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A memorial to Tom Pryce 30 years on?

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#51 theunions

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Posted 08 December 2006 - 19:48


Originally posted by Sergio Sultani

In the BBC site Mr.MT wrote about the marshall Janssen Van Vuuren that died in the Pryce crash too.
He edited anothers four marshalls in similar situation:
2C Jean-Patrick Hien, Gary Avrin, Graham Beveridge, Paulo Ghislimberti

Does anyone know where and when occurs the accident with these marshalls?

Hein (not Hien) was run over/struck by the rear wing of Willy T. Ribbs at the 1990 Vancouver CART race, and Avrin was killed in the Jeff Krosnoff accident at Toronto '96.

Beveridge was the marshall killed in the Villeneuve first lap wreck in Adelaide a few years back - ditto for Ghislimberti in the multi-car first lap wreck at Monza.


#52 Sergio Sultani

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Posted 08 December 2006 - 21:55

Thank you very much, theunions :up:

Have a nice weekend :cool:


#53 Eddie Knipe

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Posted 10 December 2006 - 22:45

I have been trawling the internet for info/pics/articles relating to Tom Pryce - not enough for a decent website to be started. I have however put together a lot of what I could find on a website which I hope will grow into something really decent. To have a look at the 'infant stage', visit:


I tried to attach the name Tom Pryce to the web group address, but this was rejected each time so I settled for something Tom Pryce fans could identify with; the stripes on his racing helmet.

Please note that I have used material sourced via the internet without permission and obviouly this lays me wide open for criticism and certain amount of rebuke. Through this thread I am requesting permission to use pics/articles to populate the website dedicated to Tom Pryce. I shall endeavour to credit all material used with the original photographer and article researcher's name registered on each page. Of course you may wish not to grant permission to attach any of your material to the intended website. I shall obviously respect this wish and remove any of your articles/pictures.

Visit this website as well:


The DENBIGHSHIRE FREE PRESS published an article last week (elsewhere on this thread) relating to the posibility of honouring Tom Pryce in his hometown of Ruthin. It is also interesting to see that, after the matter was discussed on the 10th November at the Ruthin Town Council Meeting, a poll has been posted on the online website of this newspaper to allow the public to vote to see which 'favourite son' of Ruthin deserves to have a statue erected in their honour. Why not visit this website and cast your vote.

I eagerly await a promised answer from Dafydd Williams (Ruthin Town Council) early in January re. the motion to honour Tom Pryce.

Once again - a very big thank you to everyone who has posted a reply to this thread and also to those who have written letters of support and to those who have stated that they could even solicit business concerns and fans to assist in possibly funding a memorial to a man we all respected - a man the youth of his region could still learn about, read about and ultimately, look up to as a role model.

I still do think that Tom Pryce deserves to be recognised in North Wales.

#54 Vitesse2

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Posted 10 December 2006 - 23:53


Originally posted by Eddie Knipe

Visit this website as well:


The DENBIGHSHIRE FREE PRESS published an article last week (elsewhere on this thread) relating to the posibility of honouring Tom Pryce in his hometown of Ruthin. It is also interesting to see that, after the matter was discussed on the 10th November at the Ruthin Town Council Meeting, a poll has been posted on the online website of this newspaper to allow the public to vote to see which 'favourite son' of Ruthin deserves to have a statue erected in their honour. Why not visit this website and cast your vote.

Done ;)

#55 ian senior

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Posted 11 December 2006 - 09:45


Originally posted by Vitesse2

Done ;)

Also done. Must be a better bet than Carol Vorderman.

#56 kevthedrummer

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Posted 11 December 2006 - 15:17

Done. Tom's looking like a runaway winner with over 70% of the votes! :up:

#57 Fr@nk

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Posted 12 December 2006 - 07:29

Originally posted by Eddie Knipe

Visit this website as well:


The DENBIGHSHIRE FREE PRESS published an article last week (elsewhere on this thread) relating to the posibility of honouring Tom Pryce in his hometown of Ruthin. It is also interesting to see that, after the matter was discussed on the 10th November at the Ruthin Town Council Meeting, a poll has been posted on the online website of this newspaper to allow the public to vote to see which 'favourite son' of Ruthin deserves to have a statue erected in their honour. Why not visit this website and cast your vote.


:) Done.

#58 DN5

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Posted 12 December 2006 - 13:54

Visited as well.

I saw a figure of 75% against Tom's name.


#59 Maldwyn

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Posted 12 December 2006 - 14:37


Originally posted by Eddie Knipe
Visit this website as well:


The DENBIGHSHIRE FREE PRESS published an article last week (elsewhere on this thread) relating to the posibility of honouring Tom Pryce in his hometown of Ruthin. It is also interesting to see that, after the matter was discussed on the 10th November at the Ruthin Town Council Meeting, a poll has been posted on the online website of this newspaper to allow the public to vote to see which 'favourite son' of Ruthin deserves to have a statue erected in their honour. Why not visit this website and cast your vote.

Done :up:


#60 David Force

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Posted 12 December 2006 - 17:51

Done also

Come on guys do it now, your vote does count, it takes just seconds ! :cool:

#61 Twin Window

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Posted 12 December 2006 - 17:53

I placed mine a couple of days ago.

#62 Rob29

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Posted 12 December 2006 - 18:05

Done yesterday

#63 picblanc

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Posted 12 December 2006 - 23:17

Done just this min! :up:

#64 HistoricMustang

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Posted 13 December 2006 - 12:13

Mine has been cast and at 78.4% for Mr. Pryce things are looking well.

Henry :wave:

#65 bill patterson

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Posted 13 December 2006 - 12:19

Vote cast for Tom :up:

#66 Mal9444

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Posted 13 December 2006 - 18:23

Curious coincidence, this thread and this date.

Although Seventies F1 was long past my original era of interest in motor racing I was inspired by the glowing reviews elsewhere in TNF to buy The Lost Generation while in St Martin's Court just a couple of weeks ago, and have just finished it. The reviews were not wrong, and I was glad to be introduced to the era and the people.

By a further curious coincidence a colleague at work, not at all interested in motor racing but seriously into YouTube and knowing of my own interest, mentioned just this afternoon and before I had seen this thread a clip he had come across of a motor racing crash in which a car had hit a marshall and in which the driver was then killed by the fire extinguiser the marshall was carrying. 'Oh - that was Tom Pryce' says I. Out of curiousity I have just looked at clip. It is indeed Tom's crash, with the entire incident including the first car stopping and apparently catching fire captured on camera. There are then some lingering shots in slo-mo and then close-up of what happend both to the driver and the poor bloody (I use the word literally, to warn you before you look) marshall. Deliberately I do not include the link (it's easy to find if you have not seen it but want to - just type Tom Pryce crash into the YouTube search engine). To be honest, I felt uncomfortable watching it and stopped before I got to the end - to record the accident seems fair enough but why the slo-mo and close-ups? To linger seems intrusive at best and to run a 'let's see that again from another angle' re-take little more than ghoulish. I know there's been another thread on this topic related to still photography - it seems Tom has not escaped the treatment.

I hope plans for the memorial succeed.

#67 Mal9444

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Posted 13 December 2006 - 18:38

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Fr@nk
Originally posted by Eddie Knipe

Visit this website as well:


The DENBIGHSHIRE FREE PRESS published an article last week (elsewhere on this thread) relating to the posibility of honouring Tom Pryce in his hometown of Ruthin. It is also interesting to see that, after the matter was discussed on the 10th November at the Ruthin Town Council Meeting, a poll has been posted on the online website of this newspaper to allow the public to vote to see which 'favourite son' of Ruthin deserves to have a statue erected in their honour. Why not visit this website and cast your vote.


Ummmh - have I missed it? Today's poll is asking about legalising brothels... :confused:

Should I be looking somewhere else?

#68 Eddie Knipe

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Posted 13 December 2006 - 20:17

The newspaper seems to have stopped the poll with Tom almost on 80% in favour of a statue. It does however, seem strange that the poll has been curtailed after only a few days online. Perhaps the Denbighshire Free Press shall forward the results of the poll to the relevant authorities.
Thank you to all who participated in the poll.

#69 Rob29

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Posted 14 December 2006 - 08:42

Sadly poll seems to have been replaced by a more topical subject.

#70 Eddie Knipe

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Posted 14 December 2006 - 21:09


This article appears in the Denbighshire Free Press ...............

F1 FANS rally to honour Tom

FORMULA ONE fans across the UK are calling to honour the life of a Vale of Clwyd F1 driver on the 30th anniversary of his death.

The F1 fans have joined forces to back Ruthin Town Council’s plans to pay tribute to Thomas Maldwyn Pryce who was tragically killed in South Africa in 1977.

The Free Press coverage of the work of the council to provide a fitting tribute to Tom has stirred readers of the Autosport official website into action.

An online forum led by Eddie Knipe of Kent, who initially contacted the town council to ask about a tribute to Tom, has seen a number of fans log on to the campaign.

And a Free Press web poll on who readers would like to see a statue unveiled to has seen almost 80 per cent of people voting for the F1 driver.

Tom, born in 1949, started racing in Formula Ford in 1970 and moved on to the Super Vee formula and Formula 3 in 1972.

He hit the F1 stage with Token F1 team in 1974 and after reverting back to F3 for a supporting Monaco race, he was offered a drive with the Shadow F1 team.

Tom, the son of a policeman, won the non-title Brands Hatch Race of Champions and claimed pole position at the British GP in 1974. His top drives came with a third at the Austrian GP in 1975 and another third at the 1976 Brazilian GP.

He tragically lost his life at the 1977 South Africa Kyalami GP, when he collided with 19-year-old marshal Jansen van Vuuren who was walking across the track.

A fire extinguisher carried by the marshal hit the visor of the driver killing him instantly, Tom’s car carried on to the next corner hitting Jacques Laffites’ Ligier.

Ruthin Town Councillors Murray Bragg and Bob Costain revealed this week that the council has received the backing of the F1 driver’s parents to honour his life.

“Councillor Costain and I went to see Mr and Mrs Pryce. Firstly we have had permission to go ahead, we gave them copies of the paper,” Cllr Bragg said.

Cllr Bragg revealed although Tom was born in Rossett because it was the area’s hospital at the time of his birth, his mother was well-known in Ruthin.

The family also lived at Hiraethog for a period before moving on to Nantglyn, Cllr Bragg said

He added: “It is a Vale of Clwyd thing more than Ruthin but it is our opinion that something should be done and it should be something done in Ruthin. The Pryces are happy with it.”

Cllr Costain urged the council to consider a tribute to Tom.

He said: “Mrs Pryce was quite keen to do something she said there was a memorial service in Ruthin, nearly 1000 people attended. We need to do something to encourage the younger generation...he was a model in what he achieved.”

Cllr Costain suggested placing a model of Tom’s F1 car at the site of the new Ruthin skatepark as a tribute to the former driver

Ruthin Town Council is calling for suggestions from the public for a fitting tribute to Tom in the town.

Anyone with suggestions can contact Town Clerk Dafydd Williams on 01824 703797 or email



#71 David Force

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Posted 15 December 2006 - 09:56

Brilliant progress, and well deserved but lets keep up the momentum. :cool:

#72 Barry Boor

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Posted 15 December 2006 - 10:32

Although I did not go to meet Mr. Peacock, who owns the Anglesey circuit, for reasons which I stated in an earlier post, I can tell you all that I learned last night that Tom's name will be commemorated with the naming of one of the new corners on the circuit extension.

Apparently, Mr. Peacock told my relative that he had been contacted by numerous people with that suggestion. I wonder where most of those people came from...  ;)

#73 Sergio Sultani

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Posted 15 December 2006 - 10:43

What did Renzo Zorzi declare after the 1977 South African GP?


#74 ReWind

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Posted 15 December 2006 - 10:54

Maybe: "I want Tom's car number!" :evil:

#75 HistoricMustang

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Posted 15 December 2006 - 22:56


Originally posted by David Force
Brilliant progress, and well deserved but lets keep up the momentum. :cool:



#76 Eddie Knipe

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Posted 16 December 2006 - 23:03

After having visited her in-laws recently, Nella wrote and told me that they were all supportive of the efforts in place to get Tom honoured. Tom's mom and dad had been visited by a councillor from Ruthin recently, as stated in the newspaper article in this week's Denbighshire Free Press.

Please read this article (posted in this thread) and if you really want to be of any assistance at this stage, supply your suggestions as asked for at the foot of the article.



My personal opinion is that a statue should be erected in a prominent place in the town, perhaps in the town square, a shopping area, or even a quiet park. This statue would become a talking point amongst the townsfolk of Ruthin and visitors alike.

Wouldn't it be wonderful for a local to be sitting a pub and a visitor enquired about the statue and he proudly related Tom's humble beginnings to his first drive in a F1 car, to that glorious day at Brands Hatch, the promise that lay ahead for the future as a possible F1 champion and of course, ultimately the sad day of his passing in the South African Grand Prix at Kyalami. Of course the scenario could be a dad telling his young son about Tom and so the possibilities grow .............

Hopefully this statue will serve to inspire not only the local youth, but also visitors on seeing the statue to find out more about this humble, well-respected Welshman; that his story/life will then inspire them to believe that if you put your heart and mind into something, as well as a lot of honest hard work, then you can achieve something in life.

Of course a great deal of philosophical jargon could be added to further entice the Ruthin 'town fathers' to honour Tom with a statue, but putting it simply; his life is an inspiration to the youth in this day and age where sportsmen are grossly overpaid and have many have lost the art of being a solid role model.

I am equally pleased to hear that Tom Pryce will be honoured elsewhere in Wales - that a corner at a circuit will be named in his honour! What a pleasure!

I am still struggling with my website. In short, I need more pictures of Tom. Could anyone be of assistance? I thank Andrew Harris for kind permission to use the photographs he took of Tom Pryce at Kyalami in 1977.


#77 Eddie Knipe

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Posted 18 December 2006 - 12:44

Posted to keep those interested updated:-

Dear Mr Knipe

Thank you for your e-mail, a copy of which I have forwarded to the two Town
Councillors who are researching the subject.

We will be discussing the matter again at our next Town Council meeting on
Monday, 22 January 2007 and I will keep you informed.


Dafydd Williams
Clerc y Dref / Town Clerk
Cyngor Tref Rhuthun / Ruthin Town Council
Neuadd y Dref / Town Hall
Rhuthun / Ruthin
LL15 1AS
Ffon / Tel: 01824 703797

#78 osianowens

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Posted 18 December 2006 - 13:47

I am so pleased that something is actually looking encouraging re. Tom's memorial :up: :up: . I did a few projects when in school about him and found that the exposure he got was nothing like it would be now. I suppose you have to take into account the presence of big names in British motorsport (James Hunt or previously Jackie Stewart, Graham Hill) at the time, so success wasn't unknown. I am sure that his fame would have grown with more time. It was telling that as Motoring News was running full pages about the crash, the local paper had only a couple of inches about the tragedy.

I am in full support of the whole idea, but think that maybe more could be done with regards to Ty Croes and that maybe the naming of a corner is perhaps falling a bit short...

Would naming the whole track after Tom be a more fitting tribute to the only F1 driver to come from our country? It could even be an addition to the name or the name of a certain track configuration (instead of 'Indy' or 'Grand Prix'... what about 'Pryce circuit') The overall name of the track would not be affected.

I just feel in a day and age that Liverpool airport is renamed the 'John Lennon Airport' why not introduce a name that could be reach across the world. Just think of the British Formula 3 running at Ty Croes on the Pryce circuit.

Sorry about the extremely long message but I feel very passionately that Wales should be the starting point to the education of the world...

#79 sideways.taff

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Posted 21 December 2006 - 14:48


Originally posted by Eddie Knipe
I am still struggling with my website. In short, I need more pictures of Tom. Could anyone be of assistance? I thank Andrew Harris for kind permission to use the photographs he took of Tom Pryce at Kyalami in 1977.


I've got quite a few photos of Tom stocked up here now from the days when I was researching for the Tom Pryce Archive I tried to put together a few years ago. I've got 53mb of photos, so I don't know how you'd want me to send them to you. I've got a few more on CD somewhere too. I'll have a look for them as well.



#80 Eddie Knipe

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Posted 22 December 2006 - 15:02

Bryn, that would be excellent. If they are on a CD, I'll reimburse for costs or perhaps you could email as a folder. I would really appreciate the photos.

#81 interexcel105

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Posted 28 December 2006 - 18:54

Tom Pryce, South African Grand Prix 5 March 1977

It was all so much excitement; Hunt leading from the start with Niki pressing, Jody up from 5th on the grid, Niki getting into the lead, Jody following through and then a couple of midfielders went missing....

After the race a flat-bed truck came trundling around, a car draped under a tarp on its back. Not having a clue, my mate and I speculated on which car it could be, I think we settled on a March.
It was only when I arrived home, my ears still awash with sound, when my Mom greeted me with a mixture of concern and relief :"Oh, I was so worried, there'd been such a terrible accident at the race today...."

#82 Eddie Knipe

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Posted 29 December 2006 - 12:20

Super picture of Tom Pryce at Kyalami. Thanks so much for posting this pic on this thread. Do you mind if it is used on the website?


#83 redfred64

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Posted 29 December 2006 - 18:29

pryce deserves the recognision.

he should have done greater things.

#84 interexcel105

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Posted 29 December 2006 - 18:47


You're most welcome to use the pics. The one below (from the 1976 SAGP) is not very good, but interesting nonetheless for the Lucky Strike sponsorship.

#85 zakeriath

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Posted 29 December 2006 - 20:15

Copyright unknown, photo given to me by a school friend in 77

#86 David Force

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Posted 30 December 2006 - 09:53

Thank you Zakeriath, that shot pretty much sums up Tom, doesn't it ? :cool:

#87 zakeriath

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Posted 30 December 2006 - 13:00

Even more sideways

Again copyright unknown, same friend, I wish he had given me more but thats it.

#88 Eddie Knipe

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Posted 31 December 2006 - 17:52

Thanks again to all for use of photographs of Tom Pryce! A Happy New Year to all Tom Pryce fans throughout the world. May you all have a prosperous and happy year!

Have you noticed in the latest edition of the Denbighshire Free Press newspaper who features prominently as one of the 'faces of the year'? TOM PRYCE.

#89 sideways.taff

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Posted 01 January 2007 - 18:13

Eddie, I'm currently trying to send over my 46mb worth of photos I have gathered over the last few years. There's a few big resolution photos in there, I gather they are from the LAT archives. I'm just hoping that the email gets through to you, if it doesn't then I'll pop them on a CD for you.

Happy new year all,


#90 sideways.taff

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Posted 01 January 2007 - 22:39

Yeh, seems the email bounced. Private message me your address and I'll put everything I have with regards to Tom on CD for you :)


#91 sideways.taff

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Posted 03 January 2007 - 13:54

I've put all the photos I had collected on CD for you now Eddie. Its ready to be put in a case and packed in a jiffy bag for you. I'll get it packed ready to be sent out to you tomorrow :)


#92 Eddie Knipe

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Posted 03 January 2007 - 21:14

A rather pleasant email from Holland ........................

Hello Eddie, good day to you from Holland. While surfing on the internet I came across the Atlas Tom Pryce topic. I'm happy after all these years Tom is still remembered by the F1 fans. Nice to see the MSN Tom Pryce webpage you made!

I was very lucky to have seen him racing in 1974, 1975 and 1976 during the Dutch Grand Prix at Zandvoort circuit. After the 1976 race I was so lucky to get Tom's autograph when he left the circuit by his car.The news of his horrible accident half a year later was a big shock to me.

I still have some old racing magazines and official programms from the 70ties and if you'll like I could could scan the pics from Tom which are published. Let me know about it, and it'll be a pleasure to scan them.

Best wishes and keep up the good Tom Pryce work!


Thanks Michel - good to hear from you and thank you for the offer!

#93 sideways.taff

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Posted 03 January 2007 - 23:43

Oh yeh, by the way, I have the Autosport issue from when Tom won the Race of Champions, I've not got round to reading it myself yet but theres a full front cover photo of Tom on it! :)


#94 Eddie Knipe

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Posted 10 January 2007 - 08:48

A big thank you for all those photos - there were so many that I have never seen anywhere else before. I would very much like to share some with other Tom Pryce fans and will post them on the website. Again - much appreciated.

#95 sideways.taff

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Posted 10 January 2007 - 10:28

No worries Eddie, I'm glad I could help you out.


#96 Eddie Knipe

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Posted 11 January 2007 - 09:44

Just a quick note to all interested parties relating to Tom Pryce and the intended honouring of this fine Welsh motor racing legend; I am 'meeting' (telephone conference I think would be the more appropriate terminology) with a councillor from Ruthin tonight and shall post a synopsis of the conversation asap. I am positive that they are quite keen to 'get things going'.

#97 KJJ

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Posted 11 January 2007 - 17:24

Seems like there has been a positive response to your campaign Eddie:


#98 Eddie Knipe

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Posted 11 January 2007 - 18:53

Thanks KJJ - thanks for pointing it out.
I'm sure that many people are going to be pleased to read this article from the BBC NEWS / WALES website dated Thursday, 11th January.

Memorial for racing driver Pryce

Many thought Tom Pryce could have become world champion
A council wants to set up a memorial to Formula 1 racing driver Tom Pryce to mark the 30th anniversary of his death.
Councillors in Ruthin, Denbighshire, have invited the public to submit ideas for the tribute.

Pryce, who was from Ruthin, was tipped to be a Formula 1 world champion, but was 27 when he died on the Kyalami circuit in South Africa in March 1977.

Lifelong friend Cledwyn Ashford said the tribute would be a "fitting memorial to a fine sportsman".

Pryce took up serious motorsport at the age of 21, racing in Formula Ford in 1970.

He rose through the ranks quickly, progressing to Formula 2 by 1973, before making his Formula 1 debut with the Token team a year later.

He went on to enjoy success at Formula 1 tracks around the world, including pole position at the British Grand Prix in 1975 - regarded as his most successful year.

In that year, he also finished third in Austria, fourth in Germany and won a place in the top six at three other meetings.

But the highlight came when he won the Race of Champions at Brands Hatch.

However, his career was tragically cut short in 1977.

At Kyalami Pryce was unable to dodge 19-year-old marshall Jansen van Vuuren, who was running across the track to attend a small fire.

The teenager died instantly, and a fire extinguisher he was carrying struck Pryce on the head - also killing him straight away.

Now Ruthin Town Council wants to erect a tribute to the driver somewhere in the Vale of Clwyd, and have asked the public for suggestions.

Town councillor Gwilym Evans said: "Many people have corresponded with us, enquiring whether there would be an occasion where they would be able to participate or remember Tom Pryce and what he did as a racing driver."

Childhood friend Cledwyn Ashford said: "He's one of the greatest racing drivers that Britain's seen, and he's the biggest Welsh driver we have ever had.

"If he could be remembered in his home town it would be a fitting memorial to a fine sportsman who could have become the best in the world."

#99 Eddie Knipe

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Posted 11 January 2007 - 23:28

To all interested parties .............

I have just concluded a very interesting and informative chat with Councillor Murray Bragg from Ruthin who has been tasked, along with another councillor, to oversee the Tom Pryce memorial push.
He confirms that something is definitely to take place, but he has also said that due to the town of Ruthin having a rather smallish budget, funds from outside sources may be a necessity. David Richards was going to be approached to hopefully head up a trust fund to help the council to fund the memorial. We also spoke about the possibility of 'public subscription' to the cause but we both eventually agreed that a trust would be the soundest way forward.
With time being quite a constraint at the moment, 5th March (anniversary of Tom's passing), perhaps we would aim to have everything in order on the day of Tom's birthday, 11th June. Councillor Bragg mentioned that many ideas had been received by the council and one of the best thus far appears to be a memorial in the intended skate park alongside the rugby sports fields in Ruthin. There was an idea forwarded to perhaps have a scaled-down version of one of Tom's F1 cars with a plaque outlining his achievements within the skate park.
Personall, I would prefer to see a statue/bust of Tom, but I also think that those famous 'five black stripes' should somehow also feature somewhere.
Members of the public have until the 24th of this month to submit any other suggestions to Councillor Bragg. At the end of the month he will have to table a concrete proposal to the other members of the council. Councillor Bragg said that matters were progressing in a positive manner.
Your support in keeping this thread alive will be appreciated as the members of the council do read what others have to say.
My personal thanks to all of you who have assisted thus far in keeping Tom Pryce's memory alive with your comments, words of encouragement and useful information. I can vouch for the fact that Tom's Mom and Dad, as well as Nella in France, appreciate and are touched by the many kind words so many have to offer. Tom's memory will be kept alive and will benefit the youth in Ruthin and beyond.


#100 charles r

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Posted 12 January 2007 - 11:54

This will be an incredible achievement if it comes off - I have no idea what a bronze statue would cost, but would certainly contribute if full funds were not forthcoming from Ruthin Council.