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Gran Turismo Sport

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#1 MikeV1987

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Posted 13 October 2017 - 21:02

It's nearly here, only a few more days until it's out. I liked the demo a lot, especially the multiplayer side of it. But the track list is a bit disappointing, the car list seems ok for now but DLC will be coming eventually.

Those of you who expected a GT7 type game are going to be disappointed, this game is more focued on online racing.

Check your sport mode ratings thanks to Kudosprime.com.

1. Go to www.gran-turismo.com
2. Sign in, Click "community" then "my profile"
3. Check the link in your search bar, there will be a 7 digit number in there.
4. Copy/paste that number at the end of the following link. http://www.kudosprim...ts.php?profile=

Here is mine as an example:

GT.com profile


There is another great site to track leaderboards, ratings, race history and many other things. All you need to do is sign up, it can take up to 24 hours to update so don't panic if you don't see anything right away.








An App is also available.




Tuning Guide by unbridledterror


An old-ish, but good tuning guide. Gives you a base setup and tells you how to fine tune it.

Edited by MikeV1987, 03 April 2018 - 14:57.


#2 baddog

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Posted 13 October 2017 - 22:23

I'm not going to discuss it on this forum unfortunately, every mention of GT spawns a thread of abuse and often outright falsehoods.


Ill give two sentences. I like the game very much indeed, and the single player stuff that IS there is of amazing quality and variety. However feel it should have a more traditional single player race series mode.

#3 messy

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Posted 14 October 2017 - 00:40

The track list gutted me, none of the 'classic' GT fictional circuits like Grand Valley, Apricot Hill, Deep Forest, Trial Mountain....

If there's one thing that made the previous games stand out, for me it was the quality of those tracks, that were in no other games.

GT Sport looks good and feels good - but I don't play online and I just don't think there's enough offline content for it to offer much for me. I'll watch how it develops in terms of DLCs etc with great interest and maybe in six months time I'll think differently. It's a shame really, I expected both this and Forza 7 to be keeping me up at night this autumn but neither appeals. One is simply too light on content, the other seems to offer precisely nothing above and beyond the last one. Somehow, despite everything, Project CARS 2 has become my go-to racer.

Edited by messy, 14 October 2017 - 00:41.

#4 MikeV1987

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Posted 14 October 2017 - 08:28

I was so disappointed to not see Trial Mountain in particular on that list! There's still the arcade mode for single player but no career it seems.

#5 baddog

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Posted 14 October 2017 - 09:27

I was mostly concerned about what looked like the lack of real single player stuff in game to use your cars in (Arcade mode was never of interest in previous games). Been reading a lot of the stuff coming out of polyphony, and apparently lots of the 64 initial missions are really like the old race series, use your own car on proper races. Plus there will be new events added regularly. So I have some hope this might be good fun and not that short lived.


I miss trial mountain but I understand the fantasy-land tracks being dropped.


Obviously no-one misses the stupid b-spec 'watch someone drive your car' mode

#6 chunder27

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Posted 14 October 2017 - 17:15

To be honest it looks very, very underwhelming, hell of a lot of concept type cars that i hate, and a lot of versions of the same car. Typically lazy Polyphony, they do nothing coz they know it will sell by the bucketload.


Absolutely not worth a penny of its asking price right now sorry.


4 or 5 types of exactly the same car so many times, so it says Chevy say has 6 cars,m 4 of the,m are the same corvette in differnet colours!  WTF

Complete and utter con as it stands right now.


But as I say it will sell as people cant help themselves.

Edited by chunder27, 14 October 2017 - 17:17.

#7 MikeV1987

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Posted 14 October 2017 - 17:19

The game is more about online racing and competition than collecting cars, the multiplayer side of this game is imo better than anything else on consoles atm. Not really interested in driving the Vision GT concepts in the game but I do think it's cool that the manufacturers are the ones who design them. The car list is relatively small but they grouped them really well, those Chevrolets are all in different groups. It remains to be seen how balanced these groups will be though.

Edited by MikeV1987, 14 October 2017 - 19:01.

#8 Massa_f1

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Posted 14 October 2017 - 18:08

The track list gutted me, none of the 'classic' GT fictional circuits like Grand Valley, Apricot Hill, Deep Forest, Trial Mountain....

If there's one thing that made the previous games stand out, for me it was the quality of those tracks, that were in no other games.

GT Sport looks good and feels good - but I don't play online and I just don't think there's enough offline content for it to offer much for me. I'll watch how it develops in terms of DLCs etc with great interest and maybe in six months time I'll think differently. It's a shame really, I expected both this and Forza 7 to be keeping me up at night this autumn but neither appeals. One is simply too light on content, the other seems to offer precisely nothing above and beyond the last one. Somehow, despite everything, Project CARS 2 has become my go-to racer.


Agree with this. GT should be trying to increase the games content with each new release not strip it down and basically cut single player entirely out of the game, because that's what they basically have done. I used to like racing in different cups In career mode. Even the B spec mode had its interesting moments. This new title offers me very little interest. I will probably purchase Project Cars 2 instead.

Kind of sad what Gran Turismo has become.

#9 MikeV1987

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Posted 14 October 2017 - 19:30

PD will add more events through updates in GT Sport's campaign mode.



It seems they are there to prepare you for the online racing. Which is perfectly fine with me, I have very little interest in racing AI's anyway, it's just simply not as fun as racing real people and never will be. Buying GT Sport for single player is like buying a Battlefield game for single player, the bread and butter is the online experience.

Edited by MikeV1987, 16 October 2017 - 08:11.

#10 messy

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Posted 14 October 2017 - 19:53

I think for online, GTS will be great. But I play solo races offline. I've never, ever played online. Having played the demo, I like the feel of it but it just doesn't offer much for single player.

Similarly, Forza 7 offers very little over Forza 6 on that score. Physics and handling better, but less individual liveries for Indycar, Formula E, V8 Supercars so no chance to race anything approaching a full grid of cars. Those are the things that disappoint me.

Before the last month or so Project CARS 2 was the one that I was anticipating least because I thought the original was highly, highly flawed. But for the type of racing I do, it's offering far far more than the other two.

#11 MikeV1987

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Posted 15 October 2017 - 18:28




When GT6’s detractors call it a glorified time trial, they’re not being melodramatic. Depending on what you want from a racing sim, the lack of wheel-to-wheel action might not have been a dealbreaker. But when so much of the game was clearly geared for offline, solitary consumption, the chase-the-rabbit mantra got real old, real fast.


In fact, you could say pretty much all of GT6 got real old, real fast. As a remedy for GT5’s scatterbrained shortcomings, it mostly works. But on its own merits? Nothing about GT6 moved the needle or inspired us to look to the franchise’s future. In the shadow of its predecessors, it completely fails to stand out.


Sums up perfectly why I lost interest in GT when 5 came out, barely played 6 because I thought it was pretty 'meh' as well. Really did not care about having over a 1000 cars when a good portion of them were shitty PS2 versions of Japanese 3 cylinder Kei-cars or various Nissan Skylines. More content like this doesn't equate to being good, I'll take quality over quantity any day of the week.

Edited by MikeV1987, 15 October 2017 - 19:16.

#12 baddog

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Posted 15 October 2017 - 22:35

To be honest it looks very, very underwhelming, hell of a lot of concept type cars that i hate, and a lot of versions of the same car. Typically lazy Polyphony, they do nothing coz they know it will sell by the bucketload.


Absolutely not worth a penny of its asking price right now sorry.


4 or 5 types of exactly the same car so many times, so it says Chevy say has 6 cars,m 4 of the,m are the same corvette in differnet colours!  WTF

Complete and utter con as it stands right now.


But as I say it will sell as people cant help themselves.


See what I meant? Not only aggressive and inaccurate but insulting those who play it.

#13 The Kanisteri

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Posted 16 October 2017 - 06:34

See what I meant? Not only aggressive and inaccurate but insulting those who play it.


No offence chunder27, but every game title which is released you start crying out how everything is wrong in there. I'm not personally keen on GT Sport tittle at all, but your criticism trend is very predictable. :D

Edited by The Kanisteri, 16 October 2017 - 07:29.

#14 MikeV1987

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Posted 16 October 2017 - 08:10

GT Sport FIA Championship Pre-Season starts November 4th.




Not only did the series creator confirm the testing phase, but he also stated the first full season of the FIA championship will begin in April 2018.

#15 chunder27

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Posted 16 October 2017 - 11:41

For goodness sake people, get a grip.


It's a game!  If you are going to get insulted by something as insignificant as a bit of criticism on a forum thread then, well, that's it.#


And the reason modern games frustrate me is that most of them are unfinished or part full of content when they are released nowadays.


Should I be happy about that? 


If you paid 30 quid for a 3 course meal and they forgot to tell you that pudding was extra, would you be happy?  I doubt it.


It is the modern way.


GT have had a record of releasing their titles very late. Their last few titles have been rather a letdown in terms of content, but they do make beautiful looking games and menus and cars etc.


From what I have seen the new game is full of concept cars. And a lot of manufacturers have the same model in different livery etc.


Now if they make most DLC free, this is not a problem, but I cant se that, it is not the way games are marketed and sold these days.


So playing 40 quid for a shell of a game full of content I don't want?


Why should I not criticise?


PCARS 2 seems actually to be a lot better than people thought, but still has faults. AC is a great game. Iracing is the best out there but costs a lot of money, Race room similarly.  They all have their downsides.


I would like a retun to the day when you buy software, it is complete and you can play it for a couple of years without needing to spend more on extra tracks and cars. Bugs are a given, no issue with that.

#16 Little Leaf

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Posted 16 October 2017 - 13:29

PCARS2 was released with too many bugs, exactly the same as the first game was. Most of those bugs in PCARS got ironed out eventually (but not all) but by then many people had lost patience with it. With the latest patch for this game it is much better, not perfect but better, and with a couple of updates to remove some of the bugs still in it it will be a great game. The physics are much, much better, online is vastly improved with this patch but still not 100% stable (is that at all posssible?), but the menus and general layout design leaves a lot to be desired in some areas.

#17 Alfisti

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Posted 16 October 2017 - 13:32

I gave up years ago with the GT series, they seemed perpetually late and then released dross with 64 skylines and 56 WRX variants. Then the licencing thing was just annoying, you'd need to do 2 hour races to maybe get the car you want.  


I don't have time for that. Things may have changed but i really enjoy PCARS1 and will buy PCARS2 for xmas and after the patch releases. 

#18 MikeV1987

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Posted 16 October 2017 - 21:49

DS4 controller has steering problems, I noticed it was difficult while playing the demo, but I thought it was me just sucking. I'm getting flash backs from the Pcars 1 launch.






- We will increase the steering speed on the standard DualShock 4 controller to improve controllability while oversteering and drifting.

Edited by MikeV1987, 16 October 2017 - 21:53.

#19 chunder27

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Posted 17 October 2017 - 11:17

I have also learned that the game as no old time GT mode,


You have arcade mode and online, but not a lot else?


Sounds a bit of a change from all old GT games?


#20 The Kanisteri

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Posted 17 October 2017 - 13:47

Not sure, but I guess they have dropped both arcade and gt mode, there is just one mode, which is enough.

I guess even in GT 3...6 arcade mode had similar handling than gt but upgrades and car settings were more limited. As far I remember there was in GT 5 and 6 slidebar for arcade to get some more power or even less if you wanted.


No big deeal.


However, I'm curious to know when player buys/gets a car and goes to default setting...is brake bias still idiotic 50/50 as default? Since that's absolutely stupid and in predessors only way to fix it was to go buy adjustable brakes. 

#21 chunder27

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Posted 17 October 2017 - 14:34

It is a bit of a big deal if you have not signed up to the Playstation online thing or whatever it is you have to do to play games online?


And I know 2 people who have a PS4 and never play online, so it will affect them.

#22 MikeV1987

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Posted 17 October 2017 - 16:32

 there is just one mode, which is enough.


There's more than one mode..


Arcade which consists of single races, TT, drift, 2 player split screen etc.

Campaign which has driving school, driving missions, and circuit experience. 

Sport which has the daily online races and FIA championship. This works similar to iRacing (I think) where the races start at a certain time and you must qualify for them.

Then theirs the online custom lobby list.





However, I'm curious to know when player buys/gets a car and goes to default setting...is brake bias still idiotic 50/50 as default? Since that's absolutely stupid and in predessors only way to fix it was to go buy adjustable brakes. 


Brake bias is 50/50, but it's really not a big deal. It's easily adjustable through the tuning section or during a race via the MFD buttons. You can also adjust other settings on the fly with the MFD.

Edited by MikeV1987, 17 October 2017 - 16:56.

#23 MikeV1987

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Posted 17 October 2017 - 17:00

I have also learned that the game as no old time GT mode,


You have arcade mode and online, but not a lot else?


Sounds a bit of a change from all old GT games?


It's a departure from the old ways of doing GT. PD has made it very clear about what this game focuses on, see the vid in the OP from E3. The old grind is gone, it's no longer about putting a stage 4 turbo on your family sedan and racing it in career, it's all about online racing and competition. They even make you watch two short videos on Racing Etiquette before you can participate in online races.


People are better off with PCars 2 if all they want to do is race AI's in a career mode or FM7 if they want to collect and upgrade cars.

Edited by MikeV1987, 17 October 2017 - 17:37.

#24 Alfisti

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Posted 17 October 2017 - 19:29

Interesting as all i am interested in is racing. 

#25 MikeV1987

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Posted 17 October 2017 - 20:58

I have only played the campaign to get a feel for the game, but so far it feels really good on the DS4 and the attention to detail in everything is really nice. If I get hooked I'll be ordering a G920 G29 sooner or later.

Driving school is pretty much the same thing as the old licence tests, minus the licences themselves.
Driving missions are just challenges like pass all cars within x amount of laps or whatever. You can use your garage cars in some of these challenges.
Circuit experience is similar to the two above but it's mainly a really handy tool for learning the tracks. You learn the track sector by sector, then you do a hot lap.

Theres still the same old Gold, Silver, & Bronze accolades for completing them. You get gift cars depending on how you complete them like before too, I got all gold in all driving school events and got like 7 or 8 gift cars out of it. There's also a online leaderboard, however it only shows you and your friends times or the overall top 10 times atm.

My only minor gripe so far is I can't sell the gift cars for credits, I can only delete them from my garage.

Edited by MikeV1987, 21 October 2017 - 21:38.

#26 The Kanisteri

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Posted 17 October 2017 - 22:55

I have only played the campaign to get a feel for the game, but so far it feels really good on the DS4 and the attention to detail in everything is really nice. If I get hooked I'll be ordering a G920 sooner or later.

Carefull there, G920 is windows/Xbox One wheel. It doesn't work with PS4...

#27 MikeV1987

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Posted 17 October 2017 - 23:00

There's a PS4/PC version too. It's a little more expensive than the Xbox/PC version though.





edit:  oops I meant G29   :stoned:

Edited by MikeV1987, 21 October 2017 - 21:44.

#28 baddog

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Posted 18 October 2017 - 04:42

I have also learned that the game as no old time GT mode,


You have arcade mode and online, but not a lot else?


Sounds a bit of a change from all old GT games?


Oh wow, I assumed that given your strongly held opinions on the game you must have ****ing played it in the betas


Shocked to learn you were talking **** based on presumption and internet chatter.

#29 The Kanisteri

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Posted 18 October 2017 - 07:01

There's a PS4/PC version too. It's a little more expensive than the Xbox/PC version though.




I know, I got my G29 for 199 euros as year ago (or two?).

But my point was if you get (same wheel actually!) G920, you won't be able to play GT Sport because game is PS4 exclusive. On the other hand if you get G29, you cannot use it with Xbox One's Forza games.

Quite stupid but it's pure business decision.


Funny that wheel costs over 300 euros ( xe.com ), I thought Finland is expensive place and here that wheel is asked for 239€.

Edited by The Kanisteri, 18 October 2017 - 07:02.

#30 chunder27

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Posted 18 October 2017 - 07:14



Why on earth would I want to BETA test a game that has not really advanced much in 10 years


I will leave that to the people who cant move on

#31 baddog

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Posted 18 October 2017 - 09:36

Well that is fine, but stop posting half page rants about something you absolutely literally know nothing about?

#32 chunder27

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Posted 18 October 2017 - 11:27

Stop reading them? It is a forum, not a GT sport member only area? 

#33 mmmcurry

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Posted 18 October 2017 - 19:19

Got the game delivered today, waiting for a 12GB patch to download.


#34 messy

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Posted 18 October 2017 - 20:15

On the plus side, I assumed you needed a PS Plus subscription to access all the features but you don't. So ultimately this 'online only' thing is a non-issue for most of us because even those of us who don't play online presumably have an active internet connection. You can do the single player campaign, earn credits, buy cars, etc - from what was written I'd thought you only had the arcade mode without PS Plus.

Still unsure about it, but find it a lot more intriguing than Forza 7.

#35 Alfisti

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Posted 18 October 2017 - 20:33

Buy cars? i thought you could drive anything and RACE, as in it was all about the racing?

#36 MikeV1987

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Posted 18 October 2017 - 20:35

You still buy cars, but the game gifts you tons of cars anyway so I haven't bought any yet.

#37 MikeV1987

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Posted 18 October 2017 - 20:54



Why on earth would I want to BETA test a game that has not really advanced much in 10 years


I will leave that to the people who cant move on


Maybe try the game before you post, the attention to detail in the game is really well done. It seems like you are the one who cannot move on. If you don't like it, fair enough.

#38 baddog

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Posted 19 October 2017 - 00:36

Okay 8 hours or so of play in.


Yeah the cars are extremely detailed (I'm now using the driver's eye view almost exclusively) with no retreads and old models. The tracks are excellent and the handling has moved on a mile from older versions. I'm thoroughly enjoying it and will be (for me amazing) participating in all of the online features. I have so far run two online races, both were sane affairs and I almost won one before going too deep at the brands hatch hairpin and losing 2 places.


I have great hopes for the actual online championships being fun.


If Polyphony come through with constant new events and stuff I am very happy.


Haven't thought of buying cars yet (you get gift cars all the time) but the credits keep coming so I will doubtless do so when I want to try a specific model in online races, and unlike former games in the series you do not HAVE to buy cars all the time, so the money is unlikely to be short.


For me all the livery/photo modes and all that stuff that doesn't happen on track is pretty much fluffy nonsense, but I know a lot of people love it so hey.


I sound like a fanboy but I REALLY enjoyed it last night till 2am, and will be playing as soon as I get home so :p 

#39 baddog

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Posted 19 October 2017 - 00:38

Buy cars? i thought you could drive anything and RACE, as in it was all about the racing?


You always have at least one qualifying car in your garage as far as I can see (cant say that 100% but so far), and performance is equalised for online racing as usual. You can buy others if you want something specific or dont like the handling type you have.


#40 chunder27

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Posted 19 October 2017 - 07:07



Good that you do not need a full PS + sub to actually do stuff, I thought that was the case as it is in a lot of PS4 games.


Mike, my point simply comes from playing the last 3 or 4 versions and moving on.


I play PC based sims now, and unfortunately that means it is hard to go back to console games and not feel slightly let down.

#41 messy

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Posted 19 October 2017 - 21:48

After eventually getting the chance to spend time on it tonight (after my lovely but incredibly needy in-laws hijacked the evening as usual, not that I'm bitter), my impressions of GTS are very positive. They've actually, for the first time in any Gran Turismo I've ever played, nailed the racing. Hallelujah. No longer are you just picking off robotic AI cars one by one. They actually race you in a tight pack. The handling is nice, the graphics are lovely, the illusion of realism still kind of vanishes the second you ping off a barrier, but it's good.

Better than Forza 7, that's for certain.

#42 baddog

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Posted 19 October 2017 - 23:40



Good that you do not need a full PS + sub to actually do stuff, I thought that was the case as it is in a lot of PS4 games.


Mike, my point simply comes from playing the last 3 or 4 versions and moving on.


I play PC based sims now, and unfortunately that means it is hard to go back to console games and not feel slightly let down.


If you are fully into hardcore PC sims then it is almost certainly not the game for you and I respect that.


The online is actually good though, and I really mean it when I say it is a huge change from previous versions in many ways. 

#43 messy

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Posted 20 October 2017 - 22:55

Second decent spell playing GT Sport and I'm probably even more impressed with it. And I'm not even an online player.

It's beautiful, for a start. Properly good looking game. Smooth, detailed, replays are excellent. Go back to Project CARS 2 after that and it looks so shoddy. I also really, really like the new circuits. It would be nice to see the 'classics' but this lot, especially Maggiore and Alsace Village, have all the Polyphony hallmarks, nobody's better at designing fictional circuits really. The handling feels 'just so' as it always seems to with Gran Turismo games, but now the racing feels good as well, finally.

The single player stuff is good too. The missions are fun, the driving tests are that usual balance between addictive and a bit of a chore, but I really like the time trial challenges where you get gold, silver and bronze times to sim for, one lap, one car, go. But most of all I love setting up races. Far more customisation options, tyre wear, fuel, different classes, it's just a much better all-round racing game now. Who cares that there's no massive career mode and 500 variations of Nissan Skyline? I don't think I do anyway. It needed to move on, it needed to change direction and it has. I'm looking forward to all the (supposedly free) DLC they're promising over the next few months too.

All the 'big' new racing games are out now, and I'd probably rate GT Sport and Project CARS 2 as my joint favourites, and Forza 7 as the big disappointment. I've liked WRC 7 too actually. Not tried F1 2017 yet.

#44 MikeV1987

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Posted 21 October 2017 - 20:07

Forza 7 vs GT Sport in terms of graphics.

Edited by MikeV1987, 21 October 2017 - 20:08.

#45 Tony Mandara

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Posted 22 October 2017 - 07:39

Since the inception of the GT series, I have purchased every GT game at the first possible opportunity... With the exception of GT Sport. (I did download the demo, but that was actually more time downloading than playing!)
Much of my timewas taken up in the more recent GT games with the camera mode, of which many of the photos I created can be found on the GT Planet forums. The (how can I put it?..more 'stripped out?) content of GT sport ( in terms of cars and tracks) makes it a less attractive proposition for me.

#46 baddog

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Posted 22 October 2017 - 08:55

While I don't personally go into that much, you might be missing a trick there?  It seems to be vastly more extensive than the photo stuff in the previous games?

#47 baddog

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Posted 24 October 2017 - 06:01

Anyone who plays feel free to add me by the way, tag von_shaunus

#48 Tenmantaylor

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Posted 24 October 2017 - 19:14

Am I right in thinking this is like the prequel to GT7, a stripped out content test bed for the new game engine/graphics/features/gameplay?

#49 messy

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Posted 24 October 2017 - 19:31

Nah, I think it's just a change in direction. It's not GT7 but it's not any sort of prequel either.

Frankly, Gran Turismo games spend do long in development I doubt the next one will be on the current hardware, PS5 will surely be around by then.

#50 baddog

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Posted 24 October 2017 - 21:28

Am I right in thinking this is like the prequel to GT7, a stripped out content test bed for the new game engine/graphics/features/gameplay?


This is full game just a significant change in format of the single player game and a larger focus on online. I assume the naming change was intended to give people a hint that it wasn't the same.