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Formula Vee World Championship 1968

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#1 Geoff & Grant

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Posted 15 November 2009 - 23:35

I am currently restoring the ex-George Reynolds Elfin formula vee (V6714) that George competed in 6 rounds of the F/Vee World Championship in 1968, among many other local events. On speaking to George recently he told me the rounds were at 1x Nurburgring, 2x in England (Brands Hatch ? and other track forgotten?), 1x at Zandvoort, 1x The Acropolis in Greece and 1x in Spain? at a track on the north coast. The cars ran 1300cc motors and George usually qualified about 5th on the grid- he tells me not all the motors were as standard as his. Due to the passing of years and his other motorsport achievements his memory of these events is patchy. (All local events that the car competed in are fairly well documented.) Except for one poor quality photo in the 1990 F/Vee National Meeting program, I have not been able to find and other reference to this championship and George's participation. Any snippets of information gladly received.-Geoff


#2 David McKinney

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Posted 16 November 2009 - 07:35

Sounds like the VW European Cup, though I have no details of the individual races

#3 Graham Clayton

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Posted 22 July 2011 - 05:36

I came across this picture of a World Formula Vee championship in the Bahamas in 1968:


South African Tony Jeffries won this World Championship:


Was this race the Caribbean leg of the championship?

Edited by Graham Clayton, 22 July 2011 - 05:37.

#4 Rupertlt1

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Posted 21 October 2021 - 07:31

Grand Bahama Grand Prix, 17 December 1967

Photo caption:

Tony Jeffries, of Johannesburg, South Africa, receives a cup

from Bahamas Governor Sir Ralph Gray after winning the

Grand Bahama Grand Prix of Formula Vee auto race at Free-

port, Bahamas, Sunday.

Tony Jeffries Captures

Grand Bahama Prix Race


FREEPORT, Bahamas (AP)

— The new champion of Grand

Bahama auto racing is Tony

Jeffries, a slender South African

who is a mechanic by trade, and

a man who dreams of becoming

the road racing champion of the


Fighting off an early chal-

lenge from Americans and a

late rush by a pack of Austri-

ans, the 26-year-old Jeffries

roared to victory Sunday in the

Grand Prix of Formula V and

carried off his biggest jackpot

in six years of racing, a $10,000


When he won by the close

margin of 17 seconds over the

Austrian Formula V champion

Dieter Quester, the black-haired

South African knew he had been

in a fight every inch of the way.

John Ryan of Griffin, Ga.,

gave Jeffries a battle for 100

miles and then the Austrians

moved up to his tailpipe to push

him for the last 100.

"The Americans drive too

hard," said Jeffries, who calls

Johannesburg his home but

works for Capital Motors, a ga-

rage in Pretoria. "I had to set

a faster pace than I thought

would be necessary.

"If this had been a sprint

race, an American would have

won. But in a race of this

length, they push too hard,"

Jeffries said.

The Austrians pushed hard,

too, in the stretch run, but Jef-

fries survived with trouble-free

performance from a car he

helped design.

In a race so close that less

than a minute separated the

first five cars at times, Jeffries

took the chequered flag of victo-

ry 17 seconds before the arrival

of Quester at the finish line.

Right behind Quester came

two more Austrians, Jochen

Rindt and Dr. Jelmut Marko. (sic)

Ryan, plagued by mechanical

troubles after his great drive in

the first half of the race, held on

to take fifth. Switzerland's

champion, Werner Muller, was

sixth and another Austrian,

Gunther Huber, was seventh.

In the first 25 laps, when

Ryan passed him twice, Jeffries

set a fast pace of better then 67

miles an hour.

Then, Ryan's troubles ended

the American threat and yellow

caution flags warned of danger-

ous oil slicks on the course. Jef-

fries eased off. His average for

the route was 64.857 m.p.h.

The U.S. champion, Bill

Campbell of Pensacola, Fla.,

was expected to be the top chal-

lenger from the American slate,

but he was sidelined after spin-

ning off the course twice, the

second time when his brakes


Another American, Crockey

Peterson of Flat River, Mo.,

was in contention until he was

slowed by a collision with a

palm tree.

After six years of racing,

most of it in his own country

Jeffries will make a bid next

year for the world driver cham-

pionship decided on the Formu-

la One circuit. The first race on

the 1968 calendar is the Grand

Prix of South Africa to be run

Jan. 1.

Jeffries and George Von

Straaten designed the 1,500 cc

car which won Sunday's race

and Von Straaten built it from

scratch. This was the first time

the 1500 models, which dominat-

ed the race over the old 1200

series cars, had been in race


The Bridgeport Post (Bridgeport, Connecticut) Monday 18 Dec 1967, Page 31


The winning car of Tony Jeffries was the Capital Vee. He was George van Straaten. Note Quester, Rindt, Marko etc. What cars were they driving?



Edited by Rupertlt1, 21 October 2021 - 07:39.

#5 Rupertlt1

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Posted 21 October 2021 - 08:05

Sounds like the VW European Cup, though I have no details of the individual races


A race calling itself "EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP FORMULA VEE RACE" was on the bill at 60th B.A.R.C. International, Thruxton, Easter Monday, 15th April 1968.

Formula V cars (27 laps, 64 miles approx) 

1. Gerold Pankl (Austria) Austro, 43 min 12.6 sec (88.33 m.p.h.)

2. Werner Riedl (Austria) Austro, 43 min 16.2 sec  

3. Helmut Marko (Austria) Kaimann, 43 min 17.6 sec

Fastest lap: Riedl and Pankl, 1min 34.2 sec (90.04 m.p.h.)

"Miss Jennie Nadin, the

young girl driver who until

recently had worked in Bir-

mingham, crashed in the

Formula V race. She escaped

with a slight leg injury." 


Does anybody have an entry list? 


When did FV race at Brands Hatch in 1968? (International events listed  — March 17 Race of Champions, April 7, July 20 British Grand Prix, Sept 2)


There was a round of the Formula Vee Europa Cup at Keimola, Finland, 9 June 1968.

It would appear they qualified for the Championship Finals in zones:  https://forums.autos...e-championship/ 


Zolder, Belgium, 27-28 July 1968

Formel- « V » -Europacup

Si. Den ersten Finallauf des Formel-V-Europa-

cups gewann auf dem 4,2 km langen Rundkurs

von Zolder ( Be ) der Oesterreicher Peter Peter

auf seinem Austro-V-Wagen mit zwei Sekunden

Vorsprung auf seinen Landsmann Gerold Pankl.

Der Schweizer Fritz Basler aus Zürich hielt sich

wie Werner Müller (Baden) gut und wahrte die

Chancen auf die Gesamtwertung , die nach dem

zweiten Finallauf vom 22 . September auf dem

Nürburgring entschieden wird . — Das Klasse-

ment von Zolder:

1. Peter Peter ( Oe ), Austro-V, 110,5 km in 46:26,1 ( 135,156 km / h ).

2. Gerold Pankl ( Oe ), Austro-V, 46:28,1 .

3. Bill Scott ( USA ), Zink Special, 46:28,8 .

4. Werner Riedl ( Oe ), Austro-V, 46:30,4 .

5. Fritz Basler ( Sz ), Kaimann Mk 3, 46:44,7 .

6. Helmut Marko ( Oe ), Kaimann Mk 3, 46:54,7 .

7. Werner Müller ( Sz ), Kaimann Mk 3, 46:54,9 .

Die Tat, 31 July 1968 


Formel-«V»-Europacup erster Finallauf auf dem 42 km langen Rundkurs von Zolder (Be): 1. P. Peter (De) Austro-V 1105 km in 46:261 (135156 km/h). 2. Pankl (De) Austro-V 46:281. 3. Scott (USA) Zink Special 46:288. 4. Riedl (De) Austro-V 46:304. 5. Fritz Blaser (Sz) Kaimann MK 3 46:447. Ferner: 7. W. Müller (Sz) Kaimann MK 3 46:549.

Der Bund, Volume 119, Number 176, 30 July 1968


Sur le circuit de Zolder ( Be ), la première manche de la finale de la coupe d'Europe de formule « V » a vu la victoire de l'Autrichien Peter Peter devant son compatriote Gerold Pankl. Le meilleur Suisse a été le Zuricois Fritz Basler qui a pris la cinquième place.
Le Nouvelliste, 30 July 1968


Also entered Manfred Schurti (Triesen, Switzerland) Austro


Nürburgring Nordschleife, 3-4 August 1968

American Bill Scott finished second Sunday in the

German Automobile Club Cup of Germany for Formula

V cars over the fog bound Nuerburg ring. The winner

was Austrian Formula V ace Helmut Marko in a Kai-

mann who was timed in 56:53.8.

Honolulu Star-Bulletin (Honolulu, Hawaii) Tuesday 6 Aug 1968, Page 36


Yank Finishes

2nd in German

Formula V Race

ADENAU, Germany (AP) —

American Bill Scott finished

second Sunday in the German

Automobile Club Cup of Ger-

many for Formula V cars over

the fog bound Nuerburg ring.

Scott, at the wheel of a Zink,

drove the five-lap race over the

14 mile circuit in 56 minutes,

59.6 seconds, averaging 74.5

miles per hour.

The winner was Austrian For-

mula V ace Helmut Marko in a

Kaimann who was timed in


Americans Glen Sullivan was

13th in a Bobsy Vega in 59:52.4

and John Magee 24th at

1:02:18.7 in an Autodynamics in

a field of more then 70.

The Fresno Bee (Fresno, California) Monday 5 Aug 1968, Page 14


Formel-V-Rennen auf dem Nürburgring

(on) Nach dem Grossen Preis von

Deutschland wurde auf dem Nürburgring

bei immer schlechter werdenden

Bedingungen ein internationales For-

mel-V-Rennen über die auf 114,175 km

verkürzte Distanz ausgetragen, das

folgendes Klassement ergab: 1. Helmut

Marko (Oe) auf Kaimann, 56:53,8 (120,4

km/h). 2. William Scott (USA) auf Zink,

56:57,6. 3. Gerold Pankl (Oe) auf Austro

«V». 4. Günther Huber (Oe) auf Kaimann.

5. Erich Bremsberg (Oe) auf Kaimann. [Breinsberg]

Neue Zürcher Nachrichten, Volume 64, Number 181, 6 August 1968


There was an International Match Race for Formula Vee cars at Scandinavian Raceway, Anderstorp, Sweden, 8 September 1968.

The winner was Bill Scott (USA). 


Nürburgring Südschleife, 21-22 September 1968, Internationales ADAC-Eifelpokal-Rennen

Graf Trips Gedächnisrennen

Formel-V-Europacup auf dem Nürburgring

Trotz Regenwetters umsäumten 30 000 Zuschauer die 7,747 km lange Südschleife des Nürburgrings, um den Final im Formel-V-Europacup mitzuerleben. Laufsieger wurde der 29jährige Amerikaner Bill Scott aus Washington, doch in der Gesamtwertung siegte der Oesterreicher Werner Riedl vor seinem Landsmann Peter Peter.
Thuner Tagblatt, Volume 92, Number 225, 25 September 1968


Au Nurburgring , la dernière manche de la Coupe d'Europe de formule V a été gagnée par l'Américain Bill Scott. Le classement final de cette compétition est le suivant : 1 . Werner Riedl ( Aut ) 13 p . ; 2 . Peter Peter ( Aut ) 12 p . ; 3 . Helmut Marko ( Aut ) 8 p . ; 4 . Gerold Pankl ( Aut ) 6 p.

Le Nouvelliste, 24 September 1968


Results: 1. Bill Scott, Zink 1,300 c.c.; 2. Werner Riedl, Austro Vau; 3. Guenter Huber, Kaimann Mark III; 4. Helmut Marko, Kaimann; 5. Nick Brittan. F/L Huber, 80.84 m.p.h.       




Edited by Rupertlt1, 06 November 2021 - 06:16.

#6 Rupertlt1

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Posted 24 October 2021 - 10:03

I can't can find an International race at Zandvoort in 1968, and have patched together these results:


Zandvoort, 7 April 1968

Formule Vee: 1. E. Everwijn-Lange met Austro, 23.52.9 (gem. 126.412 km/u) snelste ronde: Everwijn-Lange in 1.55.1 (131.114 km/u)


Zandvoort, 12 May 1968

Third race: (12 ronden, 50,32 km) Formule Vee:

1. Bates met Austro 22.58.3 (gem: 131.421 km)

2. Everwijn-Lange met Austro

snelste ronde Bates 1.53.3 (133.228 km)


Zandvoort, 4 June 1968

Formule Vee:   

1. E. Everwijn-Lange, Austro, 25.06.5 (gem. 122.222 km/u)


Zandvoort, 7 July 1968, Coupes Benelux

Formule V internationaal 15 ronden: 1. Bernard

Goffinet (België) Beach 15 Ronden 28.06.5

gemiddeld 134.255 km per uur; nationale

race over 14 ronden: 1. Emanuel Remion

(België), Apal 30.01.3 gemiddeld 117.319 km per uur.

(I think Roy Bates, U.S.A., was second in the International event.)


Zandvoort, 24-25 August

1st race 10 laps 41,93 km

klasse formula vee:

1. Lange met Austro 19 min 18.9 sec (gem 130.251 km per uur) snelste ronde Bates 1.51 sec (gem 135.989 km per uur)


There was also an International event held in 1969:



Zandvoort, Saturday 27 September 1969, 14:45, 15-laps


1. Harald Ertl (Austria) Austro v 69, 27.04.1 (139.42 km/u)

2. Lothar Schorg (Austria) Austro v 69

3. Lucien Reijners (Belgium) Kaimann mk3

4. Robert Pieter Boom (Nederland) Eigen Bouw

5. Michel Neumann (WDI) McNamara

6. Willy Odermatt (WDI) McNamara

7. Freddy Grainal (Belgium) Kaimann mk3

8. Luuk Goris (Belgium) Agb

9. Claude Cuicci (France) McNamara

10. Jaap Luyendijk (Ned) Beach   


Edited by Rupertlt1, 26 October 2021 - 07:01.

#7 nexfast

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Posted 24 October 2021 - 21:28

Guess WDI is West Germany but I wonder what the "I" will mean...

#8 Michael Ferner

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Posted 24 October 2021 - 21:33

W-est D-u-I-tsland

#9 john winfield

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Posted 24 October 2021 - 22:05

Rupert, I no longer have my own programme from the 1968 Thruxton F2 meeting, but there are some for sale on eBay. This seller has kindly included a photo of the Vee entry which to my surprise includes, alongside the European regulars, Brian Muir, Bill McGovern and Martin Thomas.  Liane Engemann too.  Gerry Birrell of course, Nick Brittan and Mike Hayselden, who I recall racing Vees/Super Vees for years and years. 



Edited by john winfield, 25 October 2021 - 07:58.

#10 Rupertlt1

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Posted 25 October 2021 - 07:18

Rupert, I no longer have my own programme from the 1968 Thruxton F2 meeting, but there some for sale on eBay. This seller has kindly included a photo of the Vee entry which to my surprise includes, alongside the European regulars, Brian Muir, Bill McGovern and Martin Thomas.  Liane Engemann too.  Gerry Birrell of course, Nick Brittan and Mike Hayselden, who I recall racing Vees/Super Vees for years and years. 




Here you go — best efforts — still no sign of George Reynolds and his Elfin.


1. Wooler Performance Equipment, Austro Vee

(Driver Gerry Birrell)

2. Roland Muller (D), Austro Vee

3. Team Champion, Austro Vee

(Driver Werner Riedl (A)

4. Beach Racing Team, Austro Vee

(Driver Gerold Pankl (A)

5. Team V.W. (Great Britain) Austro Vee  

(Driver Nick Brittan)

6. Team V.W. (Great Britain) Express Vee

(Driver Miss Jenny Nadin)  

7. Team V.W. (Great Britain) Express Vee

(Driver Mike Haysey)

8. Willy Braillard (B), Smithfield Vee

9. P. A. Radnall, Smithfield Vee

(Driver Keith Burnett, 2nd Reserve)

10. K. G. Bowman, Smithfield Vee

(Driver Bill McGovern, 1st Reserve)

11. Smithfield Garage Ltd, Smithfield Vee

(Driver Bob Mason?

12. Mille Miglia, Lova Vee

(Driver Etienne De Broux (B)

14. Aymar de Villenfagne (B), Lova Vee        

15. Philippe Dufoux? (B), Lova Vee 

16. Bosch Racing Team, Kaimann Vee

(Driver Helmut Marko (A)

17. Formel Rennsport Club of Switzerland, Kaimann Vee

(Driver Fritz Basler (CH)

18. Barry Wooding (4th Reserve), Peco Vee

20. Mille Miglia, A.G.B Vee

(Driver Aldo Celi (B) 

21. Bernard Goffinet (B), Beach Vee

22. Ecurie Scuderia Mille Miglia, Beach Vee

(Driver Freddy Grainal (B)

23. Abridge Engineering Co. Ltd., Beach Vee

(Driver John Barrett, 4th Reserve)

24. David Dunnell, Beach Vee

25. Weir Lodge Garage Ltd., Beach Vee

(Driver Peter Danaher)

26. S.R.G., Beach Vee

(Driver Liane Engeman, 6th Reserve)

27. S.R.G., Lynx Vee 

(Driver Martin Thomas)

28. Mike Hayselden, Monaco Vee

29. Gaston Baillien (B), Autodynamic Vee 

30. Bob McKillop, Almac Vee

(Driver Brian Muir (AUS)

31. Werner Muller (D), Fuchs Vee

32. P. O. Bostroem, R.P.B. 68 Vee


Top six: #4 Pankl, #3 Riedl, #16 Marko, #2 R. Muller, #31 W. Muller, #17 Basler


Grid (30 starters):

3  - 4 - 16

  2  -  31

6 -  9 - 1

 25 - 28

30 -  32 - 17

  29  -  11

26 - 5 - 8

   7 - 10

20 - 27 - 21

   22 - 24

23 - 18 - 12

  15 - 14 



Edited by Rupertlt1, 26 October 2021 - 07:55.

#11 Rupertlt1

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Posted 29 October 2021 - 15:47

A general history of Formula Vee, includes footage from Thruxton etc:




#12 raceannouncer2003

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Posted 30 October 2021 - 05:31

The winning car of Tony Jeffries was the Capital Vee. He was George van Straaten. Note Quester, Rindt, Marko etc. What cars were they driving?


I have a copy of "Vee-Line 1964-1973", Martin Rudow's collection of Don Cheesman's newsletters. It has reports on some of the races mentioned here.

As for the 1967 Bahamas race, "...the three Austrian entries, Dieter Quester, Jochen Rindt, and Dr. Helmut Marko, (were) all in Austro Vaus..."

Vince H.

#13 Rupertlt1

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Posted 30 October 2021 - 14:00

I have a copy of "Vee-Line 1964-1973", Martin Rudow's collection of Don Cheesman's newsletters. It has reports on some of the races mentioned here.

As for the 1967 Bahamas race, "...the three Austrian entries, Dieter Quester, Jochen Rindt, and Dr. Helmut Marko, (were) all in Austro Vaus..."

Vince H.


The winning car of Tony Jeffries, the Capital Vee, from South Africa, was bought by Pat Lobinger, of Silver Lake, Ohio. She was the wife of Ted Lobinger, field manager for Goodyear's Racing Division. Kept in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the car was entered for the Sebring race, 11 a.m., Friday 22 March 1968, for Pedro Rodriguez.

Portia (Porsche?) Viking Racing Team. Can anybody add to this?




The first four cars in the photograph are #1, #7, #4, #10.



Edited by Rupertlt1, 30 October 2021 - 17:59.

#14 BRG

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Posted 30 October 2021 - 15:16

I am currently restoring the ex-George Reynolds Elfin formula vee (V6714) that George competed in 6 rounds of the F/Vee World Championship in 1968, among many other local events. On speaking to George recently he told me the rounds were at 1x Nurburgring, 2x in England (Brands Hatch ? and other track forgotten?), 1x at Zandvoort, 1x The Acropolis in Greece and 1x in Spain? at a track on the north coast. 

I am interested in this reference.  Greece is not well-endowed with race tracks but there seems to be one at Megara and one on an airfield at Tatoi, both near to Athens.  I do not know of their history.  Or was this a street circuit?  Clearly not actually on the Acropolis!  

#15 Rupertlt1

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Posted 04 November 2021 - 17:00

Nürburgring Südschleife, 21-22 September 1968, Internationales ADAC-Eifelpokal-Rennen

Graf Trips Gedächnisrennen

Formel-V-Europacup auf dem Nürburgring

Trotz Regenwetters umsäumten 30 000 Zuschauer die 7,747 km lange Südschleife des Nürburgrings, um den Final im Formel-V-Europacup mitzuerleben. Laufsieger wurde der 29jährige Amerikaner Bill Scott aus Washington, doch in der Gesamtwertung siegte der Oesterreicher Werner Riedl vor seinem Landsmann Peter Peter.
Thuner Tagblatt, Volume 92, Number 225, 25 September 1968


Au Nurburgring , la dernière manche de la Coupe d'Europe de formule V a été gagnée par l'Américain Bill Scott. Le classement final de cette compétition est le suivant : 1 . Werner Riedl ( Aut ) 13 p . ; 2 . Peter Peter ( Aut ) 12 p . ; 3 . Helmut Marko ( Aut ) 8 p . ; 4 . Gerold Pankl ( Aut ) 6 p.

Le Nouvelliste, 24 September 1968


Results: 1. Bill Scott, Zink 1,300 c.c.; 2. Werner Riedl, Austro Vau; 3. Guenter Huber, Kaimann Mark III; 4. Helmut Marko, Kaimann; 5. Nick Brittan. F/L Huber, 80.84 m.p.h.       





7th — Peter Arundell, McNamara

(Was this his last race? According to a report he was still working at McNamara in early 1970: "The McNamara crew includes Joseph H. Karasek, formerly of Lola, and Peter Arundell, formerly of Lotus." Hartford Courant (Hartford, Connecticut) Saturday 17 Jan 1970, Page 16)



Edited by Rupertlt1, 04 November 2021 - 19:04.

#16 Rupertlt1

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Posted 07 November 2021 - 08:38

There was a round of the Formula Vee Europa Cup at Keimola, Finland, 9 June 1968.

It would appear they qualified for the Championship Finals in zones:  https://forums.autos...e-championship/


Still looking for info on the event at Keimola, 9 June 1968?

For Keimola, September 8th, see: https://forums.autos...e-finland-1968/ 


There was an International Match Race for Formula Vee cars at Scandinavian Raceway, Anderstorp, Sweden, 8 September 1968.

The winner was Bill Scott (USA).


"About that FVee race I went up to the attic to dig out my copy of the Swedish magazine Illustrerad Motor Sport No 10 1968. They wrote 17 lines about the race. They say it was one of the best FVee races in Scandinavia ever with lots of passing and repassing at the head of the field. As you write Bill Scott won the race ahead of Helmuth Bross (Germany) and Bertil Roos. Roos took the lead on the last lap but was passed on the long straight by the other two. Also in the field were Swedes Willy Holmberg, Anders Burlin and P. O. Boström.
There is a photo of Hannelore Werner saying that she finished sixth but not in which race she took part. She used to race FVee so probably she took part in that race."
1. Scott, 2. Bross, 3. Roos
Fastest lap: Scott (record)
Ref Bill Scott:
"In the meantime, just to keep in practice,
he entered another race in the European inter-
national series at Andersdorp, Sweden. At this
one he set another lap record—and came in
He's driving his own Zink, equipped with a
1300cc engine prepared to European rules by
their top builder. The car has been left in
Europe between races, so he had to borrow a
car in which to run the Formula Vee Grand
Prix at Lime Rock—which he also won!"
VEE LINE, Number 48, September 1968 
These two latter events (on 8 September) were scheduled on the same date?



Edited by Rupertlt1, 07 November 2021 - 10:40.

#17 Kiff

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Posted 24 March 2022 - 18:03

Hi I'm looking for any information about Almac & Allmac formula vee. Thanks