysler),
J. Carefoot (Lancia), Capt. J. G. Searle (Ford),
H. Palmer (Standard), P. H. Thompson (Alvis),
C. J. McCann (Morgan), J. E. de Looper (Ford),
H. Thornton (Lea-Francis), S. W. Facks (Lea-
Francis), W. F. Mead (Jaguar), Sir E. D. W.
Verner (H.R.G.), B. Fisher (Riley), D. C.
Mitchell (H.R.G.), W. S. Bennett (M.G.), H. M.
Yeates (Riley), N. Freeman (Jowett), R. J.
Thurgood (H.R.G.), I. A. Reid (M.G.).
Team Award: Morgan Plus-Four Team: P. H. G.
Morgan, W. A. G. Goodall, C. J. McCann.
Autosport, 13 June 1952, Page 765
Notes: 151 entries. P. H. G. Morgan is Peter Morgan of the Morgan car company; P. G. Cooper is Peter Cooper with co-driver O. L. Leighton; R. E. Griffiths is Ron Griffiths with co-driver Lyndal Abbott; R. Sidwell is Roland Sidwell; L. Sims is Lyndon Sims.
R. J. Thurgood is Roderick John Thurgood (1929-2002), shortly to become Autosport correspondent in Canada — he contributed an article published on 3rd October 1952: "Racing in Canada" — belated coverage of the Edenvale, Ontario, circuit meeting, Sports Car Trophy Races, 2 August 1952. (An unattributed photograph from the same meeting appeared in Autosport, 15 August 1952.) The article also included a photograph with the following caption:
NEW "SEVENS" : A team of three A30 Austins which were placed 1-2-3
and won the production car team award at the Grand Island Grand Prix
on 30th August, organized by the S.C.C. of America.
Thurgood is known to have acquired a red Dellow Mk2 trials car (with doors) in Canada in 1952 (1953 Ontario registration 845F3) — possibly the only one of its type in the country — which was first seen parked at Edenvale, 2 August 1952, and subsequently on local events. Much later the car passed through the hands of dealer Lincoln Kinsman and was sold to a customer near Kitchener, Ontario, circa 1970 (advertised in Canada Track & Traffic, September 1970). Nothing has been heard of it since.
Edited by Rupertlt1, 16 August 2023 - 04:16.
Posted 12 February 2022 - 04:14
ldeal Easter Weather for the M.C.C.'s Thirty-fifth
Land's End Trial
The 35th edition of the Motor Cycling Club's annual classic, the
Land's End Trial, coincided with a very welcome spell of ideal
motoring weather, and this, with the rain that had fallen previously
leaving the hills in prime condition, made the going just right
for an enjoyable M.C.C. week-end in the West Country.
The route—and the hills—differed little from previous years,
only one new one being included. This was Treworgie, not far
from Bude, and was a tricky, twisty climb that started with a
water splash, calculated to cause plenty of spin from the beginning,
followed by two narrow hairpins with rock walls. After the three
initial routes from Virginia Water, Kenilworth and Launceston
had converged on Taunton for breakfast, competitors went on
from hill to hill, right down the north Somerset, Devon and
Cornish coast to the final control at the Land's End Hotel. At
Beggar's Roost, Darracott, Hustyn and Bluehills Mine, huge
crowds of spectators had turned out to see the fun and as usual
the biggest cheers were for the ancient Trojans of A. F. Scroggs
and N. M. Arnold-Forster: the low bottom gears, two-stroke low-
speed torque and, above all, the solid back axles made most of
their climbs impressively easy.
Out of the 157 car entries there were 12 non-starters, claims
for 61 first-class awards, 22 second-class and 16 third-class and
there were no less than 37 retirements! A "Land's End" well
up to standard.
S. P. S.
Autosport, 22 April 1955, Page 493
Edited by Rupertlt1, 12 February 2022 - 04:18.
Posted 17 August 2022 - 18:44
When did the British Trial Drivers' Association become the British Trial and Rally Drivers' Association?
Posted 17 August 2022 - 19:26
Posted 18 August 2022 - 07:08
Posted 05 February 2024 - 11:14
I think this is the Land's End Trial, 20 April 1957?
A. C. Westwood was on this event.
Edited by Rupertlt1, 05 February 2024 - 11:21.
Posted 13 December 2024 - 09:11
I suspect this is 2 December 1951? See 1:58 for the Cotton of Tony Rumfitt, NPE 797 (Surrey)?
Started from the Bell Inn, Codicote, Hertfordshire on the Welwyn-Hitchin road?
M.G. TD, UMG 124, fairly new, so must be 1950 or later?
7 December 1952 starting from High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire?
Edited by Rupertlt1, 16 December 2024 - 06:29.