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Gran Turismo Sport

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#1101 messy

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Posted 05 April 2019 - 21:01

Love them both - just hope they can add in actual 2019 liveries for SF because racing in a field of featureless black cars offline is a bit of a pain.


#1102 Alfisti

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Posted 05 April 2019 - 21:29

What's offline?

#1103 Tony Mandara

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Posted 20 April 2019 - 04:56

<Sigh>... if this game is going to make me do a 'daily workout' to win a prize car.... could it please award me with something other than a BMW M6 GT3?


I have eight of them now....

#1104 MikeV1987

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Posted 21 April 2019 - 21:22

I have 4 or 5 of those lol

#1105 messy

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Posted 22 April 2019 - 06:18

The other day I did what I NEVER do and bought a car on the PSN Store because I couldn't be bothered to get the credits. I wanted the '16 Audi R18 because I was doing a 'which LMP1 car is fastest round the Nordshleife' test (just because). £2.49, find, got it.

When I completed my daily workout that day, which car did it gift me? Was it a 2007 Suzuki Swift Sport as usual? No, it was a F***ING AUDI R18 LMP1. Unbelievable.

For what it's worth, I did 6:03 in the R18, 6:04.2 in the 919 and 6:04.9 in the TS050 but I'm sure sub-6 minutes is possible.

Edited by messy, 22 April 2019 - 06:20.

#1106 Alfisti

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Posted 22 April 2019 - 12:44

The whole credits thing is my major issue with the game, it's not needed anymore. The title has matured and can forgo this sillyness

#1107 MikeV1987

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Posted 22 April 2019 - 21:17

I like having an economy, as long as it's actually good. In GTS it's kind of ****.

#1108 Alfisti

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Posted 23 April 2019 - 13:02

Are we racers or gamers? If we are racers we don't need the credits. 

#1109 messy

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Posted 23 April 2019 - 19:10

Games like Project CARS, Assetto Corsa and yeah, even Forza 7 that let you drive any car straight out of the box.....that's the way to do it. Sure, in Forza you can only 'rent' them but if you're not bothered about customising etc, it means you can totally ignore the credits side. GT Sport is quite old fashioned in some ways but it redeems itself.

I'm a massive fan of GT Sport. I think in terms of pure driving enjoyment, it's the best. I always think hot-lapping the Nordschleife is the best indicator. One car, one track, shaving time off your best....on that I'd rate them

1. GT Sport
2. Assetto Corsa
3. Project CARS 2
4. Forza 7

AC is very close though, when you find a good car/track combo it's pretty much unbeatable.

Edited by messy, 23 April 2019 - 19:11.

#1110 DanardiF1

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Posted 27 April 2019 - 19:03

The other day I did what I NEVER do and bought a car on the PSN Store because I couldn't be bothered to get the credits. I wanted the '16 Audi R18 because I was doing a 'which LMP1 car is fastest round the Nordshleife' test (just because). £2.49, find, got it.

When I completed my daily workout that day, which car did it gift me? Was it a 2007 Suzuki Swift Sport as usual? No, it was a F***ING AUDI R18 LMP1. Unbelievable.

For what it's worth, I did 6:03 in the R18, 6:04.2 in the 919 and 6:04.9 in the TS050 but I'm sure sub-6 minutes is possible.


We did have a Nordschleife time trial thread on here a while back for I think GT5... If there's enough interest from the players here we could do a new one? It might even be easier with the different categories now, so a list for Gr.1 etc...

#1111 messy

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Posted 18 May 2019 - 18:15

Time trial at the Nurburgring again on a whim and immediately banged in a 5:59 in the Audi R18. Yay.

#1112 BuddyHolly

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Posted 09 June 2019 - 16:24

I just spotted GT Sport on sale on PSN for £14 (59% off)


Do you think it's worth picking up for single player career mode only?  (tbh I'm on the fence even at the sale price because a: I am not a fan of games that need to be online all the time and b: I am not a fan of the silly "chase the leader" rolling starts.)


but still, at £14, I'm tempted a bit.

#1113 Alfisti

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Posted 10 June 2019 - 15:00

14 pound? **** you'll waste that on general life **** in no time, just buy it ya tight arse. Career mode is terrible though, it's an online game only IMHO. 

#1114 BuddyHolly

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Posted 11 June 2019 - 17:56

14 pound? **** you'll waste that on general life **** in no time, just buy it ya tight arse. Career mode is terrible though, it's an online game only IMHO. 

Well there's the issue, I don't play online games (and thus don't have PS+)  a shame to hear career mode is terrible, but thanks anyway.

#1115 Alfisti

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Posted 11 June 2019 - 18:27

Sign up already. AI stinks, in every game AI stinks. 

#1116 Talisman

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Posted 12 June 2019 - 12:40

Well there's the issue, I don't play online games (and thus don't have PS+)  a shame to hear career mode is terrible, but thanks anyway.


I don't have online access either and got the game for a similar price off Amazon.  Its worth it I reckon especially if you're just a casual racer.  There's plenty in it to keep me amused.  

#1117 BuddyHolly

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Posted 12 June 2019 - 15:21

Sign up already. AI stinks, in every game AI stinks. 


No thanks, I have no interest in playing with other people and I already pay my ISP for my internet, not paying Sony on top ;)


I don't have online access either and got the game for a similar price off Amazon.  Its worth it I reckon especially if you're just a casual racer.  There's plenty in it to keep me amused.  


Thank you!

#1118 Drummingcat

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Posted 13 June 2019 - 10:02

No thanks, I have no interest in playing with other people and I already pay my ISP for my internet, not paying Sony on top ;)



Thank you!


Seriously fella, its well worth the money.


Its occasionally annoying and the penalty system is deeply flawed, but actually racing online is a HELL of a lot of fun, and actually, its the whole point of the game as it was released. You'll need a wheel though if you want to "git gud", but you can pick them up relatively cheaply now.


I have been playing it since January, its my first experience of racing games since GT2 as I have been away from consoles for that long. I remember vividly the moment I went into daily races (Online), really thinking "do I want to even try this". But from the moment I hit the throttle pedal on that first race I was completely and utterly hooked and its been the only thing I have played since, I haven't even fired up RDR2 or Spiderman!

Edited by Drummingcat, 13 June 2019 - 10:03.

#1119 BuddyHolly

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Posted 13 June 2019 - 17:11

I appreciate the help, thank you but no. I have no interest in playing against others in this or any other game.  I'm strictly a single player guy and happy with that.


#1120 Alfisti

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Posted 17 June 2019 - 15:37

Each to his own but you're using a sex doll when there's plenty of real women available. 

#1121 messy

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Posted 17 June 2019 - 19:04

I’m the same. Have never, ever played online. Doesn’t interest me. I want to race on my own terms, recreating real-world race series, without having to worry about some American kid deliberately punting me off.

And I’m still perfectly happy with GT Sport. Give me a 919 Hybrid and a circuit like Le Mans or the Nordschleife, and you won’t see me for hours. There’s something about the pure driving in this game that beats all the so-called ‘sims’ in my book.

#1122 Alfisti

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Posted 17 June 2019 - 19:16

I find the actual driving wooden at best. "400 hp Zamboni" is the best description i have heard. 

#1123 Drummingcat

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Posted 19 June 2019 - 10:30

I have always been a strictly single player person, honestly thought racing against real people would be absolutely terrible.




When I compare the experience to GT's campaign mode, where, the same cars will be on the same place at the same time if you repeat the race, then theres no comparison, plus I find racing against real people gives me the motivation to actually excel (or try to) at the game, rather than beating passive slow AI. When I compare what I can do with a car now to when I started, I can drive pretty much everything up to Group 1 with no driver aids within a few seconds of the fastest guys worldwide, I never would have gotten anywhere near that good in single player. In fact I could barely get round a lap without spinning with no driver aids.


However, each to their own, but give it a try first. I wouldn't say I am purely a hot dog guy if there is other food on the menu, surely at least once, you might want to try a steak. 

#1124 Drummingcat

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Posted 19 June 2019 - 10:31

Oh and I also now have friends from people that I have met whilst racing against through GT Sport.


Sure we only have ONE thing in common, but hey!!

#1125 NixxxoN

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Posted 19 June 2019 - 12:36

I have always been a strictly single player person, honestly thought racing against real people would be absolutely terrible.


When I compare the experience to GT's campaign mode, where, the same cars will be on the same place at the same time if you repeat the race, then theres no comparison, plus I find racing against real people gives me the motivation to actually excel (or try to) at the game, rather than beating passive slow AI. When I compare what I can do with a car now to when I started, I can drive pretty much everything up to Group 1 with no driver aids within a few seconds of the fastest guys worldwide, I never would have gotten anywhere near that good in single player. In fact I could barely get round a lap without spinning with no driver aids.

However, each to their own, but give it a try first. I wouldn't say I am purely a hot dog guy if there is other food on the menu, surely at least once, you might want to try a steak.

Its been like that since GT5 for me.
AI is sooooooo boring compared to racing against real people, plus when you make online friends to voice chat its ten times more fun. Even more so when those friends are not winning-obsessed and just want to have a good time playing.
Its well worth the online paying money

Edited by NixxxoN, 19 June 2019 - 12:37.

#1126 Alfisti

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Posted 19 June 2019 - 19:05

Friends also add a nice comparison re qualy times, I have a regular list of a dozen or so and i can tell if i am on or behind my proper pace. 

#1127 Drummingcat

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Posted 20 June 2019 - 16:22

Anyone on here wants to add me, my PSN ID is drummingcat 

#1128 Melbourne Park

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Posted 21 June 2019 - 08:33

Well there's the issue, I don't play online games (and thus don't have PS+)  a shame to hear career mode is terrible, but thanks anyway.


The PS4+ or Pro I think its called - it makes no difference to the on line racing experience, except for the graphics. And of course if you have the "Pro", you still need a TV or monitor that will give you the extra resolution. I will wait until the PS5 until I get a better TV. Who knows big TVs might almost be free by then the way they keep getting better and cheaper. 


While I agree Sony are charging for on - line - the cheap price of the game pretty much makes up for the first year of on-line payments. Plus there is a lot of content out there such as car art that people have made and they put it on-line. You can have friends and such too ... you can even race friends if you are in the same racing zone - the Americas, Europe, Asia ... and it is a fare bit cheaper than racing your own vehicle. You can save your races. And they can be viewed on line. You can watch the top times for each track by simply viewing them - because Sony stores them on line. And as time goes forward you get better at playing the sim game - or sim driving in fact. Yeh its not a perfect sim but if it was then the unskilled would not be able to operate their cars and that would mean there would not be the development of the game into the future. And the game upgrades itself every month and Polyphony (I think the company is called) have recently said they will continue to upgrade the game. 


That's not bad value IMO. And also, lots of top drivers use the hand controller. I have no idea how they do that, but they sure do.

Edited by Melbourne Park, 21 June 2019 - 08:37.

#1129 vtpachyderm

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Posted 23 September 2019 - 10:42

Hi - not sure if anyone still plays (I know I don't have time anymore), but my kids have taken this up and seem to be having fun.  However, we're trying to setup private lobbies so they can race against friends, and after all is said and done it gives me network errors.  When I google the error, I get all sorts of replies from static/dynamic ip adresses, private/public settings, and regional issues.  Anyone in here have any luck with them i.e. was it just plug and play?

#1130 Alfisti

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Posted 23 September 2019 - 13:03

I still play regularly (though not much in the last 2 weeks). By regularly i mean about 90 minutes 3 to 4 nights a week, i would play more but wife/kids/house/job etc. Looking forward to when i retire so i can do this more :) 

#1131 NixxxoN

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Posted 01 December 2019 - 14:13

Hi - not sure if anyone still plays (I know I don't have time anymore), but my kids have taken this up and seem to be having fun.  However, we're trying to setup private lobbies so they can race against friends, and after all is said and done it gives me network errors.  When I google the error, I get all sorts of replies from static/dynamic ip adresses, private/public settings, and regional issues.  Anyone in here have any luck with them i.e. was it just plug and play?

Make sure you have nat 2 in your ps4.
Probably its due to wifi, try using cable instead

#1132 MikeV1987

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Posted 03 December 2019 - 22:37

A wired connection is pretty much required for online gaming in general imho. Wifi can be fast enough but it’s just not consistent. And if you have multiple devices in your house connected via wifi then it will cause problems when you decide to fire up your ps4.

The Lewis Hamilton hot lap dlc is pretty good. It’s the only challenging thing in single player, no joke. Hamilton’s speed varies, I feel like he didn’t spend much time on some of them. He’s very fast at Big Willow but he is slow af at Monza.

I’m glad they went this route with paid dlc instead of tracks and cars, otherwise they would just split the player base up. I also don’t mind throwing them 10 bucks after 2 years worth of free cars, tracks and other updates. Some devs would charge an extra $40-60 for that, and still not support their game for as long as PD has.

Edited by MikeV1987, 03 December 2019 - 22:54.