I bought GT5 when it came out, my previous experience of GT was GT1, which I'd loved. I found that whilst the graphics and tracks had improved greatly, the AI and game controls were exactly the same. I mean I could still brake by running up the back of someone FFS. I'm with Alfisti, sort out the gameplay first, otherwise I will never buy another copy.

Gran Turismo 6
Posted 04 October 2013 - 15:40
Posted 07 October 2013 - 16:50
I think Polyphony try to make GT6 what GT5 should have been from the start. But the problems will not all be solved. They already announced that GT6 will come with a gigantic 1-day patch, so the day you'll get the game will probably spent downloading Gigabytes of patch data, which shows what state the game industry is in. Games are shoved out before they are ready,
Posted 08 October 2013 - 06:59
king_crud, on 04 Oct 2013 - 15:40, said:
I bought GT5 when it came out, my previous experience of GT was GT1, which I'd loved. I found that whilst the graphics and tracks had improved greatly, the AI and game controls were exactly the same. I mean I could still brake by running up the back of someone FFS. I'm with Alfisti, sort out the gameplay first, otherwise I will never buy another copy.
I disagree you a lot. I have in thick dust layer PS2 unit and GT1-GT4.. My first touch on Gran Turismo games (and even any console games) was GT3 in 2001. Later on GT1 and GT2. The first ones I actually dislike a lot. GT2 had nothing good but intro movie. Driving cars felt rubbish compared to GT5. Corners felt very slippery or bumpy.
Driving aids kills most of the feeling so I'd recommend switching them all off but mild ABS.
"I mean I could still brake by running up the back of someone FFS"
Err...why the F-word you brake car running up back of someone? Why don't you brake without being Grosjean of track?
Poor AI of last GT games is illusion. They drive pretty much out of shop cars with no tunings. They doesn't use best tires allowed for racing. If you spin on track they try to avoid hitting you. In brakings they are much wiser than they were in GT4. Most of players just go to soup up their machine and wear best possible tires under their cars and goes winning events in first corner. Then they whine how AI has no match and it is bad.
What comes on controls, you can customise control setups very freely. What you would like to be there so different? Pressing triangle button so car turns left? - you can do it if you want.
Gran Turismo franchise has lot lot to learn from Forza squad, but by far margin GT5 is still best racing game for PS3 and goes tie with Forza 4 both having own pluses and minuses.
Edited by The Kanisteri, 08 October 2013 - 07:00.
Posted 08 October 2013 - 07:03
king_crud, on 04 Oct 2013 - 15:40, said:
I bought GT5 when it came out, my previous experience of GT was GT1, which I'd loved. I found that whilst the graphics and tracks had improved greatly, the AI and game controls were exactly the same. I mean I could still brake by running up the back of someone FFS. I'm with Alfisti, sort out the gameplay first, otherwise I will never buy another copy.
I know you are exaggerating, but there is really nothing at all in common between GT1 and GT5 in terms of controls, physics, driving models, AI, anything at all. I mean GT1 was a near religious experience at the time, but memory has seriously rose-tinted goggles!
Posted 08 October 2013 - 11:01
The Kanisteri, on 08 Oct 2013 - 06:59, said:
"I mean I could still brake by running up the back of someone FFS"
Err...why the F-word you brake car running up back of someone? Why don't you brake without being Grosjean of track?
You're missing the point, if you run up the back of someone there should an effect on both cars, instead the AI cars are running on rails, they don't go off the circuit. Yes the AI might avoid you if you've spun, yes they might let you through rather than turn in on you if you're up the inside, but for me the AI is almost like a slot car racer, you can be knocked off the circuit or into a spin by them, but you can't do the same to them. I'm not saying that's how you should drive, but I want a simulator, where there is a cause and effect. For me the game is years behind what a racing simulator should be. Even Indy500 from 1990 was more realistic.
Posted 09 October 2013 - 23:38
"you can be knocked off the circuit or into a spin by them, but you can't do the same to them."
Yes you can. sorry but I have run people off loads of times and watched them spin out in my mirrors.. the AI driver will try to correct but he is subject to physics same as the player.
Sorry to be pushy about this but you are misrepresenting reality to other people who might not have actually played it.
Posted 11 October 2013 - 12:43
Just my $0.02, baddog is correct. You certainly can knock the AI off the road if you try. They can be spun, forced wide and even knocked off the circuit and into the barriers if you hit them hard enough.
That said, the AI in GT5 is simply horrible. It's slightly better in Arcade mode (at Professional level) than it is in Career mode, but it's still awful. The main issues that I can see are:
1. They brake MUCH too early for a corner. Ocasionally even coming back on the gas before the apex. Completely nonsense.
2. They will sometimes hesitmate mid apex and just sit there, where even a complete novice running his first track event would know to get back on the throttle.
3. They will move over on you as you're coming to pass them. We're not talking about a normal, aggressive blocking move to prevent you from getting a run on them. We're talking about stepping out and brake checking when there's a huge speed differential, where it will almost certainly result in a crash. If the AI drove like this in real life, on a real circuit, they would be black flagged immediately. And perhaps dragged out of their cars and beaten.
In short, over the length of a racing lap, they are far too slow, even at the highest level. And that's a problem. A game that sells millions of copies has to appeal to the masses and PD is well aware of that. The vast majority of GT5 players are casual gamers who know very little about racing, taking proper lines through the corners, when and where to brake, and more imporantly, avoiding contact with ANYTHING. You can easily see this from the Gamecon videos that pop up every year--people driving all over the place, barely braking, bashing their way through other cars. Granted, it's not easy to perform on a loud convention hall floor, in a car and track and wheel combo that you're not familiar with, but it's probably a good example of how most people, who aren't really sim racers, play most racing games. In other words, like Mario Kart.
For the longest time, I wasn't bothered by the AI because I only played on-line in organized leagues. I went through A-spec just to unlock events, cars and earn credits to buy cars. But I quickly grew frustrated with GT5's online model as well. The sub-par tire model, the over-boosted slipstream and the laggy prediction code from the P2P PSN connections made it a frustrating experience and I eventually moved onto iRacing. But I don't always have time for iRacing and those guys are totally dedicated. And complete animals. If you can't bring your 'A-game' to the table, (in other words if you're out of practice) don't bother showing up. At least once you're out of Rookie level and you don't want your SR to suffer.
So the state of the AI in GT6 has once again become somewhat important to me. Because I'd like to be able to wander over to the PS3 after a tough day, even if I haven't played in a month, and be able to race the AI without the worry of ruining a real live person's race and stats. And I'd like to be able to race the AI like I would race other on-line players. By really pushing myself. By driving around the circuit as hard and as fast as I can and still face competitive opponents. Not purposely holding back and driving at only 70% and not really taking proper lines through the corners but doing everything I can to avoid the bumbling AI, because they drive NOTHING like real racing drivers. In fact, I'd argue that they're not even really designed to race you. They're designed to slow you down, to impede your progress. Rolling chicanes really. That's why nearly all of the events in GT5 don't start out with a rolling start or a standing start. It's this bizare low speed conga line where you're either the last car or starting near the back 1/3 of the field. To give the 'rabbit' out front a chance to pull away and offer the illusion that you're competiting and fighting your way through the field.
I really hope the AI is much improved in GT6. Or least that there are options within the game to set it at a more advanced level. From one I've seen of early videos, it looks just as hideous as it does in GT5. But then again, I suppose PD wouldn't want to demonstarte the game to a bunch of casual gamers and hapless journalst using super-fast AI. Or at least I hope that's the case.
Edited by jaisli, 11 October 2013 - 17:04.
Posted 11 October 2013 - 13:51
It's not just the AI, I am seeing people complain about achingly slow menus, dysfunctional access to cars, bugs in the system, too many skyline's and scoobies, having to wade through endless hours of driving to get access to a car etc etc etc.
This is a CLASSIC case of no one being able to manage the process, it's being run by developers who are notorious for wanting to add trinkets but don't like dedicating the time to get the basics right. I am having an ongoing battle with our CIO, he's basically a developer and we are creating software from scratch here. I am in charge of the Operational side and i am at the point where i am going to pull rank on him if he doesn't stop with the feature adding and get on with sorting out the fundamentals.
Posted 11 October 2013 - 13:53
jaisli, on 11 Oct 2013 - 12:43, said:
I really hope the AI is much improved in GT6. Or least that there are options within the game to set it at a more advanced level. From one I've seen of early videos, it looks just as hideous as it does in GT5. But then again, I suppose PD wouldn't want to demonstarte the game to a bunch of casual gamers and hapless journalst using super-fast AI. Or at least I hope that's the case.
Papyrus Indycar and Nascar from the MID 1990's!!!!!! had a great feature where for each track you could set the AI speed, 100% was the baseline and you could tweak it from 80% to 120% ...... such a simple solution. Instead we'll get another 25 skyline's and 77 license tests to pass.
Posted 11 October 2013 - 15:22
Alfisti, on 11 Oct 2013 - 13:53, said:
Papyrus Indycar and Nascar from the MID 1990's!!!!!! had a great feature where for each track you could set the AI speed, 100% was the baseline and you could tweak it from 80% to 120% ...... such a simple solution. Instead we'll get another 25 skyline's and 77 license tests to pass.
Well, to be fair, it's not jut GT5 that has lousy AI. Over time, I've gone back to some older games and I haven't found one that featured AI which drove and responded like real people. But I suppose that's asking too much. In general, I think we tend to look at older games with rose tinted glasses. That said, even GT5 Prolouge had such a slider where you could control the AI's pace. But the important thing to understand is that it didn't really change their technique or chacter. It simply made them faster or slower. So you could over take them in the corners but they would pull away like mad on the straights.
Alfisti, on 11 Oct 2013 - 13:51, said:
It's not just the AI, I am seeing people complain about achingly slow menus, dysfunctional access to cars, bugs in the system, too many skyline's and scoobies, having to wade through endless hours of driving to get access to a car etc etc etc.
This is a CLASSIC case of no one being able to manage the process, it's being run by developers who are notorious for wanting to add trinkets but don't like dedicating the time to get the basics right. I am having an ongoing battle with our CIO, he's basically a developer and we are creating software from scratch here. I am in charge of the Operational side and i am at the point where i am going to pull rank on him if he doesn't stop with the feature adding and get on with sorting out the fundamentals.
That was the case until the spec 2.0 update. After that, things improved quite a bit. The game is still slow to load over-all, but once it's there, it's not nearly as bad as it used to be. And improving the menu functions and functionality has been a top high priority for GT6. And loading times from the GT Academy demo were much improved.
Posted 11 October 2013 - 16:34
I thought GT3 was a backward step from GT2 but they did fix the menu system, it was a thousand times faster. Sounds like they went backwards again.
Posted 11 October 2013 - 18:29
I'll agree with the AI comments, just feels like they are strictly pre-programmed and "racing" along with them just never feels authentic. To be honest when I occasionally play GT5 now I rarely drive races, preferring to run time trials against my own times in different cars.
The racing is very primitive compared to other games that pre-date it by over a decade. Geoff Crammond's Grand Prix 2 from the mid-1990s was much better:
- You could choose your starting point in the race (not everyone wants to start 16th every time)
- You could rename the drivers in the series to add your favourite
- Other drivers would overtake each other
- Your car and others could suffer from mechanical failures
- Real crash damage for yourself and other cars
If the racing is not improved in GT6 I would have no interest in picking it up.
Posted 11 October 2013 - 18:35
I never played GT5: did the AI cars ever crash or spin out? I remember that being something that always pissed me off with GT1-4, that the AI never seemed to have any accidents. I know they could, because it happened twice in four years of playing GT4: a Corvette spun in front of me at Grand Valley and a Ford GT spun at Fuji. That's not a good statistic, that someone can remember every time they saw the AI crash in a racing (err, driving) game that they played for 1/5th of their life.
Posted 11 October 2013 - 19:59
I don't know if they spin out on their own but I have seen them turn themselves around and 'knock heads' from time to time.
Posted 12 October 2013 - 18:49
I have GT4 and the AI drivers make mistakes fairly regularly, but always on certain corners at certain tracks, and not as often as my B-spec driver!
Posted 13 October 2013 - 19:52
jaisli, on 11 Oct 2013 - 15:22, said:
That said, even GT5 Prolouge had such a slider where you could control the AI's pace. But the important thing to understand is that it didn't really change their technique or chacter. It simply made them faster or slower. So you could over take them in the corners but they would pull away like mad on the straights.
The slider in Prologue was just a PP range which resulted in faster/sower cars being selected, a slider with a 1-10 range was introduced in GT5 which affected the AI's aggression.
Posted 25 October 2013 - 02:42
In the PlayStation exclusive game title "Gran Turismo®6" to be released on December 6, 2013, content involving Brazil's legendary racing driver Ayrton Senna will be provided through online updates, enabling players to trace the roots of Ayrton Senna's racing career. “For us, it’s very special to have Ayrton as the main highlight of Gran Turismo®6. It represents victories that Brasil won far beyond just the sport. It's the Brazilian spirit, perseverance among challenges, and victory achieved through great effort. Ayrton also represents the creative intelligence, courage, and solidarity with friends and strangers. These are values that we Brazilians cultivate and saw represented in the figure of that champion, which added to this a meticulous technique," said Viviane Senna, the sister of the late triple champion and president of the Instituto Ayrton Senna. Kazunori Yamauchi, creator of Gran Turismo, who presented the game at the press conference added "Ayrton Senna has always been my hero, and I'm honored to be able to work as a partner with the Ayrton Senna Institute which has carried on his legacy. If it wasn't for Ayrton Senna, I don't think the video game, Gran Turismo, would ever have been developed. Nothing makes me happier than to relay the gratitude of Ayrton Senna Foundation, to all the players of Gran Turismo®6."

Posted 25 October 2013 - 09:53
I was quite surprised to wake up to that information, I really didn't expect this! Can't wait to see what it all entails. Kudos to the GT team for being able to seize this.
Posted 25 October 2013 - 16:03
Well that is now on my Christmas list.
Should be a lot of fun.
Posted 25 October 2013 - 18:50
Ahh, Great.
Special Events: The Senna Challenge
The game puts you on the wrong side of the grid and you have to try and ram the AI off the road in order to win the championship.
Posted 25 October 2013 - 22:31
jaisli, on 25 Oct 2013 - 18:50, said:
The game puts you on the wrong side of the grid and you have to try and ram the AI off the road in order to win the championship.
Uncalled for
Although I propose a mini game where you have to try pull a prime Elle Macpherson, which our beloved hero managed to do.
Posted 26 October 2013 - 00:39
I believe they may have snapped up the rights from Reiza Studios (who make the Brasil Stock Car game, very good it is too), as they were making a Senna PC game where you could drive all his old cars... that project had gone quiet for a while so I wonder if their option on the rights had expired in lieu of lack of product and PD snapped it up at the first chance they could get.
It's the same licence that Codies were fretting over as they couldn't get Ayrton or his McLaren's in the F1 2013 Classic edition. I hope PD can do him justice, a good range of his cars, some relevant circuits, maybe some challenges where you have to race Alain or something like that.
Or even if it's just the MP4/4 so I can blast round Suzuka... I'd be happy with that
Posted 26 October 2013 - 10:06
DanardiF1, on 26 Oct 2013 - 00:39, said:
I believe they may have snapped up the rights from Reiza Studios (who make the Brasil Stock Car game, very good it is too), as they were making a Senna PC game where you could drive all his old cars... that project had gone quiet for a while so I wonder if their option on the rights had expired in lieu of lack of product and PD snapped it up at the first chance they could get.
It's the same licence that Codies were fretting over as they couldn't get Ayrton or his McLaren's in the F1 2013 Classic edition. I hope PD can do him justice, a good range of his cars, some relevant circuits, maybe some challenges where you have to race Alain or something like that.
Or even if it's just the MP4/4 so I can blast round Suzuka... I'd be happy with that
PD still hasn't announced which cars we will be able to drive. If we are lucky, we will be able to drive his F1. I would love to be able to drive the MP4-4, the MP4-6 and the FW16.
Posted 26 October 2013 - 13:24
GT5 did have a two F1 Ferrari's on it. The 2007 one and the 2011 one I think.
Would love to bomb around places in the 1988 Turbo McLaren.
Posted 26 October 2013 - 23:38
The F1 cars are really good to drive in GT5 as well, as unlike the Codie's F1 cars which have limited scope for setup (makes sense as the more casual racers don't really get into that stuff, not complaining though) you can really stamp your style on the setup, and it creates a more authentic feel to your driving.
Have got a really good front-end biased setup on the 2010 car, perfect for Monza, Suzuka and Spa. Not too much oversteer if I keep my lead boots off, and instant turn-in. Love it.
I would love to drive some older F1 cars in the Gran Turismo engine... they need to refine the characteristics of the Group C cars as well because they're super fast but don't feel that realistic (of course I don't have any real experience, but they don't drive like they seem to in footage and onboards). I hope GT6 with it's new suspension and tyre models has that refinement.
Posted 26 October 2013 - 23:39
10e10, on 26 Oct 2013 - 10:06, said:
PD still hasn't announced which cars we will be able to drive. If we are lucky, we will be able to drive his F1. I would love to be able to drive the MP4-4, the MP4-6 and the FW16.
I read somewhere that the Senna Foundation only has his image rights for the years up until 1987, so I'm guessing McLaren would have them from then on...
McLaren have had a deal with Simraceway to have their F1 cars licenced in that, but again I've heard that that company is in trouble (their weird pricing scheme hasn't worked out at all) so they may be looking for someone else to work with now...
Edited by DanardiF1, 26 October 2013 - 23:40.
Posted 27 October 2013 - 09:19
DanardiF1, on 26 Oct 2013 - 23:39, said:
I read somewhere that the Senna Foundation only has his image rights for the years up until 1987, so I'm guessing McLaren would have them from then on...
McLaren have had a deal with Simraceway to have their F1 cars licenced in that, but again I've heard that that company is in trouble (their weird pricing scheme hasn't worked out at all) so they may be looking for someone else to work with now...
Where did you read that? Yes, I know the deal McLaren currently has with Simracey, however, I)'m more suspicious of the deal McLaren has with Forza. Maybe we will have McLaren's F1s there, but not in GT6. Which would be unfortunate, as it would be great to have Senna driving a McLaren!
Posted 27 October 2013 - 11:14
So we could have Senna's Lotus, Formula 3 car and Toleman?
Posted 27 October 2013 - 16:18
sennafan24, on 27 Oct 2013 - 11:14, said:
So we could have Senna's Lotus, Formula 3 car and Toleman?
Maybe. But Bruno Senna said, in an interview, that the game would build on Senna's career, and since he was WDC in McLaren, it wouldn't make much sense if his career was portrayed to finish in Lotus.
Posted 28 October 2013 - 04:00
10e10, on 27 Oct 2013 - 09:19, said:
Where did you read that? Yes, I know the deal McLaren currently has with Simracey, however, I)'m more suspicious of the deal McLaren has with Forza. Maybe we will have McLaren's F1s there, but not in GT6. Which would be unfortunate, as it would be great to have Senna driving a McLaren!
I can't remember where but definitely saw something about it in a comments section of an article on virtualr.net (the Simraceway troubles that is)
About the licence time period, Kaz mentioned it when announcing the Senna stuff earlier this week.
Edited by DanardiF1, 28 October 2013 - 04:02.
Posted 28 October 2013 - 21:57
Possibly a special NSX as well?
Posted 29 October 2013 - 00:45
10e10, on 28 Oct 2013 - 09:57, said:
Are you sure? I don't remember having read such thing.
Posted 29 October 2013 - 16:28
Maybe Toleman as well. Still looking forward to it though.
This video speculates what road cars could be in it that Senna owned - http://www.youtube.c...h?v=un9vhevUB_g
Posted 29 October 2013 - 18:09
sennafan24, on 29 Oct 2013 - 16:28, said:
Maybe Toleman as well. Still looking forward to it though.
This video speculates what road cars could be in it that Senna owned - http://www.youtube.c...h?v=un9vhevUB_g
Yeah, but it would be better if we had all the F1 cars he drove, to kind of trace all his career, or all the landmarks of his career.
Posted 29 October 2013 - 21:32
10e10, on 29 Oct 2013 - 18:09, said:
Yeah, but it would be better if we had all the F1 cars he drove, to kind of trace all his career, or all the landmarks of his career.
Agreed, but I am just glad he is going to be in Gran Turismo 6, I love the series and obviously the driver.
Plus, times will change stuff, by Gran Turismo 7, who knows we could have a Senna career mode like Jordan's in NBA 2K.
Posted 29 October 2013 - 21:47
sennafan24, on 29 Oct 2013 - 21:32, said:
Agreed, but I am just glad he is going to be in Gran Turismo 6, I love the series and obviously the driver.
Plus, times will change stuff, by Gran Turismo 7, who knows we could have a Senna career mode like Jordan's in NBA 2K.
But I want now! On a more serious note, I will enjoy playing whatever comes, as all racing fans will, I'm sure.
Posted 31 October 2013 - 05:15
10e10, on 29 Oct 2013 - 09:31, said:
You are right indeed. Then, only Senna in Lotus cars, for GT6. I doubt that Forza will allow McLaren to do a partnership with GT6...
And his final car, the Williams FW16...
McLaren have their road cars in GT6... I know the P1 has been heavily marketed alongside Forza 5, but it isn't a complete exclusive deal is it ala Porsche and EA (Forza 4 DLC pack excluded as that seems to be a expensively sourced one-off)?
I think McLaren's deal with Simraceway may be the snag on any current F1 cars, but like I mentioned their own troubles may help PD... of the 60 cars Simraceway licenced from McLaren in 2012, only 13 have made into the sim.
Kaz and PD must know that if you want to represent Senna fully in GT6, they're gonna need his McLaren's.
Posted 31 October 2013 - 12:00
DanardiF1, on 31 Oct 2013 - 05:15, said:
Now that you mention it, we might get lucky, because Forza will feature a M26, meaning that the deal with simracey might not be as restrictive as se might have thought.And his final car, the Williams FW16...
McLaren have their road cars in GT6... I know the P1 has been heavily marketed alongside Forza 5, but it isn't a complete exclusive deal is it ala Porsche and EA (Forza 4 DLC pack excluded as that seems to be a expensively sourced one-off)?
I think McLaren's deal with Simraceway may be the snag on any current F1 cars, but like I mentioned their own troubles may help PD... of the 60 cars Simraceway licenced from McLaren in 2012, only 13 have made into the sim.
Kaz and PD must know that if you want to represent Senna fully in GT6, they're gonna need his McLaren's.
Senna's deal or not, I wanted gt6 to include some McLaren's F1s, so, I still have hope that some will be included.
Edited by 10e10, 31 October 2013 - 12:01.
Posted 31 October 2013 - 16:13
PD has some serious catching up to do with Turn 10 (Forza Motorsport). They better get their act together for GT7, because all this is going to be is what GT5 should have been.
Posted 31 October 2013 - 16:38
As good as Forza may be, the lack of wheel support pushes it to an area where I won't even look at it.
Posted 31 October 2013 - 18:38
jaisli, on 31 Oct 2013 - 16:38, said:
As good as Forza may be, the lack of wheel support pushes it to an area where I won't even look at it.
That was the deal breaker for me also. I can't believe after all these years they still don' t have a wheel comparable to the Driving Force GT in price and quality. Even if Forza was the better game, I'd still take the slightly inferior GT with a wheel any day, there's nothing to think about; great game+controller vs really good game+wheel? Yeah, no contest for me.
Edited by Peeko, 31 October 2013 - 18:39.
Posted 01 November 2013 - 15:35
New track!
Ascari Race Resort will appear in GT6: http://www.gtplanet....ri-race-resort/
Here's a lap of the track. Obviously this isn't from GT6! http://www.youtube.c...h?v=YeWsnuUeeeA
Edited by UPRC, 01 November 2013 - 15:40.
Posted 01 November 2013 - 18:21
jaisli, on 31 Oct 2013 - 16:38, said:
As good as Forza may be, the lack of wheel support pushes it to an area where I won't even look at it.
Agreed, they should have Logitech support the xbox one but their is alternatives. Thrustmaster and Fanatec being two of them.
I really don't understand why we can't use logitechs on Xboxs, I would pick up a G27 in a heartbeat.
Posted 01 November 2013 - 19:15
MikeV1987, on 01 Nov 2013 - 18:21, said:
Agreed, they should have Logitech support the xbox one but their is alternatives. Thrustmaster and Fanatec being two of them.
I really don't understand why we can't use logitechs on Xboxs, I would pick up a G27 in a heartbeat.
Yes and no. The Xbox360 supports Fanatec wheels. It was a step in the right direction. But once you buy a wheel + the pedals it's not exactly a small investment. And the Madcatz wireless wheel has no FFB and is just too cheap. The MS wheel hasn't been available for years. There's been a lot of confusion about the XB1 and Forza 5 but it looks like Fanatec is out, at least for now. And Although there has been talk about Thurstmaster, it doesn't appear that any of their legacy wheels, such as the T500RS will be supported. So once again, they're missing the boat.
Back in 2008 when I was trying to decide between the PS3 and the Xbox 360, the lack of wheel support was landed me down the PS3 road. And I'm sure Peeko and I aren't the only two. It's a personal thing, but I just can't take a racing game seriously without proper wheel support. It's something so basic, so fundamental. As for not using logitech wheels, you can blame MS for that.
That said, I'm not sure if I really agree about Forza 5. It looks beautiful (as it should), but no more weather effects, no more night racing, no more marketplace. Lots of "no" in there. And in general, it seems like they're abandoning their hard core fans and developing a game for the mainstream: casual gamers. So as a 'game' it may turn out better than GT6. But as a sim/simcade, the jury is still out.
Posted 05 November 2013 - 09:19
Gran Turismo website has been updated with LOTS of cool new info, some new trailers (showing some epic night skies with accurate star maps included), new cars, tracks and loads of other stuff.
Also confirmed are certain aspects that won't be included from day one, like B-Spec and the Course Maker (which suggest big improvements from the GT5 versions).
Also, Lunar Rover! Don't care how ponderous it is, that's just cool.
Posted 05 November 2013 - 09:41
DanardiF1, on 05 Nov 2013 - 09:19, said:
Gran Turismo website has been updated with LOTS of cool new info, some new trailers (showing some epic night skies with accurate star maps included), new cars, tracks and loads of other stuff.
Also confirmed are certain aspects that won't be included from day one, like B-Spec and the Course Maker (which suggest big improvements from the GT5 versions).
Also, Lunar Rover! Don't care how ponderous it is, that's just cool.
No McLaren P1
Posted 05 November 2013 - 11:04
Yeah I was a little miffed at that too... but no LaFerrari either so perhaps they'll come in later as DLC?
There are some VERY cool additions in that list though, like the Tajima electric Pikes Peak car, the Audi Pikes Peak car from way back, Pagani Huayra etc.