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Gran Turismo 6

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Posted 15 May 2013 - 16:09

Well, it was true! GT6 is coming later this year (presumably in November) on the PS3 as originally predicated a few weeks back. What's coming?

  • Revamped rendering engine, so expect prettier visuals.
  • Revamped physics engine, so... yeah, new physics as well.
  • 200 more cars than GT5 with more post launch as DLC.
  • 19 brand new tracks and/or track layouts. Silverstone is thought to be in the mix now.
  • Upgraded course maker. Hopefully we'll actually have a say in course design now.
Debut Trailer:

So, how do you guys feel about this?

Edited by UPRC, 15 May 2013 - 16:15.


#2 skywing

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Posted 15 May 2013 - 16:14

Trailer: http://www.youtube.c...p;v=5-LILLcpO88

#3 pRy

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Posted 15 May 2013 - 16:20

From what I've seen so far it just looks like an expansion pack. I wonder what "revamped rendering engine" actually means and how much difference there will be in graphics between GT5 and GT6. I'm not expecting much personally. The big gain I would imagine will come with the PS4 version of GT6 or GT7 or whatever they call it.

#4 The Kanisteri

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Posted 15 May 2013 - 18:08

Not impressed much about it yet.
* Still standard cars? No thanks
* DLC tracks every month - which might be same already sold players in GT5. No thanks.
* New Nissan Skylines? No thanks.

I will wait and see when Polyphony reveals more about this game.

Edited by The Kanisteri, 15 May 2013 - 18:09.

#5 Tony Mandara

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Posted 16 May 2013 - 09:15

Well, it was true! GT6 is coming .....
So, how do you guys feel about this?

Very, Very aprehensive after the blood sweat and tears that I've had to (and indeed am still having to) endure with GT5! :evil:

I've owned and played all GT games over the years, but 5 has driven me (excuse the pun) to the absolute point of despair!

I'd want a lot of info before forking out cash on this one......


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Posted 16 May 2013 - 10:09

I'm cautiously excited, but apprehensive as well. GT5 had a few issues. For me, the biggest problem was the fact that the menus were so slow to navigate. In GT5, it felt like a chore to sift through the endless barrage of menus, and I really hope that they're going with something a little quicker and sleeker this time. The biggest issue is that Polyphony tries to add to much visual flair to their menus (do we really need to see our car parked in an exotic locale?) which takes up several valuable seconds of our time. When we're dipping in and out of various menus all the time, those seconds add up very quickly.

#7 Mark8539

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Posted 16 May 2013 - 13:03

GT5 was such a big disappointment for me. I hope GT6 is what I think GT5 should have been. The AI and the game progression are what I think need improving the most. It would also be nice to see organized online racing as was seen in GT5 Prologue rather than individuals' lobbies.

Edited by Mark8539, 16 May 2013 - 13:04.

#8 Tony Mandara

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Posted 16 May 2013 - 15:03

Watched the trailer, pretty much standard fare for Polyhony. (looks nice.... but that's Polyphony for you)

Whilst it does look interesting (weeeellll... it's Gran Tourismo!), after getting my fingers well and truly burned with GT5, I won't be jumping in with a release day purchase this time!

Edited by Tony Mandara, 16 May 2013 - 15:03.

#9 kosmic33

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Posted 16 May 2013 - 18:55

Whilst it does look interesting (weeeellll... it's Gran Tourismo!), after getting my fingers well and truly burned with GT5, I won't be jumping in with a release day purchase this time!

You ever consider that your problems might be partially self induced?
Or at least not the games fault?

I'm sure I'll end up buying it regardless.
I've bought every one so far although watching this last night did make me feel old....

#10 SCUDmissile

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Posted 16 May 2013 - 22:36

I really enjoyed GT5. But I don't understand the thinking behind it coming out for PS3 now, with PS4 coming out at the same time AFAIK.

It just suggests this may not be a 'full on' GT, and that will be the one on the PS4.

#11 The Kanisteri

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Posted 17 May 2013 - 06:06

I really enjoyed GT5. But I don't understand the thinking behind it coming out for PS3 now, with PS4 coming out at the same time AFAIK.

It just suggests this may not be a 'full on' GT, and that will be the one on the PS4.

When PS4 will be available, it won't be cheap for year or two. Relatively few people buys it. And we don't know yet about teething problems of that console.
If PolyPhony wants selling volumes, it has to be for PlayStation 3. If they want to take economically nosebleeding hit, they publish it only for PS4. They could make excellent racing game for new console, but suffer massive hit due low sales.

They could make compromise developing hybrid engine for game which would be reasonable easy to finetune from PS3 to PS4. After all they could release GT6 for PS4 too. Of course some people will whine they spend too much effort on "obsolete" console and therefore PS4's GT will suffer alot.

On game I'm sceptical, since screenshots and gme videos haven't really offered nothing new. Couple days ago I bought new vacuum cleaner. KTM car in demo video of GT6 video had still quite similar sound...

#12 Tenmantaylor

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Posted 17 May 2013 - 07:58

I remember Gran Turismo 4 was one of the last big games to come out on the PS2 before the PS3 came out and it was fantastic. The physics and graphics weren't a huge advance over GT3 but they massively improved the content and style of gameplay and really polished it. I imagine Polyphony will have a similar remit for GT6. The PS3 is still a massively capable console and we all know GT5 can be improved on quite a lot. Don't pretend you're not going to buy GT6 :cool:

#13 The Kanisteri

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Posted 17 May 2013 - 08:37

Don't pretend you're not going to buy GT6 :cool:

I don't pretend not buying it, I might. But I don't want to pay 70 euros for GT 5.5 and possible several hundreds of copied cars from PS2's GT3 and GT4 (as poor visual quality).
Silly that Grand Theft Auto IV and V cars looks better than some in GT5.

#14 TimRTC

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Posted 17 May 2013 - 09:58

The course maker will only be useful if it is available as a PC download, although to be honest I cannot see them wanting to allow unrestricted track design as it would limit the sale of DLC tracks which would be a pity as community tracks can often be quite incredible - see all the tracks available for games like GPLegends.

#15 The Kanisteri

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Posted 17 May 2013 - 10:25

As far I have understood GPS based course maker just reads curves from Google earth or similar but elevations are random and scenery as well.
Course maker of GT5 doesn't allow to draw own tracks but set number of stages and adjust density of elevation, corners and difficulty.

#16 The Kanisteri

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Posted 17 May 2013 - 21:28

GT6 demo will be released on July.

#17 blackmme

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Posted 18 May 2013 - 08:16

Very, Very aprehensive after the blood sweat and tears that I've had to (and indeed am still having to) endure with GT5! :evil:

I've owned and played all GT games over the years, but 5 has driven me (excuse the pun) to the absolute point of despair!

I'd want a lot of info before forking out cash on this one......

I wasn't that bothered until I watched the trailer and saw the Audi Quattro S1 :) now I'm bothered and excited.

Regards Mike

#18 The Kanisteri

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Posted 18 May 2013 - 11:47

Audi Quattro S1 might not be pleasant car to drive though. Turbo lag is quite monster and according on Stig Blomqvist it had to be driven with revs.

Edited by The Kanisteri, 18 May 2013 - 11:54.

#19 blackmme

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Posted 18 May 2013 - 11:56

Audi Quattro S1 might not be pleasant car to drive though. Turbo lag is quite monster and according on Stig Blomqvist it had to be driven with quite high revs.

It's a beast I have loved since I was a kid though. I'm easily as good as Walter Rohrl, oh hang on I think I might just have fibbed :-)
I hope it's just as difficult as the real thing, it would be a wonderful insight into the utter skill and bravery that those guys had.

Regards Mike


#20 DanardiF1

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Posted 18 May 2013 - 12:35

I remember Gran Turismo 4 was one of the last big games to come out on the PS2 before the PS3 came out and it was fantastic. The physics and graphics weren't a huge advance over GT3 but they massively improved the content and style of gameplay and really polished it. I imagine Polyphony will have a similar remit for GT6. The PS3 is still a massively capable console and we all know GT5 can be improved on quite a lot. Don't pretend you're not going to buy GT6 :cool:

That's how it always works with the development cycles of GT games...

GT1 was a classic, but they were developing it for 5 years before release.
GT2 was a late release on PS1, was fantastic and a big improvement on GT1.
GT3 was similar to GT5 in that it was technically innovative, but compromised in many areas.
GT4 was everything GT3 promised and more, and was like you say a really late PS2 title.
GT5, see GT3
GT6 should hopefully follow it's fellow even-numbered GT games (all with releases towards the end of it's console's lifespan) and be utterly brilliant.

What made me excited was that Polyphony have admitted their faults in GT5 and have largely promised to address them.

#21 Tenmantaylor

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Posted 18 May 2013 - 13:36

I would agree and add in GT5 Prologue as being a GT5 demo effectively.

#22 MikeV1987

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Posted 18 May 2013 - 18:28

I was not expecting GT6 to be this gen, but since it was announced I ordered a PS3 from amazon with a copy of GT5 because I am sick of Forza 4 and its issues.

#23 10e10

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Posted 25 May 2013 - 09:26

I hope there are more McLarens in this game. Specially formula one cars. :p

#24 GodHimself

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Posted 25 May 2013 - 11:58

I've bought every one so far although watching this last night did make me feel old....

Ah, so many great memories, so many hours. :cry:

This one is my favourite though, just sensational (all three of them actually  ;) )!

Edited by GodHimself, 25 May 2013 - 11:58.

#25 ApexMouse

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Posted 08 June 2013 - 22:26

The big gain I would imagine will come with the PS4 version of GT6 or GT7 or whatever they call it.

I was just wondering about this, The architecture of the systems are not compatible, so have they developed two games at once? or how long will ps4 owners have to wait for a gran turismo. Seems very odd they aren't launching one of their biggest titles with the new console. As opposed to say.... Forza 5.

#26 The Kanisteri

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Posted 10 June 2013 - 06:04


When PS3 was released they didn't have Gran Turismo game for it launch. Later on they released Gran Turismo 5 Prologue demo game. So console release doesn't need GT game to boost machine on market.
Even old USB PC wheelsets did work with PS3.

New Xbox One on the otherhand... "big brother" console shoots itself on leg, shuffling controller rights again: expensive wheelsets which did work on Xbox 360, will not work on new Xbox One.
Forza 5 players can use that pathetic gamepad or forced kinetic camera (it might even read from lips if player does buzzing sound for revs as accelerator) for steering car, but they should keep mouths shut when talking about realistic driving feeling - till it gets proper wheel.;)

Edited by The Kanisteri, 10 June 2013 - 06:08.

#27 Linus27

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Posted 10 June 2013 - 16:52

I was just wondering about this, The architecture of the systems are not compatible, so have they developed two games at once? or how long will ps4 owners have to wait for a gran turismo. Seems very odd they aren't launching one of their biggest titles with the new console. As opposed to say.... Forza 5.

GT6 for PS3 has been in development for a good few years now. That is why it is coming out for PS3 first. No doubt GT7 started development when Kaz got the PS4 development kit.

#28 Rubens Hakkamacher

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Posted 18 June 2013 - 13:45

As far I have understood GPS based course maker just reads curves from Google earth or similar but elevations are random and scenery as well.

That sounds uber cool to me. It shouldn't be too hard for them to allow the user to put in elevations/scenery/road angle details. Using actual exist roads would be tremendous IMO.

A full-fledged course maker makes me salivate.

#29 Woody3says

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Posted 18 June 2013 - 14:45

A full-fledged course maker makes me salivate.

Me hungry too says Cookie Monster......nom nom nom nom

#30 Alfisti

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Posted 25 June 2013 - 02:33

I'm cautiously excited, but apprehensive as well. GT5 had a few issues. For me, the biggest problem was the fact that the menus were so slow to navigate. In GT5, it felt like a chore to sift through the endless barrage of menus, and I really hope that they're going with something a little quicker and sleeker this time. The biggest issue is that Polyphony tries to add to much visual flair to their menus (do we really need to see our car parked in an exotic locale?) which takes up several valuable seconds of our time. When we're dipping in and out of various menus all the time, those seconds add up very quickly.

I complained about this and other issues i am reading here some 10 YEARS AGO in GT3. The GT series is like Hyundai adding more and more trinkets to it's flagship 7 series competitor (whatever its called) that doesn't sell well so they ADD MORE BS TRINKETS instead of doing what people want ..... refine the game!

#31 HaydenFan

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Posted 25 June 2013 - 13:46

I complained about this and other issues i am reading here some 10 YEARS AGO in GT3. The GT series is like Hyundai adding more and more trinkets to it's flagship 7 series competitor (whatever its called) that doesn't sell well so they ADD MORE BS TRINKETS instead of doing what people want ..... refine the game!

The Standard and Premium cars is to me, proof that they got lazy at some point. If you can't finish the car then don't release it. Simple as that. Many people don't have an issue with you giving us a few less cars if they are well... better. Last Gran Turismo game I played was GT2, and compared to a game that is what? 12-13 years old; and it's better! A heck of a lot better. Not many actual tracks, not many tracks in general, but my 10-11 year old self found that game more fun. Like you say, we want the game refined. If that means less cars (who really drives a majority of the cars in the game? The little Daihatsu's? The majority of the cars are not played!) then it means less cars.

#32 Alfisti

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Posted 25 June 2013 - 14:53

The whole thing is mismanaged, it's been shite for 10 years. Too many cars, too much futsing around to get the cars you want/need, races too fecking long, disaster of an AI, horrendously annoying menu lag etc etc etc ... but they keep adding cars and tracks ... bloody weird.

#33 The Kanisteri

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Posted 26 June 2013 - 06:27

The whole thing is mismanaged, it's been shite for 10 years. Too many cars, too much futsing around to get the cars you want/need, races too fecking long, disaster of an AI, horrendously annoying menu lag etc etc etc ... but they keep adding cars and tracks ... bloody weird.

Er...I don't agree with you.
* There's too few cars, but way too much Nissan Skylines, Honda 2000s, Mazda RX-7s though only two model difference could be colour of the cup holder.
* Used cars which are available is based on game calender days and list goes forward after driving on any track. Some most rare cars are as trophies from bigger events. Rest are available to buy as new. What is there so hard to get cars?
* Races are very short - outcounting endurance events. Most of race events are 3-5 laps long which is ridiculous. For Nürburgring 24H track most of races are just 1 lap sprints.
* AI of GT5 drives reasonable fair and gives even player a challenge if player has matching car (which usually is not case: I bet most of players pick up car which wins AI easily and then they complain why AI is disaster).
* I don't find menu being hard to use, I just don't like sound effects of menu buttons.

#34 wattoroos

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Posted 26 June 2013 - 08:38

I hope they eiher get rid of B-spec mode, allow you x3 race like in GT4 and if they do keep it, why are the b-spec races longer than the a-spec races, it doesn't make any sense.

#35 HaydenFan

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Posted 26 June 2013 - 13:33

Er...I don't agree with you.
* There's too few cars, but way too much Nissan Skylines, Honda 2000s, Mazda RX-7s though only two model difference could be colour of the cup holder.
* Used cars which are available is based on game calender days and list goes forward after driving on any track. Some most rare cars are as trophies from bigger events. Rest are available to buy as new. What is there so hard to get cars?
* Races are very short - outcounting endurance events. Most of race events are 3-5 laps long which is ridiculous. For Nürburgring 24H track most of races are just 1 lap sprints.
* AI of GT5 drives reasonable fair and gives even player a challenge if player has matching car (which usually is not case: I bet most of players pick up car which wins AI easily and then they complain why AI is disaster).
* I don't find menu being hard to use, I just don't like sound effects of menu buttons.

But who drives a majority of the cars?

This is a link to the car list. http://www.gran-turi...carlist_en.html

Of these cars, how many do you even use? How many are just undrivable (AC Cobra is the big one that comes to mind)? How many TVR's do we need (if any at all)? And the used cars seem to just recycle the same handful of cars. The same 3 Le Mans or GT500 cars (Skyline Le Mans or Falken Tire Skyline, the Xanavi 350Z) and the Online dealership has their theme (usually an specific automaker), that outside the Audi weeks, usually cars nobody wants (nobody wanted the Prowler car in real life, so why in GT5?).

Outside the Seasonal Events with the 650pp or 750pp cars, the AI is dreadfully bad. And even with those classes I've mentioned, Catching them might be a bit of a challenge, but overtaking them is quite easy, and once you get in front of them, you will pull away a bit quickly.

The menu is just slow. Like a smartphone. You have to dig to where you want (I just want to change my damn tires), and backing out requires you to backtrack through every step (outside the race menus and the little button in the corner).

#36 The Kanisteri

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Posted 27 June 2013 - 08:06

But who drives a majority of the cars?

This is a link to the car list. http://www.gran-turi...carlist_en.html

Of these cars, how many do you even use? How many are just undrivable (AC Cobra is the big one that comes to mind)? How many TVR's do we need (if any at all)? And the used cars seem to just recycle the same handful of cars. The same 3 Le Mans or GT500 cars (Skyline Le Mans or Falken Tire Skyline, the Xanavi 350Z) and the Online dealership has their theme (usually an specific automaker), that outside the Audi weeks, usually cars nobody wants (nobody wanted the Prowler car in real life, so why in GT5?).

Standard AC Cobra is fun to drive and I drive with it occasionally. There's no much TVRs either. But there's something for everybody.

Outside the Seasonal Events with the 650pp or 750pp cars, the AI is dreadfully bad. And even with those classes I've mentioned, Catching them might be a bit of a challenge, but overtaking them is quite easy, and once you get in front of them, you will pull away a bit quickly.

Remember that AI cars are not tuned. They have suitable tyres for event, but they lack all upgrades you can put into your car and adjust to fit your driving style perfectly.
For examble 750pp limit is for your car, AI might drive 400-750pp cars without upgrades.
But I understand your point, Forza 4 has ticker for AI to use tuned cars. They have variations of class-limit performance points and gives challenge.

The menu is just slow. Like a smartphone. You have to dig to where you want (I just want to change my damn tires), and backing out requires you to backtrack through every step (outside the race menus and the little button in the corner).

Race menu has wrench image you can go into setups and do all part changes and purchases - outcounting weight reducion kits and engine upgrades. I did count one step.
On main menu you click Garage -> Current car -> set ups. 3 steps.
Do you want magic wand now?

Edited by The Kanisteri, 27 June 2013 - 08:07.

#37 olliek88

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Posted 27 June 2013 - 16:16

I agree with some the basic infrastructure of the game needs an overhaul, the menus and UI are painfully slow and out dated. However the actual concept behind GT (earn money work your way up get more cars etc etc) is strangely addictive, that being said i'd love it if they just had a series or two where you can do a championship season, DTM/BTCC/WTCC or something like that but in terms of FFB/physics its good, especially for a console game. It just needs a few changes to bring it up to date.

#38 Linus27

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Posted 27 June 2013 - 21:51

For me, the issues with GT5 are,

1. AI way too slow.
2. Too many nothing cars or similar cars, for example to many similar MX5's Skylines, Scoobies etc.
3. Races not long enough.
4. Unable to choose which cars I want to race against.
5. Not enough cars to race against.
6. Engine sounds

Everything else I love.

#39 olliek88

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Posted 28 June 2013 - 16:36

Point 6 i agree with, to an extent. I did a TT session in the Lambo Gallardo LP560 the other night and it sounded fantastic, equally some of the other cars are way too digital and droney.


#40 Afterburner

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Posted 28 June 2013 - 17:46

This article basically sums up why I gave up on GT5 after a while and went back to Forza 4. With the addition of open-wheelers into Forza 5 and the removal of the Xbox One's gimmicky DRM system, GT6 is going to have to do a lot if it wants to sway me over.

#41 JimmyTheFox

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Posted 10 July 2013 - 20:12

Goodwood’s renowned 1.86km Hill Climb, centre piece of the British stately home’s annual Festival of Speed, has been announced as a new track to feature on the forthcoming Gran Turismo®6 for PlayStation®3. Polyphony Digital Inc., creators of PlayStation®’s best-selling Gran Turismo® franchise, recently announced a deal to partner the Goodwood Festival of Speed (11-14 July). A new GT6™ demo will now give some of the expected 185,000-plus spectators their chance to challenge Nick Heidfeld’s 1999 41.6s course record set in a Formula 1 car. The demo will include a range of stunningly recreated cars to race up the virtual version of "the Hill".

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#42 Tenmantaylor

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Posted 11 July 2013 - 06:31

Wow, looks stunning. Wonder if Pikes Peak will be back in?

#43 UPRC

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Posted 14 July 2013 - 14:17

Game is really looking more and more beautiful with each passing month! :up:

#44 DanardiF1

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Posted 21 August 2013 - 19:40

Good NEWS!


More GT6 stuff has been shown at Gamescom, including confirming Brands Hatch (a big YES! from me on that one), lots of pre-order content on the 15th Anniversary Edition, and lots of other things!




http://www.gtplanet....-turismo-6-dlc/ < This looks particularly cool, as it looks like manufacturers and design houses are going to produce special concept cars as DLC... some of the designs in the GT Vision video look insane!

#45 The Kanisteri

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Posted 22 August 2013 - 08:47

Release date has been set 6 December.


GT franchise has been notorious to miss release day not only by days, months, but years. We'll see. :lol:

#46 HaydenFan

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Posted 22 August 2013 - 11:48

Release date has been set 6 December.


GT franchise has been notorious to miss release day not only by days, months, but years. We'll see. :lol:


But they have allowed to pre-sale, so if they don't deliver, I think PlayStation could be in a heap of legal trouble. 

#47 UPRC

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Posted 26 August 2013 - 20:10

With the date being so close, I doubt that we're going to have a repeat of the past delays that have plagued the GT series. GT5, man oh man... how long was the gap between the prologue and the full game? Felt like an eternity.

#48 mrdave

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Posted 17 September 2013 - 09:36

I hope they resolve many on going issues like the cars. theres too many of the same (skylines etc). i also really hated seeing cars in the new dealership that should not of been there. cars that are old cars (like the nissan dealership had old skylines in there) which should only be found in the used car dealership, and race cars in the new dealership (f1 2010 in ferrari). why?? i think they should have 3 dealership- new (for current production cars), used (for discounted new cars and older models) and special (for race cars, protypes etc).


I think the garage needs more filters like rally car, lemans etc, just so it is easier to find the vehicles you want.


I really feel that they have missed a trick with their championships. they are still obsesed with n/a championship, turbo, 4wd etc. the have now gained the licence to nascar, they also have a quite a collection of group b rally cars, lemans lmp1 cars, gt500 cars and also renault clio cup cars. with gran turismo's catalogue of race circuits surely they must be able put together a race championship that is for these cars that mirrors the real life championships.


What ever happened with top gear as well? i would of thought they would of got the licence to include at least one of the reasnoably priced cars. especially since cherolette already featured in gran turismo??


Will they ever bring back qualifying like in gt1? if not they should at least offer a reverse grid. being stuck at the back of the grid with a supirior car only to spend 2 of the 3 laps working your way up the field only to find that the 1st place guy is so far ahead in the last lap.

#49 JimmyTheFox

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Posted 03 October 2013 - 18:35

Bathurst reveal trailer:

#50 UPRC

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Posted 04 October 2013 - 01:28

This is curious. Russian pre-order box.

