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How to post your pictures - revised, March 2017 NOW UPDATED, July 2017! AND AGAIN, April 2018!

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#1 Vitesse2

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Posted 04 March 2017 - 22:11

Time for a new thread on posting pictures!


In this post are step-by-step instructions for using PostImage, which is a free service. Although you can use it without signing up, I would suggest opening an account, as that will make it easier to manage the pictures you post.


Firstly, go to postimage.org and click on  'sign up' top right. Enter the email address you wish to use - you will be sent a password immediately. Go back to the home page and select 'log in', which will take you to another page. When you have logged in, it will return you to the home page again and you'll see something like this:




Leave the settings as above - if it's too big, the board's software will automatically resize your image to fit.


Click on 'choose images' and navigate to the picture you want to post. Left-click on the file and then click the 'open' button. In this case, I'm uploading a picture of an Alfa Romeo 158.




Once the picture has been uploaded, you will be presented with a list of eight different links. The only one you need is the second one - Direct link. Left-click the little blue image at the end of the line - after a moment a black pop-up will appear, which just says 'Copied!'; the link is now copied to your clipboard.


Now click the reply button in the thread you wish to post in (or open a new thread). In the reply screen, click on the green image link in the second row (if you hover the cursor over it, you'll get a tooltip that says 'image').screenshot-forums.autosport.com_2017-03-


A box saying 'image properties' will then pop up; left-click in the text area and then right-click to paste the image address that you have just copied. Click 'OK' - the picture will then appear in the reply box.




If you wish you can then press 'preview post' in order to see what the whole post will look like, or simply press 'post' without using preview.




And here's that Alfa Romeo ...




#2 Vitesse2

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Posted 05 March 2017 - 16:27

Organising your images within Postimage


You can arrange your images in galleries within Postimage in order to make them easier to find. When you open an account, as shown in the first picture in the previous post, a 'default' gallery is created. By selecting 'my images' from the toolbar at the top, you can bypass the upload process in order to create more galleries. Once you have done that, those galleries - as well as the default one - will be available on the drop-down menu on the upload page and any picture you upload will go straight to the gallery you select there.


I've created a second gallery called 'Samples' - this is a screenshot of the upload page, showing the dropdown menu, with Samples selected. This image was uploaded straight to that gallery:






Alternatively, you can just upload one or more images to the default gallery; then simply delete the word 'default' below the thumbnail and type a new gallery name. That will create a new gallery and move all the images currently in the default gallery to it.


One little drawback - unless I've missed something obvious - is that the only way to move pictures between galleries is to download and/or delete them from the original gallery and then re-upload them to the place you want them. You can't cut/paste or drag and drop them. So if you anticipate using galleries it's probably worth spending a few minutes creating all the ones you want first.

#3 E1pix

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Posted 05 March 2017 - 16:39

Thanks for doing this Richard, timing is of the essence on this topic.

#4 Ray Bell

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Posted 06 March 2017 - 12:00

A suggestion, particularly for those who post a lot of images...

When setting up the folders within Postimage, use a dating system for pics which aren't belonging to a particular long-running series you might have. I have folders for each six months, I also (generally) label pics with a date code, so this month it's 0317 before the detailed name.

I run the same folder system in my storage system for my computer, both in 'My Documents' and on USB memory sticks, so I can find pics if needed.

The Postimage folders do tend to get a bit unwieldy when there's more than 80 or 90 pics in the folder, they take a while to download etc, so that's another way in which the dating helps as you're looking for them. They come up in date order.

#5 Roger Clark

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Posted 28 March 2017 - 17:42

Dropbox public folders having now disappeared, has anybody tried their shared links?



#6 Vitesse2

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Posted 28 March 2017 - 18:29

Works for me ...




However - at least for me, but perhaps because it's my own account - that link seems to give access to all the pictures in my public folder!


Perhaps someone who doesn't have a Dropbox account could check that?

#7 Roger Clark

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Posted 29 March 2017 - 06:42

I see a single picture when I click on that link. That's what's supposed to happen whether you have a Dropbox account or not.

#8 Tim Murray

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Posted 29 March 2017 - 07:13

I have a Dropbox account, and I only see the one photo.

#9 Vitesse2

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Posted 29 March 2017 - 09:03

Must be because I was logged in to it then.

#10 kayemod

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Posted 01 July 2017 - 11:19

Must be because I was logged in to it then.


Anyone know what's happening with Photobucket at the moment? I can still get it to work, eventually, but it seems to have become a struggle, very difficult and clunky, often several attempts to log in etc. It's hard to criticise a free service that has always worked well in the past, but are they trying to get rid of cheapskate non-payers like me? I was introduced to Imageshack some time ago by Tony Giraffe, and once he'd guided me through the way to use it, no problems at all, but then they started charging everyone. Nothing against that in principle, but for a small user like me, I only used them on TNF, hardly worthwhile, a couple of other sites I'm on do all the hosting themselves. I think there has always been a Photobucket option to pay for bigger users, but I've hears rumours that they plan to start charging everyone. No reason why they shouldn't of course, but if that's the plan, why not e-mail existing users to tell them all about it, not try to make them give up in frustration by buggering up their system. Are there any good alternatives? I tried Dropbox and didn't like it at all, which services are others using, how many are still relying on Photobucket?




Well, I know the answer now, just explored the Photobucket site for more info. With no warning at all, not even an e-mail, they've started charging a lot of money for our sort of access, which kills their operation stone dead for typical TNF type users. This means that along probably with most others, I need a new hosting service, what alternatives have others found? Free is always good of course, but a reasonable sum, a small fraction of Photobucket's $399 extortionate demands, wouldn't be a big problem, after all, few things in life are free. Maybe this has come up here before, if so I've clearly missed it, has there been an earlier mention?

Edited by kayemod, 01 July 2017 - 15:37.

#11 Michael Ferner

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Posted 01 July 2017 - 18:28

Rob, I just google "photo hosting" each time I want to post a picture. Several come up, like Postimage, TinyURL etc. and I pick one; if it doesn't work or handling proves to be annoying, I pick the next. No sweat.

#12 timbo

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Posted 08 July 2017 - 09:07

Anyone know what's happening with Photobucket at the moment? I can still get it to work, eventually, but it seems to have become a struggle, very difficult and clunky, often several attempts to log in etc. It's hard to criticise a free service that has always worked well in the past, but are they trying to get rid of cheapskate non-payers like me? I was introduced to Imageshack some time ago by Tony Giraffe, and once he'd guided me through the way to use it, no problems at all, but then they started charging everyone. Nothing against that in principle, but for a small user like me, I only used them on TNF, hardly worthwhile, a couple of other sites I'm on do all the hosting themselves. I think there has always been a Photobucket option to pay for bigger users, but I've hears rumours that they plan to start charging everyone. No reason why they shouldn't of course, but if that's the plan, why not e-mail existing users to tell them all about it, not try to make them give up in frustration by buggering up their system. Are there any good alternatives? I tried Dropbox and didn't like it at all, which services are others using, how many are still relying on Photobucket?
Well, I know the answer now, just explored the Photobucket site for more info. With no warning at all, not even an e-mail, they've started charging a lot of money for our sort of access, which kills their operation stone dead for typical TNF type users. This means that along probably with most others, I need a new hosting service, what alternatives have others found? Free is always good of course, but a reasonable sum, a small fraction of Photobucket's $399 extortionate demands, wouldn't be a big problem, after all, few things in life are free. Maybe this has come up here before, if so I've clearly missed it, has there been an earlier mention?

Same thing happened to me with no warning. My photo's which I posted a day or two ago have been blanked out and a referral to third party hosting notice has been put in instead. That's the end of photobucket for me, but what is the answer for the future? I don't know.

Edited by timbo, 08 July 2017 - 09:07.

#13 Vitesse2

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Posted 08 July 2017 - 09:57

In the short term, PostImage and others are still free to use, although I suspect that in the long term the solution will necessarily be to set up your own website. Back in the early days of this site, established 'golden' members got some free space after 1000 posts, which some of us used for photo hosting in the forums. That was of course rapidly killed off after the Autosport takeover, but there is still free webspace out there. It won't be as easy to use for these purposes as the dedicated photo hosting sites though.

#14 Roger Clark

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Posted 09 July 2017 - 21:50

In March, I asked about Dropbox shared links (post #5).  The responses seemed to be positive. does it work?

#15 GeoffR

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Posted 10 July 2017 - 07:44

Same thing happened to me with no warning. My photo's which I posted a day or two ago have been blanked out and a referral to third party hosting notice has been put in instead. That's the end of photobucket for me, but what is the answer for the future? I don't know.


From what I can gather after looking at my own Photobucket account you get up to 2gb of storage free. After 2gb is when the various payment plans kick in. My 37 photos currently stored on Photobucket amount to 0.00 of 2gb. I always reduce the size of any pics I upload to Photobucket and periodically delete any that are from old postings, ie more than 18 months-2 years.

#16 Seppi_0_917PA

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Posted 10 July 2017 - 15:49

Here’s something I found…

Fix Blocked PhotoBucket Images for Free



Hey - here's a free website that let's you restore your Photo-Blockit images.

All you have to do is copy the image address from the blocked image (right click the PhotoBlockit image and "copy image address" in a Mac, not sure exactly what to do on Windows.

Then go to this website and paste the image address. You will see you blocked image, and a new BBCode. Copy the code, modify your post, and paste the new image address where the photblockit link was. Then your image will be restored.

How does it work - This was written by the son of one of the moderator on V11LeMans.com. He's a programmer the images get copied from PhotoBucket and save to an Amazon web server.

I've been restoring some photos from my posts on this site. It's quick and easy once you get the hang of it.

Here's the conversion site:  https://fixphotobucket.com/

I think it's possible for an admin to fix whole threads..


I have no experience with this* but there you go... One downside I see is that, once on Amazon S3, one wouldn't seem to have the ability to delete or make a photo "private".



*I've used Flickr for years and am wondering what will happen to Flickr now that Verizon owns Yahoo.

#17 jonpollak

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Posted 15 July 2017 - 05:17

1500095698361.jpg Jp

#18 Ray Bell

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Posted 15 July 2017 - 10:32

Bring them or take them?

#19 Lee Nicolle

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Posted 16 July 2017 - 10:04

I have tried to upload new pics to Post Image and cannot. I have been using the 'old site' which I understood but cannot manage to get any more up.

Current pics stored there I can still post.

And yes I am a technophobe, as I suspect many others here are too.


#20 Ray Bell

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Posted 16 July 2017 - 15:46

Well, I just uploaded another four pics tonight, Lee...

Where are you having your problem?

#21 Vitesse2

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Posted 19 August 2017 - 21:33

There are two new extensions for Firefox called 'Photobucket Hotlink Fix' and photobucket embed fix, the latter also available for Chrome. It appears that they somehow bypass or spoof the paywall. So you can at least see existing images,

#22 milestone 11

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Posted 28 August 2017 - 14:25

There are two new extensions for Firefox called 'Photobucket Hotlink Fix' and photobucket embed fix, the latter also available for Chrome. It appears that they somehow bypass or spoof the paywall. So you can at least see existing images,

Fantastic news. Thanks V2, how the hell do you find these things? This may be worth mentioning elsewhere, not everyone ventures here. :clap:

#23 Vitesse2

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Posted 28 August 2017 - 14:59

Fantastic news. Thanks V2, how the hell do you find these things? This may be worth mentioning elsewhere, not everyone ventures here. :clap:

I tend towards geekiness where Firefox is concerned and check the new extensions most days in case there's anything I might find useful. I'm currently using 53 extensions ... :blush:

#24 Allan Lupton

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Posted 28 August 2017 - 16:58

That's Mozilla for you!

I bet there's no Microsoft equivalent, or if there is it'd be third party stuff.

#25 kayemod

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Posted 28 August 2017 - 17:44

I tend towards geekiness where Firefox is concerned and check the new extensions most days in case there's anything I might find useful. I'm currently using 53 extensions ... :blush:


I'm a bit like you, I can't claim quite as many extensions or add-ons, but I've got a lot of them, mainly anti adblock and similar anti stuff. They are doing what they claim to do and have stopped all the annoying things I wanted them to stop, but they've also slowed down internet access quite a lot, annoying on a fast computer. I suppose they're checking sites for nasties before they let me open them, must it always be a choice between privacy and speed?

#26 fbarrett

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Posted 07 September 2017 - 18:46

Why not just use smugmug and be done with all this foofaraw?



#27 Ray Bell

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Posted 08 September 2017 - 01:14

Originally posted by Vitesse2
There are two new extensions for Firefox called 'Photobucket Hotlink Fix' and photobucket embed fix, the latter also available for Chrome. It appears that they somehow bypass or spoof the paywall. So you can at least see existing images,

Did I miss something?

I just got these add-ons and the pics still don't work.

#28 Lee Nicolle

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Posted 26 September 2017 - 07:06

For the last two days I have been trying to get some pics into Post Image so I can put them on here. I keep getting a message 'New uploads is temporarily disabled for maintenance' 

Is anyone else having these problems? 

#29 Tim Murray

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Posted 26 September 2017 - 07:16

Seems to be working OK for me - I just uploaded this one:


#30 Porsche718

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Posted 29 September 2017 - 10:50

When I try to post message comes up "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community."


What have I done wrong?

#31 Vitesse2

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Posted 29 September 2017 - 14:42

When I try to post message comes up "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community."


What have I done wrong?

Unless your picture has a standard image extension like .jpg, .bmp or .gif the software won't recognise it. It won't work with PDFs either - you can only post a link to wherever it's stored on a server. Most image hosting sites will assign an extension automatically, but if it's a picture from (for example) Twitter or Facebook that won't work, because they just assign a random number to images hosted on their servers.

#32 Porsche718

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Posted 29 September 2017 - 19:48

Thanks Vitesse. I realise I had not picked the 2nd link in one of my photos. Deleted all and started again. All OK. Cheers

#33 Porsche718

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Posted 25 October 2017 - 21:16

Vitesse, I've had a search but cannot find steps to adding a youtube video (rather than just the link). Help please?



#34 Vitesse2

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Posted 25 October 2017 - 21:25

Vitesse, I've had a search but cannot find steps to adding a youtube video (rather than just the link). Help please?



Just copy the URL from your address bar and paste it into your post. The video will appear as if by magic.  ;) However, that won't work if you're trying to use the 'start video from this point' link you get by right-clicking on a paused video. That will just appear as a link.

#35 FrankCornell

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Posted 21 March 2018 - 19:50

Other sites let me post pictures directly form my files with no intermediate hosting site, and not needing a url. I don't know why this site makes it so difficult. It's so easy to select an image and press an "upload" button.

#36 cooper997

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Posted 16 April 2018 - 01:09

Help please? Can I ask someone with far more computer tech skills than me, if they know what's happening with postimage?


Why I ask is that many great images posted by the likes of James Lambert, Ed Holly, Ray Bell, Lindsay Ross and myself prior to page 16 on the Longford thread are just coming up as the file name in the spot where the photo should be on the computer. On the ipad it comes up as file name and the dreaded blue question mark.


More than likely doing the same on other threads.



#37 Rob Ryder

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Posted 16 April 2018 - 06:27

The old Postimg.org is gone, it is now Postimg.cc.

Just click on where the thumbnail should be displayed.
When a new window opens with 'Page not Disaplayed' message change the .org in the address bar to .cc and voila, the image will appear.

https://postimg.cc/image/ijqm7adj7/ change to https://postimg.cc/image/ijqm7adj7/

This applies to all 'disappeared' postimg images.

Edited by Rob Ryder, 16 April 2018 - 06:28.

#38 cooper997

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Posted 16 April 2018 - 10:01

Thanks Rob for your very helpful response.


Looks like there's a few of us will need to spend quite some time fixing the link codes if we still. wish the photos to continue being displayed.


TNF is a resource that is so often dependant on the memories and conversations sparked by a photo. Yet here we are again at the whim of a third party host's changes potentially being to the detriment of the TNF community. 


Off to see if I can fix 1 code, then only about 800 to go afterwards.



  . .

#39 Vitesse2

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Posted 16 April 2018 - 21:03

Well, that's bloody annoying! Logically, PostImage should have a method of automatically redirecting the link. But they don't, even though once you've logged in to postimages.org and pressed 'my images' the first part of the address changes to postimage.cc


There is - as far as I can see - only one way to get the disappeared images to display. And that is, as Stephen says, to manually edit every single one!


ThesE instructions are for Firefox on Windows. If anyone can provide a version for other browsers and/or operating systems, please feel free to post below!


1 Once you've identified an image you wish to restore, open PostImage in a new tab or window, log in and click 'my images' top right.

2 In your original post, click 'edit' in the line at the bottom. This will open the reply box.

3 What you see in the reply box will differ depending on your browser, but there will be some sort of icon in place of the missing image. In Firefox it's a small grey square.

4 In PostImage, find the image you wish to replace. From either the gallery thumbnail or by clicking on the image, copy the 'direct link'.

5 In the post you are editing, click to the right of the missing image and delete it by pressing backspace.

6 Click the image icon as above and paste the link you copied into the 'image properties' box. Press 'OK'. The correct image should appear in the post you are editing.

7 Repeat steps 4 to 6 if there are further images to replace in the same post.

8 Once you have added all images, press either 'post' or 'more reply options'. 'More reply options' will give you a chance to view a draft of the edited post. If all okay, click 'add reply'.



#40 Ray Bell

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Posted 16 April 2018 - 21:53

Surely it's easier to go to your post and click on 'edit', then change 'org' to 'cc'?

A pain, to be sure, but I did a page or two last night and it didn't take long.

Looking further, I wonder if the reason for this is that Postimage no longer comply with requirements for the '.org' suffix?


Edited by Ray Bell, 16 April 2018 - 22:03.

#41 tsrwright

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Posted 17 April 2018 - 01:07

A major problem I find is that I just can't remember what to do each time - once or twice  a year maybe -  I feel like posting a pic. So for prolific posters it is easy but not for the likes of me.

#42 E1pix

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Posted 17 April 2018 - 01:10

The old Postimg.org is gone, it is now Postimg.cc.

Just click on where the thumbnail should be displayed.
When a new window opens with 'Page not Disaplayed' message change the .org in the address bar to .cc and voila, the image will appear.

https://postimg.cc/image/ijqm7adj7/ change to https://postimg.cc/image/ijqm7adj7/

This applies to all 'disappeared' postimg images.

THAT is some great info, Rob, Thanks!!!  :clap:

#43 group7

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Posted 18 April 2018 - 15:03

Not exactly related to the above, some post here as recent as today, where there is to be an image, a little blue box appears with what looks like  a green mountain and a triangle, some numbers and .jpg,  nothing happens when I click on it, I've seen this on other forums as well    :confused:



#44 cooper997

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Posted 19 April 2018 - 07:52

It's more than likely related to the postimage changes, Michael. The original poster needs to edit it otherwise there's a high chance it will stay that way you mention. Unless postimage has a magic fix in the pipeline? Wishfull thinking perhaps, because I've fixed say 50 links in about 4 threads and it gets a bit tedious after a while.


I'm not privy to what Richard and Tim have in the pipeline based of the future of TNF, but perhaps the uploading (or saving) of images for everyone to a TNF Facebook page, then simply copied to TNF has some merit.


Not easy to make everyone happy with copyright and the like, But there's got to be something easier than the dramas photobucket and now postimage have created with their changes deeming plenty of threads become pointless waffle because the image is no longer an active part of the thread.



#45 RTH

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Posted 07 May 2018 - 09:02

The difficulty of posting pictures and then later seeing all your work disappear from long running threads surely has and is turning people away from this  foremost  motor racing history site.

 All these different hosting sites we have had to learn - then to see them turn against us and lose all those valuable pictures is very dispiriting . I cannot make postimage work at all this morning . I feel sure  views have dwindled as a result over the past 2 or 3 years.Such a shame.

#46 kayemod

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Posted 07 May 2018 - 09:53

The difficulty of posting pictures and then later seeing all your work disappear from long running threads surely has and is turning people away from this  foremost  motor racing history site.

 All these different hosting sites we have had to learn - then to see them turn against us and lose all those valuable pictures is very dispiriting . I cannot make postimage work at all this morning . I feel sure  views have dwindled as a result over the past 2 or 3 years.Such a shame.


I agree, not a situation that's likely to change, but I've always thought that the site's non-co-operative attitude to image posting was strange. It's unreasonable to want the contributors who make the site as good and historically important as it is to be computer wizards on top of everything else, which is what they seem to expect. Given that every other forum I've had experience of makes everything far simpler, it's unimpressive to say the least. I've been using Postimage, and after a few early struggles, was getting on quite well with it. I'll find my way around the latest obstacle eventually I expect, but early attempts at following the web address modification of every single post individually haven't worked for me so far, so all my recent contributions remain blank. Perversely though, after using a fix suggested by Vitesse, my once disappeared Photobucket images are still appearing on TNF, so win some, lose some.

#47 E1pix

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Posted 07 May 2018 - 23:51

My take on "non-cooperative?"


Autosport is a magazine and fully aware of copyright. Anything they could do to make posting (often others' copyrighted images) opens them up to appearing as "cooperative to copyright infringement."


Other forums know or care little about copyright, so there it is. At some point, it wouldn't surprise me to see YouTube completely shut down over this very issue.

#48 dwh43scale

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Posted 08 May 2018 - 07:08

Just used post image without difficulty on the David Beard thread. I have not, however, gone back to check my earlier posted images.

#49 Gary C

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Posted 22 May 2018 - 08:39

well that's just brilliant, I can't get into ANY of my galleries on Postimage this morning, so that's me stuffed then.

#50 Ray Bell

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Posted 26 May 2018 - 11:48

Why can't you get into them?

Have you forgotten your password? The e.mail address you used?